Doggone Academy

Chapter 118 Circulatory System (20)

Chapter 118 Circulatory System (20)

The number of spirits had swelled into the dozens. Lunas popularity was akin to that of a high-profile socialite.

Yet these creatures would not come anywhere near me, no matter what.

They climbed onto her shoulders and head, and even nestled into her arms as we moved.

Luna, slightly embarrassed under my gaze, added a comment.

They arent heavy at all.

During this, a response came from Cecil. It had only been two hours.

[Scarily soon after you warned us, we encountered that strange, slithering thing. Ive never seen anything like it in my life. Its some kind of evil spirit, but luckily a professor joined us and took care of it. Were safe. The professor went to find the source of the problem. Candy, are you alright?]

My insides churned as I confirmed the news that theyd encountered those strange things just after receiving my warning. It was anger at myself for not considering countless variables and leaving Trisha exposed to new threats.

I knew I couldnt control every situation with my own strength, but I still found it hard to accept.

Damian are you okay?

Luna looked at me with concern. It seemed that she guessed my emotional state, even though my expression was hidden behind a mask.

Yeah. Cecils group is fine. Did you feel anything strange around here, like the aura of an unusual spirit?

Luna nodded.

The forest spirits seem to think our surroundings are safe. And I feel safe next to you too.

Could the somewhat excessive number of spirits circling us be because of that?

We continued moving for a while. Suddenly, the forest spirits halted at a particular spot and blocked our way, then began jumping up and down to communicate something.

Ahead of us lay a well-groomed circular clearing.

Lunas expression grew more and more serious as she observed the place. Seized by tension, she pressed her hand against her chest and unknowingly took a step backward.

Whats wrong?

She translated what the spirits had conveyed to her.

They said it came from up ahead. And I can feel it too. Something is screaming in agony.

Then suddenly, she let out a gasp, dropping to the ground and covering her ears.



I rushed to her side to check on her. She looked terrified, similar to how shed reacted when tormented by specters.

Luna, trembling, clasped my clothes tightly and said,

Something is there, up ahead. Damian be careful. Be careful.

I felt nothing. The certainty that it wasnt a monster, but a spiritual entity, became clear.

Taking Luna further was looking more and more like a bad idea.

Ill check it out alone. Stay somewhere safe.

Luna vehemently shook her head.

No I dont want to. Let me stay by your side. Thats the safest for me.

Then stay close behind me.

I firmly took Lunas hand, which seemed to calm her a bit, as she slowly got up.

Together, we entered the clearing.

There was an eerie silence without even the sound of birds.

In the center of the spacious area, six wooden structures were arranged in a hexagonal shape, reminiscent of an ancient relic or a tomb of the highborn.

However, not a single structure remained intact; all were shattered. Blackened wooden fragments from the decayed structures scattered all around.

Its over there where I hear the agonized screams.

Screams? To me, the place was utterly still.

Brace yourself.

We slowly progressed towards the center of the clearing.

There, we found a pit the size of a well. And the broken wooden structures surrounding it were densely inscribed with unfamiliar characters, as if used for a summoning ritual.

Luna, what do you think?

Her breathing became ragged.

Its strange Its calling out to me from inside. Crying out to be released from a confined space Who who would do such a thing

The trembling of her body conveyed her fear. She was terror-stricken.

To me, it was just an empty pit. I picked up a stone and threw it down the abyss.

The sound of the stone never reaching the bottom echoed after a long pause, seemingly vanishing into eternal darkness.

Based on Lunas words, this resembled the research notes of ZvereprI was reminded of the pit in the northern Lands of Death, the one into which a mad Spirit Master was said to have thrown himself.

Then something happened.

Someone approached from deep within the woods, making noise as they came closer.

Swish. Swoosh. Swish.

We quickly backed away from the pit and stayed on guard against whatever had made its way here.

Swish. Swoosh. Swish.

The one who arrived at the clearing was a young man who appeared to be, judging by his outfit and age, a student from Eternia performing the exercise, just like us.

A well-balanced physique and sturdy-looking forearms. Clean-cut and handsome facial features.

But his condition was far from good.

His clothes were in tatters as if hed been through a wringer, and his jaw and chest were darkened with what looked like spilled blood. His eyes were rolled back, showing only whites.


Wandering aimlessly like someone drugged or drunk, his arm limp and his sword dragging on the ground, he slowly closed the distance, as if someone was playing with a corpse like a puppet.

Is hedead?

Strength gripped the arm of Luna, who was holding my hand.

No, Damian. Hes alive.

Just as I was about to step forward and speak to the young man, Luna stopped me.

No Theres a spirit clinging onto his back. Its trying to devour his soul. We cant. We cant.

I couldnt see the entity attached to the boy.

I had to quickly assess the situation and find a way to rescue him.

Grrk. Grrrk.

The figure made it clear that it harbored malice toward us. It didnt give us much time to think as it began to pick up speed and hurl itself at us.

I put Luna behind me and drew my wooden sword.

Stay back for now. Ill handle this.

Using Lunas power in her unstable mental state was too risky.

I reached into my pocket and snapped a branch of maladdirut. Right now, this was the only thing I could rely on.

The figure tried to strike me down with his sword.

Despite his lethargic approach, his sword swing was sharp.

I pulled out the maladdirut and rolled to the side.


The spot where the sword hit caved in with a dull thud, as if struck by a mace.

Damn, why such monstrous strength from a body in such bad shape?

I summoned a fire spirit about five steps away from the figure. The spirit settled on my knuckles and began to smoke the maladdirut branch.

Ack, aaargh!

The creature didnt grant even a moments respite. It immediately kicked off the ground and swung its sword at me again.

I rolled again to dodge, extinguishing the barely lit smoke in the process.


Parts of the figures sword now began to emit light. I had thought it to be magic, but it turned out to be an enchanted sword.

The enchantments activation meant there was mana inside the body.

Then that will be the way to go.

I lit the maladdirut branch and held it in my mouth. I planted the wooden sword into the ground.

And summoned the demonsword.

A pure white light extended from my right hand.

The figure, spraying blood from its mouth, raced toward me, aiming for my side with his sword.


I parried his sword with the demonsword, and the blade flew off, boomeranging through the air.

Ugh, grrk?

The figure looked at its sword hilt as if bemused.

I was surprised myself. I just hoped it wasnt an expensive sword.

In that state, I kicked the figure back, tripping him up with the wooden sword. It then transformed into a black sapling, entangling him like spider webs.

Ugh, ugh, aaargh.

He floundered, trying to cut through the sapling branches with whatever was left of his blade, to no avail.

Thanks to the constant drain of my mana, those branches were now harder than steel.

In the meantime, I inhaled the smoke from the maladdirut.

At last, the shadowy form of the spirit began to appear before my eyes.

Something long and looming was attached behind the boy, like an elongated human shadow.

Now it was my turn.

As I approached again, the spirit released its grip on the boy and stepped back.

I leapt off the boys shoulder and severed one of the spirits arms.


The boy and the spirit both howled in pain.

Upon landing, I also cut off its legs.


Victor regained consciousness with a sensation of something surging within him.

Cough, cough, damn.

He coughed up blood a few times, then rubbed his eyes and surveyed his surroundings.

Damn, where am I?

He found himself sitting, leaning against a tree, and before him stood a masked man, backlit by sunlight, standing still.

And a step behind, a familiar-faced girl was looking down at him.


Victor instinctively drew his sword, a reaction ingrained from countless drills.

Yet he couldnt even rise, his arms flailing helplessly. He posed no threat to them.

Who are you?

The masked man answered.

The one who saved you.

Victor noticed his sword blade was missing.

Then he remembered. He recalled being surrounded by black spirits and then losing consciousness afterward.

The blonde-haired girl standing behind was indeed Luna Railis, the top student of the magic division.

Damn, what did you do to my sword?

I cut it.

What cut it?

You dont remember. You attacked me, so I cut it.

He casually mentioned slicing through that sturdy blade, bringing out an involuntary laugh from Victor; but regrettably, instead of a laugh, blood poured from his mouth.

Cough, cough, damn.

Is it something precious?

A heirloom from my father. Cough, cough.

The masked man was as still as a statue, his thoughts inscrutable behind the mask.

Im sorry to hear that.

Being alive was enough for now.

For a sword, its cheap as life insurance. It can be mended.

Victor suddenly remembered his comrades.

Its not the time for this. My friends are in danger!

He tried to stand but fell again, overwhelmed with pain.

The masked man tossed him a bottle of potion.

Drink it.

Potion from a stranger should be met with suspicion. Yet the potions origin was clear, so it warranted no doubt.

The unique emblem on the glass bottle was that of an elixir from Mericania, which couldnt easily be bought with money.

Once it enters your mouth, even if you try to spit it out, it wont come out.

The man showed no sign of regret over giving away such an expensive potion.

Victor couldnt refuse, wracked by pain as if his insides were twisted. He uncorked the bottle and drank, and the man asked him,

Now, tell me what happened.

As the potions effects set in, his blurred consciousness began to clear. Victor remembered everything precisely.

The trouble started after we ate the Blue Spirit Grass.

Victor recounted all that had occurred.

Eating the Blue Spirit Grass in search of the path to the Circulatory Systems core.

Obsession with an uncanny voice that led them to dig around the obelisks. Then something awakening, acting as bait himself during the fight, and losing consciousness afterward.

The masked man and Luna listened in silence to his story.

So you fought as bait by yourself?

Yeah. Just hoping it wasnt all for nothing.

Is there a way to find your comrades?

Victor pulled out a torn-up piece of parchment from his pocket and shook it.

Theyre pieces of Dornier paper that regroup even when torn. We divided it into four parts amongst the group. We just need to follow this.

He nodded as if he knew and extended his hand before Victor.

Can you stand?

His reach felt like an acknowledgment to Victor.

He grasped the mans hand and rose to his feet. The man didnt seem malicious, and Victor felt no hostility toward him.

The masked man turned away to gather his things.

Victor picked up the blade lying beside him and sheathed it. The cutting surface was strikingly clean.

Ah, I might have fought in an unconscious state, but I havent been wholly defeated yet. Remember that.

He ought to engrave gratitude into his bones, but competition was a separate matter.

The man answered dryly.

If you attack again, next time you wake up, you might find yourself without arms and legs.

It was a ghastly joke.

Victor, too, wiped the blood from his jaw and dusted off his clothes calmly.

Im looking forward to it.

Watching the man collect his things, Victor suddenly tensed and drew his sword reflexively.

The black spirit was lying beside the man.

Damn, get away from it!

But the man paid it no mind and stretched languidly before grabbing the black spirit by the hair and lifting it.

Kiaaak! Kiak!

The spirit writhed in agony, its limbs severedit was something no one else had managed, yet here he was doing it.

The bizarre scene momentarily dazed Victor.

And the thought crossed his mind that the severed limbs might not have been a joke after all.

Lets go.

Victor observed the mans back for a moment then mumbled to himself.

What is he?

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