Doggone Academy

Chapter 141 Taming the Madman (1)

Chapter 141 Taming the Madman (1)

The Lady is not a native of Eternia, so the formal deployment ceremony will take place in Rigved.

This escort mission is not so much a burdensome task for a mere student; its an event that emphasizes the significance of the exchange itself, rather than going to the extent of sending students off with a fond farewell.

Thus, my departure was a quiet affair.

It was seen as an external event that was all play and no work, even contributing to ones reputation. Hence, no matter the achievements during the mission, they would not translate into top-tier grades in the academic evaluation.

To join Lady Vivis guard, I boarded a carriage matched entirely in black, from the horses to the door hinges and even the wheel spokes.

As the wheels began to roll, a familiar chirping reached my ears.


A chubby fire spirit struggled to keep up, flapping its way to the carriage window with something dangling from its legs.

I hurriedly opened the window and untied the object from the spirits leg.

It was a small woolen pouch, hand-knitted with care. Inside was a flat stone amulet, carved out, a trendy charm from an antique shop in Rigved. It had no real effect, but I understood the intention behind it.

Now, I couldnt help knowing who played with my spirit daily. I hadnt even properly thanked them after the circulatory practice ended.

As the horses set off at a gallop, the scenery of Eternia swiftly passed by. Suddenly, a girl with golden hair appeared in the distant view outside the window. How did she know to come out? She waved at the carriage shyly.

Yes, besides Trisha and Cecil, I had another friend.

We couldnt spend time together like friends yet. We couldnt talk directly, but a simple gesture meant more than a hundred words.

I waved back in response.


Since Ulyssia shares a border with Eternia, crossing the Grace Mountains safely means entering Ulyssian territory. However, one should not be mistaken that the journey becomes smooth after easily accessing the border.

Continuing from the border of Eternia, one would reach the Barvisia region.

Known as a natural barrier, its an expansive marshland. Rivers often flood, weather is extremely unpredictable, and poisonous gases erupt from the boiling marshes. Even the firmest ground could sink a heavily armored Plantara or a knight in thick plate mail.

Moreover, most of the land is unsuitable for farming, and large-scale supply distribution is practically impossible.

Thats why Barvisia has only small communities of freemen and tribes, with no overseeing lord, and doesnt fall under direct governance of Ulyssia. In fact, the border guards have their bases far behind the actual borders.

Barvisia is Ulyssian in name only on the maps.

Cant you specify the exact route well be taking?

You lack the authority for that information. Your job is to sit quietly in the carriage.

Only the closest confidants of the Lady knew the exact route of her travel. I wasnt even privy to the general stopovers. It seemed to be a matter of security. Considering the tight schedule, crossing the Barvisia region via the shortest path was certain.

I pinpointed the capital city of Ulyssia, Sharlnian, as our ultimate destination. Then, I imagined a line from there to the holy city three days to the southwest.

The place where Silveryn resides. On horseback without rest, it could be reached in roughly two days.

If all goes well with this mission, that will be my next stop.


After the brief departure ceremony in Rigved, the long journey began with six carriages, two wagons, and about fifty guards.

Though I was given the status of a guard during the contract, the treatment I received was different from what I had expected. While the guard rode alongside the carriages or marched on foot, I was ordered to sit in a carriage.

I thought it might be a preferential treatment until I saw who I was to travel with.

Five young maids were crammed into the four-seater carriage where I was. They were the lowest ranked in the entourage.

Thankfully, they were young and slender; otherwise, they would have been sandwiched in, barely able to breathe.

Even sticking close to the door, it was impossible to avoid the discomfort of close quarters with the maids.

Im so sorry.

One young maid huddled against me apologetically.

As I attempted to leave the carriage, a guard issued a stern command.

You are to stay in your assigned place. You cannot leave your position during transit.

It seemed they regarded me not as a member of the guard but as cargo to be protected.

I wish to meet with Lady Vivi.

Why was I being treated this way by someone who had called me out several times to eagerly accept my pledge?

The answer from the low-ranking knight was cold.

You do not have the authority to meet with the Lady herself.

It was only a distance of three carriage lengths ahead, but my request was cut short under the pretext of procedure.

Thats when I began to grasp the situation. They did not trust my abilities in the slightest and had no intention of entrusting me with any responsibilities.

It seemed more than mere pecking order when a third-year Eternian senior was allowed to ride confidently with the guard.

Having repeatedly declined the Duchys offer and displaying arrogant behavior, perhaps I was disliked for that.

The rear carriage, which bore those of lesser importance, had a looser guard, while Lady Vivis carriage was tightly protected. The problem was, the people who pursued us in my dream were precisely those guarding her carriage.

If I wasnt going mad and kidnapping the Lady myself, then the most plausible scenario involved treason and betrayal. The plan might be to move her to a location where reinforcements could not be called and assassinate her.

I had no idea when or how the situation from my dream might materialize, or if it would at all. There was only one occasion when my prophetic dreams had come true as they were.

Not knowing what might happen, I had to stay close to the Ladys carriage, ready to react at all times.

The maids riding with me exchanged uncomfortable glances.

Seeing that I clearly didnt enjoy my position, they seemed even more wary.

In a way, I had brought this upon myself and had no right to complain. It was up to me to accept the situation and make the best move at every moment.

It seems quite a luxury for me to ride like this. Im not sure I deserve it.

Its okay. Really.

The maids smiled awkwardly. Half of it was forced, simply to alleviate the awkwardness, and the other half had a tinge of genuine kindness.

I took notice of that thin thread of goodwill. It could be quite useful.


The quiet, monotonous journey paused when the sun began to set.

The guard set up camp on a hillock bordering the winding roads of the Grace Mountains, with a clear view of the surroundings.

Everyone was busy preparing dinner, lighting fires, and boiling water in iron pots.

Gerald, Vivis chief aide, watched a shabby tent housing the youngest maids from a distance.

From there, the sound of a mans voice followed by the clear laughter of the young girls resonated.

Damian seemed to have befriended the maids, and within half a day, he appeared to have become their friend. Far from the taciturn and somber boy occasionally seen as brooding, he now seemed transformed, as if suddenly love-struck.

Had his character been misread, or did he have some scheme in mind? The boy had become a different sort of person in just one day.

With a serious expression, Gerald returned to the tent where Vivi was resting.

In a luxurious camp, Vivi stretched her feet out into a bucket, while a maid diligently washed them.

Damian has requested four times today to be appointed directly under your guard, my Lady.

Vivi chuckled lightly and stirred her teacup nonchalantly.

I see.

Should we ignore his request, my Lady?

How is he now? Shivering out of his depth? Sharpening his sword, waiting for a chance to prove himself?

Gerald described the scene he had witnessed just before.

It looks like hes given up and is mixing in with the maids. The way hes flirting around has even the soldiers looking at him with disdain. Perhaps hes changed his mind.

Then have him do the laundry or wash dishes with the maids. It seems hes willing to accept the rumors of being a philanderer, reduced to doing menial tasks like a common maid. And this from the disciple of an Archmage. Its fortunate that hes finding his place.

If Damian is truly as clueless as he appears, hell complete the mission while frolicking with women. But Gerald knew Damian wasnt so easily handled.

Vivi had no intention of letting things slide.

Let him act out soon. Leave him be until he cant contain himself.


It was a strategy to starve him until he took the bait. If they continue to restrain him without giving him opportunities, hell eventually try to prove his worth by taking on recklessly dangerous tasks.

If he fails to complete the self-imposed task, hell crumble completely.

Vivi waited for that moment, a smile playing on her lips.

Barvisia is known to be a region suffering from demonic afflictions, isnt it?

Gerald felt an odd sense of disquiet.

Could this truly tame Damian?

Silveryn was no easy mark.

Many powerful figures had tried to lure Silveryn with all sorts of methods, but she never succumbed.

She was a tough woman, and this was her first disciplea boy who had won a coveted spot coveted by many magicians. Would he really be so easily dragged around by the bait?


I joined the maids down by the river, washing potatoes for the evening meal. Perhaps because they were my age, they were softer in their demeanor than the guards, making it easy to get along with them.

One of the five maids, Misha, answered my questions kindly.

The first squad of knights is led by Fenril; the second squad of mages is under the command of Alexia. The overall leader is the Floral Tournament winner Nielrin.

I already had all their faces memorized. Nielrin, a middle-aged knight with bear-like muscles and wolf-like eyes, always hovered closest to the Lady.

And he, too, was one of the pursuers in my dream. He would be the one to watch most carefully.

How strong is Nielrin?

Among the entire Duchy, hes strong enough to be ranked within the top hundred with a sword. Hes the strongest in the guard. He can freely wield his sword energy, cutting down even a century-old oak in one stroke.

To be ranked within the top hundred in a whole nation Hes not an opponent to be taken lightly.

And he didnt seem to enjoy visiting Eternia. Perhaps because hes from the Empires Royal Academy?

Does ones alma mater matter that much?

Oh, I thought Eternia and the Royal Academy were rivals. Am I mistaken?

I seemed to recall something like that. Well, Eternia didnt seem to care much. Maybe the Royal Academy thought differently.

Im just a freshman, so Im not sure.

Oh, right, of course. Thats why Nielrin might have some reservations about Eternia. Oh, not that hes petty or anything

If I were in his shoes, I wouldnt trust outsiders and bring them into the fold either. I understand what youre saying. What about Lady Vivis personality?

The maid hesitated for a moment.

Im asking to prevent any disrespectful remarks towards the Lady.

She Lady Vivi is merciful.

At first, it sounded like empty praise, but the follow-up comments suggested otherwise.

Another maid joined in.

Thats right! She embraces those who follow her orders and prove their loyalty as her own limbs and rewards them greatly. We were all orphans with no families, and Lady Vivi took us in. Without her, we would have been sold off somewhere. So, we all follow her with respect and gratitude. However, if you cross her or disobey, she never forgets. Even a slight incident from ten years ago is remembered and avenged It can be scary sometimes.

She has a clear system of rewards and punishments.

Put in a good light, thats one way to see it, but in a bad light, its pettiness.

Having spurned Ulyssias offers several times and shown arrogance, Lady Vivi had every reason to hold a grudge against me. There might be another reason Im not aware of.

To rise from this position, Ill have to earn my place.

By the way are there more from the Royal Academy among the guards?


Returning to the camp, the maids distributed the washed ingredients. As I had been with the maids, I held a basket and helped distribute to the various groups.

And I could clearly feel how the guards viewed me.

Their hostile gazes.

Damn brat. Ptui!

As I passed by, some would scrape up phlegm to spit out.

Whistling at me as if making passes at a woman was actually one of the nicer reactions.

Misha, come here. Dont hang out with weird guys.

Oh, haha, I have other things to take care of.

Perhaps their antipathy grew when I approached the young maids they had been eyeing.

I wish I could rub up against a woman, too. It might help cool down this hot head of mine.


Loud mocking laughter followed, as if the comment was meant to be heard.

Perhaps my disrespectful demeanor towards the Lady has made me unwelcome by all.

I didnt react. I just focused on distributing the provisions.

Here are the stew ingredients. Just add them when the water boils.

As I was about to move past the last group, a knight casually stuck his foot out in front of me.

Taking advantage of the situation, I pretended to trip over his foot.


I fell dramatically to the ground, dropping the basket and scattering carrots, potatoes, and mushrooms all over.

Covered in mud, the knights around burst into raucous laughter.


Kekeke, ahahaha!

Ahaha! What a complete fool!

They laughed as if they were about to suffocate.

The maids, seeing this, were flustered, unsure of what to do.

I slowly got up and calmly brushed off the dirt.

Then, I glanced at the scabbard of the knight who had tripped me. A golden lion with a dignified expression was embossed on it. I had heard it was a symbol of distinction for top graduates from the Imperial Academy.

Still busy laughing, I shouted at the knight.

So this is the etiquette of the Imperial Academy.

The laughter quickly subsided as everyone turned to stare at me with wide eyes.

They all looked at me as if to say, Did I hear that right?

With the mood dampened, I raised my voice again.

Unable to fight honorably, you resort to backbiting and mockery. Is this the etiquette unique to the Imperial Academy?

Whats this brat on about?

The knight who had tripped me stood up, brandishing his sword, and shoved my shoulder with his log-like forearm.

Do you even realize what youre messing with?

If you have a grievance, express it like a knight, with skill. Dont be petty.

Bring a weapon for this brat.

Those who had been mocking me were now looking at me with murderous intent.

A third of them were from the Imperial Academy, officers included. Do I know what Im getting into? All too well.

The ones who had really gotten themselves into trouble werent me but them.

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