Doggone Academy

Chapter 154 Taming the Madman (14)

Chapter 154 Taming the Madman (14)

Her mind was a maze of complex emotions.

Was this all a dream?

Who was Liza?

Hadnt he said he was an orphan? Could there be a lost family member? The name didnt sound male.

A lost sister, or perhaps even a lover.

Even a man as mad as this harbored someone in his heart.

Damian seemed tormented, as if possessed by a ghost.

Perhaps it was this possession, not unlike that of his fellow guards, that kept him from going mad.

Vivi pushed aside an inexplicable bitterness and continued to undress Damian.

His body was still burning like a furnace.

She carefully wiped away his drenched sweat with a towel.

Just a few days ago, Damian had been the one tending to Vivis feet, and now the roles were reversed, with Vivi attending to him.

The dynamics of their relationship had completely flipped, yet there was no sense of humiliation or defeat.

They had faced a tidal wave of disaster together, and any lesser emotions had long since been swept away.

What remained for Vivi was the will to survive and her trust in this man.

She gazed at Damian, lost in thought, then slowly leaned down and pressed her lips against his forehead.

With a gentle kiss, she whispered.

May you wake from this nightmare soon.

Despite the life-and-death crisis, she believed without a doubt that Damian would rise again.


He awoke in a nearly collapsed cabin. Faint light filtered through the broken window frame. It was unclear whether it was early evening or late dawn.

He first examined his wounds. There were signs of makeshift bandaging with herbs underneath the cloth.

He scanned the surroundings. Someone had made a fire and concocted a decoction. The environment wasnt sanitary, but there were clear efforts to make do.

And Vivi was beside him, lightly snoring in a fitful sleep.

Their outer garments, possibly hand-washed, were hanging damp on the wall.

Her hair was matted, her body and part of her face were stained, but her noble features still stood out. Truly a noblewoman by birth.

Trying to rise, he noticed Vivis right hand followed. Once again, their hands were bound by a rope. She never missed that detail. How diligent.

Rather than cutting the rope this time, he carefully untied the knot, considering her efforts.

His body felt heavy, but his condition was gradually returning to normal. Vivi must have done something that worked. She wasnt entirely without skill. Contrary to appearances, Vivi was quite adaptable.

Stepping outside, dawn was breaking. It seemed he had been unconscious for half a day.

As he stretched, Vivi too woke up and followed him out, rubbing her eyes in disarray.

She held out the end of the untied rope, her voice hoarse as if she couldnt speak, the gesture almost like a protest for untying it.

You could have rested more.

You slept through the night while I tended to you and only got a wink of sleep at dawn.

If youre not going to help gather breakfast, then rest.

Youre impossible. You nearly died last night. Wandering around with a less-than-whole body could get you lost or drowned in a swamp. This is our only lifeline. Im not doing this for fun.

Vivi approached him and, as if tying knots was too much hassle, just wound the rope around her wrist and pulled him back toward the cabin.


I prepared all the food.

She staggered back to her original spot and fell asleep again.


After a simple breakfast, Vivi stared blankly into the campfire. Her gloomy face suggested she too harbored concerns deep within, similar to his own.

Then, suddenly, she looked up with intensity and dropped a bombshell.

Who exactly is Liza?


His heart seemed to drop. How had she come to know about it?

I heard you muttering it while you were delirious.

Do you have a long-lost sister? When we return to the duchy, I will help set up a place for you.

I never said such a thing.

No, I heard it clearly.

Why deny it? If not that, is she a secret lover you want to hide?

He abruptly stood up and began to gather his things, causing Vivis linked arm to flail aimlessly in the air.

This is no time to dawdle.

Watching him intently, Vivis eyes widened in realization.

Its true then. Even a stubborn person like you harbors a lover in their heart. You seem quite human after all.

Lets get going.

Pulling the rope did nothing; Vivi didnt budge, avoiding eye contact, her spirit deflated.

Why are you so listless all of a sudden?

What are you talking about? Im brimming with energy.

She wore the face of a child begrudgingly doing chores, slumped and defeated.

You look devoid of energy.

You must be mistaken. Im more spirited than ever.

Reluctantly, Vivi got up and began to gather her garments. Then she asked him.

Have you already ended an engagement?

His silence prompted Vivi to start rambling to herself.

Ah, I see. I, too, have had eleven match-making sessions arranged back in the duchy. With quite renowned wealthy bachelors and noblemens scions.

That is so.

They were so insistent on meeting me that I almost dreaded returning to the duchy. I was destined to die young and then rule the duchy; who wouldnt covet that No, I dont mean just anyone, but a strong and robust seed will be carefully selected after years of scrupulous vetting. What a hassle its become

You seem to be picturing your return to the duchy when we get out of here. Thats good.

It seems she had found her spirit. If she thought there was no hope, she would have dismissed the idea of duchy suitors as meaningless.

Of course, I am going to live and return with you.

That said, those nobles arent seeking match-making for power alone.

What are you implying?

Arent you beautiful, my Lady?


Vivis eyes widened momentarily. She gaped like a stunned fish before regaining her composure and retorted sharply.

You have quite the silver tongue. Dont say such nonsense. If your fiance heard, shed clutch at her neck and faint.

It was just an attempt to lighten the mood with a casual remark, but it seemed to have rubbed her the wrong way.

She turned her back to him and busily folded her outer garments. Hesitating whether to dress or just leave, she paced, then turned sharply.

Right, theres something you need to see.

She moved towards the cabins table. While rummaging through the leftover cooking utensils, she dropped the garments and gave a start as she picked them up again. Clattering noises erupted as items fell. Her hands seemed flustered, unsure where to reach.

Why was she so panicked?

Are you alright?

This accursed pot.

Vivi held out an old notebook to him.

He skimmed through it, noting alchemical recipes.


No, thats not it.

Vivi made another noisy search and handed him another notebook.

This is it.

The new notebook contained the diary of a resident who had settled here.

I found it by chance. It has written instructions on how to find the master of this land.

Where is it?

It was written near the last pages.

May I read it?

Dont mind me.

Vivi coughed and stepped back, clasping her hands. He quickly flipped through the pages.

Meanwhile, Vivi alternated between gazing at the distant mountains and stealing glances at him, absentmindedly running her hands through her hair.

His concentration slightly disrupted by her behavior, he brought the notebook closer to his face.

The contents Vivi mentioned were not specific instructions to meet a deity but rather.

[Barvisia is a prison for souls. Those born on this land cannot leave even after death, not even their souls. Ending ones life does not break the eternal cycle of rebirth.]

[The souls that wander the swamps envy and are jealous of the living, sometimes appearing to us in human form. They pierce innocent souls to offer to the deity of this land. In return, they receive new bodies from the deity. Do not accept drinks from evil souls. It cost my family as a sacrifice.]

[Do not sing mournful songs in the swamp. Evil spirits recognize lonely and wounded beings.]

[When the deity is angered, even the midday sun will fall. To survive, one must hide. To avoid the deitys gaze, every last lantern must be extinguished and lie flat in the darkness.]

Despite not providing a definite clue, it was helpful information.

Who was the owner of this notebook?

A woman who lived next door. Now only her bones remain.

Were there no other records of interest in the other notebooks?

Most were illegible with mold, and the rest were meaningless ledgers and diaries.

Then thats sufficient. My Lady, are you aware of what we are about to confront?

Of course. Arent we going to meet the so-called master of this land?

Its going to be very dangerous. We dont know what will happen. Maybe it would be better if I went alone and left you here.

Vivi shook her head.

I have no intention of releasing your rope. We share a fate. If you die I die too. Thats all there is to it.

Reaffirming Vivis resolve, he nodded slowly.

I understand.

Vivi smiled faintly and, placing a hand on his cheek, said.

I look forward to the day we can return to the duchy hand in hand. When that day comes I will introduce you to my father myself.


Now they faced the endgame.

Directly encountering the beast of Barvisia.

The old woman who wielded strange magic was dead, and the crows that had been watching them were gone too.

And the blue stag that had been guiding him no longer showed itself.

As if anticipating an earthquake imperceptible to humans, not a single rat was seen around the village.

Blackened, dead trees and mist hung over the village perimeter, and an eerily silent calm pervaded the area.

They were ready to depart. Vivi stretched and looked back at him.

As he nodded, she led the way forward, and he followed.

Vivi began to sing softly with a graceful voice.

You sit by my grave again today.

The bouquet you laid there I can no longer hold, but I will keep the beautiful memories and ascend to the sky.

They walked into the swamp, their steps timed to the sorrowful melody.

He watched Vivis back and occasionally looked up to the sky.

The sky was clear, but despite just finishing breakfast, it was as dark as early evening.

No longer perturbed by ominous signs, they were prepared for what lay ahead.

Staying in the village would have inevitably led them to Barvisias deity, especially since they had already eradicated all the prepared offerings.

They had chosen to search proactively for one reason only.

He refused to become prey.

He wanted to be the hunter, to sink his teeth into the beasts neck.

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