Doggone Academy

Chapter 158 Recompense (2)

Chapter 158 Recompense (2)

Was I still not fully recovered? It wasnt just a figure of speech; my head was genuinely spinning.

What was the purpose of the trial, and why would such a high-ranking person attend?

The Grand Duke Gainax must be the most eminent person I have ever met.

While Silveryn is also a person of high standing, the domains in which we operate are different, making an audience with the Grand Duke all the more difficult to secure.

Still, having committed no real grave offense, there was no need to feel intimidated.

I understand. How did the rest of the escort fare?

Most were safely repatriated, but not all survived.

That is regrettable.

Were it not for you, Damian, none might have survived, including Lady Vivi.

I merely did what had to be done. Would you mind giving me a moment alone?

At this, the servant nodded without objection and left the room.

Whether it was a trial or some other matter, I needed to finish up in the Duchy quickly so I could meet Silveryn.

I took a sheet of parchment from the desk, intending to catch up on overdue correspondence.

Although I could not send them as regularly as promised, perhaps the knowledge that I came this far to see her would ease Silveryns disappointment.

Moreover, having endured much, it was time to put Eternia aside and take a well-deserved rest.


A servant knocked and entered Vivis chamber. Four days had passed since she awoke, but she was not yet fully recovered and had been receiving care.

Placing a potion on the bedside table, the servant inquired,

Are you feeling all right?

Lord Aminos of the Dukes family and the head of the Visis household have come to inquire after you.

Vivi, turning towards the window, remained motionless.

With no response, the servant spoke with a hint of distress,

My lady didnt you welcome the Visis for their competence?

Send them away.

During her convalescence, Vivi had refused all visitors except close family. Nobles who had traveled great distances hoping to curry favor were turned away without a glimpse of the noblewoman.

It seemed Vivi no longer cared for such formalities. Perhaps her brush with death had altered her perspective on social engagements.

I will convey your wishes, my lady. Oh, and

Set aside the get-well letters; theyre tiresome.

Understood. Also, Damian has regained consciousness.

At this, Vivi tossed aside the covers and sat up abruptly.

Truly? Hes awake now!

The servant swallowed hard at her unexpectedly intense reaction.

How is he? No serious ailments discovered?

Most of his injuries have healed substantially. No other illnesses have been found.

That is a relief. What did he say upon waking?

He seemed somewhat distressed by the shackles.

Hell get used to them soon enough. Do not remove them under any circumstance.

Hmm, and what else did he say?

He inquired about the fate of those missing in Barvisia.

I see. Under that dry exterior lies a thoughtful mind. Did he ask anything else?

She paused before continuing,

Did he, perhaps inquire about me?

The servant knew of no such comment, but faced with her hopeful expression, he hesitated to speak.

He requested some time alone.

Vivis hopeful look faded into a flat, disinterested expression.

Soon, she turned her back and lay down again.

I, too, wish to be alone for a while. Leave me.

It was an unfamiliar scene. Vivi, who rarely showed affection and always maintained her distance, seemed to be pouring her heart into thoughts of a man.

The image of the numerous nobles who had eagerly volunteered to join the Barvisia search party, hoping to win Vivis favor, flashed through my mind. Despite their wealth and power, they hadnt achieved what the student of Silveryn, whom she regarded as an enemy, managed to gain so effortlessly.

Milady, might I suggest an audacious move?

What would that be?

Why not visit him first?

Damian was Vivis savior, after all. Instead of wasting time in petulant emotional battles, it seemed better to simply reach out first.

No. Unlock the shackles only when he comes to see me.

Vivi seemed determined to wait for Damians initiative.

The servant shook his head in resignation.

Furthermore, the Grand Magician will soon arrive in the capital. From what I understand, you and he share a mentor-mentee relationship

Vivi, still turned away, remained silent.

The servant gave a slight bow and started towards the door. As he reached it, Vivi spoke up.

Arrange for a baker skilled in making Sankrotis-style apple pie to be brought here.


I thought Id be bored confined to a room, but there was quite a selection of reading materials, so my worries were unfounded.

In fact, just gazing out the window proved entertaining. The palace where I stood boasted a prime view over the city; I had never seen such an expansive metropolis before.

The city stretched to the horizon would Vivi really reign over all this one day? The thought felt surreal.

Then there came a commotion from the corridor outside my door. The clanking of armor not just one person, but it sounded like a whole unit.

This is unacceptable!

A scuffle between maids and a man.

Come out!

And with that, they barged their way to my door and flung it open.

A group of armed soldiers burst into my room.

And leading them, a man with the eyes of a lynx, a brown beard, and olive skin glared at me.

Ah, quite the opulent prison cell.

I put down my book and asked,

Who might you be?

To my inquiry, one of the knights behind him bellowed,

Show some respect! This is the Iron Knight, Duke Aminos.

If the other party does not afford me respect, I respond in kind.

Duke Aminos looked at me and sneered with a lift of his lip,

Does one need manners to visit a mere prisoner?

State your business.

Ah, I came to see the face of the valiant hero who saved the Lady. I wanted to see if I could understand why she fusses over you so.

It seems youve curried the ladys favor by attending to her smallest whims.

Yes, I put in some effort.

I couldnt fathom why this man bore such animosity towards me. As I let his provocation slide, the dukes eyebrow twitched.

Then, from behind the duke, someone spoke,

You seem mistaken, but this young man is not a prisoner. Hes a special protective surveillance subject designated directly by Grand Duke Gainax.

The voice was familiar to me. Gerald, Vivis aide and part of the escort mission, stepped forward, parting the soldiers.

He was alive. Seeing him here was a welcome sight.

Gerald continued,

And, Your Grace, you have brought an army and entered without permission to see this special protective subject.

With Geralds arrival, the duke scowled deeply and said,

It seems the Grand Duke has some amusing plans afoot.

Taking his soldiers, the duke left the premises.

After the commotion subsided, Gerald approached me,

Youre going to be bothered for a while.

And, unlike before, he now used formal speech with me,

Why do they hold a grudge against me?

Why indeed, when these strangers had no business with me?

Theyre upset because their long-prepared plans are now in jeopardy.

What plans are you talking about?

The marriage to Lady Vivi.

The Duchy was as ripe as a pumpkin on the vine, ready to be picked, but overnight the status quo changed. Theyre turned inside out because of it.

Are you saying its because of me?

Gerald nodded,

Its going to be a bit troublesome for a while. Theres more than one person who missed the chance to swallow the Duchy whole.

I fail to see how thats my fault. Im not marrying the Lady, am I?

Nobles are extremely sensitive to the actions of the powerful. They miss neither gesture nor expression, for its directly linked to their survival.


After the recent events, theyve noticed a change in Lady Vivis usually sociable demeanor.

What has changed?

Lady Vivi is by nature a social butterfly. Yet this time, while confined to her sickbed, she refused all other visitors. Just now, Duke Aminos was turned away at the door, even though he volunteered for the Barvisia search party. But you, Damian, are the only one she has granted permission to see. And even now, she waits for you to visit.

It seems a bond formed between us after sharing life-and-death experiences. Now I could somewhat understand why that duke stormed in with soldiers, eyes aflame.

Gerald took out a key and inserted it into the shackle on my wrist. With a twist, it clicked open and fell to the floor.

I hear you made a promise with the Lady, to share apple pie together on a lakeside spread.

I had mentioned something similar, but it was not a promise. It was a nostalgic memory from my time with Silveryn in Weisel, just a casual comment, not a vow to do so together.

Lady Vivi doesnt make such promises with just anyone. She never acts without reason. Duke Aminos, despite pouring mountains of gold, has never had the privilege of sharing a picnic with her. I trust you understand the value of that promise

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