Doggone Academy

Chapter 68 The Blood-stained Entrance Ceremony (3)

Chapter 68 The Blood-stained Entrance Ceremony (3)

Liria remembered Luna. She had once spent a night at Lunas mansion in Rigved, which was why she remembered her so well.

But the aristocratic and dignified beauty she had seen then seemed somewhat faded now. Still doll-like in her beauty, Lunas once snow-white skin now felt pale and the silk-like smoothness of her golden hair had lost its vitality and seemed dry and lifeless.

It wasnt just her face that had changed. Lunas feet, as if shed been running barefoot across a gravel path, were covered with dried blood, and her entire left arm was wrapped in bandages which were stained red in places, revealing the severity of her bleeding.

She looked more like a refugee fleeing a war rather than a soon-to-depart guest, and Liria couldnt simply serve her herbal tea and turn her away.

Silveryns mansion had a storeroom piled high with herbs and potions meant for Damian, but using some to treat Silveryns guest wouldnt pose a problem.

Just wait a moment, please.

Before checking on Lunas purpose for visiting, Liria sat her down in the parlor and fetched a healing potion and some herbs.

Then she carefully asked Luna.

May I take a look at your wounds?

After contemplating silently for a short while, Luna relaxed her guard and nodded.

Liria slowly cut away the bandage Luna had on her arm to inspect the wound.

Without a sound, Liria felt a pang of sorrow as she revealed what was hidden underneath. The marks were as if the flesh had been flayed with a knife.

What could have possibly happened to her?

Although the scars could be healed, it would take a substantial amount of time.

Liria seemed about the same age as Luna. Girls their age might weep into their pillows all night over a single scar marring their bodies. It would ruin the look of pretty dresses and be a concern when seeking a marriage proposal.

Yet Luna appeared detached, as if she had let everything go. Thinking of all the scars that would mar such a lovely body made Lirias heart ache even more.

Liria treated Lunas wounds, disinfecting them and meticulously applying the potion.

Unable to bear the silence, Luna reluctantly started a conversation.

Id like to see Professor Silveryn.

I know that. But the Professor isnt here right now.

At that moment, Lunas hand trembled visibly.

With a concerned expression, Liria asked.

Are you alright?

When will she return?

She left for the holy city not long ago. It might be several months before she returns.

At present, Damian was in charge of the mansion. Although he had to leave often for his studies, Silveryn had prepared a manual for such occasions and entrusted Liria with instructions in case guests arrived.

Nevertheless, Silveryn did leave instructions for me in case a guest came searching. Would it be too much to ask for your name again?

Luna. Luna Railis.

Liria set down the potion for a moment and headed to the bookshelf in the parlor. She pushed forward a few tightly arranged books.

The sound of a lock disengaging soon followed, and Liria pushed the bookcase aside with effort, revealing a small safe hidden within the wall.

Liria opened the safe and fanned out a bundle of letters inside.

Her eyes roamed momentarily before she picked one letter from the collection and said.

Here we go. Luna Railis. Its a letter from Silveryn.


Luna closed her eyes tightly.

Silveryns mansion had always been the most serene place in her memory. Not even the spirits, who floated freely above the rules of the mortal world, dared to approacha fortress always protected by potent ancient magic.

But even in Silveryns mansion parlor, Luna could see the black figures. An uncanny presence she had never experienced before began to erode her mind and occasionally seized control of her body.

Leaving Silveryns mansion, the black forms were visible too. They stood in the unreachable shadows, watching Luna. Over time, the shadowy silhouettes began to resemble her more and more.

There was no escaping it anywhere.

Biting her lip hard, Luna felt powerless. Even Silveryn didnt have all the answers. The black presence was unaffected by the holy trees strong divine power or by the ancient magic protecting Silveryns house.

Luna unfolded Silveryns letter. It contained only a single line.

Find solace in the Guardian Tree of Eternia.

Her steps grew heavier. The only feelings left for the Guardian Tree after that incident were fear. Even if everything was resolved someday, she thought she could never return to the Guardian Tree, yet she was told to find solace there.

What had Silveryn seen? Had she anticipated such an event?

As if reading the cracks in Lunas heart, the black shape whispered to her.

[Nobody can save you.]


The Thorn Garden dormitory was almost entirely vacant, with most rooms lacking even basic furnishings. I chose a room on the first floor closest to the entrance door and rested there briefly. The room I had settled in was spacious with just a single, lonely bookshelf.

On the shelf were about a dozen books, all of them cookbooks with titles like Breakfasts of the Empire and Meals that Made the Country Boy Gagamel Into the Legend of Mercenaries.

Some of the books bore the fingerprints of Trisha, smudged with soot and flour.

With some time to spare, I browsed the collection for recipes I might use and transcribed them. I also wrote a letter to send to Silveryn.

At Witthrush Hall, they provided meals down to the side dishes, but the Thorn Garden was different. Plantara in the garden would provide the ingredients if you asked, but as there were no maids, you had to cook for yourself.

If I was going to survive here, I needed to improve my culinary skills. Taking turns preparing meals with Trisha was out of the question given her disastrous cooking. I was honestly concerned about what shed been eating to get by here.

With her privileged background, shed likely never been without someone else to prepare her meals.

It looked like Id be busy again. Plantara would bring the ingredients, cooking wouldnt be a problem for me, and I could craft any necessary furniture.

Leaving they room, I opened the dorms front door to head out, but upon hearing the noise, Trisha came running out from the second floor.

Where are you going?

To Witthrush Hall.

This late at night? Ill give you my blanket!

I can sleep on the bare floor. I wasnt leaving because I lacked bedding. Stitch spells didnt work in the Labyrinth, so I had to go out to send the letter.

Its not for that.

Are you going for the entrance ceremony preparations? You know, tomorrows Masters Class ceremony is going to be in the Forbidden Forest, right?


Didnt you get a letter at Witthrush Hall too? I mean, its in the Labyrinths Forbidden Forest.

This was a relief. If selecting a dorm room caused such a fuss, I wondered what chaos the entrance ceremony would bring.

Yeah. Ill remember that. See you tomorrow.

As I walked away, Trisha shouted after me.

Hurry back, Im bored!


Memories had been erased again.

Luna looked around. She was standing alone in the corridor of Witthrush Hall.

She suppressed the creeping terror with great effort.

All signs pointed to her being on the move somewhere. She was at the far end of the third-floor corridor where she had stopped.

Dim moonlight streamed through the window at the end of the corridor. And once again, a dagger was clenched in her hand.

All strength left her body and the dagger slipped through her fingers and fell.

Stop, please just stop.

She was now afraid of herself. If this continued, there was no telling what she might do. An unknown terror pressed down on her.

Luna pulled Silveryns letter from inside her garment. But the letter was stained with blood, obliterating any readable text.

She couldnt bear it any longer. Drawing on all her strength, she descended the stairs and burst out of the dormitory.

And she ran toward the Guardian Tree of Eternia. Even though her breath was dying, she didnt stop.

Reaching the tree, Luna pressed her forehead against its trunk and slumped down.

There was still no solace there. The black figures surrounded the Guardian Tree as if they had been waiting, ready to greet her.

They gained strength and reveled in joy as Luna grew sadder and suffered more.

How should I what do I do

[Do you think you can find solace?]

[Recall your childhood. Your life has been cursed.]

[Even the Professor has abandoned you and left.]

[This is your fate. Accept it.]

The black figures mocked, jeered, and cursed Luna. They amplified her despair and helplessness by dredging up memories she wished to erase, urging her to give up on everything.

Tears fell drop by drop. Her mind couldnt handle all the pain. She was in so much agony, death seemed a better option.

Crumpled beneath the tree, Luna sobbed for a long time. Then she pleaded to the Guardian Tree.

Please, please grant me solace.

Clouds dispersed, and moonlight bathed the Guardian Tree. Luna slowly lifted her head. For just a moment, it seemed the tree had listened to her plea and stilled the world around.

She doubted what she was experiencing was real. But it wasnt a figment of her imagination.

The voices of the black forms began to diminish. Like being swept away by gentle waves, something was washing over her, erasing them. She couldnt comprehend what was happening.

The world around Luna became utterly quiet. With the silence, senses that had lain dormant were awakening.

The moonlit Guardian Tree appeared strikingly beautiful. The sounds of trees rustling in the wind were refreshing.

The chirping of nocturnal insects. The cold yet clear night air. The scent of earth. These forgotten experiences, close enough to touch, began to rush back in. Pleasing sensations surged through her as if electricity was coursing through her body.

Footsteps echoed from the depths of the forest. Startled, Luna turned in the direction and remained on guard.

Someone was watching over her. But she felt no malice.

The owner of the footsteps also remained cautious as they approached the Guardian Tree.

Then, in the area illuminated by the moonlight, a man wearing a mask appeared.

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