Doggone Academy

Chapter 70 The Blood-stained Entrance Ceremony (5)

Chapter 70 The Blood-stained Entrance Ceremony (5)

I meandered through the campus for a short while. It was still too early to venture into the Labyrinth.

Given that it was a festival that came only once a year, I thought Id muster some energy and take in the sights of the campus for a bit.

I did not plan to attend the entrance ceremony. Even if I did, there wouldnt be a spot for me nor would my name be called out. Shortly after the ceremony got underway I would need to head towards the Labyrinth.

Walking along, every couple of steps, Id bump shoulders with someone. It seemed like I was the only one alone on campus, which left me with a strange feeling.

For some reason, across the sea of people, some would glance at me as if I were some kind of mystical creature.

I was a student of Eternia too, yet I somehow felt like an outsider.

Over there! Excuse me! Just a moment!

Someone cut through the crowd, calling out as they approached. I had no indication that I was being sought until just before my wrist was grabbed.

Two young girls thrust their faces before me suddenly. Behind them, five robust young men followed.

You are Damian, arent you?

I looked carefully at the girls faces. They seemed familiar, but I couldnt recall their names.

When I hesitated, one girl smiled awkwardly and introduced herself.

Just as I thought, it is Damian! Were Nancy and Bologna. You were with us at the Weisel Orders social event a few months ago. Remember?

Those faces briefly flickered through my mind. Lord Popper from the order had sponsored me, and Nancy and Bologna were his niece and daughter. They had offered to teach me to dance back then, but I had made my escape.

I greeted them with warmth.

Oh, yes. Of course, I remember. What brings you all this way?

Nancy and Bologna exchanged glances, smirking as they spoke.

There are two new enrollees from the Weisel Order. We knew you would surely pass, Damian. We couldnt miss such an auspicious occasion.

Then the gentlemen behind you

No, those guys are just friends who came with us.

They all had neat and dapper appearances. Nancy pointed to each as she introduced them.

This friend is acquainted with Prince Franz, and this one here manages the Sobignon large farms. Youve probably heard of Sobignon wine, right? They all wanted to see the entrance ceremony, so I brought them along.

To travel a month-long journey just for an entrance ceremony, they must have been quite eager.

Nancy said, chuckling.

Hehe, I kept following after seeing your back, wondering if it might be you, Damian!

Its truly a pleasure.

Bologna then inquired.

But Damian, are you here by yourself? Where is your family?

Things began to click. These girls probably believed I came from a distinguished fencing family. Not sure what fantasies they held of me, but it was the perfect timing to break them before they grew.

I saw no need to sugarcoat my words.

I dont have a family.

The girls faces stiffened slightly.

Oh, so they couldnt make it because your estate is too far away?

I shook my head.


I was raised in an orphanage.

Ah, I see

Bologna trailed off, her forehead creased and her expression turning somewhat somber. No doubt, they were disappointed, having expected something entirely different.

What about the Archmage?

He has gone far away and wont be back for several months.

Ah, thats regrettable

Their faces showed they realized theyd made a mistake, exchanging looks that betrayed their realization. As you distance from the metropolises, society stiffens and classism becomes more pronounced. Weisel was no exception. They now understood, possibly too late, that they had been revering and following an orphan, oblivious of my lack of status or lineage.

Trying to pretend like it was nothing, Nancy forced an upbeat tone and asked me,

Damian! Will you be ascending to the platform during the entrance ceremony? As a representative for your department, right? You are an apprentice of the Archmage, after all.

Calculative expectations and vanity were apparent in her eyes.

And why do you ask?

Oh, havent you heard the rumor? The valedictorians and salutatorians from each department have been invited by Prince Franz to a celebration ball in Rigved.

Bologna added,

All the relatives and family members get invited too.

The girls voices were tinged with subtle expectation. Perhaps, if I were to ascend to the platform, they harbored hopes of being invited as well. After all, I had no family, and they were the daughters of my patron, so they had some ground for their expectations.

I had a vague feeling, one I couldnt shake, that they saw me as a stepping stone or a lifeline of sorts. I did understand them. They had traveled a month to Eternia just to see a single ceremony; being just an ordinary enrollee would be unsatisfactory. They were naturally ambitious. They wanted to meet the prince, be noticed by everyone, and experience a sense of superiority by associating with someone prominent.

Thats unrelated to me. My grades are only average.

Disappointment was evident in their eyes. Evidently, I did not meet the lofty expectations of being an Archmages disciple.

Oh yes. So you are similar to Joyce. Thats still quite remarkable

Do you perhaps have a connection with Baroness Varian

Bologna nudged Nancy to stop her. The two fell silent for a moment.

Persisting here would only make it more difficult for both parties. I offered a polite farewell.

I have something to attend to, so I must take my leave. It was truly a pleasure to meet you both. Please convey my congratulations to the two friends from the order. Ill send a letter to the Lord Popper myself soon.

Ah, of course

They seemed to have more to say, but I quickly exited the scene. In a deserted corner, I leaned against the wall and took a deep breath.

I reached into my chest pocket and put on a mask on my face.

It was the first time I felt so comfortable and thankful for the mask. It was as if I had found my true form.


A man made his way to the seating designated for special guests. The gazes of three women, who had been eyeing an empty seat, turned towards him. Assessing his appearance, they all sighed with apparent disappointment.

It was the secretary of Eternia.

The entrance ceremony will begin shortly. There is still time, so please take this opportunity to greet your family and kin. Remember, once the ceremony starts, you wont be allowed to leave your seat at will.

The women looked exasperated, almost as if theyd grab the secretary by the collar for answers if Sions mood hadnt gone sour, prompting Iris to quickly respond.

Yes, got it!

Before the secretary could depart, Cecil stopped him with a question.

Theres one seat empty, why hasnt it been filled yet?

Theyll be here shortly. Ah, there they are now.

The secretary pointed in the direction, and all the women turned to look.

An elegantly dressed man approached them, smiling to reveal his white teeth as he introduced himself.

Pleasure to meet everyone. I am Rupert Lowy, and Ill be serving as the representative for the combat department in this entrance ceremony.

He proceeded to offer handshakes in turn.

Sion met his greeting with an icy look and ignored the handshake. Cecil did likewise.

Lilith examined Rupert with uncertainty before hesitantly returning the handshake.

Iris greeted him with a big smile, although her eyes were downturned and teary.

So glad to meet you!

As Rupert took a seat, the atmosphere became icier. Iris, unable to discern the reason, nibbled on her lower lip, looking around cautiously.

Sion, visibly irritated, left the table and, unable to bear the awkward air, Iris followed suit shortly after.

Now only Rupert, Lilith, and Cecil remained.

Lilith intensely studied Ruperts face and physique, comparing him to the man in her memory.

Noticing her stare, Rupert revealed his white teeth and said,

Lilith, isnt it? Ive heard about you. As much as Ive been told youre indeed beautiful.

Excuse me have we met before?

Hmm um? Perhaps we crossed paths a few times at the Rigved social events?

No during the entrance exams

Rupert crossed his arms, pondered for a bit, and then replied.

We probably didnt meet.

Are you sure about that?

Cecil, who had casually been brushing her hair, chuckled at their exchange with clear derision.

Heh, ha, hah.

Lilith scowled at Cecil. It was necessary to stand up against such rudeness.

If there is something that displeases you

Cecil immediately cut her off.

How laughable. You dont even recognize who got you into the second place in the magic department?


Taking all sorts of help from him, exploiting everything you can, and now you dont even remember who he is but cling to some unrelated person? Not only heartless but stupid too, I see?

The hostile atmosphere had Ruperts eyes widening like those of a frightened rabbit. He glanced back and forth between the two women and said,

Uh Ill leave you two for a bit. Finish up your chat.

He then discreetly excused himself, leaving the two women alone.

Lilith felt as though shed been struck on the head with a hammer.

Her head became increasingly blank, words not forthcoming.

Why are you looking for him? Do you think there is still some value to exploit from him? To maintain that second-place position, do you need him more?

How dare you speak when you know nothing

Isnt that what you always do? Seducing boys with your tail, using them up, and casting them aside once they lose their sweetness.

Liliths hands, resting on her knees, trembled slightly.

Its not like that.

Then whats it like? You find it all so amusing. Do you ever seriously engage in a relationship with any of the guys youve used up?

Cecil seemed well-informed about Lilith. Almost as though she had thoroughly investigated her.

Liliths focus slowly blurred.

What are you saying?

Cecil spat with disdain.

Its obvious, isnt it? What would you do if behind his mask was a face scarred by burns? What if hes an orphan without a penny to his name? If he turns out to be unworthy, or you find better company, just like a toy, youll discard him opportunely. Isnt that what the so-called high-born nobles always do?


With no response from Lilith, Cecil left after delivering her final words.

I truly despise someone like you.

Lilith was left all alone in her special seat. She gazed emptily into the void. What she thought would be the greatest day had become her worst.

From her pocket, she pulled out a handkerchief stained with blood. It was from when she had tended to that mans wounds during the entrance exam. It was her cherished handkerchief, yet she had not washed it.

She stared at the handkerchief listlessly.

Every single thing Cecil said was true. She had lured men with her appearance, used them, and once they got too close, she would discard them.

Thats why saying this time is different had no persuasive power; Liliths sincerity carried no weight.

And so, she couldnt say anything.

In reality, Lilith hadnt seriously contemplated what lay behind his mask. What status he held. What family he belonged to. The emotions that sprouted in Lilith were not the results of shallow calculations.

She simply had memories.

She remembered when he had saved her from the Plantaras, when he had wiped away her wounds, when they had camped together, and when he had placed a candy tightly into her pretend-sleeping hand.

She thought of him while eating, bathing, lying in bedshe just kept thinking of him. And so she yearned to see him again. That was her truth.

Tears rolled down Liliths cheeks unbidden.

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