Doggone Academy

Chapter 97 The Shadow (20)

Chapter 97 The Shadow (20)

I skipped dinner and headed to the Philaion Magic Research Institute. I wanted to confront what lay ahead with as clear a mind as possible.

Descending to the basement, I checked the Maladirut. It had absorbed every last drop of Dofler fluid and bloomed a flower overnight. This signaled that it had fully utilized the fluid as nutrients.

After a momentary glance at Lunas form, I did not delay any further and went up to the brewing room. Until now, when using herbs, I had only ever ingested them in liquid or alive forms, never as smoke to be inhaled.

I had no intention of burning all of the Maladirut at once. Though easy to produce, it required incredibly precious ingredients. Burning it would cause a significant loss in the air and be highly inefficient.

I separated the roots, leaves, and petals of Maladirut, classifying each part. Then, taking a portion of each, I crushed them and wrapped them in paper, forming them into elongated sticks similar to incense. This method would allow for efficient use.

After making about seven or eight sticks, I still had more than half of the ingredients left. I stored the remaining separately and left the incense sticks near the hearth to dry.

Once the preparation was somewhat concluded, I immediately left to verify its effects.

My destination was a clearing where the Guardian Tree was located, now a restricted area for general students.

I flopped down at the edge of the forest within sight of the Guardian Tree and summoned a spirit to light the incense stick I stuck in the ground. Were it not for the spirit, I would have had to carry flint, a convenience, indeed.

There, I sat passing the time. White smoke curled up from the incense stick, and an indescribable, mysterious fragrance stimulated my nose.

Thirty minutes passed without incident when I sensed someones presence and turned my head.

Expecting a sneaky student or a wild animal, my eyes caught sight of something Id never seen before in my life.

It was a person whose form was like a shadow, completely blackened.

And gradually, more began to enter my field of view.

Thought-forms, and the black spirits Luna spoke of. They were in the forest and also around the Guardian Tree. Those in the forest kept their distance, watching me intently, as if surrounding and guarding against an enemy commander.

However, those near the Guardian Tree showed no such demeanor. They were more corporeal, larger, and numerous. I could instinctively tell that they were directly related to the Guardian Tree.

That I was actually seeing these entities was beyond my expectations. Zverevs recipes had not been wrong.

I rose from my place, dusted off the dirt from my clothes.

Had so many of them troubled Luna by sticking to her? If I deal with them, Luna would return, but it wouldnt end there. Luna was innately designed to attract strange beings.

I wanted a more definitive solution. Weeds, if not plucked by the roots, soon regrow and spoil the well-tended garden.

My determination soared, but I refrained from acting hastily, standing still to formulate a plan.

Then, a thought flashed through my mind.

Perhaps what I need to do could be a grand jest.

After conducting a few experiments with them, I need to make thorough preparations and end everything conclusively.

I couldnt finish it all right now. I had to wait until the sun had completely set and Luna woke. After finalizing my plan, I drew my wooden sword and moved on.


Someone whispered to Luna, still groggy from sleep.


[Dont touch her.]

Luna sat up abruptly and clasped her face. Her heart pounded violently.

No, no.

It was neither a hallucination nor a nightmare. The dreadful whispering that had been silent for a while had begun again.

[Youre the cause of peoples deaths. An irredeemable sinner who shouldnt be saved. Pay with your life.]

[You only harm those around you and Eternia. If you know your place, shake off that hand.]

How can this how

Someone heard her muttering to herself and responded.

Isnt it noisy?

A mans voice sounded, and just like the wind over a candle flame, the whispers ceased immediately.

Startled, Luna turned towards the source of the sound.

There, a man in a mask was sitting against the wall, holding a wooden sword, looking relaxed.

Luna remembered him. He was Silveryns disciple. Damian.

Caught by surprise by the sudden encounter, Luna momentarily lost her speech.

You are

Now I can hear them, too. Those things eager to drag you down.

What could he be talking about? Could he now hear the whispers of those black entities?

Damian sheathed his wooden sword at his hip and slowly stood.

You mentioned your intuition saw something in me I dont know what it was, but you were right. I found a way, and they are desperately fighting because they dont want to die.

They are desperately fighting? How could that be?

As he stepped toward Luna, the oppressive aura emanating from him caused her body to involuntarily shrink back.

The closer he got, the stronger her urge to flee. The magical chains tightened with a clang as she attempted to retreat.

Undeterred by her reaction, Damian came even closer.

He stood in front of the iron bars imprisoning her, then stretched his arm out.

A blinding white radiance erupted. Reflexively, Luna shielded her eyes. As the light faded and she opened her eyes, a wondrous blade of light materialized in his hand.

Her eyes widened. It was a radiant and beautiful color. Instinctively, she knew that it was not of this world.

You are you are

Damian swung the sword, and the iron bars, offering little resistance, split like butter.

Lunas breathing hastened with uncontrollable fear.

Wait dont come closer. Dont

Her struggling tightened the chains with a clink.

Running away wont change anything.

Damian approached the bed, unfazed by her intense reaction, and extended his hand to her.

Come with me. Ill end it all for you.

How could he emerge so resolute and unyielding?

Luna knew nothing for certain. What sort of power was he confident in that would allow him to annihilate everything tormenting her?

Then, the unknown force surrounding Damian began to gradually influence the uneasy Luna. The belief that he could end it all grew within her.

She had to reach out.

Consciously, she knew she had to grab his hand, but her body, hardened by long-standing habits, vehemently resisted.

Luna clenched her eyes shut.

Running away wont change anything.

Was it fates irony? She had been saved once before by Silveryn, and now her disciple had appeared before her, offering another salvation.

And if she couldnt grab his hand now, salvation might never come again.

Like a verse from The Canary and the Fool, even the gods turn their backs on humans who lack the will to move forward.

Luna squeezed her eyes shut and slowly lifted her arm. She gently touched his hand with her quivering arm, then, startled, withdrew it.

Damian remained motionless, waiting for her to fully grasp him.

If Silveryn trusted Damian, then Luna could trust him too.

Steeling herself, she extended her arm again and finally clasped hands with him.

Only once she touched it did she realize. The hand of the man she feared so much was warm and gentle, no different from anyone elses.

Damian firmly held her hand and effortlessly cut through the iron chains restraining her.


Damian took Luna and led her outside. She followed his confident steps, and they emerged into the forest where the Guardian Tree was visible.

As Damian guided her by hand, Luna suddenly stopped him, alarmed by the ominous aura engulfing the Guardian Tree.

The entities had grown in presence through the previous curse ritual. Now that the seals were broken, they were drawing in Lunas magic. The malignant energy was heavily concentrated around the Guardian Tree.

It seems impossible. This this is not something anyone can handle.

Damian dismissed Lunas apprehension with a single stroke.

No, Ive dealt with worse.

Its nothing to me. Just think of it as a nights play. All you need to do is stand still and watch.

Damian spoke cryptically.

A play?

Approaching the vicinity of the Guardian Tree, she could sense the thought-forms targeting her, but they hesitated to advance because of Damians presence.

Perhaps Damian could manage it. Having come this far with him, she had no choice but to leave the rest in his hands.

Luna steeled her heart. With this assurance from her, Damian moved through the forest until they neared the clearing where the Guardian Tree towered centrally.

There, an overwhelming maelstrom of malign energy swirled.

Entering this area, even with Damian by her side, the thought-forms began to encircle and close in more boldly.

As Luna shivered, Damian tightened his grip on her hand.

To her amazement, despite the shadowy entities barricading their path, he showed no fear.

He carried the presence of someone leisurely out for a stroll.

Dont worry. This has all been permitted by the professor.

Approaching the direction of the Guardian Tree, they stopped about twenty paces away.

Under the azure sky, moonlight bathed them alongside the Guardian Tree. Its leaves were blighted with black decay due to the curses effects.

Under the moonlight, the black spirits emerged. Around twenty shadowy human figures encircled the Guardian Tree, standing erect while glaring at Luna.

A long shadow-like line appeared at their feet under the moonlight, stretching from Luna to each of the black spirits.

Power flowed from them all drawn from Luna, and they were still drawing it in.

As Damian moved to release her grip, she instinctively held on tighter, fearful that if he let go, she would lose her sanity in that place.

Its alright.

Damian released her hand and entrusted his wooden sword to her, then took a step forward.

And the black spirits began to exhibit strong hostility against Damian, like a cornered pack of feral dogs.

As he drew closer, one could tell from a glance that the entities were in terror with each approach.

Eventually, they spoke curses in the language of the spirits incomprehensible to mere mortals.

Their forms wavered, then morphed to resemble Damian wearing a mask and holding a wooden sword. Apart from being color-drained to a dingy gray, they mirrored Damian exactly.

Luna remembered. The same appearance didnt mean they existed in reality. Strictly speaking, they were closer to ghosts. Luna herself had tried all means to fend them off swords, magic, even holy water. Nothing had an effect.

Fearing for him, Luna threw him a cautionary look.

Be careful.

Damian turned slowly, his eyes glimmering with a golden hue behind the mask.

Then he turned back and spoke as if to warn,

Watch closely.

His words werent meant for Luna. His gaze focused on something far behind her.

With his back to the black spirits, as he showed a weakness, they rushed forward, preparing to ambush Damian.

Startled, Luna cried out,

Damian, behind you!

Suddenly, light flared from Damians hand. He spun around with a sweep of his light-blade.

The white blade cut through the arm of the most forward assailant.

In a fluid motion, Damians left hand grasped the creature by the hair.

Luna watched, disbelief in her eyes. The entities that had been immune to any attack were being effectively severed by Damians blade.

And he had grasped one barehanded.

Once in his grasp, the transformation dispelled, returning to its shadow form.

[Screeeeech! Scream Scream!]

The entity clutched the severed limb, emitting a dreadful scream as if its body was consumed by fire. The concept of a spiritual being experiencing pain was beyond normal understanding and a peculiar sight.

Damian avoided the others attacks, retreating a few steps while still holding it.

He then grabbed its jaw and dragged it backward by the hair, severly cutting parts from the ankle to the shin to the knee one by one.

He was merciless and efficient like a seasoned butcher.

Instead of blood, black smoke rose from the severed parts.

Enraged with pain, the black spirits screams could have echoed through the entire forest.

[Screeeeech! Scream Scream Scream!]

After slicing up to the abdomen, Damian began stabbing at random holes. It seemed like he wasnt planning on a swift end.

As another rushed forward, swinging its sword at Damian, he unleashed a sword-wave.

The wave struck the one in front, swept up two more behind, and blasted into the forest, leaving devastation in its wake.

Finally, after mutilating the chest, Damian thrust his blade into the creatures snout, splitting its head in two.

Only then did the ear-splitting scream cease.

Silence returned. And Damian approached the rest of the black spirits, ready for his next prey.

Now, none dared to advance rashly.

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