Chapter 104 CHAPTER 104: THOUGHTS

How many of our forces and powers should we move?" (Daniella) 

"Everything... I don't want a single thing that belongs to me, in Yorkshire four months from now." (Davies)


As Davies lay on his bed with his eyes wide open and looking at the ceiling in a daze, he recalled the scenes from when he had gotten back to the mansion in the very early hours of the morning.

He had given Daniella orders to begin the process of moving everything that belonged to him from Yorkshire City. Of course that only pertained to the things that were moveable, and not things that were stationary and couldn't be moved, like buildings.

The moveable things would be moved and the stationary things would be sold. He didn't plan on taking the slightest bit of a loss when the monsters came charging down on Yorkshire City.

Of course, doing something like that wasn't possible to be done stealthily, and sooner or later, people's attention would be drawn to his actions but it wouldn't really change much. 

After all, it was up to him to answer any inquiries from anyone if they asked what his reasons were for doing so. Nobody would ever find out that he was leaving a sinking ship, months before it sunk without even trying to save the ship.

According to Davies's line of thought, saving things was the heroes' job, those stupid fuckers that have fate behind them, guiding them down every path and spoon-feeding them with opportunities that other people have to break their necks to barely get a glimpse of, not to mention grabbing them.

If not because the monster attack was too far away from the present and he didn't plan to leave Lee Jung alive for that long, he would have made him die in the monster attack. 

Making him experience despair from a monster wave and then throwing him into the pathway of the monsters and making him know what it was like to be torn, limb from limb, was a thought that made Davies almost salivate, but Lee Jung's stars were a bit too unlucky... So he would have to experience worse.

Now that Davies was feeling motivated to not lose out to the monster wave, he would have to find a way to kill Lee Jung in a very artistic way.

As for what method he would be using, he wasn't going to think about it for now as things had a way of falling into place as long as one took the right actions, or out of place if one took the wrong decisions.

As he had no way of knowing whether he was going right or left path, he didn't think much about it and left the matter for when it'd happen. 

"Now what do I have to do today?" He asked himself out loud as he put away all distracting thoughts so he could focus on the present.

He could go to the Imperium building to continue working on the project that was to be his trump card, but he had been doing that for the last two days so he was feeling bored of it for now, so he decided to put that to the side for now as he was almost done with it anyway.

He also thought of looking for Lee Jung to make trouble for him, but the idea wasn't really enticing to him as dealing with the current Lee Jung was even more boring than working all day long on project 'Words Make Up The World'.

Going to a gate was another enticing idea, but when he remembered how he was trapped in one not too long ago, an involuntary shiver ran through him. He couldn't afford to be out of commission, thereby giving Lee Jung excess power to develop. Even the most useless of protagonists could become dangerous if given enough time, so Davies had to stay on Lee Jung's neck all the way, from now till he was squeezed completely dry of any form of usefulness.

He finally got off the bed after remembering that he had to speak with the Men in Black to find out what information from torturing... Whatever his name was.

A few short moments later, he was done bathing and was now in the process of picking out clothes to wear. 

He settled for a simple white shirt where he left a lot of the upper buttons open, which allowed his well-chiseled chest to be seen, and light blue trousers along with blue leather shoes.

A singular earring on his left ear and a wristwatch later, Davies left his bedroom fully dressed and made his way to the huge dining room in the mansion. On the way to the dining room he checked his watch only to discover that the time was already past 9am.

Since he had come back pretty late and was probably more tired than he thought, he had overslept, and even after waking up late, he had spent more time thinking about various things, hence the time.

Davies pushed open the doors into the dining room and went to sit down at the head of the table. He made no effort to call for Daniella as he was pretty sure that she already knew where he was and he would soon be attended to so, he rested his head back onto the headrest of the chair and waited with his eyes closed.

Soon enough he began to hear footsteps that made their way towards him after coming through a different door from the one he came through. The owner of the footsteps moved towards Davies, but immediately Davies noticed something wrong.

He had noticed that the footsteps sounded lighter than Daniella's, and immediately his mind went into fully alert mode.

'Could it be an assassin?' He wondered as he readied his mana, and slowly but stealthily began to form a thin, but extremely sharp ice blade around his index and middle finger together, prepared to strike first the moment the threat came into range, but then another thought popped up into his mind.

'There's no way an assassin would be so bold, and stupid as to walk up to their target without even trying to hide himself,' but even though he thought this, he still didn't reduce his vigilance, but instead had heightened it even further as he knew there were a lot of weird people out there with lots of weird powers. Powers so weird, it was a stretch to call them blessings.

As soon as the footsteps reached within a meter of him, his eyes shot open, but before he could even begin to move his now-bladed hand, he recognized the owner of the stranger's footsteps.

It was the waiter at the restaurant he had met Lee Jung who happened to be pestering Jessica at the time.

'The Rising Sun... Was it?' He barely remembered the name of the place, all he remembered was that he had bought it and ordered for it to be burnt down... Speaking of which, he hadn't bothered to check if the place had been burned down as per his instructions. Seeing the waiter, whose name he didn't remember from the shop he had ordered to be burnt down reminded him, but he couldn't be bothered to check unless he actually had something to do at that location in the future.

The waiter-turned-employee held a tray that held a prepared cup of coffee that she had brought to Davies as per the orders of Daniella, who she knew as Daniel, as that was the identity that she was using. Tisha finding out her original identity didn't mean she was going to stop using the identity of Daniel, as her original identity was very sensitive and needed to be hidden.

It was also one of the special cards that Davies had prepared for his future goals, and he couldn't have it revealed right now, no matter the reason. This was the reason why he had reacted violently at Tisha knowing Daniella's identity and would have killed her if not for her potential to be an equally valuable card in his hands. 

Davies took the cup from the tray without a word after releasing his mana and making the ice blade disappear. He took a sip from the cup, and only after tasting the coffee did he remember why he had allowed her to be hired in the first place.

"Good coffee," he said and no longer paid any attention to her as she wasn't a threat to him in any form. 

The new employee let out a sigh of relief after hearing what Davies had to say about her coffee. He hadn't shown any excessive interest in her, but at least he didn't dislike her coffee enough to fire her and kick her out on the first day, otherwise, she wouldn't even know where to cry.

She quickly left the dining hall as silently as she came in.

Shortly after, Davies had his breakfast laid on the table before him, courtesy of Daniella, who was now standing behind him, and a man in all black clothing except for a white shirt, standing before him.

It was time to find out what gave the people of his company the confidence to try to take over his things.

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