Davies walked into the central hall, leaving Daniel behind with the car. An old man wearing a suit came up to him as soon as he got through the doors, "Young master Davies, the family head asked me to lead you to the hall," he said with an impassive face.

'Did he really have to do that? I still remember the way,' Davies thought inwardly but maintained a straight face as he nodded to the old man. The old man turned around and started walking further inside the building at an unhurried pace while Davies followed him without a single word. They walked in absolute silence through the building until they came to a glamorously carved door leading to the meeting room.

Davies paused for a bit as he stopped at the door without going in yet, he wasn't nervous or anything, but on the other side of those doors were his uncle and a few other members of his family and going from his past experiences with this kind of situation, they were probably going to end up annoying him greatly… again.

"Ah shit, here we go again," He muttered as he pushed the door open and walked into the meeting room of the central hall. The place looked like a mini colosseum, there was an open space in the middle of the room that he was walking into while the rest of the room was heightened and that was where the other people sat.

'Whoever designed this place had watched too many animes…' Davies thought annoyed as he walked into the middle of the room with unwavering steps, not seeming to care for everybody who was looking down at him from their high seats.

The elder members of the Lake family, including the current family head, Hagen Lake, looked down at Davies as he walked into the room like he owned the place without bothering to show the slightest bit of respect. His attitude annoyed them, but they kept silent and did not point it out because of their plans.

'So, you're finally out of your hiding place huh? Little rat,' Hagen Lake thought scornfully as he looked at Davies, he wouldn't have entertained this meeting if not for the pressure from the other family members and also his greed.

"This feels like a trial," Davies commented as soon as he stepped into the middle of the room while staring straight at the elders.

"Of course not, why would we put the greatest genius of the Lake family on trial, especially when he hasn't done anything wrong," One of the elders said with a smile on his face and many of the other elders concurred with his statement as they gave their opinions and responses to Davies's statement.

"Hahaha, he truly is our Lake's family genius," another of the elders said,

"I wish the other youngsters had even just half of his talent," another of the elders added,

"Right, I always tell my grandson that he must become like you and then I will be able to die happily," an elder concurred.

The elders tried to warm up the atmosphere, but Davies could see through all their half-hearted comments and even their crappy attempt at flattery and as he didn't especially care to listen anymore, nor did he have the slightest bit of respect for any of the people in this hall, he interrupted their charade,

"Stop buttering me up, what exactly is it that you want from me that you had to interrupt me for this dead clown show?" Davies said calmly,

Veins popped out on the heads of the elders that were speaking earlier and some of them almost coughed up blood in anger at Davies's biting words, but they managed to keep their cool as Hagen spoke up for the first time since Davies walked in,

"Don't be like that, they are just happy to see you again after all these years," Hagen put an amiable smile on his face as he tried to lighten the mood.

"Oh… is that so… well, good to see you guys then, I'll be going now," Davies said nonchalantly and turned around to leave.


Hagen and the rest of the elders were dumbfounded at this development, but Hagen quickly shouted,

"... Wait!!!"

Davies paused and turned back, "what is it now… I already gave my appreciation at your wanting to check on me, right?" he said with a raised eyebrow and annoyance written all over his face.

"We'll have someone bring you a seat so we can discuss," Hagen was saying, but the temperature of the room suddenly lowered as Davies released some of his mana to form an icy throne that he sat in comfortably and placed his head on his fist as he looked at them coldly,

"No need, what is it you want to discuss?"

At this point, almost all the elders had issues keeping their smiling faces at Davies, since all he had done since he had come here was play around with them.

He had not only not shown them any form of respect, but now his haughty look as he looked at them as if they were beggars, infuriated them to no end, but they still did not snap, though their smiling faces looked extremely ugly.

"We could not help but notice that the company that you had set up back then has grown quite large and now it requires a lot of hard work and attention from you,"

"So, we thought to help you take on the burden of running the company as we think that you as a young man should not be tied down by such obligation and should be able to enjoy your youthful life," Hagen Lake proceeded to say, self-righteously.

[... Hey Davies, are your family members idiots?] Miya asked incredulously,

[Or did they forget that you're not the same 10-year-old Davies Lake, that they used to know 12 years ago]

'...I don't even know,'

'… I mean, there's stupidity... and then there's that,' Davies also couldn't believe what they said.

"So, what you mean to say is err… I should sign over my multi-billion worth company to you guys, so I can do… youthful things," Davies said like it was the most stupid thing he had ever heard, but the Lake family elders seemed to not have picked up on the heavy sarcasm dripping from that sentence as they were nodding their heads meaningfully.

"Yes, leave the hard work to us older generation and you can focus more on enjoying your youthful life," Hagen Lake said, still sounding very self-righteous like he was willing to go through heaven and hell just so Davies can "enjoy his youth".

[Yup, they're idiots]

[With a family full of idiots like this, where did your smartness come from… oh wait, you're transmigrated] Miya was saying in his head, but Davies ignored all her comments.

"Do you guys' care for me that much?" Davies asked with a touched look on his face as if their "good intentions" were clear to him.

"Of course, as a family we mu…" Hagen Lake began to say, thinking they had gotten through to Davies,

"16 times" Davies cut in.

"Huh? 16 times?" Hagen asked, confused at what Davies was saying.

"16 times, that was the number of attempts made at my life… and that was after 24 attempts to kidnap me after I began to be called a genius when I was just 8 years old," Davies said coldly.


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