Davies had waited in the parking lot of the elaborately glamorous building before a red Cerrari drove into the parking lot and parked in the free spot beside Davies's Ventley Conraverse.

  A beautiful redhead stepped out of the car in a beautiful evening gown that didn't hamper the movement of its wearer.

"You're late," Davies said to Fiona as he stepped out of his car to meet her. 

"No, you early," Fiona answered back as she was pretty sure that there were still at least ten minutes till the appointed time for their meeting.

  "I'm never early or late, the party only starts after I get there... so, you're late, Davies countered, leaving Fiona stunned at his way of thinking, but then she realized that in a way, he was kinda right.

Though there had been no previous record of Davies gracing any person's occasion with his presence, with the absurdly high level of clout and fame that came with his name, it was right to say that there were only a few people that dared to start an occasion if he had been invited, but not yet present, lest it is taken as disrespectful, and no one wanted to be seen as disrespectful when it came to someone like Davies Lake.

"Are you coming or not?" Davies asked while looking back at Fiona who had stopped in place after he spoke to her.

'Was what I said that shocking?' he wondered to himself after she simply stopped in place.

"Maybe her brain short-circuited?" Daniella who was standing beside him in her disguise as Daniel, his bodyguard and personal assistant, asked him with a pondering look on her face.

Fiona who had been brought out of her thoughts by Davies's words now had her face turning red because of what Daniella had said, but she didn't react violently as she had no idea who the handsome guy in a suit was to Davies and she'd rather not overstep her bounds.

"May I have the pleasure of knowing who this handsome gentleman is?" She spoke eloquently, deciding to find out who Davies's companion was.

"Ah, sorry, I forgot to introduce you," Davies thought and slightly tapped his forehead.

"This is Daniel... My literal right hand," he said with a little laugh,

"I hope you don't mind his presence, I go everywhere with Daniel," he continued, his words seeming to ask for her permission, but the tone of his voice sounded like he didn't care what she thought, and in reality, he didn't care much.

Fiona nodded to his words with a smile, but inwardly she was thinking, 'What right hand isn't there when his master gets shot?' 

If Davies knew what she was thinking, he would have told her that he had gone out alone that day because he had given Daniella prior tasks, and he also wanted some time alone to think, hence why he was alone, but since he didn't know her thoughts, he couldn't correct her wrong impression of Daniel.

Even if he knew that she had a wrong impression of Daniella, he wouldn't care, and neither would Daniella. He was too lazy to care and Daniella simply wouldn't care either, especially with her apathetic attitude which was very similar to his.

She had taken after him in the temperament department.

In the end, the three of them walked into the building together, Davies and Daniella not saying another word as they listened to Fiona rambling on about what she knew about the establishment, 'Diamonds In The Rough', but everything she said was things Davies and Daniella already knew, they had done basic research of the place before coming here after all... Or Daniella had done the research and told Davies her findings.

As soon as they walked into the building, making it past the security checks, a beautiful female attendant walked towards them with a smile.

Employees of big, luxury establishments like 'Diamonds In The Rough' knew the faces of especially rich and powerful people, and it seemed that the attendant walking towards Davies's group had recognized Fiona Lecroy, even though she didn't know who the two handsome men accompanying her were, but for them to be accompanying her, they had to be worthy of her respect.

"Hello, Miss Lecroy," the beautiful attendant began with a welcoming smile.

"Are you here to look for some beautiful rare-grade power stones, or are you more tilted towards the excitement of the stone gambling zone?" The beautiful woman continued, saying all of that in a breath without a pause, showing her experience at her job.

"We're looking to buy your most beautiful, rare-grade power stones, none of that stone gambling shit," Davies quickly replied in the place of Fiona as he was feeling slightly hurried. 

He wanted to see if there were ways to upgrade his security systems against other unwelcome visitors who were looking to borrow some of his technology without having any plans to return it, so he wasn't looking to waste time on something as stupid as stone gambling.

His reply came off as rude, but he didn't care, and the attendant didn't have the nerve to point that out to a companion of the young miss of the Lecroy family, though even if Fiona wasn't there, she still wouldn't point it out as Davies handsome face gave him handsome guy privileges with girls so he never had to care about how he spoke to them.

Fiona was also surprised at Davies's words, but not because she thought he was rude, rather it was because he had said that they were looking to buy the most beautiful, rare-grade power stones. 

There was no way her account would be able to take on the burden of buying such a thing even if she was the heir apparent to the Lecroy Family's power and wealth.

To understand her surprise, one needs to know the price range of power stones per grade.

Low-grade power stones usually cost between ten thousand powerstone dollars, to forty thousand powerstone dollars.

Medium-grade power stones usually cost from above a hundred thousand powerstone dollars, to half a million powerstone dollars.

The lowest price for a rare grade power stone was at least a million powerstone dollars, and the highest price of a rare grade power stone could reach a hundred million powerstone dollars, depending on its size, rarity, and the type of mana present inside of it.

Top-grade mana stones could be sold for a price between a hundred million powerstone dollars, and five hundred million powerstone dollars.

As for starlight-grade power stones... They were hardly ever even found, and whenever they were found, they were either kept by the organization that managed to find it if they were powerful enough, otherwise, they would be auctioned off, and the starting bid of a starlight-grade power stone was at least a billion powerstone dollars.

What Davies had mentioned was the most beautiful, rare grade power stone that the 'Diamonds In The Rough' would have, so we are looking at a rare grade power stone with a price of at least fifty million powerstone dollars.

There was no way she could afford to spend that kind of money even if she had it, and she didn't even have it, but for Davies who wouldn't blink even if he had to participate in a bidding war for a starlight grade power stone, and would probably win the bidding war, he didn't even bother to think about the price for a mere rare grade power stone.

'How much could it cost anyway?' This was Davies's thoughts whenever he wanted to buy anything. He had never had to bother with something as mundane as thinking about his budget in this reincarnation.

"So, that is what the esteemed guests are looking to buy!" 

"Please follow me to the top floor," the woman responded with perfect professionalism and turned to lead the way.

"Well, what are you waiting for, go on," Davies had to prompt Fiona, who had slipped into deep thoughts once again.

Davies's voice finally made Fiona realize that there wouldn't actually be a problem even if their objective today was to buy every single power stone in the building, after all, the wealth of Davies Lake encompassed all of that.

He could even buy the whole organization and not blink, and luckily he was the one who had followed her to buy the rare-grade power stone today.

Fiona hastened her steps until she was walking almost shoulder to shoulder with the attendant who was leading them, leaving Davies and Daniella behind as they wondered what was wrong with this girl that she kept falling into deep thoughts.

'Is something really wrong with her head?' Daniella wondered with a glance in her direction before she looked in Davies's direction, wanting to ask the question out loud, but thinking it would be thought of as tactless by her master, she decided to keep quiet.

What she didn't know was that Davies had the same exact same question as she was floating around inside of his head, but he purposely did not mention it as he didn't want to make a girl he was trying to woo, feel bad about his words as he knew that saying such a thing would be pushing the line.

Even though he was especially handsome, a girl like Fiona had seen no shortage of handsome faces, even though not one of the faces she had seen was probably anywhere near as handsome as his.

In the lead, the attendant looked at Fiona and asked after realizing that she still didn't know what to address Davies with,

'Miss Lecroy, how do I address this young gentleman?' she asked, referring to Davies

"Davies Lake," Fiona answered without much thought, her mind still half covered with errant thoughts.

It was why she had not bothered to think much of how her answer would cause a scene.

Immediately a gasp could be heard from the attendant.

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