Chapter 123 CHAPTER 123: "I GOT HERE FIRST"

Davies had inadvertently had a smile appear on his face when he had discovered a rare-grade power stone that was capable of attracting his interest, but just a few seconds after, the smile disappeared like it had never been present and was replaced with an annoyed look on Davies's face.

The cause of the disgruntled expression on Davies's face was a young, fair-looking Asian youngster who was eyeing with a fervent gaze, the rare-grade power stone that had managed to catch Davies's interest.

As previously said, Davies was very possessive towards anything that had ever managed to catch his eye, regardless of whether it was in his possession yet or not, but seeing Lee Jung appear to have an interest in the rare-grade power stone that he was also interested in, his possessive mentality soared to heights he never knew possible and he could have sworn that he felt a phantom hand on his heart, squeezing it and almost making him lose his breath at just the thought of losing the power stone to Lee Jung.

He began to make his way towards where Lee Jung stood talking with another attendant, and as soon as he arrived close enough, he didn't even bother to listen to what Lee Jung was saying to the attendant and just directly barged into the conversation, ignoring Lee Jung and speaking directly to the attendant,

"I'll be taking the stone, wrap it up for me," Davies said to the attendant that Lee Jung was speaking to.

Lee Jung was firstly stunned that someone had immediately tried to something he had been planning to buy, but immediately he recovered from the shock he became livid at the fact that someone tried to steal what rightfully belonged to him(dumb protagonist mentality).

Just because he had wasted a little time flirting with the beautiful attendant did not give anybody the right to come and take it, he was going to buy it anyway, these were the thoughts of Lee Jung as he reached for the vaguely familiar back that had tried to steal the rare grade power stone that he wanted to buy from him.

As Lee Jung's hand was about to grab the shoulder of the annoying interference, a hand swept towards his hand and slapped his hands away before he could touch the shoulders of the interference as he called it.

"Get your hands away from the young master," Daniella said to Lee Jung with a cold look after slapping his hand away.

Fiona and the attendant were looking at Daniella with mild shock on their faces because they hadn't managed to notice when Daniella moved away to reach where Davies was and swat Lee Jung's hand away before it could reach Davies's shoulder.

"I'll have to ask that you not use mana within the premises," the attendant who led the group to the top floor, said to Daniella with a professional look, immediately after recovering from the shock at Daniella's sudden movement, she couldn't just let anybody run wild inside of the establishment's premises.

"When you upgrade your security enough to not let dogs in, then I can adhere to that request," Daniella replied to the attendant with the same cold look she had given to Lee Jung just seconds before.

It did not take a translator to get the meaning of her words to both parties that she meant her words to. For the attendant, it was obvious that he(she) was less than pleased that someone had tried to grab Davies roughly by the shoulder, and for Lee Jung, it was clear that she thought of him as little more than a dog, and his face turned red in anger at the blatant disrespect.

Davies, on the other hand, didn't bother to react to the things that were happening behind him even though he stayed attentive to everything that was happening. 

He believed that Daniella would be able to take care of everything that could happen, even embarrassing Lee Jung as her words were always unusually sharp, thus he focused on his part, which was buying the moon-colored rare-grade power stone.

"Hurry up, what are you dawdling for?" he said sharply to the attendant that was supposed to be helping him pack up the damn thing but was looking lost at the ongoing situation behind him. Even he wasn't looking back, and he was the cause of this whole fiasco so why was the dumb attendant looking around like a lost and confused puppy?

"I- uh- well…" Even after her attention was called back to Davies, she still didn't know what to do as the whole situation had unnerved her, and she didn't know whether to pack up the stone for Davies who had just arrived and wanted to buy the power stone, or for Lee Jung who also intended to buy the stone.

Davies did not really look the part, but the aura he gave off was telling her that she could not offend him and expect to go scot-free, while Lee Jung on the other hand… she didn't know much about him, but she felt like she should choose him over Davies at the moment.

"You look like you're new to this whole thing," Davies spoke as he could see the hesitation in her eyes,

"So let me tell you how this normally goes…" he continued and then paused,

"When the greatest person you're ever going to meet in your short and miserable life, which is me… comes into your place of work and tells you he wants the most expensive thing in the damn building, and that you should pack it up,"

"You move that ass of yours, and do exactly as I say and pack. that. shit. up," 

"Are we clear?" Davies said in a cold tone with his eyes glowing due to his mana.

"Y-Yes," the girl was stuttering due to being exposed to Davies's cold mana and did not have the luxury to pay attention to his narcissistic way of speaking.

"I can't hear you," Davies said in a stern voice.

"YES!" the attendant said in a louder voice, not even conscious of what she was doing, her instincts had taken over at this point, and was no longer paying attention to the urging that tried to make her favor Lee Jung over Davies.

Fiona, Lee Jung, the attendant that had led Davies's group here as well as the other customers on the floor were looking at the situation completely stunned.

Why did it seem like a superior was teaching his subordinate how to do things, sure the superior seemed like an annoyingly narcissistic person, but apart from the fact that his handsome face gave him permission to be as narcissistic as he liked, no one could deny the aura of authority in his voice as he spoke.

Even though he didn't speak loudly, his voice could be clearly heard all across the floor and they all subconsciously felt the desire to follow his orders, yet he wasn't even speaking to them.

"Well, chop chop, that beauty isn't going to pack itself up, you know?" Davies spoke again, turning his eyes back to the moon-colored beauty that had taken his interest away.

At this point, the attendant almost saluted in response before going to look for a package to pack up the power stone.

"Wait!!!" a loud voice rang through the ears of everyone on the scene,

"I got here first and wanted to buy it first, so why is he the one that gets it," Lee Jung cried out with an indignant look, looking like a kid who just had his fire-truck toy stolen.

"Huh? I didn't quite catch that," Davies finally turned to look behind him.

"I said, I got here first an-" Lee Jung made to repeat himself but Davies interrupted before he had even gone halfway,

"So?" Davies asked.

"What?" Lee Jung was stunned.

"What exactly is your point? Like, what exactly are you getting at?" Davies asked to clarify.

"I-I was here first," Lee Jung began to say again, repeating the same sentence like he was a broken record.

"It doesn't matter if you were here first, you didn't buy it when I wasn't here and now I want to buy it, so what is the problem,"

"Matter of fact, can you even buy it? Do you even have an idea of how much this thing costs?" Davies countered.

"Just for clarity, how much is this thing anyway?" Davies turned to one of the attendants and asked.

"Uh… It's ninety-five million power stone dollars," the attendant turned private and quickly replied to the drill sergeant(Davies).

The mouth of all the people listening would have dropped if they hadn't expected it to cost that much, after all, it was the most expensive piece in the building after, but that didn't mean they weren't shocked by the mere mention of the price. 

Most of the people here were not here to spend more than a few million, and something that was worth almost a hundred million was way out of their budget.

"Oh, it's cheap, yayy," Davies said with a little mirth.

This time the mouths of the onlookers dropped in shock. 

Who was this nouveau riche that dared to call something that was almost a hundred million powerstone dollars cheap?

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