"Money can't do everything," Lee Jung spoke sagely to Davies.

"I respectfully disagree… and I can prove you wrong," Davies replied with a bright smile as it was finally time to enact the second stage of his plan to stop Lee Jung from being able to buy a single stone to be eligible for the competition.

After all, the best way to prevent himself from losing to a protagonist was to make sure that the protagonist wasn't even in the competition… and that was exactly what he was going to do.

"How are you going to do that? Lee Jung asked with intrigue, wondering what Davies meant by proving him wrong.

"Like this,"

"Daniel, tell the Imperial Yorkshire bank to freeze Lee Jung's account because he is under investigation for suspicious transactions," Davies called out to Daniella with a very interesting smile on his face.

Immediately these words left his mouth, it was like an explosion rang out in the atmosphere, an explosion of silence.

It was almost like Davies saying, "If you think what I did before was shocking, then check this out," with a shit-eating grin on his face. His previous actions had made people gasp and think "Here is another crazy dude with too much money to spend," but this…

They could only open their mouths with gaping expressions as this was beyond anything they had ever expected or even thought of happening, but amid their silence, the cry of the afflicted one rang out,

"You can't do that!" 

"It's not true!"

"You can't do something like that!"

"The bank wouldn't even listen to you!" Lee Jung's well-kept cool head and mocking attitude evaporated instantly, and he began rambling.

As Daniella took up her phone to follow his orders, Davies turned to Lee Jung, 

"First of all, I can do that, after all, I own the bank," Davies spoke with his arms wide.

"Case proven, I can do anything I want with money," he added mockingly.

"..." Lee Jung was about to speak in disagreement when he remembered that from what had occurred earlier, Davies could be right.


"That's a false accusation so you don't have a reason to freeze my account," Lee Jung almost screamed as he realized the implication of what was about to happen.

"You… don't seem to understand the way these things work, do you?" Davies spoke with a look that showed surprise at Lee Jung's ignorance of these kinds of things.

"It doesn't matter whether the accusation I made is true or false, all that matters is if I can do whatever I can simply because I can…"

"But speaking concerning that, you were merely a valet at Imperium just two weeks ago, but now you have over a hundred million powerstone dollars inside of your account, as well as assets worth almost three billion powerstone dollars,"

"... Don't you find it a little suspicious, especially since there was a recent attempt to steal Imperium tech, hmmm?" Davies spoke, his gaze turning sharp as he spoke the last sentence.

All the onlookers were shocked at the interesting pieces of news that just got revealed by Davies. 

It was more than shocking to be nothing but a mere park valet and then just over two weeks later, such a person has a wealth of almost three billion. If someone said it was a case of great luck and hard work, any sane person would call "bullshit!" in the person's face as such a thing arose way too much suspicion, after all, such a thing was impossible by normal means.

The over a hundred million in liquid cash that he had didn't cause that much suspicion as it could be explained to be a fortuitous encounter, for example, he could have won the lottery or found a high-value material due to good luck and sold it, thereby earning that much money, but the almost three billion assets had no way to be explained as one did not simply gain assets worth that much like they were fruits on a tree to be harvested by just anyone.

With these kinds of thoughts going through their minds, everyone's gaze on Davies turned suspicious, especially since Davies had mentioned that there was a recent attempt to steal Imperium Technologies Tech.

'This bastard couldn't have sold out information about Imperium Technologies, right?' this was what everyone, but Davies and the old president was thinking. Davies obviously knew that there was no way Lee Jung had enough information about Imperium Technologies that could be worth selling for three billion dollars, he had just said it as a ruse and to make people have suspicions about Lee Jung's sudden wealth so the rich and powerful people that could end up becoming his allies became wary of him.

The old president, on the other hand, didn't think Lee Jung could be such a bad person just because he had previously saved his wife… but it wasn't clear whether something or someone was influencing his thoughts, so he didn't think badly of Lee Jung.

Though one of Davies's reasons for saying all he had said earlier was to make people suspicious of Lee Jung once news of this event spread, the major reason was something else.

He glanced at Daniella out of the corner of his eyes to see that she had put her phone back in her pocket, indicating that she had given Davies's orders to whichever upper management of the Imperial Yorkshire bank that she had managed to get a hold of.

Davies relaxed a little, but he didn't let go of his tense breath as he couldn't be sure that the orders had been carried out yet. This was why he had spoken and had chosen his words carefully to prevent Lee Jung from being able to move abruptly. It was all to delay the idiot protagonist from focusing on what he should actually be doing, which was buying the stones that he needed for the stone gambling competition before his account actually got frozen.

It stands to reason that the account could not have been frozen immediately Davies had told Daniella that he wanted it frozen as she would have to call the upper management of the bank and pass on Davies's orders, and after receiving the orders, the upper management of the bank would in turn pass the orders to whoever was responsible for managing the accounts and the said person would then ensure that Lee Jung account was frozen.

All this would take some time, and this was exactly the time that Davies was trying to buy by engaging Lee Jung in an interrogative conversation that he wouldn't be able to run away from easily, lest people become even more suspicious of him than they already were.

"I didn't do such a disgusting thing!" Lee Jung obviously disagreed with Davies's statement that insinuated his supplying of information to someone who had tried to rob Imperium of some of its technology, even though he had been thinking of how he would steal the technology just an hour earlier.

And he was right, he wouldn't do something as disgusting as selling information about such an important technology when he could simply steal it and hoard it all to himself, so technically he wasn't lying.

"You of all people should know that there is no way that a valet like me would be able to have any information about Imperium Technologies, after all, you're Davies Lake, you own the damn place, and you probably created the security systems yourself, or are your security systems not as good as we all thought them to be," Lee Jung spoke, trying to push away the heavy accusation from off of his head, in his haste to do so, he willingly spoke about his past as a valet for Imperium Technologies though it was not something he liked talking about, the response of the crowd that had been watching the show was a deafening silence as he had inadvertently revealed Davies's identity to everyone who was watching the situation currently.

Earlier, Davies had only introduced himself as a representative of Imperium Technologies, and no one but the president, and the attendant who had initially attended to Davies's group, knew his true identity, so now that Lee Jung was revealing it, every eye in the crowd turned to the bespectacled, handsome, white-haired man who stood with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes and a wicked grin at the corner of his lips.

Unlike previously at the racing arena where Davies's identity had been revealed, the people that visited the Diamond's In The Rough, to buy stones, or for stone gambling, were more high-end and wealthier people who knew what the name Davies Lake represented, so imagine their surprise at meeting someone famous in both the world of business and of Megas, yet was elusive enough to not have been seen in the last twelve years.

Davies merely let out a sigh at what Lee Jung had done, but he didn't react much and simply moved on to his next line of questioning,

"While it is true that I own the place, and created the security systems personally, I can't say that it was uncrackable, after all, I did just mention an attempt had been successful and the culprit had actually managed to steal a fair bit of technology before he was apprehended…"

"So, I can't be perfectly sure of anything at this point," Davies bluffed brilliantly.

"Also, let's say I did believe you… would you be so kind as to explain to me how you were able to accumulate such a great amount of wealth in just two weeks… especially since you're not even an activated human?" he smiled as he asked the million-dollar question.

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