"If mana is a source of power for humans to display various powerful abilities, then why can't it be used as a source of power for other things?" Davies asked a simple question that for some reason the dumb adults around hadn't bothered to ask themselves, therefore not managing to see a glaring door that led to creative innovations.

This question was what paved the way for the floodgates of innovations that continuously flowed out from his brain. He had simply gone crazy while at the same time driving the world crazy with the feats he had achieved.

From finding a method with which to use mana to power technology, to inventing the first mana engine at just the age of 9 had thrown humanity as well as the other races that were in the know about various occurrences in other races though there was no need for them to be in the know to find out, the things he had done at his age were just that attention seeking.

He hadn't just shown an innovative and creative mind, but also gone on to shock the world once more with his inborn talent for human evolution by acquiring at least one S-rank blessing at his blessing of the cataclysm ceremony when he was ten.

People weren't clear on how much power he had or the exact type of blessing he had achieved as he had disappeared shortly after the ceremony, never to be seen for the next twelve years after that. All they knew was that he was quite powerful as he had managed to survive through a mission gate without many injuries just after he once again appeared to the world.

"Someone like Davies Lake is not just above our pay grade, he's above our level of understanding,"

"It'd be better to know your place and to act as such… that is if you still have any plans of surviving in Yorkshire city," the female head of security left her final words of advice to her subordinate before returning to her usually stoic face and sending someone to check the invitation of the next visitor who was now waiting to be let into the estate.

Davies simply followed the road, not knowing what had transpired behind him, and even if he knew, he would not do anything about it, he was beyond being hurt by the words of extras who were not even on the level of side characters in the turbulent series of event that was his life.

If he also heard their estimations and thoughts about his identity, he would simply chuckle and look away as while most of their estimations about his abilities were true, they were wrong about a lot of things.

For one, the reason why he was able to continuously spit out inventions was that as a reincarnator, he had seen quite a lot of things that no one could conceive with their minds in this world and all he had simply done was to recreate those things with his technological ability.

Normally there was no way one man could come up with so many inventions and ideas for ideas as no matter how smart one was, he could not continuously come up with so many innovative and useful ideas… emphasis on the useful.

The movies and comics lied… the human mind was not capable of continuously bringing out such groundbreaking inventions at the pace that Davies did without input from other creative minds, after all, inspiration was something that could dry up.

Davies hadn't run out of ideas because he had simply seen too much and he had time to think up other innovative ideas of his own without stressing his creativity and burning himself out… it was all due to him continuously plagiar-… ahem, borrowing technological ideas from other worlds to develop on Leivandage to make like better for everyone in the world.

It was all due to him being a selfless person… yup, that's all it was, no other ulterior motives were included.

Putting that away from his mind, he focused on the matters at hand as he drove up to a huge building that glaringly announced its presence even in the darkness of the night that had taken over from the dim evening light of before.

Davies drove towards the building that advertised itself as the venue for the banquet as it was the only building that has been decorated extravagantly and also was the only one where he could see human activity. He followed the tracks until he reached the front of the hall and stopped the car to get out as he already noticed the group of valets waiting at the side to do their job.

He and Daniella who had stopped behind him got out of their respective vehicles and handed over the keys of their vehicles to their cars to the valets, though Davies took the time to warn the valet who had come to drive Sierra to the car park, to be very careful with her, otherwise his life would be ruined by Davies if anything happened to her.

Unlike Lee Jung who was protected by fate, this particular valet had no one to rely on so it was guaranteed that Davies would be able to make good on his words to ruin his life if he messed up while trying to park Sierra.

After giving the valet a warning, he walked up the stairs towards the hall and entered the hall after the doors had been pulled open by the strong-looking men who were manning the door.

Davies had held the golden envelope that had his invitation in his hand just in case it was requested once more before he was let into the hall, but it wasn't required so he put it into one of the pockets present on the inner surface of his overcoat, thinking to himself that he shouldn't have bothered with bringing it along, but since he hadn't known, he had had to bring it along just in case.

He and Daniella entered the hall without anyone shouting out his name, after all, they weren't in some fantasy world where important people's names were shouted upon their entrance into a party… well, it was a fantasy world, but it wasn't that kind of fantasy.

Upon their entry into the hall, Davies realized that the main character of the banquet as well as the side character that had invited him weren't present in the hall yet, which was probably why he hadn't been personally received by her.

"Seemed we were a bit early," Davies muttered in a voice only he and Daniella could hear as they walked further into the hall, passing by people who were already present in the hall and were already conversing freely amongst themselves while helping themselves to some drinks which were being carted around by people in waiter uniforms.

Normally, Davies wouldn't have been at this kind of occasion and even if he had come, he would never have come early as he wasn't very interested in fraternizing in a gathering where asses and boobies were ever present in the environment… 

'Wait…' he suddenly realized that these kinds of parties weren't bad as there were asses and boobies ever present here as well, and they were even of the high-strung women who liked putting on airs.

Davies especially liked conquering high-strung women. It always gave him some kind of derisive joy to make a woman who always put on airs and acted like some sort of ice queen moan beneath him and have all their attitude disappear due to the kind of pleasure he made them experience while being ministered to by his hands and junior Davies… though with the size it had, he should be calling it senior Davies, but since that would mess up the seniority, he would stick to calling it junior for now.

'Damn… is that the kind of fetish I have?' he suddenly realized that he also had an interesting fetish.

[Oh my God, if I started acting like a cold CEO, would you have the hots for me?] Miya asked in the spirit of making fun of him.

'While you aren't a figment of my imagination, you still exist inside my head…'

'I can do a lot of things to you in there…' he replied snarkily, stunning Miya into silence as this wasn't the kind of reply she was expecting. She more or less expected him to laugh it off, but she didn't know that he would answer her like this.

[You would even sleep with a system's interface inside of your mind…] she spoke incredulously, but her tone also sounded suspicious.

'I've slept with the queen of the greatest country in the world before… this of all things shouldn't shock you if I actually intended to sleep with you as well,' Davies laughed at her shock.

Now that he thought about it, sleeping with powerful women was one of the things that never failed to gain him enemies, especially since most of them had husbands, and even if they weren't married, they had tons of powerful admirers who wouldn't take kindly to having the woman of their dreams moaning like a hoe under the pleasure of another man's cock.

[No wonder protagonists were always the least of your problems] Miya had finally stumbled upon the discovery of why the world was almost always after Davies's life in every one of his transmigrations.

Compared to those distant memories that she had seen inside Davies's mind, she realized that he had been holding himself from acting on all of his desires in this transmigration.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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