*Davies POV*

"Was it really wise to beat him up like that?" Daniel asked as soon as I stepped into the car.

"Don't worry about it. Megas have a very strong life force, he'll live," I said whimsically as I sat down and settled in before shutting the door.

"I meant; wouldn't the Lake family make more trouble for you after this?" Daniel asked again as he put the car in gear and began to drive away from the location of the fight.

"I don't really care about that right now, but make sure to call them and tell them to pick up their dog… while Megas do have a strong life force, he's definitely going to die if no one takes care of his wounds,"

"Just make sure that nobody else but the Lake family comes to disturb me about this issue," I said as I went back to looking outside the window at the scenery.

"Yes, sir," Davies acknowledged my orders and took out his phone to begin to make the necessary calls.

"More importantly, schedule a gate for me immediately, releasing my killing intent twice already today has made my hands quite itchy. I need to punch something," I complained as Joshua was a total waste of a punching bag, he couldn't even take a few hits.

"Arrange it with the League from the company, tell the main squad to meet me at the reserved gate, might as well see their worth and look for anybody interesting," I sighed as I thought it through.

'Since today is already messed up and I can't laze around, might as well get some work done while killing monsters.'

*1st POV*

Isekai Night club, one of the more famous chill spots known to many people, weebs and otakus alike, is well a famous recreational spot regularly visited by influential people like Truck-kun, was currently abandoned and almost devoid of people.

The reason for that was the pulsing mass of green-colored mana (the gate) that hovered about forty centimeters above the ground in the car park just behind the club.

Around the gate had become a place as rowdy as a construction site as different sorts of people stood a little distance away from the gate. The gate cleaners were present; they were the people that took care of bringing out the gate inhabitants(monsters) that had been killed, there were also the miners whose job was to mine out any precious stones or crystals that might be found in the gate, even the press was present as the gate's appearance was quite recent, or more specifically, it only showed up barely an hour ago, yet it was already booked for clearance by the Imperium Technologies affiliated league, The Imperium Troops.

Out of the whole crowd of people, a particular group of 7 stood out among the rest, they were the Megas that had been dispatched to take care of the gate and now they were just waiting for the person who had requested their presence here, Davies himself.

"Is it true that the big boss of Imperium Technologies would be following us into the gate?" a black-haired boy with a smaller-than-average physique named Arnim, asked the rest of the group.

"That is what we were told, but it seems he originally requested the A-squad, but since they were already in a gate, we were sent here instead," another member of the group replied Arnim, this time it was a brown-haired, busty beauty in long robes that weren't able to hide her shapely figure. Her name was Teresa.

"I don't know what he wants to get into a gate for… he better not drag us down." This time it was a 6ft burly man with golden blonde hair that spoke.

"It is rumored that he has at least one S class blessing, so he's probably stronger than you think… and even if he wasn't, he's one of the richest people in Yorkshire and he's the one bankrolling our League, one word of his could end you... literally,"

"So be careful with what you say around him," cautioned Teresa as she listened to her comrade that didn't sound pleased with Davies following them into the dungeon.

"I wonder what he looks like?" a beautiful girl with blue hair so dark it could be considered black asked, she was a 5ft 6 Asian beauty, and she also wore big round-rimmed glasses.

"Is that the only thing you should be thinking about?" Arnim asked with a wry smile,

"Of course, he could be Tisha's knight in shining armor," the blue-haired glasses girl replied indignantly with a pout, referring to herself.

Her comrades were about to reply to her when they noticed a limited edition Vently Conraverse driving into the car park before coming to a halt.

**Inside the Ventley**

"We're here, Mr. Lake," Daniel said to Davies who still sat in the back seat while looking at the situation outside.

"I was not able to get the first squad of the league as they were already in a gate, but the B-Squad of the Imperium would be following you into the gate instead," Daniel told Davies.

"The B-Squad huh? Aren't they the ones being specially groomed to be able to match up with the first squad?" Davies asked,

"If so, they must have quite the talent," he continued.

"Yes, you could check to see whichever one catches your eye," Daniel said as he sent a file containing their information to Davies.

Davies used his car's inbuilt holographic system to display their files, "First, the healer is this kid," Davies said as the picture of Arnim came up,

"He has the B-rank blessing "Re-do of a healer", though despite the skill being only B-rank, it's quite the healing skill as he has a manageably large mana pool to boost its healing capabilities," Daniel recited from memory as he already read their files.

"What about this one?" Davies said as he waved his hand, and a picture of Teresa came up.

"Teresa Markovic, she has the elemental type A-rank blessing, "Sylph's kiss", she can control winds and is quite versatile in her usage of her blessing," Daniel replied.

"Well, she is quite the beauty, I'll keep an eye on this one… and this one?" Davies commented before switching the picture once again and this time it fell on the burly guy with golden blonde hair.

"Anthony Joshua, A-rank weaponizer type blessing, "Rising of a Shield Hero", he can take a lot of hits and fulfills the role of the tank very well, he is also the captain of the B-squad," Daniel continued briefing Davies.

"Sakura Kyojuro, A-rank weaponizer type blessing, "Cursed Sword: Muramasa", she has a very great talent for the sword," Daniel continued as Davies changed the picture to a pink-haired girl.

"Damn… she's flat…" Davies commented as his eyes wandered to unspeakable places.

"Focus, Mr. Lake,"

"Next is Jack Ryan, B-rank weaponizer type blessing, "Jack the Ripper", he's very agile and is good at sneak attacks," Daniel continued explaining after Davies switched to another picture of a member of the B-squad. Jack was a green-haired teenager with a creepy smile on his face.

'He looks crazy…' Davies thought inwardly but didn't voice it out loud as he instead switched the picture again to the next person. The next person was another guy who looked to be in his early twenties with black hair and black eyes on his mildly handsome face.

"Jonas Edge, B-rank Transmorpher type blessing, "Lightning cat", he's fast, and he's dangerous," Daniel stated bluntly.

"Finally, the last one," Davies sighed as this status report was taking too long in his opinion, but he still decided to listen, as nothing can beat information, '… someone once said, know your enemy and you do not need to fear the outcome of a hundred battles… but even though I always made sure I knew my enemies, I have always lost… until now,'

'... but it's still better to have information than to be ignorant…' he sighed again and waved his hand switching to the last member of the B-Squad.

The picture changed and a girl's picture appeared next; a beautiful dark blue-haired Asian beauty. Standing at 5ft and 6 inches, she had a perfectly proportionate body where her assets weren't oversize, but the perfect size for her body and perfectly shaped as well, she wore a slightly dumb but innocent smile on her face.

"Cute…" both Davies and Daniel said at the same time as their eyes fell on the picture of the girl.

"Oho… did my little Daniel fall in love at first sight?" Davies said with a smirk as he looked at Daniel's stupefied face.

"Huh… No! What do you mean?! I'm not g…" Daniel began to stammer as he heard Davies's remark.

"Don't worry about it, I'm not judging…" Davies cut in with a knowing smirk.

"Whatever…" Daniel calmed himself down and shrugged off Davies's attempt to tease him.

"Anyway, she is Tisha Nancy, S-rank blessing. Her blessing falls somewhat in the categories of an elemental type, but since she doesn't control an element per se, it's more a special type blessing." Daniel began to recite what he knew about her to Davies.

"What exactly is her blessing?" Davies asked, his interest piqued.

"The blessing is called "X", and the abilities are something like telekinesis and barrier creation of sorts, but there seems to be more to her powers than that," Daniel further explained.

"Well, I wouldn't find out anything by staying in here, right?" Davies pushed open the door of the car and got out, before turning in the direction of the B-squad of Imperium Troops, and making his way toward them, not caring for the press that began to take pictures of him as soon as he got down from the car.

Davies walked up to the group and stopped right in front of them before asking, "Who's your captain for today?"

Though the question was quite a bit unexpected, Anthony Joshua answered, "I am the captain of this squad,"

"Wrong answer," Davies said as soon as Anthony stopped talking, and then turned towards the gate before continuing to speak,

"For today, I'm the captain of your sorry bunch… please mess up," Davies said as he turned back to them with a smile on his face, but that smile sent shivers through everyone that was watching.

"Now, let's go," Davies turned towards the D-rank gate and began walking towards it. The B-Squad watched him, still in a stupor as they watched his back, but Tisha's voice brought them back to reality,

"Yahoo let's go!" she shouted in a happy voice and began to follow after Davies. The rest of the group followed suit and soon all of them disappeared into the gate.

But as soon as they entered the gate, the mana flowing from the gate spiked as chains materialized and wrapped themselves around the gate, blocking the gate.

"Oh shit! It's a mission gate!"

"Fate really is a bitch huh?" Davies said irritated as the status screen of everybody who had entered the gate with him, materialized.


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