[Well, yesterday I received a sudden influx of information concerning this new function of the system] Miya began her explanation.

[Even though you can't use the fate points that you've harvested from Lee Jung, there's a last line of defense that would activate should you ever face something that is beyond your capabilities to deal with and is potentially lethal] 

'Let me guess, there is a catch...' Davies spoke, already beginning to piece together the situation in his mind.

[Of course there's a catch, you don't expect the system to save your life free of charge, right?] Miya asked stupendously as if she couldn't believe what he was hearing.

'Figures...' Davies scoffed.

What did he expect from a system that didn't even give him the tools he'd need to accomplish the missions that he has been tasked with? 

The same stupid system that required him to kill a protagonist and survive the aftermath should he finish the mission in a wrong manner before he could even get the basic tools to kill the villains in the first place, obviously couldn't be kind enough to save his life free of charge.

'Tch... This stupid system,' he thought in annoyance.

[Anyway... The catch is you have to have enough fate points that can balance out the method that the system would employ to save your life] Miya continued like she hadn't heard all the bad things he had thought about the system as even she thought the system was a bit too much sometimes, even though she was the assistant interface that was built into the system.

She was like that employee that hated her job and sympathized with the customer(Davies) because even she knew how much of an asshole her boss(The System) was.

'What the fuck?!' Davies couldn't believe his ears. 

What kind of black-hearted policy was this? 

The system was literally saying that it could take as much of the fate points that he had struggled to harvest from the leeks... Ahem, protagonists, to try to save him.

He didn't mind the part where it would try to save him... What he did mind was that the system could literally take all his fate points no matter how much he had harvested under the pretext that it was trying to save him.

'What the hell!' 

This bastard system wasn't helping him the slightest bit and now it was telling him that it could simply throw him back to the starting line, should it so wish.

He was more than dumbfounded at the creator of this bastard system... If there was any. 

'How did anyone manage to create something so black-hearted and unhelpful?' he groaned in annoyance.

[Hey, do you wanna hear what I have to say or not?] Miya interrupted his internal outrage to ask if he was still interested or if should she just shut up.

'Sorry, please do go on,' he reigned in his annoyance and chose to listen completely before bursting forth with more cuss words.


[Like I was saying, the system would take an amount of the fate points that you had previously accumulated and then use it to influence the world around it to create circumstances around you that would help you to save your life]

[The it could be a direct help or a coincidence like what happened yesterday] Miya further explained.

'Coincidence my ass,'

'If what happened since yesterday could be counted as a mere coincidence, I'll eat my hat,' he thought apprehensively.

[You don't wear hats] Miya scoffed at his attitude.


'I don't believe that something like Melinda having a dual cultivation method that she apparently came across years ago can be classified as something as simple as a mere coincidence,' he immediately put out his point of view.

[When you put it like that, it does sound kinda convincing] Miya mused.

'What's the name of the so-called additional function?' Davies was suddenly overcome with curiosity and asked.

[Err... It's called "Destiny's Helping Hand"] Miya answered after going through the new information floating around inside her memory files.

'That's an ominous-sounding name if I've ever heard one...' Davies immediately felt a cold shiver run down his spine and for a split second he felt exposed like someone was watching him intently.

He had the urge to get up and look around due to the sudden discomfort, but he suppressed the sudden urge and stayed out, certain that it was just a fragment of his information.

But in reality, he knew that was just him sounding optimistic because he was pretty certain that he was probably being watched, but the one or ones watching him were beyond the scope of his imagination and he wouldn't be able to see or sense anything no matter how much he looked.

As for how he felt, or knew that he was being watched... Well, he wouldn't have been sent into world after world and then finally deposited in a death fight where everything was on the line, and then the person responsible for such a situation would then just ignore his situation.

That fucker probably had a bowl of popcorn in his lap as he watched Davies  fight for his life and his sanity at every given moment... Or Davies may have been wrong about the whole thing and his presence in this world could simply be a coincidence. 

This would mean that nobody had targeted him from the start and he was simply a victim of some bad circumstances, but Davies didn't want to believe that... Or rather he couldn't, otherwise, he would no longer have a goal and a person he hated so much he wanted to crush their soul in the slowest but cruelest way possible.

It may simply be him being a little stupid and short-sighted, but Davies wouldn't be able to deal with the thought that everything he had suffered through, the deaths, the betrayals, were all just due to some terrible coincidence. 

He may simply turn insane if he dared to think of that and risk losing someone to hate.

Also, he felt that the constant coincidental occurrences that repeated themselves in every single one of his lifetimes had to have been directed by someone whose ability was out of the scope of his thought level...maybe one of those so-called gods, otherwise it wouldn't make any sense.

For now, he put that thought aside and decided to focus on the new system function that was termed 'Destiny's Helping Hand'.

Seriously speaking, just from the effects and how Melinda saved him yesterday, which he now figured was because of the system, the name 'Destiny's Helping Hand' felt apt.

'Wait...' his eyes suddenly brightened in realization.

It was true that the name of the new system function was very apt with the situation that had occurred, but that in itself was too strange.

How did the system know that he would be shot by a poison dart that deteriorated his control over his mana, thereby slowly killing him and that a method of solving the poison was to get someone with opposing elemental abilities as he did to have a dual cultivation method that could be used to save him.

There were only two ways this situation was plausible... 

First, the whole thing about the system saving him was a sham and the system had simply decided to rip him off after he was saved by some absurd coincidences, or...

The system could actually see that far into the future that it was able to plan a way to save his life even years before the situation occurred.

Needless to say, if it was the first situation, he'd be so annoyed at the ruthless profiteering attitude of the system, but he had a feeling that it was the second situation and that was actually a very scary thought to think about to be honest.

Davies actually started to see the system in a new light... But if the system was so capable to be able to do something like this, then why in the hell was it unwilling to even give him basic abilities and tools with which he could easily go around the job of destroying the protagonist, but instead insisted on him killing one protagonist first before he would be able to access such basic abilities.

All in all, while his respect for the system's abilities and its means grew, so did his annoyance with the stupid thing, because now that he had seen an inkling of the abilities that the system had to offer, he had more reason to be annoyed that he didn't have such facilities at his fingertips yet.

Taking care of protagonists would be much easier if the system was willing to help them.

He wasn't asking for much, right?

Just what other transmigrators had on a platter of gold.

'Those other transmigrators are lucky bastards. They don't know what they get to enjoy for free while the great me has to first suffer so much just to get the basic abilities of my system,' he thought with annoyance.

Suddenly, he had a thought, if the system took as many fate points as it needed to plan his rescue, then it had probably taken a lot of fate points to save him this time, especially as it seemed that something no short of tampering with the timeline itself had been employed.

'Err... How many fate points did the system use to save me?' he asked sheepishly, a bit scared of the number he was probably going to hear.

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