Davies scoffed annoyedly after hearing that Lee Jung was somehow able to play the piano in an almost god-like manner just because his system had decided to freebies of things that other people had to sweat and go through mind-boggling training to attain.

What was even worse was that Lee Jung had probably never even seen a piano previously, not to mention touching it.

If there was one thing that Davies hated, it was people getting things that they didn't deserve… Lee Jung was a prime example of that. This was another of the reasons why they could never see eye to eye.

'Speaking of things he doesn't deserve… I think that high-level mana poison antidote would be more useful in the right hands… my hands,' he smirked evilly.

He had previously not attempted to take the antidote from Lee Jung due to various reasons, one of them being that he did not want to have to owe his life to a fated protagonist, but his life was no longer in danger… for now anyway, so he no longer had any reservations about 'acquiring' a useful resource that could also be a lifesaver.

As they always say, 'Every day for the thief, nothing for the owner…' should be how the saying goes… I think.

Since Daniella no longer had anything left to tell him about the previous night's banquet, he decided to have her check up on Lee Jung's location so he could think up a way to acquire the high-grade mana poison antidote.

He immediately told Daniella and she quickly brought out her phone to ask for the status report from the people who had been assigned the task of monitoring Lee Jung's movements. 

It didn't take long for her to receive a response. Unfortunately for Davies's plans, she came bearing bad news. Lee Jung had disappeared.

"Disappeared how?" Davies asked immediately after he heard.

"What do you mean he disappeared? He lives right down the street," he spoke stupendously as if he couldn't believe his ears. 

Lee Jung had somehow managed to acquire the land deeds for a house in a nearby location from where Davies's house was as this place was a high-value location in the city.

Also, by 'somehow acquiring', Davies meant, the system handed him another freebie.

Anyhow, back to the situation at hand,

"That's what the report says…"

"Apparently, they saw him come out of his house this morning with a duffel bag. He took a taxi and stopped at a mall and then he managed to escape their sights among the crowd at the mall," Daniella read out the reports that had been sent to her.

"Why am I just hearing this now?" Davies asked in annoyance, wondering if they had given themselves away and made him aware that he was being watched and thus decided to ditch them, or was it fate playing her nasty tricks again to interfere in his attempt to keep him under surveillance?

He wasn't sure which, but the truth remained that Lee Jung had now disappeared with his high-grade mana poison antidote and he did not know when or where he would appear again.

"The report says he just escaped their sights a few minutes ago and they were looking around to see if they could still spot him," Daniella continued, in defense of the people supposed to be monitoring Lee Jung's movement.

'Also, you were still receiving a massage when it happened, and you would probably have blasted the report to bits if someone disturbed you then,' she thought but didn't say that part out loud.

"So, it hasn't been long since he disappeared then?" Davies asked, his ears picking up that important piece of information.

"Yes… it has been less than thirty minutes since he escaped surveillance," Daniella responded.

"Nice…" Davies murmured and immediately called in his mind for the system interface to open up, selected his inventory, and pulled out a laptop from his inventory, as well as a few other essentials for what he was going to be doing.

He started up the computer and while it was still booting, he plugged in the USB drive that gave him a remote connection to his satellite.

Yes, it was the same one he used with the supercomputer on the 139th floor of the Imperium Building.

[Good Morning, Mr. Lake]

[How may I assist you?] Aida's voice came through the speakers of the computer, indicating that she was already functioning even before the computer was done booting.

Since the laptop that Davies was currently wasn't equipped with holographic technology, her holographic figure wasn't able to be displayed and she could only function by relying on Davies's voice commands or any instructions that he inputted into the computer.

Daniella didn't react strangely to hearing Aida's voice coming through the speakers of the speakers as it wasn't the first time she had heard it… as Davies's personal assistant, of course, she would know about his workshop assistant, otherwise what kind of a personal assistant would she be.

"Hey Aida," Davies responded to the cold-sounding tone of the A. I with a cold-sounding tone of his own, which would have sounded kind of awkward if either of the two of them had emotions.

Aida as nothing more than an amalgamation of 0s and 1s did not have emotions yet because Davies hadn't activated them yet and Davies's emotions had died long ago so neither of them felt any form of awkwardness in such a cold way of greeting each other.

Daniella on the other hand was a bit emotionally daft, so she did not notice, nor would she have cared if she did notice any awkwardness.

As soon as the computer finished booting and started up, Aida automatically bypassed the security of the computer, making it so that Davies wouldn't have to input any passwords or anything of the sort, which was a good thing as Davies had too many different computers to immediately remember the passwords of all of them. 

He was a genius, but even a genius's brain needs some rest from mundane things.

·ƈθm Immediately the homepage opened up, Davies immediately opened up a browser and began to work his fingers, not bothering to even check if there was an internet connection as he knew that the USB port that connected him directly to a satellite would definitely have a connection to the internet as that was how he made it, and even if by chance that part of the drive was malfunctioning, he knew that Aida would step up to take care of it. 

It was what having an assistant meant and was also why he had taken his sweet time to create something like her instead of making things that go "BOOM".

*Click* *Clack* 

*Clickity Clack* 

*Clackity Click*

His fingers danced across the keyboard as he worked his technological magic and by technological magic, I meant, hacking into every surveillance security camera city-wide. 

This was a very complex task that not many apart from him could do, and there was no one who could do it in as short a time as him… no, actually, there was one person who could.

To be more accurate… the person could not be called a person. It was Aida. Davies had incorporated such facilities into her program, and she was able to do something like this almost as easily as he could.

So, he could have left the job of hacking the security cameras to her, but he enjoyed the process of hacking and liked the finger exercise, he had to keep his fingers in tip-top shape for many other 'activities' after all.

It was not his fault that there weren't many methods to exercise his fingers anyway… he was innocent.

Soon he had finished the hacking process and clicked on the button "Enter" on the keyboard, bringing forth a loading screen. 

It was at this moment that he remembered that there were too many cameras in the city and it would be a waste of time to try to look through enough of them to be able to find Lee Jung with the small screen of the laptop.

Upon thinking this, he opened up his inventory and took out about five small metal balls with special markings across their little spherical bodies that glinted as he double-tapped each of them and threw them on the floor.

"Aida, connect to the five wireless holographic display balls," he gave a voice command to Aida who quickly responded.

[5 holographic display balls detected]

[Permission to connect granted]


With a dinging sound, the balls on the floor suddenly had a part of their spherical bodies slide open to display a strange-looking contraption that looked like an eye through which light shone and immediately the hologram of Aida's body materialized and a couple of seconds later, different sorts of screens appeared floating in the air and displaying different parts of Yorkshire city.

"Now let's see where you ran to, little mouse," Davies muttered with a smirk.

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