Since he had concluded that he could not currently focus on empowering himself, then he should focus on other things instead. 

For one... Which bastard had tried to kill him last night, and he knew where to start looking for answers? 

Since the Lecroy family megas hadn't been able to find anything, even though that was probably due to their incompetence, he thought... At least he wasn't planning to personally start looking around for clues, he wasn't some American investigator from the 80s, he had some self-respect and wouldn't do the work that was meant for the inferior people.

What he was going to do instead was to ask Melinda who could have any thoughts of even trying to attack her as it was pretty obvious that she was probably the originally intended target and they had only targeted him as an afterthought due to some reason.

He didn't need, nor did he care to know the reason why they did... What he did want, was to smash their heads in for even having the thought of trying to kill him... 

If they then decided to tell him the reason for their actions while they begged for their lives with his foot on their faces, then he wouldn't mind knowing, for curiosity purposes only, of course. 

"Daniella, I need you to find a way to cont-..." he was going to ask Daniella to find a way to contact Melinda when he suddenly remembered that she didn't have a working phone and he wouldn't want what he was going to ask her to get out... He didn't need people finding out that he had a very close relationship with her, or that someone had tried to kill them the night before.

Also, he wanted to see her personally... Due to 'other' reasons.

"Get me the address of Melinda Asheborne?" he said instead, earning a slightly raised eyebrow from Daniella as she wondered what her master wanted with this woman, but after remembering that Davies had probably spent the night with her since they had disappeared together, all her curiosity died out and was instead replaced with a different feeling that she could not show on her face.

She didn't say anything and quickly got to work finding the information that Davies wanted while Davies took this time to go and get dressed as he could obviously not go to meet her wearing a bathrobe, could he?

It did not take much time to get the home address of Melinda Asheborne, as she was one of the more high-profile citizens in the city and information about general things like that could not be really hidden or even hard to find.

Daniella lived up to her role of personal assistant and got the address in a few minutes just as Davies finished dressing up.

Davies had just started moving to his garage when he remembered that there was currently a blackout in the city which meant that everything on the roads was probably chaos right now.

The blackout would have affected traffic signals, the modes of transportation that used electricity, as well as a lot of other things and their absence would cause chaos to ensue on the roads.

'Maybe I should use a chopper?' the thought appeared in his head, but then quickly disappeared as he didn't want to do so much work.

He didn't want to have to walk back to the helipad on the roof.

"Well, hopefully, I don't run over somebody,"

"Nobody can blame me even if it does happen anyway..." he muttered and continued to the garage.

**Two hours later...**

**Inside a high-rise luxurious condo somewhere in Yorkshire City...**

On a huge queen-sized bed with bright bed covers lay a beautiful woman who was just waking up even though it was almost midday.

Her big beautiful eyes slowly pulled open and then they blinked beautifully a few times as she slowly escaped from the embrace of the goddess of sleep.

She turned over in her bed and did a little stretch on her bed, but suddenly felt a stinging, tingly feeling down between her legs that brought the memories of the activities that she had last night and had tired her enough to the point that she was still asleep until almost midday, rushing into her and beginning to turn her face red.

In an instant, she transitioned from a sleeping beauty to an awake and blushing beauty as she covered her face in a pillow as she remembered what she had done, but no matter how much she pressed the pillow to her face she couldn't rid herself of the embarrassment that she was feeling and her face was only blushing even harder every second that passed by.

Only after a few minutes of the memories replaying themselves in her head did she finally begin to calm her nerves that were flaring continuously with embarrassment a few seconds prior.

With deep, calming breaths, she muttered to herself,

"It was to save him... I had no other choice,"

"I couldn't just let him die..."I think you should take a look at

"After all, he tried to save me first..."

Suddenly her rapidly growing composite was thrown out the window immediately a thought appeared in her head.

'He wouldn't hate me because I forced him to sleep with me, right?'

This thought was all it took for every form of composure in her body to fly away from her grasp, leaving her a mumbling, embarrassed, overthinking, mess up of thoughts.

For a want of better words, she had literally forced herself on him even though she was trying to save him.

She knew because he had resisted her, but he hadn't been able to pry her off as she was a fully energized mega in the magazine stage(fourth stage), while he was a poisoned and weakened mega, so there was no way he could pry her off, especially when he had to avoid using his own mana and aggravating his own situation. 

Of course, later on, his body had begun to respond to her movements and he had even taken the lead, but she knew that was only the natural response of any man to sex.

Even though he had responded like that, she still couldn't get his of the thought that he might hate and avoid her after he woke up and remembered everything. 

"At least, he'd still be alive," she muttered as she realized that while it may be hurtful if Davies began to avoid her because of what happened, at least she had managed to save his life and that was the most important thing.

Of course, it would hurt to lose a friend... Or lover...

She wasn't even sure what they were now.

Amid all her thoughts, she had completely forgotten that she had given her purity to Davies, even though she had no thoughts of establishing any form of romantic relationship beforehand, meaning she had also lost something, but she didn't have time to put that to heart.

Such was the mind of a woman who cared... They forgot about the pain to themselves, or the things they lost in the process, and only thought about the well-being of their beloved.

Melinda as an older woman had even more of that natural instinct.

She didn't notice that at this point, she had already completely fallen for Davies, and she probably wouldn't notice until someone called it out for her to realize it... Unfortunately, there were only two people who knew about what had happened between them and either she realized her situation herself, or Davies let her know, and even he didn't know her mind.

Suddenly, she noticed something strange...

Her luxurious high-rise condo was a top-of-the-line apartment and was fitted with the best technology, which included motion sensors and even an artificial intelligence assistant that helped with the maintenance of the house so on a normal day, the motion sensors should have picked up the fact that she was awake, especially with all the trashing around that she had been doing in the bed as she rolled around with a pillow pressed to her face in embarrassment.

The motion sensors should have detected her awake status and should have pulled the windows open and also begun to play classical music, as were the instructions that she had given it, but so far there hadn't been any reaction from the home assistant system.

It was only due to the bedside digital clock that also functioned as an alarm clock that let her know that it was almost midday.

'Don't tell me the home assistant is busted,' she wondered as she slowly rose from the bed and pushed away the covers that were wrapped around her body.

After stepping off the bed, she did a few stretches in the dim room before moving towards where the windows were and pulling away the curtains, letting light come into the room and 

"Alexa, play some music," she called out to the AI hoping it still functioned by voice recognition as she glanced out at the city below, but there was still no response from her home assistant system.

At this point, she knew that something was wrong with the home A.I.

She didn't bother anymore and made her way out of the bedroom hoping to get a cup of tea, but after reaching the kitchen she received a huge shock.

Sitting on the counter, with a cup of tea in front of him and what looked like French toast, was the last man she wanted to see right now... Davies Lake.

"See who decided to wake up," he said with a smirk as he pushed a bit of his white hair away from his eyes.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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