Chapter 168 168: KIDNAPPING I

"I'm sorry about dragging you into this," Melinda apologized even though it was only speculation that she was the cause of what had happened.

"Don't worry about it," Davies also understood that he couldn't completely blame her as there was no evidence that completely pointed in her direction. 

"Also, about what happened last night..." Davies suddenly changed the topic to the one that Melinda dreaded to hear.

Her heart lurched and was tightening every second that Davies hadn't yet spoken, yet she didn't know what to say either. 

She was filled with fear and anticipation at the same time as all the embarrassing memories of the 'tryst' they had filled up her mind again.

Davies looked at the fumbling Flaming Winged Enchantress who looked like a child anticipating a punishment or a pat on the head, and a smirk crawled up his face as he knew that he was currently the only one who could make her like this.

It was at a time like this that he should clarify their relationship, he knew.

She wouldn't reject him even if he tried to get her to become his woman and simply rip her out of Lee Jung's arms... Forever, but...

'Where's the fun in that?' he thought evilly. 

Also, he was still suspicious about how the whole situation quickly elevated to this point, and how his system was seemingly behind this particular "situationship", so he was not in a rush to get into something that may be worth more trouble than the coochie involved, so instead of being specific with his words and telling her where they stood, he used the other romantic language that could establish yet confuse situations like this.

Yup, he kissed her much to her surprise but after a few seconds she began to respond, but immediately she began to respond, he pulled away from the kiss and pit of her embrace much to even greater surprise from her end.

Now she was even more confused. 

What did he mean by kissing her?

If he was completely okay with them becoming a thing then he shouldn't have pulled away like that, right?

What was going on?

What were they?

Where did she stand? 

All these questions filled her mind, but she was not destined to receive any answers to those questions today as Davies was already walking away, leaving her feeling like she had been left in the lurch.

Melinda didn't want this kind of unsure situation where she didn't know where they stood in their relationship and she was going to speak when Davies suddenly brought out an eerily familiar milky white mana stone from literally nowhere, all she was was his arm seemingly entering a space and disappearing and then reappearing with the rare grade power stone. 

"I hope you don't mind me borrowing this," he said as he let himself fall out the window.

Melinda's mouth could not react in time but her body dashed towards the window and looked out only to see Davies falling to the ground, gradually disappearing from view.

She couldn't even find any words to say in this situation and only continued looking at his falling figure as he fell until she could no longer see him, but she wasn't worried about his safety as if he had chosen to fall out of the window like that, then he had his way of dealing with heights. 

The wind whipped his air and clothes making them continuously flap against his body as he fell, but Davies paid it no mind and examined the milky white moonstone one more time before stashing it back into his inventory. 

It was a rare-grade power stone that was eerily similar to the one he took from Lee Jung at the Diamonds In The Rough, but it was even bigger than the one he previously had. 

He had used one of his secret methods to enter Melinda's condo and had come across the power stone while looking around when Melinda was still asleep.

As for the secret method he had used... Well, it wouldn't be a secret if he said what it was, would it?

He had also found a receipt that showed it was bought at the Diamonds In The Rough, so he knew where she had gotten it.

Lee Jung would probably have gotten it as a replacement for the one that Davies took from his grasp earlier. 

Davies could be very sure now that Lee Jung needed this milky white rare-grade power stone for something, but as for what it was, he didn't know... 

Maybe it'll come in handy in the future, but for now, he would be satisfied with just not letting Lee Jung have it...

***A few minutes later...***

Davies was sitting behind the wheel and pulled out his phone to call Daniella and tell her to begin investigating the group of clowns that went by the name of the Megas Uprising when his phone suddenly began to ring before he could even make the call.

*Glasses Girl* the phone rang and vibrated while showing the caller ID.I think you should take a look at


"Why would she be calling me?" he wondered, but still answered the call and brought the phone to his ear,

"Hey," he spoke first, but he could hear slightly hurried breaths on her side of the phone and he immediately felt that something must be off.

"D-Davies..." Tisha's voice broke as she called his name, she sounded distressed, making alarms begin ringing in his head.

"What happened?" he quickly asked, feeling that the situation was quite serious.

"I-Its R-Romero..." she stammered, sounding like she was going to break into tears.

"What happened to your brother?" upon hearing her words, Davies immediately got a bad feeling that worsened every second, especially as he remembered that the boy had a very high fate value. It was so high to the point that even Miya said it was on the level of a second Main character.

Things occurring around the kid couldn't be good news for him... Especially when so many strange things were happening.

"H-he disappeared!" she finally said and burst into tears. Davies could hear her crying from the other side of the call and the sounds of someone crying into his ear would be normally very annoying to him, this time he paid it no mind as he was also shocked by what was happening. 

"What do you mean he disappeared?" he asked, his tone a bit urgent, but anyone watching the situation and hearing his voice would think that he was worried, and they were right.

"I don't know, I don't know, I brought him to the hospital because of yesterday, and when they were checking on him, all the electric power went out and when the doctor checking in on him went to check out what was happening, there was an explosion and..." Tisha rattled on, her words shooting out of her mouth at the speed of a machine gun and not giving much cohesion to the one who was listening, so Davies had to cut in.

"Ok, slow down," 

"Take a deep breath..."

"Explain clearly, what happened yesterday. What made you go to the hospital? What caused the explosion?" Davies gave her an order of questions she could follow to clarify the situation for him.

"... Okay," Tisha answered as she knew that losing her mind would not help her find her brother any quicker.

Davies heard her take a deep breath and waited patiently as he needed her to be in a sane state of mind so he could understand what she was saying and get a grasp a hold of the situation.

"Start from what happened yesterday," Davies said, giving her a good starting point to start explaining.


"Yesterday, Romero suddenly looked to be in a trance and fainted, when I ran to check on him, I also noticed that the flow of mana around him seemed to be strange and even stranger was that his body seemed to be accumulating mana," Tisha began her explanation, but Davies already felt like his head was going to explode.

He was familiar with those symptoms, they only happened when one's blessing was being activated, and for that to happen, they must first have a blessing, but the little boy wasn't even ten years old yet so there was no way for him to have had his blessing ceremony yet. 

This kind of situation wasn't impossible as there were other characters who suddenly had a blessing activated before the blessing ceremony, or even after the ceremony had already occurred and they were deemed normal... But that was not to say that it was common either.

Such occurrences were so rare, it had not happened ten times after the first generation of Megas, but here was a little boy already achieving such a feat.

He was already proving that the amount of fate value he had been showered with was not a waste.

Tisha didn't know what was running through Davies's mind and so she continued speaking, 

"I brought him to Imperium Hospital to get him checked on by a healer,"

"b-but after he was taken in to be checked on, the b-blackout happened and everywhere went dark," her voice started stuttering again as she spoke and neared what happened. 

"Suddenly, there was an explosion. I ran towards the explosion as fast as I could, but after getting there..."

"... After getting there... I-I d-didn't find Romero," She managed to say before beginning to cry again.


Davies had no words, as the situation was very complicated. It was obvious that this was a kidnapping, and not only that but the kidnapping was planned very well.

He had also not forgotten that she, like him had a dark fate value so this event could very well kickstart her villain arc, so for now he would avoid making any moves until he saw the scene and made complete sense of the situation.

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