*Crunch* *Crunch* *Crunch*


The sound of people running nimbly through the snowy forest filled the air as they ran continuously, dodging many trees as they ran.

Davies was in the lead and the members of the B-Squad were just behind him.

Jonas looked at Davies's running figure as he recalled the so-called strategy meeting.

**a Few minutes earlier**

"I estimate that they are over six thousand monsters at the base, which coincidentally is about the same number of monsters we need to kill,"

"So, we're going there, and we're going to kill them all,"

"" Davies spelled out the last sentence especially.

"W-W-W-Wait, what?" Arnim stammered fearfully, almost choking on the croissant that he was previously chewing on.

"Do you have a problem with what I just said?" Davies said, his cold smile reappearing on his face, but it was pretty obvious he was ticked by this annoying idiot that acted like a coward.

"But that's impossible, we can't do i…" Arnim began,

"Hey, shut up, you're not even going to be fighting so I don't see why you're complaining," Davies cut into his blabbering.

"Bu-…" Arnim began again,


Arnim had hardly managed to get a word out when an ice spike had shot out of the snow ground and flew past his face, slightly cutting him on the cheek.

"Shut. Up," Davies said slowly, his eyes beginning to glow like emerald orbs due to his mana flowing out in an intimidating manner.


Arnim swallowed hard, completely frozen by fear and not even daring to check the cut mark on his face even though it stung.

Every other member of the B-Squad was also watching the situation, unlike Arnim, they weren't crybabies who would complain, nor did they even dare to as they had a measure of Davies's power level, and it was definitely higher than theirs…

At least most of them knew that, and for the ones who didn't… like previously said, they weren't crybabies.

Jonas especially gulped hard because he was the fastest among the B-Squad yet even he didn't see the attack coming and he knew he could probably not avoid a sudden attack like that,

'Damn, he's scary,' he thought as cold sweat ran down his back.

"You're lucky I don't want to kill you, so shut up, stuff your mouth, and listen," Davies said while looking at Arnim, but it felt like he was talking to every one of the B-Squad.

"Anyways… like I was saying, we…"

"Sorry… I mean, you guys are going to be fighting and aiming to kill all the monsters in that place, while I'll take care of the boss monster,"

'... and also, that elf named Khal Ed,' but of course, he didn't say that part out loud.

"Though I could help you to take care of the other monsters if I feel like it…"

"... But I don't think I'll feel like it," Davies laid out his plan of attack.

'I thought you said you didn't want to kill us!!!' All of the B-Squad members screamed internally but didn't dare to let out a single sound so as to avoid provoking Davies who was obviously in a bad mood, though the bitter looks on their faces told of their true thoughts, Davies wasn't looking, neither would he care even if he did look.

Why would he care about the thoughts of scrubs?

"Is there anything else?" Teresa asked with her right hand raised in the air.

"Other than the fact that you're raising your hand like some nerd in high school…"

"No, there's nothing else," Davies responded and turned around.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Tisha almost raising opening her mouth and wanting to call out to him but closing her mouth midway and staying quiet.

'What's her deal now?' he wondered but didn't act like he'd noticed and went to sit on the log that he had sat on the night before,

"You have five minutes to stuff yourselves full before we leave, make it count… who knows, you may not get another chance," those were his final words as he shut his eyes and sat down to wait.

**Back to the present**

They continuously ran after Davies as he led them in the direction of the ice fortress.

Even the less physical fighters like Tisha and Teresa had to run as well even though they could manipulate their abilities well enough to fly, this was all in a bid to avoid wasting mana before they even began the battle.

They had to fight over 6000 beasts after all.

Luckily, every person with an activated blessing had undergone a slight physique augmentation due to the mana flowing through and enriching their bodies so they were able to run this kind of distance quite easily.

After running for about thirty minutes, the B-Squad members began to notice the trees becoming more spaced and the greenery getting thinner.

It was obvious that they were about to leave the forest area… but to them, that didn't matter,

What mattered was where this demon called Davies Lake was leading them to… and soon enough they got their wish as after they got out of the forest area they got to a cliff and here Davies slowed down, causing them to slow down as well, mirroring his movement.

After they slowly moved to the edge of the cliff, they saw it…

The huge ice fortress located on the huge sprawl of ice that led to who knows where and the huge ice castle-like fortress that stood out like a sore thumb, its icy blue color standing out very well among the expansive white that dominated the color of the snowy lands.

Seeing such a thing caused their brains to short-circuit for a little while, sending different types of thoughts going through their heads.

After a few seconds, they had sorted out their thoughts and they now looked towards Davies for further instructions, but that was when they noticed that he had an even deeper frown on his face than before.

Something was ruining his mood, and this did not bode well for them, so they cautiously took a step back due to the heavy atmosphere surrounding him.

The cause of Davies's heavier mood was the heavy mana that he was sensing flowing toward the ice fortress and accumulating somewhere inside the fortress.

He didn't know what exactly was happening in there, but as it seemed to be the source of his bad feeling,

It probably wasn't anything good.


Gimme powerstones.

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