Davies's eyes fluttered open to a dimly lighted room and could not help but wonder if he woke up too early, but the digital clock on the bedside displayed the time.

[7:23 am]

Those were the numbers on the clock, but if that was the case, then why was it so dark, he wondered drowsily. He slowly rose up from under the blankets and clapped his hands twice, expecting the curtains to open up and let light into the room, but to his annoyance nothing happened, leaving him confused.

He lay back on the bed, his mind still fuzzled from just waking up. Slowly everything came back to him.

He wasn't at his house but at a hotel with some chick named Anne, who speaking of which, should be on the bed beside him, but due to the lack of lights he couldn't see much of her in the abundance of bed covers that were present on the bed.

Now that he had woken up, he had no reason to lie in bed anymore, so he rose up again, stood up from the bed this time, and began making his way over to the curtains that covered the windows.

He pulled away the curtains, letting the early morning sunshine bathe his body as he looked out the windows at the sunrise while ignoring the cold air that blew against his naked body from the air conditioner… he was impervious to cold temperatures anyway.

As Davies looked at the beautiful early morning sunshine that brightened up the sky and everywhere else in sight, he also looked at the city and its inhabitants, some of whom had already come out and had begun making their way to their various places of work, previewing the hustle and bustle of the day to come.

Davies looked at all of this with a hard-to-read expression and began to monologue,

"Look at all these people,"

"Thriving, dreaming and striving for their dreams…"

"... It really is a beautiful new day…" he began and then finished with,

"... Whose dreams will I be killing today," he thought with a wicked grin appearing on his face at the end of his monologue.

Now with one of his weird morning rituals done, he looked behind him at the bed where Anne was still asleep under the bed covers. The light from the early morning sun did little to bother her sleep as she still slept peacefully, totally oblivious to her surroundings.

Davies could see a few hickeys on her uncovered neck, proof of his various forms of ministrations on her body just a few hours before.

'Are my teeth that sharp?' he wondered while using his tongue to check the sharpness of his own teeth as he looked at the bright red marks on her skin. There was no way that wasn't visible.

Whoever saw her would see his marks and the evidence of the wild night they had both shared and for this Davies nodded approvingly to himself, he had done well on this one.

Shaking all unnecessary thoughts away from his head he began to walk out of the room, not forgetting to pick up his pieces of clothing as he left… he didn't plan to come back here anyway.

He shut the door of the bedroom silently behind him and began to move through the presidential suite, opening different doors in search of the bathroom, and after opening a few doors he found one.

He threw his clothes into a drawer that was present in the bathroom and took out a towel and other bathing essentials and quickly began having his bath.

A few short minutes later, he got out of the bathroom and dressed himself up completely, exactly the same way he was dressed the day before… he had no new clothes with him after all.

Then he began to make his way out of the suite, but on his way out he pulled out a couple of ear pods from his inventory and connected them to his phone before putting them in his ear.

The smooth piano music and soft voice of Justin Bieber filled his ears and Davies sang along as he stepped out of the suite and began to make his way toward the elevator.

"...What if you had it all, but nobody to call, maybe then you'd know me,"

"Cuz I've had everything, but no one's listening, and that's just fu*king lonely,"

"I'm so lo-oo-o-oo-o-oo-onely,"


"I'm so lo-oo-o-oo-o-oo-onely,"


Surprisingly, Davies had quite the voice, as could be heard while he sang along to one of his favorite songs without missing a beat, rhythm, or lyric, perfectly matching with the original singer of the song.

He especially liked this song, because it expressed one of the few things he could still feel, even though it wasn't something he was happy to be able to feel, but it gave him the respite knowing that he was still human and not a monster that had completely forgotten how to feel… even though the ones he had left weren't ones he wanted.

Davies got to the elevator, still singing as he got in, and pressed the button to go to the ground floor.

Even though the elevator stopped on a number of floors and a few people got on the elevator with him as well, Davies paid no attention to them and continued singing along to the songs he was listening to in a low voice, not caring about the stares he received.

Somebody else in his shoes may have felt shy or flustered, but definitely not Davies, first he wasn't doing anything wrong, secondly, he knew his voice was very good, and lastly, he was way too emotionally numb to care about people staring at him, whatever the reason.

"Do you hear me calling," Davies sang as he left the elevator and walked towards the receptionist to make a request for a valet to bring his car from wherever they had parked it.

The process was swift and without any complications. Soon Davies was sitting at the back of the wheel, driving towards Imperium Technologies while wondering how many guys had tried to escape and what methods Selina had used to remove the "complication."

"Don't ever say it's over if I'm breathin',"

"Racin' to the moonlight and I'm speedin',"

"I'm headed to the stars, ready to go far,"

"I'm star walkin,"

Davies's voice rang through the car as it sped towards the Imperium Technologies building.


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