As Davies watched the show, his mind ran back to remember something that had happened in front of him just yesterday and all that came to his mind was,

'No wonder the punk looked familiar.'

*"Unfortunately, that wasn't the only death that occurred to an Imperium Technologies employee last night," Cherry said to Mia with a pensive look.

*"Hmmm, something fishy seems to be going on in Imperium Technologies... but that is not the topic for today," Mia replied,

*"You're right, it is not, we are here to discuss the four strange deaths that befell Imperium Technologies employees last night," Cherry continued,

*"So, moving on, to the second strange death," she picked up a piece of paper that was on her table. It seemed to have the reports of the cases and was where the content of the discussion was laid out.

*"Bryan Miller, aged 34,"

*"Cause of death... Oh,"

*"What's wrong Cherry, spit it out," Mia asked, wondering what was on the paper, as she wasn't the main anchor of the show and was only there as a support anchor, so she wasn't given the report sheet that had the contents of the report.

*"Uh-Uh, Cause of death; Uh," she continually stuttered while looking at the paper.

*"I-I can't find it in me to say it out loud. You come do it," she said as she handed the paper to Mia.

Mia snatched the paper thinking, 'What could be so hard to say in a death case report.'

She looked for the name of Bryan Miller on the report and began to read out,

*"Bryan Miller, aged 34,"

*"Cause of death... Ohhhhhhh,"

*"Uh, he died of exhaustion... while having sex... with multiple men," Mia said slowly.

~"AsuraSaiyan: ... so... he was fucked to death😱"~

~"PrathameshRana: Bruh be freaky"~

~"Nanada_ars: Woulda said, bruh went out in glory... but this doesn't feel like glory"~

~"Daoisty9pBel: Bro died from backshots🤣"~

*"Apparently, he was found in a drug and sex party at his home and he had called some "workers" to satisfy," Mia continued after getting a hold back on her composure.

*"Seems like he couldn't handle the satisfaction," Cherry chimed in.

Davies was doing all he could to stop himself from laughing as he watched the show in the lobby of the Imperium Technologies building, but his body almost betrayed him as he was shaking from just holding on to his laughter.

*"Let's quickly move past this to the third case of strange deaths," Mia continued, as she was now the one with the report sheet and she wanted to quickly list out the cases so they could move to the "discussion with viewers" part of the program.

*"The third case seems to be another strange accident," she began.

*"Another strange accident?" Cherry asked with an unbelieving expression on her face as she looked at Mia.

*"Yes, the victim this time, Howard Williams was on the way out of his house, probably to go on a trip as he had a packed bag with him,"

"He was just walking down the sidewalk when he was unexpectedly hit on the balls with a tennis ball,"

*"That's terrible...!" Cherry had her hands covering her mouth with a shocked expression on her face.

*"Truly a tragedy as it was what led to his death..." Mia continued with a sympathetic look on her face.

*"The poor guy couldn't take the pain and fell to the floor head first, smashing his head against the floor and dying immediately,"

*"Funny thing is... there wasn't a tennis court nearby,"

~"Adrian_Yiu: le gasp!!!"~

~"anime_god_8311: his balls must have been feeling lonely so they attracted another ball,🤣"~

~"Sphire1707: FATALITY!!!"~

~"Kane_Estler: One to the balls, one to the head... how was the poor man supposed to survive😆?"~

The comments came rushing in again.

Without looking much at the comments as she was now in a bit of a rush, Mia quickly moved on to the next case.

*"The fourth case seems a bit special... Only God knows what the victim had done to be treated like this," Mia said aloud as she read the circumstances of the last guy's death. It seemed especially terrible.


*"You're scaring me with your words, Mia," Cherry said, sounding a little scared, but Mia didn't respond and instead started reading out the case material.

*"The victim, Tennessee Williams was kidnapped, poisoned, shot in the head, shot three more times, bludgeoned, castrated, and then thrown into a river to drown..."

*"His cause of death: Drowning..."

~"Manhal_Ali: I don't know whether to applaud or to feel bad... so I'll just laugh"~

~"shinydecapod: dude went through all that and ended up dying by drowning... applause🙌,"~

~"Sir Killington: the real question here is... who did he offend?"~

~"Freakyoldman: Somebody help me contact the police, I am a collector of weiners..."

~"Jonathan_Souls: FBI, someone upstairs sounds like a criminal"~

The comment section was as rowdy as always, but Davies was no longer paying attention to the screen and was now looking towards the Executive officials and the managing officials out of the corner of his eyes.

'So, that was why,' he figured that they must have gotten news of the things that had happened overnight.

Due to four of the high-ranking employees having unfortunate accidents, whatever corresponding authorities that were responsible for the investigation of the strange cases had probably contacted them, probably to ask for help with the investigation and to tell them to stay protected as it was obvious that someone was targeting the higher ups of Imperium Technologies.

As for why he hadn't been contacted, it was pretty simple... they had no way to contact him. Any information about him was non-existent not to mention being open to the general public.

He could see the look of fear on their faces no matter how hard they tried to hide it, and he relished it.

*"Shockingly all of the people involved in the strange death cases have involvement with narcotics and..." Davies thought process was interrupted by the voice of the support anchor, Mia, bringing to light an interesting clue, but Davies just zoned out again after listening to half of what she was saying.

"Hmmmm... Interesting..." he said with a chuckle as his eyes fell on the "to be killed soon" employees.

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