*Ring* *Ring*

Davies's phone suddenly rang out.

"Look who decided to wake up," Davies said as he looked at the caller id.


"Back to the land of the living, are you?" Davies's said snarkily into the phone immediately after he picked up the call.


I'm sorry for the inconvenience..." Daniel said meekly, his voice barely above a whisper.

"You better be, after leaving me in the lurch for the past two days..." Davies continued,

"...But then, you did stand outside the gate waiting for me for six days... but even then,"

"It's not a fair trade, so buckle up, you got a lot of work coming your way," he said into the phone.

"I will do my best to atone for the inconvenience I have caused you," Daniel's voice came back at Davies, sounding more upbeat as it didn't seem like Davies was very angry with him over his unavailability for the last 2 days.

"Ok then. First, I need you to meet up with some of Selina's men, they have some information for me,"

"I need it in front of me yesterday, got that?"Davies laid out his first order for him.

"Got it!" Daniel replied, determinedly.

"Good... and oh, check your phone to help me complete the recruitment process for some girl I promised employment yesterday,"

"Huh? What do yo-" Daniel began, but Davies already hung up.

Davies threw the phone onto the passenger seat as he continued on his way to the hospital where he can be surrounded by boo- Ahem, find out more about Tisha's dark fate value and keep an eye out for Romero.


The engine roared even louder than it was already sounding as Davies slammed down on the accelerator as he wanted to get to his destination even quicker than he already was supposed to.

After a few more minutes Davies drove into the underground parking lot of the hospital and parked at the same spot he had parked just the day before and got down elegantly after shutting off the engine.

He locked the doors and made his way to the VIP entrance again and walked in, not forgetting to pause and feast his eyes on the eye candy for a few seconds, just enough so it won't be considered ogling, then he made his way into the hospital.

He looked over to the counter and was a bit disappointed to not see the red-haired attendant from yesterday, but he quickly got over it and made his way toward Tisha's room.

'Wait... what was her room number again?' he wondered as he paused mid-step.

[Ward F, Room 69, how could you forget your lucky number?]Miya stepped in to remind him but made sure to add a verbal jab after.

'69 is not my lucky number, it's not even my favorite number...'

'It's just a sexy number,' Davies replied smoothly and continued to walk the same route that he had made his way through yesterday.

He continued walking at a brisk pace until he reached the front of Tisha's room. He was about to open her door when he was suddenly hit with an intriguing thought and froze mid-step.

'Hey Miya,' he called.


'...Since my system works similar to the common trope where face slapping the protagonist and stealing his women and opportunities cause him to lose his fate points...'

[Your point?] Miya tried to hurry him up into saying whatever it is he had to say.

'...Then why didn't I get Lee Jung to lose any fate points when I slept with Jessica?'

'According to the fate value you sensed coming off from her, she is supposed to be one of his future companions, right?'


[Oh, shit, you're right!]

[Something must be wrong somewhere] She exclaimed and started trying to think of what could be the reason behind this strange phenomenon... or lack of it, thereof.

But Davies's thought process was already further ahead of hers by a mile, as he put his thoughts into words,

'The fact that the system is not reacting probably means that Jessica sleeping with me costs Lee Jung nothing and has no effect in the grand scheme of things...'

[But what does that mean?]

'... It simply means this was supposed to happen originally according to this world's story,' he said, a dejected tone making its way into his voice

[Wait, you mean everything we've done so far probably follows the original storyline] Miya was shocked at this.

'...Yeah, we've changed nothing,'

"Damn!" he had to stop himself from punching the wall in and screaming out loud in anger, and he barely managed to keep it in.

'It's happening again!' Davies knew the feeling as he was familiar with it. He had tried it before in his previous life, trying to change things, even though he knew nothing about the storyline but everything he did always led to the same ending... his death.

Luckily, this time, the system was there to let him know where he had gone wrong and he had found out early enough in the story before his death became inevitable.

He was stupid... he had been so hung up complaining about the features that the system didn't have that would make it easier for him to trample on the protagonists and avoid death so much, that he had not paid much attention to using the little resources he had and using the knowledge and survival instinct accrued from all his previous lives to go toe to toe against the protagonists like he always did, even before he got the system.

'I've grown soft...' he laughed lightly at himself after seeing his glaring errors.

He couldn't hope to survive against beings that defied reality and had fate on their side by going at them this weakly.

He needed to go against them stronger...

More cunning...

More ferocity...

More craziness...

Otherwise, he wouldn't even know how he died.

From now on he had to pull out all the stops and hold back no reservations in his planning against them. He had to stop treating them like a daily occurrence that he could easily deal with... especially as he had never won against a protagonist before.

Luckily, he had been awakened to his shortcomings and now knew where he needed to improve. It was time to go against the protagonists in full force, and he knew just where to start.

He pushed open the door that led to where his new pet and fellow villain lay, a new scheme brewing in his mind, and a devious smile on his face.


Don't forget to vote powerstones and golden tickets...

Also, a big thanks to DaoistmPhOfb for the gifts😊

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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