[Don't be so pent up, it wouldn't be as bad as you make it sound]

[I don't know if I told you before, but no matter how powerful a system is, they all work on the same principle as exchange]

[That is to say, no system would constantly give freebies without requesting something in return from its host]

[It has to take before it can give, so it definitely would be giving him some hard-to-pass missions if it wants to give him something equally valuable] Miya suddenly chimed in.


[There are two more pieces of good news for you] she continued.

'What?' Davies asked as he wouldn't reject good news.

[It seems that this system is not the type that is good at generating things out of thin air and majorly resorts to giving things that already exist to its host]

'What does that mean?' Davies wasn't able to understand what she was saying and asked for clarification.

[It means the system is not that powerful when it comes to reality manipulation, so it's probably just a lower or medium level system] she explained.

'Oh… what's the second piece of good news,' this was undoubtedly good news for him and there was still more coming, so his mood lightened up a little.

[Lee Jung's system is more focused on helping him acquire wealth rather than actual power, meaning his personal growth wouldn't end up being that fast]

[He still has a long way to go before he will be able to personally threaten your life] Miya stated assuredly.

This particular piece of news was what Davies appreciated the most as he of all people knew that without actual power that belongs to you, everything else doesn't matter and can easily be lost. He was able to put his mind at least for at least a little while with this information.

"Oh, so you're Mr. Lee Jung," Mirror head quickly used the opportunity to move away from Davies and toward Lee Jung and even began to flatter him with all the sleazy words in his dictionary.

Davies and Tisha watched all this with disgusted looks on their face. It was actually quite comical how the two of them had disgusted looks on their faces but neither of them knew that the other had a disgusted look on their face.

Lee Jung on the other hand, was having his head swollen due to the flattery he was receiving and was thinking of vindictive things he could do to Davies to embarrass him until he couldn't raise his head in the future and the idea he came up with to start was to do the same thing Davies had done to him yesterday.

Since he owned the Olisseum Mall, he was going to kick Davies out just like Davies had done to him at The Rising Sun.

His head was all up in the clouds so much that he hadn't yet thought about his situation.

He didn't know who he was up against or what he was up against.

He didn't know the kind of backing Davies had or how powerful he actually was.

The fact was, he simply didn't care because it was not in his nature as a fated protagonist.

How else would they turn danger into opportunity?

That was the way protagonists were, they didn't care about things like this until they actually caused trouble and their lives were in danger. It was only then they started paying attention to things and people that could threaten their life.

This was the only reason why Lee Jung could act so arrogantly before Davies… because he did not actually know what the name Davies Lake meant.

If he knew, he would know that he was nothing but an insect that was not dead yet because Davies couldn't afford the repercussion of killing him immediately… but the way he was acting was definitely going to put him on a fast track to his grave…

"Yesterday, I recall you telling me, and I quote "to shoo"," Lee Jung said with a smirk on his face.

"I don't see your point, but yes, I do remember… vaguely. I did tell you I have a problem remembering unimportant people," Davies replied, taking another jab at Lee Jung even though he didn't understand why Lee Jung was mentioning this.

Lee Jung swallowed his rising anger and continued speaking, "According to you if I own the place I can send away unwanted people,"

'So this was what he meant… such low-level thinking,'

'Hey Miya… are you sure this is a fated protagonist that is supposed to be a threat to my life,' Davies asked with obvious disgust for such low-level thinking.

[If you ask me, who am I going to ask?] Miya retorted, but he could tell from her tone that she was also less than impressed by Lee Jung's methods.

'Why can't I just kill him? I'm way past playing tit for tat with a low-level protagonist,' He thought inwardly.

Davies's look of disgust made Lee Jung think that Davies was feeling embarrassed by what he was about to do but before he could say anything else a sudden burst of loud revving of some cars that were coming their way drew everyone's attention over.

It was a convoy of cars and the car in the lead was a black Cesla sports car and it was followed by three black vans. Instead of going towards the parking lot, the cars were headed at high speed towards the entrance of the mall, much to the alarm of the people there, but before they could even begin to start shouting in alarm, the cars showed obvious signs of slowing down.

The convoy of cars finally pulled up just beside the entrance of the mall and the doors of the Cesla in the lead and the doors of the three vans were opened and the people in the cars got out.

The men in the vans looked intimidating in their all-black suits and black shades with only their white shirts standing out amidst all the black. After getting out they all lined up behind the blonde-haired youngster that got out of the black Cesla, looking very intimidating.

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