Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 107: Explanation and Decision

Chapter 107: Explanation and Decision

"So, from the top. Tell me exactly what happened." Said Mu Ye while staring at the two boys and the woman in the bed behind them.

Right now, since the destruction of the Pavilion, Mu Ye brought the two boys and the girls to the garden. Inside was all of their friends with the elders of the body sect and some of the staff members from the school.

"Ahh, about that. I genuinely don't know where to start."Said Xie Xie with a chuckle, causing Mu Ye to let out some of his aura and pressure. Most of the people in the garden flinch from Mu Ye incredible exertion but then a voice rang out.

"Calm down old man."

Mu Ye shifted his head to Tang Wulin who was sitting down on the lush grass while his hand was propping up his chin.

"Now Xie Xie, explain what happened." Said Tang Wulin causing Xie Xie to gulp.

Nonetheless, he began explaining everything that happened from the time he walks with Yuanen to the time he saw her wrecking the pavilion and to her new transformation.

"Her wings and eyes were what color?" Questioned Gu Yue.

"Uh, purple-gold for her wings and purple-red for her eyes." Said Xie Xie in confusion causing Gu Yue to fall into thought.

Not knowing why Gu Yue asked, he continued his explanation about how she went on to attack him. Then to him finding out how she was controlled and Yue Zhengyu appearing to help him. Everyone was silent as they listen to Xie Xie explanation, although their face was none too happy.

"If what you are saying is true. Then who could have been able to control her? Or more specifically how come we didn't sense anything?"Questioned Wang Tong causing some people to narrow their eyes.

Its one thing for her to be controlled but for none of them to discover the presence of the other party? Something didn't seem right at all and the fact someone was able to control her didn't sit well with any of them.

'Could it be someone on this island?'

It wasn't just one person but multiple people thought of this, as it seems to be the only way. But they shook their heads as that still didn't explain Yuanen Yehui transformation.

While they could chalk this up as her Fallen Seraphim powers, it still didn't explain how the person who was controlling knew about it. As for as they knew, Yuanen Yehui spirit as never been seen before.

It was silent until they heard a noise from behind them. They all shifted their gaze toward the bed where Yuanen Yehui was in.

"...What happened."Mutter Yuanen Yehui as she clutched her head from the sudden strike of incredible pain and felt her body falling.

"Easy there Yuanen." Said Xie Xie as he was already at her side and catching her from falling with his face being filled with evident concern.

"Xie Xie? Is that you?"Questioned Yuanen Yehui as she moved her head to the left.

"Yea. It's not just me but everyone else." Said Xie Xie causing Yuanen Yehui to blink her eyes and look pass Xie Xie to see other people.

"What is goin-."

"Yuanen Yehui, do you recall anything?" Questioned Mu Ye bluntly causing some of her friends to glare at him and specifically Xie Xie.

"Hey! She just-."

"What do you mean if I recall anything?" Questioned Yuanen Yehui cutting off Xie Xie.

"He means before you lost control and destroyed the Pavilion. Then you almost killed your two friends over there." Said one of the elders causing Yuanen Yehui eyes to widen in considerable shock.

"...Xie Xie and Yue Zhengyu did I real-."Yuanen Yehui couldn't complete her sentence as she never thought she would actually try to kill her friends.

"It's okay, I wasn't hurt. In fact, you were able to fight back whoever that was controlling you and save my life." Said Xie Xie as he tried consoling Yuanen Yehui but it didn't seem to be working.

"Yuanen, do you remember anything that happened today?" Questioned Gu Yue.

"I remember everything I did in the morning and then cultivated in the evening."

"Anything else."

"I was cultivating...And then I heard this old lady whisper."Mutter Yuanen Yehui causing Gu Yue and Na'er eyes to narrow.

"What exactly did the old lady say?" Questioned Gu Yue with her voice becoming serious.

"Gu Yue Wh-." Said Xie Xie but he was interrupted by Yuanen voice.

"She said..." Yuanen Yehui furrows her brows as she desperately tried remembering what the old lady said.

"I think she said, Fallen."

"No,... She said My Fallen Awaken." Said Yuanen Yehui causing everyone but Na'er and Gu Yue to be confused.

"My Fallen Awaken?" Questioned Xie Xie.

"So it's just as I feared." Said Gu Yue causing everyone but Na'er to direct their gaze to her.

"What do you mean Gu Yue?" Questioned Xie Xie.

Gu Yue furrowed her brows in thought and bit her lips as if she was contemplating whether to say what she knew or not.

"...Yuanen is most likely the carrier of the seed." Said Gu Yue causing everyone to look at her in confusion.


"Of the seed?"

"Don't say anything until I'm done. What I'm going to explain will be a lengthy explanation." Said Gu Yue causing all of them to fall silent.

"As I said before, she is a carrier of the seed. What type of seed? Well, the seed of another plane or realm if you will."

"More specifically the Devil Realm or Demon World for some people." Said Gu Yue causing everyone but Na'er to be shocked.

The seed of another realm!

The Demon Realm!

No one knew how to react to this information and it seems it wasn't the end as Gu Yue face was becoming more serious.

"I don't know how or when did this start but the demon realm is notorious for releasing special seeds to other planes. They wait for the seed to develop and then control that seed to open the mighty gates of hell. With this, they then go on to invade the world, and usually conquers it because of how sudden the attack is." Said Gu Yue.

"So what you are saying is..."

"The beings of the demon world can use Yuanen as a gateway or key, that will allow them to invade into this realm." Said Gu Yue causing them all to suck in a cold breath.


Xie Xie clench his fist as he glances at Yuanen Yehui expression and saw she had an expression of loss. Gritting his teeth, he turns to Gu Yue and asks in a pleading voice.

"Is there anything we can do to stop this?" Questioned Xie Xie in desperation.

"Well, there is one thing we can do..."Said Gu Yue causing her friends to regain some hope.

"What is it, Gu Yue!"Exclaimed Xie Xie.

"As I said before, she is a seed but it isn't as simple as one would think. For the demons to actually control Yuanen, they would have to cause a harmonic resonance with her." Said Gu Yue causing everyone to blink their eyes.


"Think of it like trying to create a second soul core which requires you to cause a resonance with the first soul core. What the beings in the other world are doing is using another seed that is in the demon world. So all we have to do is-." Said Gu Yue but she was interrupted by Xie Xie.

"Destroy the seed in the demon world, and Yuanen won't be affected by it anymore!" Said Xie Xie with his face liting up.

"Right." Said Gu Yue with a sigh and decided to just give him that one.

"Don't spring in joy too hasty young man. We still have to figure out more stuff." Said Wang Tong with a hand on his chin.

"Are you talking about the beings of the other world?" Questioned Xie Xie.

"That and also where exactly the seed is. On another note, is it possible to carefully separate the seed from Yuanen Yehui?"Questioned Wang Tong to Gu Yue.

"No, the seed has already fused with her spirit. To remove to the seed, one would have to rip her spirit out of her body."Said Gu Yue causing most of the people around her to grimace.

"Alright, what about the location of the seed?" Questioned Mu Ye.

"Don't know, I acquire all of this from the library in the Pagoda. But maybe Yuanen could track the seed since they have a connection with each other." Said Gu Yue.

"The Spirit Pagoda has this type of knowledge?" Questioned Mu Ye and all of the adults in the room in shock.

"Surprisingly yes. I ask my master how they got this knowledge and from what she said someone was able to travel towards the demon realm in the past."Said Gu Yue.

Most of the elders and staff nodded their head to this although some of them were still suspicious about the ethnicity of this information and the Spirit Pagoda. Plus they knew she was the disciple of the Vice-Master of the Pagoda, so it wasn't farfetched she had access to this knowledge.

"Ok, how does that spirit master get into hell?"Questioned Wang Tong causing Gu Yue to furrow her brows.

"...The same way those demons can invade this plane, through the seeds power to open up a portal." Said Gu Yue causing some of the people to narrow their eyes.

"Are you saying?"

"It seems this realm has been invaded once before or was almost invaded."Said Gu Yue causing all of them to be shocked. Didn't that mean even if they killed Yuanen Yehui, another demon seed will appear in another person and this time they wouldn't be able to stop the invasion before it was too late.

"We could probably go through with Yuanen doors of hell." Said Gu Yue even as everyone was shocked from that last piece of news.

"Is it possible to stop them from invading this realm again if we destroy that seed in their world?" Questioned one of the elders but Gu Yue only shrug her shoulder.

"I'm not sure, as none of the notes or book said anything about it." Said Gu Yue causing the elders to sigh.

"...Ok, now the question is we may need a team of Title Douluo to-." Said Wang Tong but he was interrupted.

"We don't need any of them. As all, we need to do his find the demon seed." Said Gu Yue causing Wang Tong to furrow his brows.

"I understand that but wouldn't the demons hide it in a secure place." Said Wang Tong but Gu Yue merely shook her head.

"The demon seed isn't something the beings of the other world can hide or place in the vault." Said Gu Yue causing Wang Tong to look at her in confusion.

"But I thought you said they u-."

"They do. But that is after the seed turns ripe and is awakened. From what the books said, that won't happen until the holder becomes super strong or at least one of the strongest in their world."Said Gu Yue.

"I see. So what your saying is that the seed is hidden to even to the demons from the other world?"Questioned Wang Tong causing Gu Yue to nod her head.

"I'm not sure why but this seems to be common knowledge in the demon world from what the book said. I guess it was to make it easy to find the seed if someone happens to pass by it while it was in its dormant phase."

"Anyway, it would be better if Yuanen and we go as it would be easier to hide our strength compare to Title Douluo. Plus I have more knowledge of the demon world than you all and I work better with them." Said Gu Yue with a no-compromise tone.

The elders and staff of Tenrou Academy looked like they wanted to protest. The thought of sending genius of their Academy and city to a place that could most likely lead to their premature death was not something they wish to do.

"Welp I guess that settles that." A voice rang out causing everyone to blink.

They turned their heads to see Tang Wulin who hasn't said one word since the beginning standing up from the patch of grass he was sitting down on.

"Sect heir.."


"Boss!" Said Xie Xie as his eyes started to look at Tang Wulin in hope.

"What are you planning to do?" Questioned Mu Ye as he stared at his disciple.

"Nothing much. Just planning to help my friend out." Said Tang Wulin to Mu Ye who furrows his brows.

"You agree with her?" Questioned Mu Ye.

"Well we would need to make a plan with many contingencies but overall she is right. As right now, we're not trying to invade the demon world but destroy the seed and leave." Said Tang Wulin.

Mu Ye said nothing as he stared at his disciple and thought over the variables involves in this type of operation.

'Well, he does have the strength of a Limit Douluo...'

"Alright but we all have to agree on a plan that will cover all problems that we can think of."Said Mu Ye with a tone of no compromise.

Everyone nodded their head as they were at least happy that they could go with their friend and help her. Yuanen Yehui furrowed her brow and felt uncomfortable about all of the problems she was bringing to her friends.

"I'm sorry gu-."

"Don't apologize." Said Tang Wulin causing Yuanen Yehui to blink her eyes.

"But i-."

"Xie Xie hit her for me." Said Tang Wulin causing Xie Xie to blink his eyes but nonetheless reflexively follow Wulin words.


Yuanen Yehui held her head after Xie Xie smack her in the head and Xie Xie himself was trying to console her while saying it wasn't his fault.

"Anymore nonsense out of you and it will be worse." Said Tang Wulin as he begins leaving the pleasant garden.

"Well, he is right, Yuanen. For you to apologize for something like this is pretty stupid." Said Xie Xie causing her to blink her eyes.

"After all, we will always be happy to help out each other."

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