Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 109: Demon World

Chapter 109: Demon World

Tang Wulin snaps his eyes open and instantly sat up. Blinking his eyes, he began to survey the area and became surprised at what he saw.

The area he was around was a world of red. With the ground being dark red with some spots being very light. The grounds were jagged and filled with cracks as if a huge vibration swept through the area.

He could see towering jagged and steep mountains that seem to travel all the way up to the luminous sky. To his surprise, he could see some large, towering shrubs of trees around and a huge volcano in the distance. As his eyes followed the mountain, his eyes widen once he saw the sky.

A huge storm or swirls of boundless energy was covering the whole sky. The swirl of energy consists of a mixture of color that seems to cover the whole demon world. Yet that wasn't the most intriguing thing, as he saw a huge hole of light was located in the middle of the swirl of energy.

'...Is that a portal?' Questioned Tang Wulin as he narrowed his eyes.

"Hm, you may be right. It may be similar to Anima." Zeref voice rang out.

Anima was an interdimensional gate that the people of Edolas the counterpart world of Earth Land had access to. With Anima, they were able to transfer parts of Earth Land area with this machine, although he didn't know or cared why they did this.

"I can sense a space-time distortion inside of that hole...You may be right in it being a portal." Sleipnir voice rang out.

Tang Wulin didn't say anything as he began looking for his friends with his senses and then in a bit he was able to locate them all. It didn't take long for him to find all of them and then gather all of them together, although they were still unconscious.

'Time to wake them up.'

"If you all don't wake up in the next few seconds, I will be starting your hell training and it will be ten times worse." Said Tang Wulin to his friend's unconscious body.

Yet as if their survival instinct had awoken, they all instantly jolt awake with terrified looks and panic on their face. Tang Wulin waited for them to regain their bearings which didn't take too long as they all were able to calm down.

"Thanks, big brother. So this is the demon world huh." Said Xu Lizhi as he looked around.

"Yes, we are in the Demon World or well one section of it."Said Gu Yue causing everyone but Na'er and Tang Wulin to turn to her in confusion.


"Demon World is breaking up into five sections that have different environments and demons in it."Said Gu Yue causing everyone except Na'er too look at her in surprise.

"Wait, so it isn't just one big land?"Questioned Yue Zhengyu but Gu Yue just shook her head.

"Looking at the area and the environment, we are in. I would say we are in the Ignis border." Said Gu Yue as she begins explaining the regions.

The other regions are Nix the region with almost absolute zero temperature and constant icy rain. Umbra the region bathed in the dark where the light never shines and untold horror awaits those who thread into it. Imbrem a region filled with constant meteors, poison and all sort of dangers rain down from the sky. Silva, a region filled with a forest that grew to the size of the sky and ocean that went as deep as fifty kilometers.

"...Ok, so what 'special characteristic' does Ignis have?"Questioned Xie Xie as he was still recovering from what the other regions were.

"Ignis regions specialize in its incredible heat, poison mist, acid mist, and devil tide. So we will have to be careful as we move through this area and constantly circulate our spirit power."Said Gu Yue causing all of them to grimace and Xie Xie to ask what a devil tide was but Gu Yue continued her explanation.

"Plus this area is known for its demon-fighting each other as it is a survived of the fittest type of place." Said Gu Yue.

"Isn't that all of the sections of the demon world, though?" Questioned Xu Lizhi causing Gu Yue to nod her head.

"But compared to Ignis, the other border might as well be a walk in the park." Said Gu Yue causing all of them to flinch.

Gu Yue knew this information from her memories of the Silver Dragon King. The residents of demon world were notorious for their amazing combat power and battle experience because of the way they lived.

It was similar to the Law of Jungle type of world but ten times worse as even the environment encouraged the strong and punished the weak. This was especially true for the Ignis region which was built on the blood and flesh of the weak.

'Just how the hell do these beings survive in this environment.' Thought Xie Xie in a grimace.

"Alright, so this place sucks. Ok, do you know anything about the sky?"Questioned Xie Xie as he moved his hand to massage his temple.

He was trying his best to not to freak out as everything he is seeing and being told sounds almost impossible.

"That is Magna, the gate that they enter through to invade." Said Gu Yue causing all of them to fall silent.

Magna wasn't a gate as it was more of a cannon that would use the seed of another world to pierce open the sky and allow the demons through. As its power to break through space-time and the void itself was a legend amount the other planes that have been able to repel the demon world invasion.

"So, Yuanen you feel anything?" Question Ye Xinglan as she shifted her head to Yuanen Yehui.

Everyone turned their gazes to Yuanen Yehui, who had her eyes close something they just notice. Yuanen Yehui felt something tugging at her soul, the moment she awoke and it forcibly brought her into her spiritual world.

She was brought to an area filled with darkness and down from her was a black seed that was pulsing with purple-gold energy. She moved toward the seed and as she got close to it, she could see the pulsing getting bigger.

Then it exploded out and engulfing her in light. After a while, Yuanen Yehui opens her eyes and inside them had a strange glint as she began moving her eyes around.

"I can feel a tug coming from over there." Said Yuanen Yehui as she pointed her finger in a direction.

"Alright, we will follow your lead." Said Mu Xi causing everyone to nod their head.

"Should we spread out our spiritual sense?" Questioned Xu Xiaoyan to Gu Yue.

"No, the demons here may have a higher sensitivity to spiritual sensing." Said Gu Yue causing all of them to nod their head.

If this world is all about survival of the fittest, then demons here will be sure to be on their guard all of the time. Especially the strongest ones in fear of the weak trying to sneak attack it or assassinate it.

"I will follow behind Yuanen. With my enhanced sense, I can smell them from afar." Said Tang Wulin causing most of his friends to be confused but Na'er, Gu Yue, and Yuanen Yehui eyes lit up.

They were all familiar with Tang Wulin abnormal ability to tell the difference between a person and tell the difference between an illusion. After informing the others about this, they all nodded their head and began to follow Yuanen.

The group moved through the gruesome ground which would crack and crumble beneath them if they weren't careful. They had to be careful of magma shooting up from below the ground and poison mist sweeping through the area.

Xie Xie almost inhales the acid mist that came out of the ground once, but Wu Siduo drags his body back before he could inhale. No one blamed him because of sudden it came, as there was no warning. This put them on edge even more but one good thing was coming out of this experince.

"We're adapting?" Questioned Mu Xi to Gu Yue in surprise.

"Not necessary adapting but more like the environment is slowly destroying our bodies and rebuilding it back the more we use our spirit body to combat it." Said Gu Yue.

Similar to how one gain resistance to pain, the more they are hit and poison by building up resistance towards it. Ignis environment while it was harsh, had the benefit of increasing the strength of its inhabitants. By using their spirit power to fight off the acid, poison, and heat from this region.

Demons didn't become stronger like others through cultivating but through pure combat. Just by staying in Ignis, one strength would increase.

"I guess this place isn't so bad." Said Xie Xie but Gu Yue only shook her head.

"Did you forget the other beings?" Questioned Gu Yue causing Xie Xie lips to twitch.

"But it n-."

But then the ground began to shake and crumble around them. They all had confused looks except Gu Yue who eyes widen and shifted to her right.

"Hurry up and find a rock cover that has a weird mixture of black-purple." Screamed Gu Yue causing everyone eyes to widen but they didn't question her.

"Over there." Said Xie Xie as he spotted a rock formation that was black and purple.

"Run over there with all you have!" Screamed Gu Yue as she began to dash.

Everyone followed her example as they began to move towards it. It didn't long for them to instantly move into the rock formation, where Gu Yue told them to stick close to the rocks and don't go near the entrance.

It was just then Tang Wulin nose twitch and he heard footsteps. He wasn't the only one as the others could hear a rumbling of footsteps around them.

In a few seconds, they saw a shadow appearing and were able to see the demon. The demon was humanoid with red skin and pitch-black eyes. It had ears larger than that of a human with rings through it, and it carries a large spear in its hand.

The demon was running with terrible panic and fright all over its face. The amount of genuine terror on its face surprise them all except for Gu Yue who only looks at it in pity. Xu Xiaoyan furrowed her brows and was getting ready to create an ice bow to snipe the demon but Gu Yue held out her hand.

"It's fine, he's already dead." Said Gu Yue confusing everyone there.

"Xie Xie, remember when you ask about what a devil tide is?" Questioned Gu Yue.


"You're about to learn." Said Gu Yue as she moved her gaze to the side.

It was then the ominous rumbling and trembling of the world went silent.

"Is it ov-."

Xie Xie and everyone eyes widen at what the saw through the entrance.

A raging storm was coming down from the direction they came from. It was similar to a destructive tsunami and a hurricane as it swept through the whole land of Ignis. They saw it rushing furiously towards them and then they heard the bloodcurdling screams of other beings.

The demon that was close to them began to scream and tried to run but it was too late. As the storm came rushing over to their area and engulfing the demon.

Yet, what they saw caused them to all turn pale.

The demon skin and flesh was being burned in matter seconds. Then its bone began to meltdown and the organs were disintegrating. Yet that wasn't even the most terrifying part as Tang Wulin watch in shock as the soul of the demon was being erased as the tide came in contact with it.

This caused their body to tremble uncontrollably as the relentless tide swept past the rock formation they were in. Yet to their relief, it didn't enter the formation or meltdown the rock as it did to the demon they just saw.

The rock formation they were in stop rumbling as the tide kept on going and yet no one said anything for a while.

"What was that!" Screamed Xie Xie with panic and horror in his eyes.

"I told you, the devil tide. It's the accumulation of all the acid, poison, heat and other stuff in the Ignis region. If one was to get hit by the tide, then both their body, mind, and soul will be erased. Maybe only those who have broken through the limit of humanity could withstand it." Said Gu Yue causing her friends to suck in a cold breath.

"Does it come every once in a while?" Question Yue Zhengyu but Gu Yue shook her head.

"The devil tide is random, which is what makes it so dangerous. Can you imagine fighting a tough enemy or being attack and then suddenly it starts up?"Questioned Gu Yue causing all of them to grimace.

"How did these rock formations stop it?" Questioned Mu Xi but Gu Yue only shrug her shoulder.

"I have no idea. I only know they can stop the tide from entering. Which is why that demon was trying to reach the cave we were at." Said Gu Yue.

"So we will have to keep moving through this area while seeking the seed, fighting off the other beings and hiding to stop the devil tide from touching us." Said Xie Xie as his voice trembled.

"Yes." Said Gu Yue with a sigh.

"Yuanen, you can go now." Said Tang Wulin with a shake of his head.

No one said anything, as they follow Yuanen. As the dangers of the demon world instantly bump up and the most troubling part was.

They haven't even met any high-class demons yet.

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