Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 116: Floor One

Chapter 116: Floor One

'A pretty long fall.' Thought Tang Wulin as he felt the wind pressure on his face.

He and his friends were promptly split up from a sparkling light that covered each of them and brought them into one of the many holes that were around as they fell. As he was falling, Tang Wulin could still see many visible holes around him and yet the light still hasn't brought him into any of them.

'It can curve too?'

The long drop began to curve to the left, with the light he was in following in suit. Until then that the ball of ligth shot into a hole where a light was shining.


'I guess this is where I start.' Thought Tang Wulin as the glowing ball of light landed on the ground and began to break off from him.

He was in a golden room with radiant orbs of light that was shining all around. In front of him was a golden door similar to the one that was at the entrance of the dungeon.

"This place is attractive." Said Zeref as he appeared next to Tang Wulin.

"You are right."Said Sleipnir as she appeared too but Tang Wulin said nothing back to them as he begins moving through the decorated door.


'Time to move.' Thought Xie Xie as soon as he landed.

He began moving through the golden-white halls while being mindful of danger. From what the spectral demon told them, all of the beings inside the tower except his friends will try and kill him.

If that wasn't bad enough, this place was practically a maze filled with traps, so finding his friends is almost impossible unless one was lucky enough. He shifted his gaze around as he walked until he saw the same door he walkthrough before but this one was gold and white.

He moved towards the door and taps his hand on, causing it to slowly open up. He summoned his dagger and slowly moved through the door but to his surprise, he saw nothing. The room was a pure desolate room with a wall at the end, meaning a dead end.

'Well, I should have at least expected that.' Thought Xie Xie as he began to make his way out.


Xie Xie instantly swiped his dagger down causing the flaming arrow that was coming towards him to get destroyed. He then moved his gaze over to see a demon with a bow and another demon with a huge giant sword in its hand.

With a firm step on the floor, he dashes towards the demons who eyes widen in shock. Yet before they could react, Xie Xie was already behind them with sufficient moisture dripping from his dagger. The demons heads were removed, and Xie Xie kept on moving.

'Those demons didn't come down with us. They probably came before us.' Thought Xie Xie as he didn't recall seeing their faces.

He then instantly jump to the left to avoid being cleaved in half by a dark black of wind passing by. He glances to behind him to see a group of demons who gave the aura of a spirit saint charging towards him.

'Damn, time to move.' Thought Xie Xie as he began dashing away from them.

While he could easily take on these demons, he knew it would require him to waste a small bit of his spirit power. They all agreed to save as much spirit power as possible since they may have to finish all five floors to find the seed for Yuanen.

'Not only that but we don't know what else the other floors have in store for us.'

Xie Xie runs through the hallway, with him occasionally going through some of the doors, even with the risk he may get lost or worst it might be a dead end. After a while, he was able to lose the group chasing him but sadly this caused other groups of demon to notice him.

The other demons began chasing Xie Xie, thinking he may have found some treasure. As Xie Xie was running, he felt his foot landed on one of the tiles and it going down.

'Oh shit.'

His instincts screamed at him as he glances to the right and saw the walls opening up in next to him. Without any hesitation, he used all of his speed and with a burst escaped the burning spears that were coming out of the wall at breakneck speed.

'Alright I see the door but, I don't think I will have enough time to open it up and not get hit by these spears.' Thought Xie Xie as he could feel the spears that were coming out of the wall were keeping up with his speed. In fact, to his shock, they were getting faster and faster.

Shaking his head, he began thinking of a plan. While this was happening, the demon group that was following him had already been pierced and burned to a crisp from the spear. With their expression showing regret and shocked.

'Well here I go.' Thought Xie Xie as he threw his dagger toward the door. He watches as it making contact with it and causing the door to open.

He instantly jumps through the door just as the hallway was filled with rows of burning spear and then the door closed behind. He quickly got up and saw he was in a room with other demons who had their eyes on him while their guard was up.

Not only was that but he was able to see multiple doors to his right and a massive golden door down.

'They came from another way. But why are they all on guard but not doing anything?' Thought Xie Xie in suspicions but then the ground glowed and a voice rang out.

"Thirty-five participants are here, commencing the survival game."

"Only the last five can survive and escape this room."

'What th-.'

Xie Xie eyes widen as the floor under them literally disappeared and below them was a boundless sea of black fire.

'Not good!'

Xie Xie instantly shifted his eyes around and saw that the walls around them were still there. Quickly thinking of a plan, his rings behind him appeared and lit up.

A clone appeared above Xie Xie who thrust out his hand to the clone. The clone knowing what to do snatch Xie Xie arm and with a mighty swing, hurled him over to the wall. As he was getting close to the wall, he felt something hot was approaching him from the right.

'Controlling Crane Catching Dragon.'

Xie Xie moved his hands to the right, causing the flames to bend around him and hit the wall. But this caused his momentum to slow down and he was falling without being close to the wall.

Yet his face was still calm as another clone appeared under him, upside down with their foot on and his. Then they both kick, allowing Xie Xie to launch himself towards the wall and pierce his dagger into the side.

'Alright, I have some breathing room.' Thought Xie Xie as the danger of falling into the lava was temporarily stopped.

He wasn't the only one who went for the walls, as other demons were able to latch on to the wall. Yet only fifteen of them were able to do this, while the others died.

'One of them tried talking me out.'Thought Xie Xie as he knew the flame that almost hit him was fired from one of the other demons.

Yet he could grasp why they did it, as the room said only five could leave this room. Meaning ten more people would have to die at least if he wanted to leave. No one wanted to stay in this room for so long and there was no telling what else would happen.

'Let's move.' Thought Xie Xie as he began his attack.

'Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track.'

Xie Xie body flashed as he began running nimbly on the wall while leaving behind after-images. The other demons in the room noted this and their eyes widen in shock.

Xie Xie cross the distance between the demon nearest to him and before it could react, beheaded it while kicking its body into the sea below. As the demon body hit the sea of flames, it was instantly melted down and leaving nothing behind.

This caused the demons all to suck in a cold breath. Yet this didn't scene didn't cause Xie Xie to pause as he continued his attack.


'I knew this would be like a maze but this is just ridiculous.' Thought Tang Wulin as he opens up the door and found himself face to face without another dead end.

"What can you do, it's not like I can move through the wall and scout ahead."Said Zeref.

Sleipnir and Zeref try to see if they could move through the walls. To help Tang Wulin find the entrance to the hell gate faster. But something was blocking them from entering, In fact, it was more like something was rigorously suppressing them.

'It feels like I'm nowhere close.' Thought Tang Wulin while looking around the dead-end room.

'Wait a minute.' Thought Tang Wulin as a delighted grin started to sprout on his face.


"Just what are you planning."

Zeref and Sleipnir both felt chill at the grin on Tang Wulin face as he turned towards the wall in front of him. They watched as he began clenching his fist and then punch out towards the wall.


"Well, now it actually worked."

Zeref and Sleipnir had a look of shocked at the destroyed wall in front of them. They saw another private hallway through the hole and also the shocked look of a group of demons.

Subsequently, the wall began to slowly reform causing Tang Wulin eyes to flash and shined fiercely.

"So that whys. This place is able to regenerate the wall, so as long as I can go through before its closed up I should be fine."

With this plan in mind, Tang Wulin began rampaging through the mighty walls of the maze. The shockwaves of his fist were felt throughout the maze and causing some of the participants to fall into a fatal situation.

One including a certain dagger boy who got burned by a sea of lava from the shockwave tripping him up and him almost falling into the sea.

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