Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 122: Soul Monk (1)

Chapter 122: Soul Monk (1)

"Ahh, so this is the room to the hell gate." Said Xu Xiaoyan as she saw the silvery door in front of her, that was similar to the one she saw on floor one.

As she passed through the door, she ventures through the same long walk as before and went through another door, before she found herself in a blue room. As she begins walking forward while glancing around.

A loud roar reverberated through the room causing Xu Xiaoyan to sway, but she was able to stabilize herself as a large shadow that engulfs her form appeared. Glancing up she saw a huge wolf that was blue like glittering ice dropping down before her.

The wolf growled at Xu Xiaoyan and each step it took caused frost to form around it. Its tail swung behind it as it bared its fang at Xu Xiaoyan who only tilted her head and then began to tremble.

The wolf grin as it regards the girl before him trembling, as she should be in front of its magnificent presence. Just for this display, the wolf mused that it might not kill her slowly. It wasn't sure if it should use its ice or just squash her.

As the wolf was contemplating what to the do, Xu Xiaoyan shouted out words that caused the savage wolf to tremble and almost fell in shock.

"It's so cute!" Said Xu Xiaoyan with her eyes shining dazzlingly while she was jumping up and down.

The wolf blanky stared at the human in front of it, who was walking around and inspecting its body. Then it almost fell when it heard the next words that came out of the human girl's mouth.

"You wouldn't make for a bad mount. With you, I won't always be the first one to get targeted in a battle." Said Xu Xiaoyan as her hand was placed on her chin while her eyes were closed and head nodding.

"Say, little wolfie. You want to join me?"Questioned Xu Xiaoyan whose eyes were still shining.

The wolf answered with slamming it mighty paws down on to Xu Xiaoyan and causing a huge burst of ice to surge out from below. The wolf was too provoked and pissed off to even think of a reply, as this was the first time someone wanted to make it its mount.

How many beings that venture in this room and was shocked at its appearance. How many beings did it devoured and killed?


The wolf roared out as an arrow pierces its two eyes and ice exploded outward causing blood to flow.

'Acting was a success.' Thought Xu Xiaoyan as she had a radiant smile on her face.

She knew making light of the fiend would cause it to be anger and lower its awareness. With this, she could easily cripple the wolf and beat it without exhausting much energy.

If the wolf heard her thoughts, it would have cried out in rage and despicable. Sadly for the wolf, this was Xu Xiaoyan masterful ability to act and play people like a fiddle.


Tang Wulin step through the silver door and found himself in a room similar to the Silver Rider room but this one was darker. As he glances around, he begins hearing footsteps and then the door on the other side opens up.

A person in a black cloak walk through the door, which closed behind them and Tang Wulin narrowed his eyes to see a man. He was a blue humanoid man with beads all around him, similar to that of the gray demon Wu Siduo fought but he had a third eye, unlike the gray demon.

In the demon's hand was a long staff that shined with dark-blue light. The demon shifted his gaze toward Tang Wulin who could see the purple light in the demon socket.

"Welcome Challenger."

"I'm known as the Soul Monk." Said the Soul Monk towards Tang Wulin.

Tang Wulin search through his memory and recalled the information about this demon. Similar to the Silver Rider, it was one of the most dangerous and strongest fiends on the second level.

The Soul Monk primarily fights with the element of ice and from what he heard the abilities of the soul which allowed him to dominate most of his fight. Some say that to fight the Soul Monk was to bet your own soul as if he beats you, he will take your soul.

With this in mind, Tang Wulin didn't give the Soul Monk time to attack or get into his stance as he stomped down hard on the ground. Fissures and cracks were formed under him that shook the whole room.

There was a flicker of surprise in the Soul Monk eyes at the godly strength that Tang Wulin just displayed. Then he glances down to see sixteen demonic dragons burst from the ground and begin charging towards him.

As the demonic dragons approached the Soul Monk, his figure turned into a mist of after images. They instantly traveled five meters away and causing two of the dragons to collide. Yet this didn't stop the other dragons as they went towards the Soul Monk who merely raised his staff and instantly froze the dragons.

Tang Wulin furrowed his brows but still charged forward. The Soul Monk eyes shined and then an array of ice spheres began to form behind the Soul Monk. Yet it wasn't just a few dozen amounts of ice spheres that were formed behind the Soul Monk.

No, it was over a hundred ice blue balls that were shining behind the Soul Monk. Then he waved his hand down, causing them to launch towards Tang Wulin.

Surprised appeared in Tang Wulin eyes as he saw an endless amount of ice spheres coming towards him. Instantly a golden dragon head appeared behind Tang Wulin and then it roared out with an ear-deafening sound.

'Golden Dragon Roar.'

The dazzling arrays of icy spheres that were coming to Tang Wulin all began shattering from the roar disturbing and severing their connection between the Soul Monk. Yet the Soul Monk still kept his calm as he saw Tang Wulin rushing towards him.

An icy-blue wave surged one after another, encasing the whole room from the Soul Monk towards Tang Wulin. They formed into countless monstrous waves that engulfed everything in front of them like that of a tidal wave.

Tang Wulin clenched his fist as his body became coated in an extremely thin and transparent layer of golden scale. He then thrust out his fist towards the raging wave of water that was rushing towards him and cause a dragon head to appear.

With a roar from the golden dragon head, the waves began to tremble from the dragon roar and the waves began to ripple. Yet the Soul Monks eyes shined as he made the waves parted to allow the dragon head to go forward. He then transformed the tidal wave into a whirlpool around Tang Wulin.

Then as the dragon head got close to him, simply froze it. As the whirlpool was swirling around Tang Wulin, he didn't pay it any mind and continued onward even as it rushes to engulf him.

Tang Wulin narrowed his eyes and then began to move his feet for a swift kick that would part the waves for him. But the Soul Monk narrowed his eyes and instantly flick his fingers causing the whirlpool of water around Tang Wulin to instantly freeze.

How could the Soul Monk not be worried about Tang Wulin monstrous strength? He made sure to use an attack that could quickly seal Tang Wulin before he could exercise his physical prowess.

Tang Wulin still remains calm even as he felt his body being frozen and simply began to exercise the power of Annihilation to break all of the ice. Instead of the ice fracturing or bursting it out, it simply shatters into specs of light all around him.

The Soul Monk eyes slightly widen in shock, and a hint of wariness could be seen in his eye from the power that Tang Wulin just used. Understanding that Tang Wulin was a massive threat now, the Soul Monk tap down on the ground and cause a huge burst of ice to envelop the whole room.

The burst was so fast, that Tang Wulin wasn't able to react as his body started to become coated with frost. In fact, if it wasn't for his Dragon Robe and his powers of resistance all the powers, he may have just been frozen down to his atoms.

'He survives the absolute zero.' Thought the Soul Monk with even more shock.

Narrowing his eyes Tang Wulin turned into a visible streak of gold and transformed into a golden dragon that looks like it could rampage through the world. A blue and red aura engulfs the Soul Monk body as multiple ice tornados were formed around.

The ice tornados had a strange red aura around them, but Tang Wulin paid them no mind as he smashed right into them and revealed a hint of shock. As not only did the tornados not get blasted away but were able to somewhat withstand him for a few seconds before collapsing.

While he wasn't using all of his strength, it was still amazing that these ice tornadoes could withstand his terrifying strength. This was all due to the Soul Monk ability to amplify his technique and powers similar to that of an Auxiliary System Soul Master.

As he got through the tornadoes, he was met with an oppressive rumbling from a massive tsunami with ocean waves forced that acted like it could crush the heavens. His body was met with a terrifying amount of pressure that would kill and crush anyone other than him in his place.

His body was sent sailing through the air for a few seconds before he was able to regain control. But then his eyes widen as a hurricane of water came smashing down onto him. Tang Wulin body went crashing down into the ground and cracking the floor.

But then the hurricane of water was blown apart as thick dark multi-colored vines were swaying around aimlessly and then it began to wrap around Tang Wulin body. Then with one big stomp, he began to reduce the distance between him and the Soul Monk.

But he was then met with countless arrays of ice-sphere and yet he didn't falter at all as the vines around him began to shine.

Tang Wulin with masterful movements began to smash and destroyed each icy-spheres that came raining down on him. His skills were so exceptional that even attacks that were aimed at his blind spot were smashed apart. Even the spheres that he missed were smashed apart by the thin ligth vines.

But this still took Tang Wulin some time, allowing the Soul Monk to summon an icy-blue cloud above. Tang Wulin instantly stomps down on the ground causing sixteen demonic dragons to erupt out and raised his hands as countless chains moved out of the ground.

The demonic dragons and chains rush towards the ice-blue cloud but then a shocking scene happened. The cloud began to shoot down countless ice shards and rain towards Tang Wulin who felt his instinct screaming hysterically at him.

These two attacks literally pierce through the demonic dragon and countless chains. And since there was so many, none of the demonic dragons and chain were left after a few seconds.

Tang Wulin narrowed his eyes at the incoming attacks and began to inhale all of the rain and ice shards shooting down towards him like a vortex. The Soul Monk watched in shock as the ice shards and rain were being absorbed.

'What the hell is he?'

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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