Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 143: Sea God Festival

Chapter 143: Sea God Festival

"I didn't think it would be this bad." Mutter Mu Ye as he looked at the sight of Heaven Dou City or what was left of it.

Countless buildings were turned over, with shattered windows all around, and some were turned into rubbles. Mu Ye could see spider webs and dog-like marking indented into the floor as he moves through the ruined city.

He saw the countless number of people who were homeless and others who had a vacant look in their eyes as if they were still in shock. Some were turned into cripples, while others had lifeless like eyes as they huddle under a broken building.

"Mu Ye!" A voice rang out causing Mu Ye to blink his eyes and turn to see his good friend Zhen Hua coming towards him.

"How are things here?" Questioned Mu Ye he greeted his friend.

"...Not good."Said Zhen Hua with a sigh as he started explaining what has been going on ever since the attack of Fafnir.


The visible moon was shining brightly over a simple wooden hut that seems to be broken apart with the blocks of wood sticking out. The broken hut was the destination of three figures walking towards it.

"I'm surprised it didn't get destroyed." Said Na'er as she gently opened the wooden hut door and began examining the inside.

"Is this where you stayed?" Questioned Lang Yue as she came in after Na'er and began glancing around.

"She did stay here." Said Yali as she followed behind Lang Yue while staring at Na'er who was slowly looking around.

"Mhm." Said Na'er as she began walking around the room, taking note of things she left behind.

Her violet eyes glance over the broken table and chairs. The wood table was shattered with the books being ripped apart and broken. The cupboard was ripped apart with them producing a hole through the jagged boards.

Na'er noted her hammock that was laying on the ground with dust all over it and with leaves all scatted around. But what caught Na'er attention was the pile of food and books were on top of the rubbles.

'Everything seems to be destroyed.' Thought Na'er as her expression slowly began to change as she made her way over to the table.

"Oh, no." Said Lang Yue as she looks around to see the place all mashed up.

"It's ok honey. We can fix it back up." Said Lang Yue as she carefully moves her hand over the broken cupboards.

It was only when she didn't hear a reply from Na'er that Lang Yue glance over to see Na'er staring thoughtfully at the table and food, lost in thought. Lang Yue glance at Yali who glance at her too and smiled.

As if they knew what each other thought, they both began to make their way over to Na'er.

"What is wrong Na'er?" Questioned Land Yue.


"You know you can talk to us." Said Yali softly causing Na'er face to slowly crumple up.

"Nothing is wrong. I'm just recalling when I got this house."Said Na'er softly.

This was one of the first rewards she ever received from her master from being able to reach the Spirit Grandmaster rank so fast. She couldn't help but let out an embarrassed laugh as she recalled how excited she was when her master showed her the hut and said it was hers.

Maybe it was the thought of receiving her own home? Or a direct gift from her master? Or maybe it was because it reminded her of that hut time Tang Ziran build for her and Wulin in their backyard.

It was one of the moments where she was able to forget the constant pain of her knowing she abandoned her family. It wasn't wrong to say she has been miserable ever since she left her home in Glorybound city. Even though she was able to hide it behind a smile.

'I wonder if that's why master gave me this house? Was he able to see through my mask?' Thought Na'er.

"Oh, honey." Said Lang Yue as she brought Na'er into a comforting hug. Lang Yue began to slowly rub Na'er back as she felt her slightly trembling and then motion for Yali to join into.

Yali was genuinely surprised at first but then not a second later did she join in the affectionate hug. It didn't take long for them to move apart and for a radiant smile to form on Na'er face.

"What is wrong honey?" Questioned Yali causing Lang Yue eyes to slightly widen but not say anything.

"Nothing, I'm just fortunate I have two amazing moms." Said Na'er with a gentle smile, causing Yali eyes to widen and then for her to glance at Lang Yue.


"It's ok. I have heard from Na'er about how you and your husband as been treating her. All I can say is thank you." Said Lang Yue with a slight bow, which caused Yali to panic and for her to swiftly rush to stop Lang Yue.

Na'er only giggles at the duo in front of her, while also being glad that none of them were hostile or had ill feelings towards each other. After all, both of them were the people who raised her and treated her with love while she grew up.

"Shouldn't you be meeting up with everyone?" Questioned Lang Yue as she was holding Yali's hands while glancing at the clock and saw it was almost time.

"Oh right." Said Na'er as she recalled everyone agreeing to attend the Sea God Fated Date Festival.

Originally it was supposed to be only for inner court members but because of the recent attack and tragedies that transpired across the continent. Shrek is opening the Festival up to everyone who wishes to participate.

From what Na'er knew, almost everyone across the continent is coming to Shrek to participate and witness the event. She and everyone could guess the reason why Shrek would be doing, as this might be the most direct way to bolster everyone's morale.

As it wasn't wrong to say, the impact of the incident that happened a few months ago was too terrible to recover from so easily.

Although she was still shocked that they would still do something like this as it wasn't as if Shrek came out unscathed. As most of the City was destroyed and some of the Academy was demolished too with only the Sea God Island being undamaged.

'Not like I care about the true reason. This is a perfect time for everyone to be together.' Thought Na'er with a smile as she glances around her room one more time before heading out with her Moms.


A towering tree stood in the middle of a lush valley but the mature tree seems to have some of its branches and leave broken off.

"It sure has seen better days." Mutter Tang Wulin as he stared at the Gold Tree in front of him. The leaves on the tree seem to have lost its vitality as they seemed to have dulled in color and there were cracks around the tree.

'What do you think Sleipnir?' Thought Tang Wulin causing Sleipnir to appear behind him with a slight frown on her face.

"...The Gold Tree has expended a lot of energy, but it doesn't seem to be damaged that much."Said Sleipnir with a little bit of pain in her voice.

"So what is the problem?" Questioned Zeref as he appeared next to Tang Wulin.

"The problem is it doesn't even have ten percent of its energy left. It will take an extremely long time before it reaches back up to the level it was at before."Said Sleipnir causing both of their eyes to slightly widen.

"Did it really expand that much energy? What am I saying, of course, it must have if it was able to stop what of Fafnir attacks when it was enraged."Said Zeref with a shake of his head.

"Which means that it wouldn't be able to help revive the life force of the continent any time soon." Said Zeref with a frown on his face.

"I won-"

"Somehow I knew you would have come here." A voice rang out behind Tang Wulin.

"Oh really? I was wondering when you would hurry up and stop observing me."Said Tang Wulin as he turned around to see Yun Ming staring at him and then moving his gaze to the Gold Tree.

"Is Na'er ok?" Questioned Yun Ming.

"She is." Said Tang Wulin causing Yun Ming to slightly relax but then he moved his direct gaze back to Tang Wulin while wearing a complicated look.

The young adult in front of him was someone Yun Ming didn't know how to feel about. He was someone that his student/daughter cares and loves a great deal. He is also the one who receives the approval of the Gold Tree.

While being the only one that was able to talk to it for the past thousands of years. He also the boy who didn't care much for authority or those at a higher status than him.

"I'm sure you notice it by now, but the Gold Tree has used a lot of its energy to stop the destruction of Shrek." Said Yun Ming as he unconsciously clenches his fist.

The thought his powerless he was, as Shrek was about to be destroyed was something that greatly irritates him. It vexes him, even more, when the enemy was only one being and yet he simply regarded them like flies.

Tang Wulin just rolled his eyes and didn't answer back to Yun Ming's question, as he didn't have time to delay or do small talk. The figure of Zeref appeared next to him with a smile and glance at Tang Wulin.

"Let's make a deal."Said Tang Wulin with an indifferent look causing Yun Ming eyes to slightly widen.


"I want you to accept some conditions and some future favors. If you do this, I will tell you about the spirit beast that attacked and almost destroyed all of Shrek."Said Tang Wulin causing Yun Ming to slightly tremble.

"And also the knowledge about the destruction of Shrek."


Festivals were inevitably a place where one could find unrestrained joy and excitement with everyone being somehow connected. The Sea God Fated Date Festival was no different, especially with powers across the whole continent coming together to help make this festival even grander and bigger.

Festival lights lit up the whole day, with arrays of colors that could take anyone breath away and with hundreds of lanterns illuminating the lanes. The old feelings of gloom and despair were dispelled by the air filled with laughs.

Countless amounts of food stands were out with a vast variety of foods that were being displayed to everyone. Even the normal people of the cities were allowed to join in the festival with them being the ones to help the festival become even livelier.

People from different professions had their booths, with them showing off their products and lifestyle to those who have never seen the life of a spirit master before. Young and old, it didn't matter as countless people were coming towards the festival.

Decorations were all around Sea God's Lake with everyone moving around and going to different types of stands.

"They seem to be having fun."Mutter Xie Xie as he glances longingly at a couple walking past him as he sat down on one of the benches, that was around the city.

Shrek decided to host the festival on the mainland of the city, so it would be easier for everyone to attend and so there wouldn't be any complications. They made sure to ban anyone from going towards the Sea God Island, with the threat of death if they are caught.

"I should be getting ready."Mutter Xie Xie but he didn't make any movement and only sigh as his head slightly fell.

"Would she even care if I went?" Questioned Xie Xie as he lightly bit his lips and clench his hands.

"Why don't you just ask her?" A voice rang out causing Xie Xie to glance up and to his surprise see Wulin dad, Tang Ziran.

"Why are yo-"

"My son asked me to talk to you." Said Tang Ziran with a chuckle causing Xie Xie eyes to widen.

"Wulin asked you to?" Questioned Xie Xie with his tone retaining a slight sense of disbelief as he watches Tang Ziran sitting down next to him.

"Don't be so surprised, you know Wulin cares about you all even if he rarely shows it." Said Tang Ziran with a grin on his face.

"I know that it just I didn't think he would ask you. I was expecting... Nevermind." Said Xie Xie while shaking his head.

"You were expecting Wulin to talk to you." Said Tang Ziran causing Xie Xie to slightly blush and wave his hands.

"I don-"

"No it's fine, you expected him to be the one to talk to you. I get that and understand, as of course. You would want your friend or best friend to talk to you." Said Tang Ziran with a laugh causing Xie Xie blush to become even brighter.

"Wulin didn't talk to you because he doubts he would be able to help you when it came to romance or understanding a girl."Said Tang Ziran causing Xie Xie to look at him with a look of disbelief.

Tang Ziran only laughs louder at Xie Xie's face as he could tell what he was thinking. How could someone who was dating six girls at the same time not comprehend anything about love and girls?

'Lang Yue will never let me live that down.' Though Tang Ziran with a shook of his head. It was hard enough that his dear wife kept blaming him for Tang Wulin's ability to attract the opposite sex and the reason he was going out with six women.

He would have protested, but the radiant smile she was giving him was too dangerous. Sure he gave his sons some advice, but it wasn't like it was anything too bad.

He honestly wonders how Wulin could stand her scary smile and not flinch or cow before it.

"Well anyway. Why don't you tell me what's wrong Xie Xie and I see if I can help you." Said Tang Ziran as he gave Xie Xie his full attention.

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