Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 146: Gathering

Chapter 146: Gathering

Inside the Sea God Pavilion was a delicate and pretty woman with long blackish-purple hair that seems to flow down her back like water.

The women had gorgeous violet eyes that seem to be shining while wearing a white and blue dress with sleeves.

'What should I do?' Thought Gu Yue as she thought over the recent changes in the world.

It wasn't amiss to say, that every spirit beast in the world is now on death row or set to be on it. All because of the actions of the Calamities that Wulin told them about.

She wasn't surprised humanity became scared of the powers of the spirit beast after the destruction and the carnage those three beasts caused.

One day, the major forces of the Douluo Continent had fallen and even an empire was turned over.

All by beings who were identified as Spirit Beast by every soul master. Countless amount of lives was lost from their rampage and even more as the other forces were attacked while they were down.

So it was not a surprise when she heard the soul masters wanted to do a campaign against the Spirit Beast in Star Dou Forest. Not only that but there is also the threat of those Evil Spirit Masters, who should be a tremendous concern for those Soul Masters but...

'They are too blinded by their rage and hatred.' Thought Gu Yue with a sigh.

When the elders of the Spirit Beast heard about the situation of the world, they all wanted to use this opportunity to destroy the Spirit Pagoda.

She understands why and where they were coming from, as this may be the best opportunity they would get to destroy their torturer.

But Gu Yue knew better, even if they were able to destroy the Spirit Pagoda.

That would only force all of the humans on the continent to come together and slaughter all of the Spirit Beast.

She had no illusions that the Spirit Beast could beat the combined wrath of all of the forces of the Douluo Continent even when they are weakened.

'Maybe we could if I was the Dragon God or if I was fully complete...'

Gu Yue let out a sigh as her head was still down. She knew with the emotions she has now, that she couldn't bear killing Tang Wulin, let alone harm him.

Plus she doubts Na'er will willingly fuse with her again and she doubts it would be easy to suppress her. Gu Yue didn't know where it all went wrong. As her plan was falling apart and was starting to become out of place.

'Or maybe it has long since been falling apart?' Thought Gu Yue with a wry smile appearing on her face.

She was so lost in thought that she didn't notice a figure approaching her and two hands reaching out towards her.

It wasn't until she felt two hands on her cheek that she realizes someone was in front of her. This was a surprise to her, as her spiritual sense should allow her to sense everything and everyone around her, even while lost in thought.

She looks up to see Tang Wulin staring at her and then her eyes slightly widen when she felt him pulling her closer.

"Just what-"

Before Gu Yue could finish her sentence, she was silenced by a gentle kiss. Her body slightly shook and then slowly started to relax as she leans into the kiss, which lasted for a few seconds.

Tang Wulin didn't think someone would be waiting for him inside of the Sea God Pavilion considering the festival has already started.

Plus it wasn't like they knew how long he would be here or if he didn't already leave. Yet Gu Yue was here and it seems she didn't just arrive.

"Still thinking about the Spirit Beast?" Questioned Tang Wulin as he laid his forehead on top of Gu Yue while gazing thoughtfully at her blushing face.

"I thought we made a deal to work out the problems together." Said Tang Wulin in slight amusement at Gu Yue expression which was turning cold from the embarrassment.


Gu Yue tried to turn away but Tang Wulin simply turned her back to him as he cups her face and then lets out a light chuckle.

'Is this why dad likes teasing mom?' Thought Tang Wulin as he saw the blushing face of Gu Yue.

He begins looking around before, scoping up Gu Yue. This caused her to gasp in surprise from the sudden movement. Then he started making his way to the edge of the Sea God Island.

"What are you doing!" Shouted Gu Yue as she began beating on Tang Wulin's chest while glaring at him. Her rosy blush was becoming even deeper when she notices the way he was carrying her.

Tang Wulin ignored her icy glare as he took one step and instantly arrived at the edge of the Sea God Island where one could see the glittering ocean.

"Let's stay here for a while."Said Tang Wulin as he sat down, causing Gu Yue to be sitting in his lap.

"You..." Gu Yue glare became even icier and deadly but Tang Wulin merely disregarded it as he brought her into another kiss.

"...I don't like you."Mutter Gu Yue as she concealed her face in Tang Wulin's chest after their kiss. Tang Wulin only shook his head as he began holding her.

It was then Tang Wulin decided to tell her what he and Yun Ming talk about. As they both agree to inform each other about anything new that happens in the world.

"...So it's that bad."Mutter Gu Yue with her head resting comfortably on Tang Wulin.

"Yes, at the moment the Douluo Dalu continent is at its weakest. Yun Ming fears a confrontation with the Spirit Beast would weaken it even further."Said Tang Wulin causing Gu Yue to nod her head.

The Spirit Beast inside of Star Dou Forest is under no circumstances weak. Even back when the forces of the continent were at their strongest, they would still need a significant price to fully invade the forest.

Just how big would the damage on both sides be if they both went to war, after the calamities attack? Not only that but there was no guarantee that the forces in hiding wouldn't take advantage of this chance to wipe out Shrek and the other forces.

Either way, the action of the Calamities may just cause both the Spirit Beast and humanity to fight to the death.

Then that isn't even putting the Evil Soul Masters in the equation.

As they have the option of attacking either the Spirit Beasts or Humanity and gaining small losses with big rewards. As the weakening of one force would cause the other side to attack and destroy that force.

Thereby allowing the Evil Soul Masters to eliminate the leftover forces and reap the benefits of the negative energy caused by the war.

'But to think he would get Shrek to agree to defend the Star Luo Forest and utilize their force to stop an assault on it.' Thought Gu Yue but then she sighed out loud.

"You sure love annoying me don't you."Said Gu Yue as she glances at Tang Wulin who was nuzzling up on her while she was lost in thought.

"You sure love to be a tiresome lover."Said Tang Wulin as he cups Gu Yue's faces again and then he arched a brow when he saw her covering her mouth.

"Are my kisses that bad?" Questioned Tang Wulin while still keeping his stoic look somehow.

"Shut up." Mutter Gu Yue but she stopped covering her mouth and moving back into to Tang Wulin's chest.

"Na'er and I have to leave soon."Said Gu Yue softly while her eyes were still closed.

"For?" Questioned Tang Wulin.

"We have to attend the new selection of the Beast God." Said Gu Yue causing Tang Wulin to arch a brow.

"Did Di Tian die or something? I thought he was the Beast God."

"No, he is still alive." Said Gu Yue with a sigh.

"The Beast God title is claimed through a trial that the Nine Dragon Kings made before they died out. Only the strongest Spirit Beast will be allowed to gain this rank and rule over all of the Spirit Beast."Said Gu Yue.

"Wouldn't Di Tian be the obvious winner?" Questioned Tang Wulin as the last he heard, Di Tian was far older and stronger than any of the Spirit Beast.

"Normally that would be the case but the trial isn't just about cultivation as the Beast God must have a very pure bloodline and also gain the recognition of the other Spirit Beast. Because of this requirement, all 'Free' Spirit Beast will be transported to the Star Dou Forest and then undergone the trial while being suppressed by the Seven-Colored Law." Said Gu Yue.

'I wonder if I would count in that too.' Thought Tang Wulin in amusement as he honestly wasn't sure what he was. His bloodline has too much stuff in it, to the point he stops bothering trying to keep track of what exactly he was.

"Seven-Colored Law?" Questioned Tang Wulin.

"The laws created by the Dragon God on the Douluo Plane. The Nine Dragon Kings used the faith of the Dragon God to create this trial for the future generation of Spirit Beast. As they believe only the Spirit Beast with the best bloodline can rule."Said Gu Yue causing Tang Wulin to nod his head.

"Wouldn't that make you guys the-"

"No, our rank far exceeds the Beast God rank. The trial wasn't meant for existence like us or the Nine Dragon King."Said Gu Yue with a small smile.

"So why do you guys need to go?"

"Because we must oversee this event, just like how the Nine Dragon Kings did before they vanish from the world." Said Gu Yue but then she sighed.

"He also wants to use this as a chance to get us to be away from you, so he can get a chance to kill you." Said Gu Yue with a sigh as Di Tian's attempt to mask his intent of killing Tang Wulin wasn't very good.

While she doubts he would put the death of Wulin has his number one priority. As right now the number of challenges he has now has grown ever since his loss against Huo Yuhao. She wouldn't put it past him to use this chance to take Wulin out and allow her to become a whole again.

"Well have fun." Said Tang Wulin with a nod of his head causing Gu Yue to brows to twitch.

"Y-...You did hear what I said." Said Gu Yue as she begins glaring at Tang Wulin.

"I did but don't worry. I should be fine."Said Tang Wulin as he dismisses Gu Yue's concern.

"... Stupid battle lust idiot."Mutter Gu Yue as she rested on his chest.

They both stayed like this for a while, without either of them speaking. They both just simply enjoyed each other while listening to the occasional fireworks going off.

'...This isn't so bad.' Thought Gu Yue.

It was bizarre to her, that no matter what happened or what was happening, being in his embrace somehow inevitably made her relax. Whether it was the warmth or the unspeakable comfort of him embracing her, she didn't understand.

It was a little scary, that someone could have such control over her. It was a frightening experience that caused her to sometimes second guess herself if what she was doing was right.

Whenever she is with Tang Wulin, she sometimes wants to just drop everything and start a new chapter. The Spirit Beast, humanity, hatred, and genocide, she wanted to forget it all.

Those thoughts truly terrify her, as she may just do something like that and abandon her people to suffer the fate of being nothing more than a science experiment.

'I can't! Even if it means br-'

Gu Yue's eyes slightly widen she felt a hand running through her hair and one rubbing her back. She became even more surprised when she started noticing she was trembling.

'When did I...' Thought Gu Yue in confusion but then she notices how Wulin didn't ask her if she was ok or why she was trembling.

He simply held her as if nothing happened.

'I will help you carry that thing you call a burden.'

'I love you.'

Yet this feeble gesture caused an indescribable feeling through Gu Yue that caused most of the fog that was clouding around her mind and heart to be blown away.

'...How could I forget?' Thought Gu Yue as she felt a warmth spreading through her chest as she began snuggling closer.

'I love you too.'

'Even if this love may end up in a tragedy.'

'I will never regret it.'

Thump! Thump!

Gu Yue's eyes were slowly closing as she listens to the heartbeats that were comfortably beating like a drum. She didn't question why she felt and heard three beats as right now, it didn't matter.

As for the first time in a while, she was free of all external worries and problems. As in this moment, she didn't feel like the Silver Dragon King or the High Lord of the spirit beast.

But as Gu Yue was with the only man that she has and will ever love in her life.

Tang Wulin glances down to see Gu Yue's eyes closed with a sincere smile on her face that was seemed to be free of worries and trouble. He continued moving his hand as he held her delicate body with the silence dictating their time together.

"Wulin? You're still here."A voice rang out causing Gu Yue's eyes to slightly widen and for her to try to escape Tang Wulin embrace.

Sadly for her, Tang Wulin's strength far outstrips hers and so she was kept in his embrace while being moved closer to his chest.

"Yes." Said Tang Wulin, while ignoring Gu Yue beating on his chest and her icy glare being sent towards him.

"Hmm? Aren't you Heavenly Pheonix Douluo Leng Yaozhu's disciple?"Questioned Yun Ming once he got a good look at Gu Yue.

"I'm." Said Gu Yue while showing an indifferent look to Yun Ming causing him to nod his head but not say anything.

"Yun Ming, what is the situation on the campaign against the Spirit Beast?" Questioned Tang Wulin causing him to feel Gu Yue tremble a little and for Yun Ming to let out a sigh.

"...It's bad as you can guess. Many forces are crying out in a rage that they should get back at the Spirit Beast for the damage they caused. With the leading force being the Pagoda alongside the Federation. While others are saying it would be wrong for them to massacre a whole race for the action of only four of them."Said Yun Ming causing Gu Yue eyes to slightly narrow.

"What is Shrek stand on it?" Questioned Gu Yue as she stared at Yun Ming deeply.

"We are against it." Said Yun Ming without any hesitation.

"Even with the damage to the Gold Tree?"Questioned Tang Wulin with a raised brow.

"...Even with the damage to the Gold Tree. Our Ancestor the Ice Douluo Huo Yuhao went through too much danger and hardship for the equal right of both races. Just like he said, humanity cannot live without the Spirit Beast and vice-versa." Said Yun Ming causing Gu Yue to fall silent.

"Right now, we're doing our best to stop them from starting the campaign. With the information you gave me, it would make it easier for us to divert the rage of humanity to the Calamities from the spirit beast themselves."Said Yun Ming.

Tang Wulin glance at Gu Yue and saw she was still in thought as if she was going over the things that Yun Ming said. He only asked this, to reassure Gu Yue as he knew she needed more proof about Shrek support.

It was then he saw the fireworks going off down from the Sea God Island.

"It seems the main event has already started. Lets set off before we miss all of it."Said Yun Ming as he started taking off into the sky.

Tang Wulin and Gu Yue nodded their heads before following Yun Ming.

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