Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 149: Do you Accept?

Chapter 149: Do you Accept?

Tang Wulin didn't really care for the rest of the girl's confession that game except Yuanen. As the only reason, he came and stayed was because of his curiosity about whether Yuanen would accept Xie Xie's confession or not.

Zeref and his dad told him there was no way that she would go out with Xie Xie simply because of the things he has done for her.

When he asked why not, they simply shrug their heads and said they honestly weren't sure. As even if one spends their whole life with another person, there wasn't an absolute certainty that the person will fall in love with them.

And so he watches as it was Yunanen turn come up. Yuanen Yehui didn't mince words and told Xie Xie that if he wants to be with her, then he must defeat her.

"I didn't expect Yuanen to be like that." Said Lang Yue with her eyes widens in surprise.

"I wonder why she is so hard on him?" Questioned Tang Ziran and he wasn't the only one as most of the people were surprised at this development.

"Doesn't Xie Xie seem a bit different to you guys?" Questioned Ye Xinglan with her eyes narrowed. She didn't know how or why but felt as if the Xie Xie in front of her was different somehow from those last two months.

"Did he get stronger?" Questioned Wu Siduo with her eyes slighlty widen.

"You think that's the reason?" Questioned Xu Xiaoyan with a tilt of her head.

"What do you think W-"

Na'er eyes slightly widen when she saw the small smirk on Tang Wulin's face as he was staring at both Xie Xie and Yuanen Yehui.


'Defeat me.'

Xie Xie could hear the words of Yuanen resounding in his mind and yet, the only thing he felt was calm. He didn't say anything else to her as he summons his Dragon Space-Time dagger and moved in front of the boys.

He saw Yuanen already had her Fallen Angel form out with two black swords in her hand. Yet Xie Xie simply took a deep breath and then attack.

'Space-Time Dragon Acceleration.'

With one step, Xie Xie's figure disappeared in a flash of black-white light causing everyone eyes to widen.

"Isn't that!" Shouted Shen Yi in shock.

"Yes, it's similar to Tang Wulin and that old bastard Nine Divine Move." Shouted Elder Cai in surprise.

Yuanen Yehui didn't panic as with lightning speed reaction, she hacks towards her left as a flash of light appeared next to her. Yet Xie Xie didn't panic as his first ring appeared behind him and began to lit up.

'Dragon Space-Time Clones.'

Instantly six Xie Xie's appeared around Yuanen Yehui as she was hacking towards her left and they all aimed their daggers at her. Yuanen Yehui only snorted as five rings appeared behind her and began liting up.

'Devil Gleam.'

Yuanen Yehui's eyes began to glow with an eerie light but how could Xie Xie not know what she was planning?

'Purple Demons Eyes.'

His own eyes began turning deep purple with a terrifying light and allowing him to momentarily defend against Yuanen Yehui Devil Gleam.

Xie Xie then begins to slowly rotate his hand.

'Space-Time Dragon Freeze The World.'

A gray hue began erupting out of Xie Xie that began to surround the area around him. Everything around him was being frozen whether it be space, water, lilypads or even Yuanen Yehui.

'Its end here.' Thought Xie Xie as his eyes flashed with him bringing down his daggers.

It should be known that he combined both his Ultimate Time and the Nine Divine Dragon Moves together to develop a terrifying skill. Even if one was vastly stronger than him, it would still take them a few seconds to break out because of his Ultimate attribute.

As all six clones of Xie Xie were coming down on Yuanen Yehui, a deadly aura burst out that send all of them flying. The grey hue around the area was broken, allowing Yuanen Yehui and everything else to be unfrozen.

'How!' Thought Xie Xie in shock but then his eyes slightly shrink as he saw a flash of light appear in front of Yuanen Yehui.

Yuanen Yehui said nothing as she moved her hand to grasp the onyx sword in front of her and then her form began to change. Yuanen Yehui's wings shatter from behind her, as she grew five-meter taller and purple-blue ethereal hair began to appear all over her.

'Shit, she is already bringing out her Titan Form! Plus that sword!'

Then with no words uttered, five rings appeared behind Yuanen Yehui and lit up before she hacks down towards Xie Xie.

'Great Earthquake.'

The lake around them began to rupture and erupt as a giant tsunami was sent toward Xie Xie who eyes flashed. Five rings appeared behind Xie Xie and began to lit up, as the giant tsunami began to slow down to the speed of a turtle.

He then steps on the water lightly.

'Space-Time Dragon Acceleration.'

Xie Xie instantly disappeared from view but Yuenen Yehui wasn't worried as she narrowed her eyes. Her eyes began turning light purple with a deadly gleam.

'Purple Demon Eyes.'

Within an instant, her surroundings started slowing down, and she became able to slightly see where Xie Xie was attacking from. She could see Xie Xie was aiming for a frontal assault, meaning he wanted to bait her into an attack.

Who was she to deny him of that?

Clenching her might fist, Yuanen Yehui thrust out her fist that began to bend and twits air around her. Four rings appeared behind her while lighting up and then a beam of air pressure began rushing towards Xie Xie.

'Air Cannon.'

Xie Xie didn't falter as six rings lit up behind him and then he slashes down with his dagger, causing the wind pressure to be cut in half. Yuanen Yehui began letting out a small smirk and then six rings began to appear behind her.

'Titan Firmament Breaker .'

The air began trembling as Yuanen Yehui was using her gravity to compress the air and energy around her. She then channels it towards the hand that had the Dark Animus, causing the terrifying energy to surround it.

Then with all of her strength, she slashes down toward Xie Xie who eyes widen from shock at the terrifying attack coming his way. Yet that wasn't even the most terrifying part, as he could feel he was being drawn into the attack as if a vortex was inside of it.


'Just how terrifying have these kids become?' Thought Zhou Shi in shock.

When he saw his other disciples Xie Xie utilizing the divine moves in his own way, he couldn't help but be proud of him. It wouldn't be wrong to say that he wasn't a hundred percent confident before in that Xie Xie's ability to make this much progress in the Nine Divine Moves in such little time.

Yet not only was Xie Xie able to integrate the nine divine moves into his own fighting style. But he was able to add the element of time into it, shocking even him. And it wasn't just Xie Xie but Yuanen Yehui that caused his eyes to widen.

Whether it be from her martial soul being different from before, that terrifying weapon in her hand or the fact that she was dishing attacks that could easily match a Soul Saint.

But that wasn't just it, as he saw that Yuanen Yehui and Xie Xie were both Spirit Emperor. Just how old are they? Not even most Title Douluos was able to become a Spirit Emperor that fast.

He had a feeling it wasn't just these two who have made such huge progress but the rest of them as well.

'Just what the hell did they do over that year and a half.' Thought Zhou Shi.


'I refuse to stay behind you anymore Yuanen!' Thought Xie Xie as he narrowed his eyes at the terrifying attack coming towards him.

'Space-Time Dragon Warps The Void.'

With a roar, Xie Xie stomps down on the water but instead of it his foot plowing through the water, it began to bend and twist. Yuanen Yehui's eyes slightly widen when she saw the whole space around Xie Xie began to twist.

This caused her attack to alter its course and missing Xie Xie. She narrowed slightly narrowed her eyes and was about to go for another attack but then she felt a shiver run down her spine.


Nine dragons burst through the void with a terrifying roar and began rushing toward Yuanen Yehui. As if she already knew about them, Yaunen Yehui was already hacking upwards as nine dragons came rushing towards her.

'Self Created Soul Skill: Time Suspension.'

Instantly the nine dragons had frozen in mid-air before they came in contact with the onyx sword hacking upward causing her eyes to slight widen. But then as her sword misses its mark, they unfroze and began rushing back towards her.

Yuanen Yehui didn't panic as she instantly switched from her Great Titan Ape to her Fallen Seraphim before raising her sword. A dark wave erupted from the sword that caused the figure of the nine dragons to shake before breaking apart.

Yet as if he was waiting for this moment, Xie Xie was already close to Yuanen Yehui with his dagger aimed at her neck. Yuanen Yehui narrowed her eyes and hack down, with purple-gold flames rushing out from her sword.

'Absolute Delay.'

The flames rushing toward Xie Xie began to slow down to the speed of a turtle. Then he broke through, causing him to be right in front of Yuanen. It was then four black swords appeared in front of him as if they were waiting for him but Xie Xie didn't falter.

Xie Xie's expression didn't change and with lightning speed reaction, began deflecting the black swords away. One of the black swords was heavier than he thought, causing him to lose his balance and it was in this moment when Yuanen decided to strike.

Fallen Animus came piercing towards Xie Xie who eyes slightly widened but quickly twisted his body to try and dodge the attack. He wasn't able to fully evade the terrifying sword as it was able to lightly cut his side.

But even though it was light, it caused his whole body to be racked with an unbelievable amount of pain.

This was one of Fallen Animus's passive abilities that Yuanen Yehui was able to find out with the help of Xu Xiaoyan. Anyone who is cut by Dark Animus even if it was a light cut, will experience an untold amount of pain. The pain will not stop unless Yuanen Yehui wills it to stop or until the person who was cut dies.

Xie Xie could feel his body screaming at him in pain, but he didn't give in. Xie Xie thrust his dagger to the side that was cut and then to Yuanen arm that was holding the Fallen Animus.

'Self-Created Soul Skill: Time Stab.'

Instantly the area where the cut happened was stab and then a gray hue began to form around it. Xie Xie could feel the pain inside of his body disappearing as if it was never there. At the same time, a gray hue began to surround Yuanen Yehui's arm causing it to be frozen.

Then with his foot, he pushed towards Yuanen Yehui whose eyes had a hint of shock from him still being able to stand and freezing her arm.

She tried to summon her purple-gold flames, but Xie Xie wasn't about to give her the opportunity or time.

'Space-Time Dragon Sweeps Its Tail'

Xie Xie lashes out with a foot, that caused her purple-gold flames to be dispersed with space around them bending.

'Self-Created Soul Skill: Time Acceleration.'

Xie Xie's arm turned into a blur as he hacks down on Yuanen Yehui. Yuanen's eyes widen, as she tried moving but Xie Xie was too fast for her to react.


"Is this enough Yuanen?" Questioned Xie Xie with him breathing lightly as his dagger was held near to the throat of Yuanen Yehui.

"Yes, I have lost." Said Yuanen Yehui with her eyes sparkling and a faint smile began to form on her face.

"To think you would come this far..." Mutter Yuanen Yehui as she saw Xie Xie dagger fading away. Xie Xie slightly narrowed his eyes while looking intensely at Yuanen causing her to roll her eyes.

"Do you really want me to say it? I accept your confession, you fool."

And then Xie Xie let out a shout of victory before pouncing toward Yuanen Yehui and hagging her.

"H-Hey, let go of me!"


"If you don't I will leave you!"


"He actually beat her." Mutter Xu Xiaoyan in shock as she gazes at the new couple.

"Not only that but it seems he has found his own path." Said Ye Xinglan with a faint smile.

"Say, big brother, do you have anything to do with that?" Questioned Na'er with a sweet smile and a giggle.

"I only help him a little bit." Said Tang Wulin as that was the truth.

He didn't give Xie Xie any skill or even teach anything new. All he did was spar with Xie Xie for the whole time they were riding the boat. It was during those spars that both of them were displaying their time-related skills that they were able to reach enlightenment.

'Although both of them were holding back a lot.' Thought Tang Wulin as he knew both Yuanen and Xie Xie didn't use all of their skills or their battle armor.

"Anyway, let's go." Said Tang Wulin as he begins turning, causing everyone to blink their eyes.

"We aren't staying for the last segment?" Questioned Xu Xiaoyan with a small pout but Tang Wulin only rolled his eyes.

"Xie Xie and Yuanen, come on." Shouted Tang Wulin as he continues walking forward. He had no interest in staying any longer than he had to. Na'er giggles at Tang Wulin as she runs after him and then crosses their arms together.

"Unromantic." Mutters Xu Xiaoyan as she began following behind Tang Wulin. Mu Xi only laughs at Xu Xiaoyan as she moved her hands to pinch her cheek while walking forward.

"Big Sis! Stop! It hurts!"

"Now, now. You already knew what type of person Wulin was." Said Mu Xi but she only receives a pout from Xu Xiaoyan.

"Still the same old captain." Said Xie Xie with a smile as he was holding Yuanen Yehui. Yuanen Yehui only rolled her eyes at him and then quickly escape his embrace before moving forward.

"Hold up Yuanen!"

"Come on Yali, let's go enjoy the festival."Said Lang Yue as she began dragging the Holy Spirit Douluo with one of her hand, while her other hand was intertwined with Tang Ziran.

Yali only smiled as she began following her new friend, with Yun Ming only shaking his head and following behind his wife.

"Stupid couples."Mutter Zhou Shi while Feng Wuyu was also muttering obscene stuff about the couples around him.

It didn't take long before everyone that Tang Wulin knew or was familiar with began following his lead. They all went their separate way in the festival with all those who were couples walking through the festival together.

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