Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 15: Miracles

Chapter 15: Miracles

"Is that all your going to say?"

"To your dear lifelong friend?"

Tang Wulin lips twitch as he observed the man in front of him. To think that he would be associating with the black magician in this life.

"How are you here Zeref?"

"Isn't that a fascinating question?"

Tang Wulin stared at Zeref, not taking his bait for conversation. Zeref smirk as he snaps his finger and a grand throne appeared behind him. He sat down with his leg cross and his elbow resting below his chin.

"Do you naturally mean, how am I here inside of you? How am I in this world? Or how am not dead?"

"The ultimate answer to that question is "

"I don't know."

Tang Wulin glared at Zeref knowing intuitively he was lying and withholding something from me.

"You don't have to glare fiercely at me. I am being honest here."

Levithan uncurled itself from Tang Wulin head and naturally started looking thoughtfully at Zeref with genuine curiosity.

"Oh. Well, aren't you interesting!"

Tang Wulin arch a brow, suspicious of Zeref. Whenever Zeref typically finds something interesting, it was either something that could potentially kill himself or him.


"Now where the fun in that. Hahaha."

"Just take care of this little guy."

Zeref smiled as he saw Acnologia glaring suspiciously at him. Even after these years, Acnologia is still the same as before when dealing with him.

"You have changed, Acnologia."


"You have become kinder. No, it is possible this was your original personality before the dragon slayer madness."

"I guess the credit is due to that family of yours?"

"I mean it truly a novel experience to see the once renown Dragon of Apocalypse going willingly to school and training his little sister."

"I have no time for your idle talk, Black Wizard. What do you want?"

"Well, to put it simply. I am here to aid you."

Tang Wulin gazes at Zeref not believing his answer. Zeref got up from the throne and started to walk around with a hand still on his chin.

"Aren't you puzzled? How were you able to miraculously survive? How were you able to come to this world and how I was able to come here too?"

Tang Wulin watches as Zeref took a stroll around the dark space before he snaps and the surroundings changed. He blinks and saw that the background change to the realm where he fought those 7 dragon slayers.

"Truthfully you should have died after Natsu strikes you with his combine Dragon Slayer attack but."

"The Space Between Time couldn't allow its wielder to die, so its power surged up and produced a distortion as you were fading away. This distortion caused a crack in Space-Time which drags your spirit that was fading away to this world."

"Interestingly enough, into this body for some reason. Not only that but it was able to warp your tangible body that was fighting the mages and seal it inside of this body. It's why your Dragon Slayer Powers are stronger than originally because your Dragon Form was still intact with the magic boost of the Space Between Time."

Tang Wulin watch as the surrounding started playing scenes of his Spirit being slip through Space-Time. Next, it changed to his body which was still trapped in Fairy Heart, being warped and transported into the same world he was.

"The previous owner inevitably died from the overflow of your Dragon Form and the GDK power clashing for dominance. This caused the Space Between Time to forcibly separate them apart, which remain why you never had to fight for control of this body."

"Wait So what have you been doing this whole time."

"Good question! You see while you were learning about the joy of being loved. I had to work overtime to integrate your Dragon Form into this body. It why you could never use your dragon slayer power before. It didn't completely get integrated until you unlock your martial soul."

Zeref watches as Tang Wulin gazes at the Space Between Time with an expression of care? He couldn't tell since he doubts Acnologia would understand himself.

"Black Wizard, say I believe you want to help me."

"How do I regain the power of the Space Between Time."

"Another good question! You're just on a roll today!"

"It pretty easy, you just have to slowly "eat" it."

"What do you mean eating it?"

"You should be familiar with it, isn't that how you became it wielder the first time. As I said before, you can slowly gain the power back by eating as much as your body can contain."

"The stronger you get, the more you can eat and take in. With the Golden Dragon King improving your body, you should be able to absorb it all in the end without your body and spirit splitting into two like before."

Tang Wulin nodded is head and then started to walk toward to Space Between Time. He gently started rubbing the glowing sphere.

'Thank you.'

He then started eating it. He experienced the power of nothingness seeping into him and surprisingly causing his spirit power to increase. He ate as much as he could and sat down to meditate, while Zeref observes.



Tang Wulin blink as he eyes open to the sun shining through the window of the workshop. He started getting up from the floor, as he notices his body felt lighter and stronger.

"Awake huh."

Hearing a voice behind him, he turned around and saw Mang Tian. Mang Tian seems to be bringing in plates of food, as Tang Wulin started to stand back up from his sitting position.

"When did you get here?"

"Earlier today, it seems you made a breakthrough?"

Tang Wulin nodded his head, still trying to shake off the dizzy and weak feeling. Mang Tian gave him the plates of food and started to ask him what he been doing since he came here. He mostly informed everything about in that involved the blacksmith and school.

Mang Tien smiled wryly after hearing Tang Wulin say he ignored a Saint Blacksmith and was able to get him to give him some items for his cultivation. He then told him his parent went on a business trip and won't be able to contact him for a while.

Tang Wulin wanted to question more about the business trip. Mang Tien told him his parent didn't say much about it. He then told Tang Wulin he had about twenty minutes before his class starts.

Tang Wulin surprise at the time, begin to leave for the Academy.


Tang Wulin was walking towards the Academy after waking up earlier. He knew a few days have gone by when he was breaking through the first seal.

"Wow, this place sure looks more charming in person!"

"Hey Acnologia, look at those luxury cars."

"Oh! There the academy entrance."

Tang Wulin lips twitch from the recent arrival with him. Zeref was looking wistfully around everything like an innocent child. It seems that by him eating some of the Space Between Time has caused Zeref to gain the ability to depart from his body and appear as an astral form around him.

"Still though, to think your spirit power would increase to rank 19 from eating the Space Between Time."

"Such an interesting setup. The more seals you unlock the stronger your body becomes. Which subsequently allows you to eat more of the Space Between Time and thereby increasing your spirit rank."

"A system that coves all base, aren't you a fortunate one."

He knew Zeref had a point, and he could directly undoubtedly increase his spirit rank alongside his body.

At present, he could completely focus on obtaining the new items he required to increase his strength and then he would break through.

"Tang Wulin!"

Tang Wulin turns his head, and he saw Xie Xie running towards him after he passes through the gates of the academy.

"So you're finally back, you bastard."

"It has been a week since you came back to the dorms. I thought you left to escape me!"

Tang Wulin walk past Xie Xie, doing his best to studiously ignore the nonsense that came out of his mouth. Zeref was just laughing at the interaction between him and Xie Xie.

"What did you guys do last week?"

Since Xie Xie going to keep talking, he might as well talk about something worth his time. Xie Xie started to rant on about a new student that joined the class last week, the day after he left.

"That girl is bad news."

"It best to not get involved with her at all."

"Are you saying its good to get involved with you."


The boys reach their classroom in time, as other kids were starting to sit down and waiting for teacher Wu Zhangkong.

"Tang Wulin!."

The whole classroom cheered his name, and he didn't understand why, though. Tang Wulin didn't know he became famous, for being able to clash with teacher Wu Zhangkong and possibly the strongest in the class.

"Tang Wulin, you should meet sister Gu Yue."

"She was able to beat Xie Xie and turn him into a joke."

"Shut up!"

Tang Wulin was surprised Xie Xie got beaten in this class. While he was vastly weaker to himself, that didn't mean just anyone could beat him.

"Sister Gu Yue!"

Tang Wulin and Xie Xie turn their heads as they saw Gu Yue walk inside the classroom. She and his gaze met for a split second. She had smiled and waved at him before she went going sit down around the front.

Tang Wulin ignores Xie Xie rant towards him, as he went through the motion of the day. Wu Zhangkong came in and told everyone to get ready for their physical training.

He turned to and him to focus on his spirit power while the physical was going on.

No one complains about it, considering how impossibly strong Tang Wulin was.

"Xie Xie, have Tang Wulin followed you when you come meeting me."

Wu Zhangkong said as everyone was leaving after the physical training. Xie Xie nodded his head, as he chases after Tang Wulin who was going to the dining hall to eat. His roommates started filling him in and what been going for the past week.

While Yun Xiao was telling him about how Xie Xie kept on pushing himself to catch up to him, which Xie Xie continues saying he will in the background.

"I can't finish this. You can have it." At this moment, a sound came to him from the side. Then came to the appearance of a huge snowy white bun, which was then placed on Tang Wulin's plate.

Tang Wulin raised his head and looked to see Gu Yue leaving the dining hall with a smile.

He shrugs his shoulder, as he started eating the bun place on his tray. Ignoring Xie Xie who telling him to stay away from her.


Tang Wulin followed Xie Xie in the dead of night, noticing how they kept going deeper into the academy.

Xie Xie brought him to an indoor training ground. When they walk in, they already saw Gu Yue standing there with Wu Zhangkong who had his eyes closed.

"From today onwards, you and these two will have to train with me at night. This is in preparation for the Class Promotion Tournament in three months."

Wu Zhangkong then looks over the trio, while accurately evaluating them. He at present gained a handle on the skill level of Gu Yue and Xie Xie from last week.

' Xie Xie has sufficiently shown his abilities to improve when motivated and is able to improve soundly. He also one of the few in his class with actual combat experience and ability to adapt in the heat of battle.''

'Then there this one, she has control over all the elements and she seems to be able to employ them in an effective matter. Being able to chain them in a strategy to overcome Xie Xie constant adapting in the fight they had.'

They still had many major flaws and already having them fixing those flaws.

He hasn't known Tang Wulin skill level yet and only knows about his outrageous strength. He has Bluesilver grass, but he didn't use it in his clash against him or the other students.

Wu Zhangkong while trouble by this, was secretly glad inside. To think this class would have some hidden gems. He decided to think about it later.

'Hmm, let do it this way.'

"Xie Xie and Gu Yue had already been evaluated on their personal prowess in battle. Now it is your turn Tang Wulin but your opponent won't be against any of them."

"Your opponent is me!"

A light flashed in Wu Zhangkong's unoccupied hands as a steel sword appeared. "I'm not going using my soul power or any soul skills, but even so, you must give me your all. Begin!"

Tang Wulin and Wu Zhangkong both kick off from the ground at the same time, speeding towards each other. When they got close, they both struck out fiercely.


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