Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 154: Our Beloved

Chapter 154: Our Beloved

"Amazing." Mutter Sleipnir as she looks all around to see, the streaks of dazzling light that were the life energy.

It wasn't just her who was watching these streaks of light but all of the inhabitants and even the sea beasts in the sea. They all watched in daze and awe as the life energy was rushing towards the center of the forest for whatever reason.

The surrounding grass began sprouting out, branches extended and continuously growing out. Even the trees that look like they were at the end of their life, began growing and regaining their lost vitality.

To the shock of some of them, the trees around them were glowing and shining. There was an astonishing amount of vitality emitting from them as if they were all trembling with excitement. In fact, it was as if the whole forest itself was alive and it was welcoming someone back.

Some of the Sea Beasts believed the life tide had come way early than expected. Everyone would have agreed with them if a particular event didn't happen next.

"What! Why is it acting up now!"Shouted the Old Demon Greed as his head snap to the right as he felt the whole island trembling.

A purple pillar erupted from the outer region of the island and shot up straight into the sky as if it wanted to pierce the very heavens itself. It wasn't just one purple pillar but multiple ones that were appearing all over the island.

"Why is the destruction energy acting up?" Questioned Old Demon Lust in shock, as she began gazing all around.

No one was able to provide her an answer as they were all too shocked and confused about just what was going on. They weren't as shocked by the appearance of the life energy since that group of Shrek members said they came for it.

But the acting up of the destruction energy was something that they have never seen before. Even when they were messing with it, it didn't act up this bad or on this scale.

The arrays of purple pillars began turning into streaks of light similar to the Life Energy and began heading towards the center of the island. Everyone on the island quickly made sure to stay out of its way, just in case.

Yet that has done nothing to stop the countless number of questions that were reverberating through their minds as they witness this spectacular phenomenon.

While this was going on, Sleipnir and Zeref were watching Tang Wulin as he was absorbing the life energy.

"Something is wrong." Said Sleipnir as her expression started to turn.

"What's the matter?" Questioned Zeref as his eyes lightly narrow.

"His body its ch-"

Sleipnir couldn't finish her words as both she and Zeref snap their neck to the side, as they felt a large amount of energy coming. To their shock, they saw the Destruction energy rushing towards them with such vigor and joyfulness.

The destruction energy moves around Zeref and Sleipnir as if it didn't care about them. As it moved around them, it dashed straight into Tang Wulin, who was still absorbing the life energy around them.

Sleipnir and Zeref watched as the energy began to swirl around Tang Wulin similar to that of a twister or hurricane. They watched as the energy was penetrating through his skin while it was still rotating around him.

It was then the duo of energy that was swirling around Tang Wulin, began compressing into his body before they disappeared. Yet they did not leave discreetly, as to the shock of Sleipnir, she could feel a gush of unprecedented and thick life energy bursting out from Tang Wulin's body.

The Life Energy began sweeping through the whole island and with the whole Demon Island being covered in this flourishing energy. In only a few minutes, everyone on or around the Demon Island began cultivating.

They didn't know why this was happening or how long this would last but at the moment, they didn't care. As this was a rare and once in a lifetime opportunity that would allow them to fully cultivate and increase their strength by leap bounds.

As this was going on, life and destruction energy was making their way through every inch of Tang Wulin's body. The duo of energy started to split apart into three points, that each went their separate way.

One went towards the Soul Core that was shining and calling out towards the energy. The other streams began flourishing through Tang Wulin blood and his cells. While the last stream began heading towards Wulin Spirit Ring or more specifically his Soul Spirits.

"Yes! I guess that human is reliable!"Shouted Tao Tie as she saw the stream of life and destruction energy coming.

She quickly began opening her mouth and started to absorb the stream of energy. She wasn't the only one, as Leviathan also began to slowly absorb the energy that was coming, although it was far slower than Tao Tie speed.

As the stream of energy started to be swallowed by Tao Tie, she could feel the benefits manifesting through her soul. The stream of energy wasn't solely making her stronger but in a way altering her and making her purer.

As she was absorbing this energy, she started to feel her body trembling and knew she couldn't do this alone.

"Human! It's your turn now, hurry and help me!"Shouted Tao Tie as she knew she would need Tang Wulin to fully slow down the stream of energy.

Yet strangely enough, there was no answer from Tang Wulin, causing Tao Tie to get worried.

"Human! Are you there human!"

Tao Tie began calling out to Tang Wulin, not only because she was worried about herself. But because she knew he wouldn't be playing around in a moment like this. Yet no matter how much Tao Tie screamed or shouted, Wulin didn't answer her back.

"Damn it!" Shouted Tao Tie as she could feel her body trembling and shaking from the chaotic destruction energy that was starting to rampage. She knew she couldn't simply stop the absorption of the energy, as it might go out of control and rampage through Wulin body.

She wasn't certain on what was going on Wulin or whether if those strange energies inside of his body will be able to protect him.

"Huh? What is this..."Mutter Tao Tie as she felt a bizarre pulse sweeping passes her and then it happened.

Seven-Colored lights began appearing out of nowhere from all around Tao Tie before they began to cover her whole body. Tao Tie didn't know what was happening, but she didn't care at the moment as she could feel her body was being stabilized.

Yet it wasn't just that, as she was also feeling something strange was happening to her.

"You fool." A deep voice rang out causing Tao Tie to look up in shock.

"W-Wait you are!"

As this was going on, a peculiar scene was happening in the depths of Tang Wulin's spiritual sea. A small ball of light was shimmering by itself. Strangely, there was something inside of the ball, it was a seed.

A light pink-blue seed was shimmering with a glittering radiance that could enthrall anyone and everything. The seed made no signs of movement or actions as it simply stayed where it was. Yet that did nothing to hide the small roots that were extending out of it and slowly expanding.

A pulse of energy erupted from the seed and was sent outward. Not long after, streams of life energy were being drawn towards it as if it was being called due to the seed's presence.

The thick life source began to slowly nourish the seed. All of these changes were happening inside of Tang Wulin body, not allowing anyone the chance to see. After an unknown amount of time has passed, Tang Wulin began to slowly open his eyes.

For some strange reason, he felt an odd sense of warmth that was comfortable and tender. It was like sleeping in the clouds with the rays of the sun shining down on his figure.

It was then he caught sight of little specs of light like fireflies around him. They were small green orbs that seem to like orbiting around him for some reason.

Yet for some reason, he didn't feel a large amount of annoyance by these specs of light. Although he was getting a bit annoyed by the things he was feeling from them.

"Wulin!" Shouted Sleipnir as she came closer to Tang Wulin while inspecting him of any trouble or hidden danger.

Tang Wulin merely waved off Sleipnir and began standing up. Yet as he was standing up, all of the plants that were around him, began to follow his movements and start to rise. Not only that but the specs of light began to fade away.

"What's going on?" Questioned Zeref as he began glancing around the plants that were also reacting to Acnologia movements.

Tang Wulin only shrug his shoulder, as he too didn't know what was happening.

"Could it be because of the life energy influence on you?" Questioned Sleipnir to Tang Wulin.

"Not exactly, child." A voice rang out causing all of them to blink.

A being started appearing beside Tang Wulin, Sleipnir and Zeref. It was a small child with pink hair that flutters down her back, she possessed green eyes with a pink-green tree on top of her head.

She was wearing a leafy dress that was glowing with life energy and bands of vines were around her arm.

Sleipnir and Zeref eyes widen in shock at the figure next to them, with them wondering who she was or just where did she come from. Tang Wulin's eyes slightly widened but not from the appearance of the little girl but the familiarity he was feeling from her.

"To think, I would get a chance to see my child." Said the little girl as she shifted her head towards Sleipnir and smiled at her.

The little girl opens up her hand and gently press it on Sleipnir. Sleipnir didn't make a move as she didn't feel any ill intent from the child.

"...Wait! Don't tell me!"Shouted Sleipnir in surprise as she felt a familiar feeling coming from the child's hands.

"Yes, I'm Yggdrasil." Said Yggdrasil with a sigh.

"But how?" Questioned Zeref in slight disbelief causing Yggdrasil to giggle.

"I'm here because of you." Said Yggdrasil as she stared at Tang Wulin, with a look of warmth and tender causing him to arch a brow.

"Was it because I absorb your energy?" Questioned Tang Wulin as he recalls Sleipnir sending him the energy of Yggdrasil as he fought Nidhogg.

"Well that was apart of it but the main reason I'm here is that I latch onto your soul before you went through the Road of Time." Said Yggdrasil with a small smile.

Tang Wulin, Sleipnir and Zere blink their eyes in surprise, as the implications of Yggdrasil words started to reverberate through them. Didn't this mean, that she has been with Tang Wulin ever since he returns to his time?

Yet none of them were able to notice or feel her aura, as she stayed inside of Tang Wulin's spiritual sea.

"Anyway, you sure are one abnormal child."Said Yggdrasil as she stared at Tang Wulin with a complicated gaze.

"What do you mean?" Questioned Tang Wulin with a slightly raised brow.

"Tell me something, do you feel your senses have been expanded and become more defined? Do you feel like you are able to be one with nature around?"Questioned Yggdrasil causing Tang Wulin to slightly narrow his eyes.

He turned his head away from her and then closed his eyes.

He felt it all.

It was different from his spiritual sense before, as it was akin to him being able to sense everything with his senses.

Tang Wulin could feel himself detecting everything in his spiritual sense. From every spec of grass in the forest to the ocean filled with destructive energy, over ten kilometers with complete and utter clarity.

It was similar to his sixth soul ring of being able to see through all of the plant's eyes. But it was more of him instinctively knowing where everything was and being one with everything he could sense.

Tang Wulin could feel and hear the cries and joys of nature itself, as well as the abundant amount of vitality coursing through the air. He could hear them whispering the secrets of the world and land to him.

He could hear their urging of wanting to be used by him and protect him as if he was their child or god incarnate. He was so focused on these changes, that he didn't notice the green specs of light that were moving all around him.

It was a strange feeling as if he was one with nature or life itself. As if he was one with all of the land that spread over thousands of kilometers.

"What is going on?" Questioned Tang Wulin as he glances at Yggdrasil who was smiling.

"Don't be surprised by this phenomenon, as it's only to be expected from you. Child of the Goddess of Life." Said Yggdrasil but Sleipnir chose this time to interject.

"But something like this has never happened before." Said Sleipnir as nature around Tang Wulin didn't respond like this unless he utilizes her spirit rings or used the Gold Tree power. Even then, it wasn't at the level where nature around him would look and treat him as if he was a god.

"That is because he wasn't just blessed by her but he was given something even greater than her blessing. Tang Wulin was able to gain the bloodline of the Life Goddess and Destruction God."Said Yggdrasil causing Zeref and Sleipnir's eyes to widen in shock.

"Congratulations kid, you allowed those two to gain a child, the thing they crave forever. Creation and Destruction, two forces that were are the opposite of each other. Although it will take some time for the Life Goddess and Destruction God bloodline to fully awaken inside of you."Said Yggdrasil with a giggle.

"...How is that possible?"Questioned Sleipnir as she tried coming to terms with the words of Yggdrasil.

"How is it possible he has their bloodline?"Questioned Yggdrasil to Sleipnir.

"Yes." Said Zeref with his hand on his forehead.

"It seems something happened to the Divine Realm, as even right now I can vaguely sense it's somewhere dark and gray. Whatever may have happened, had caused the two God-Kings to sacrifice a huge amount of their essence and power. This caused the remeant of their essence to fall on this plane, which is why this Island is the way it's."Said Yggdrasil causing Sleipnri eyes to widen.

"So that means when Wulin was absorbing the life energy...The two essences must have responded?"Questioned Sleipnir causing Yggdrasil to nod her head.

'...Were those spectral figure them?' Thought Tang Wulin as he began recalling a green woman and purple man.

He did feel an odd sense of familiarity with them. It would also explain why his Blue Silver Genesis was begging him to help them. Plus this may also explain why that small world he saw was similar to the tale his father told him.

'The Collapse of the Divine Realm and it being swept away by the Space-time Turbulence.' Thought Tang Wulin as he started to put the pieces together.

"Yes, those essences responded and dived into Tang Wulin body. With this, they began to slowly change his body, with it still changing even now as we speak."Said Yggdrasil with a shake of her head.

As she knew it would take a while before these essences fully seep into Tang Wulin's body and fully awaken. It was similar to the Golden Dragon King seal, with both of them requiring time for Tang Wulin's body to adapt to.

"How do you know all of this?" Questioned Tang Wulin causing Yggdrasil to giggle.

"So many questions but so little time." Said Yggdrasil causing Tang Wulin to raise a brow.

"I'm sure you must have sensed it lurking around, so I don't need to go into any specifics. Which means right now you have to get to work but I have a proposition for you."Said Yggdrasil with her eyes slightly narrow towards Tang Wulin, who strangely fell silent.

"I want to become your next spirit ring or more specifically your Spirit Soul."Said Yggdrasil causing Sleipnir, Zeref and even Tang Wulin to be a bit shocked.

Just who was Yggdrasil? She could be considered the first thing to ever have existed on the Douluo World itself. It was the oldest, wisest and most mysterious thing that ever had grace this planet, making it also the most precious.

So it was no wonder that they were all shocked, that a being like this would want to be someone spirit soul. Especially when it had the ability to regrow and reached its previous peak.

"Why?" Questioned Zeref with an arched brow.

"Is it really a surprise I would want to become apart of someone as abnormal as him? Especially when he has the bloodline of the Goddess of Life and other god bloodlines?"Questioned Yggdrasil with a tilt of her head.

But Tang Wulin and Zeref didn't believe her as they both stared at her waiting for an answer.

"Honestly you two. Fine, it's because I need to hurry up and regain my full power."Said Yggdrasil with a cute pout causing them to blink their eyes.

"Can't you command the planet to help nurture and restore you?" Questioned Sleipnir with her eyes widen in disbelief.

"At how the world is at the moment? No way, as I'm not even sure if this plane would be able to last long enough for me to fully recover. Especially from the actions of those three brats that were throwing a hissy fit."Said Yggdrasil as she clenches her fist while she flashes a look of irritation.

They didn't need to think, to know who Yggdrasil was referring to. Although it was pretty funny, she was referring to God Level beasts as brats but then again. This is a being that has been alive, since who knew how long.

"Even without all of those problems, it would take at least tens thousand years for me to fully grow and regain my full power. Which is why I want to join with you as I could see this was the fastest path."Said Yggdrasil causing them all to nod their head.

"So Wulin is your best bet?" Questioned Zeref.

"Do you see or know anyone better?" Questioned Yggdrasil with a roll of her eyes causing Zeref lips to twitch.

"So what do you say?" Questioned Yggdrasil towards Tang Wulin with her eyes shining.

"Sure."Said Tang Wulin as he didn't see any downside and did need a new spirit beast or soul spirit for his breakthrough into the Soul Emperor rank.

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