Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 18: Plundering

Chapter 18: Plundering

Tang Wulin started to tail the group of four mecha brigades men in front of him. It was extremely easy considering they were all drunk, making it easy to trail them with his crappy stealth abilities.

The four drunk men kept on rambling about stuff he considers unimportant until one of them started to talk about the four items again.

"So his brother Guang Biao going eating them today?"

"Obviously not, he wants to show around the items first at the party were going to and then get the other materials needed to consume them."

"Oh, I see."

They kept on walking, sometimes swaying before they reach a warehouse filled with music and lights. Tang Wulin watch as they all went inside and he started to examine the building.

"Zeref, go through the building and help me find where the items were."

Zeref nodded understandingly, as he started moving through the walls. While that was going on Tang Wulin started to put on the mask he bought from one of the stands the group pass, to conceal his face. Just in case someone sees him when he is stealing the items.

After a considerable while, Zeref came back with excellent news on where the specific items were but Guang Biao was sitting there with them. He nodded approvingly, as he made his way up the walls of the warehouse.

With sheer strength, he was able to rip open one of the windows of the warehouse. Lucky the booming sound of the music was able to silence the sound. He then went inside, while having Zeref be his eyes and ears ahead.

The room he was in, only occupied boxes and mecha blueprints lying around. He guesses this was one of their hangout place or old buildings. With the critical help of Zeref, he was able to make his way to the item's location.

"There seem to be almost no people around here."

"They're too busy partying and it is guarded by their boss. I doubt they would ever think to think someone would try and steal the items."

Tang Wulin was moving through the building until he heard the sound of footsteps with his enhanced hearing. He quickly hides behind one of the boxes as he saw someone shadow walking down from the path.

"Ugh, I don't get why I have to be patrolling this area."

"It not like anyone is dumb enough to try and steal from boss Guang Biao."

It was one of the men he tailed here to the party. He just got to the party, but one of the guys told him he had to do patrol duty for a while before he could come back down. It truly was a misfortune for him.

'If only I came to a li-"

Before he could finish the sentence, he felt an arm protruding his chest. In the hand was a beating heart, his heart. He hadn't even got a chance to say anything before he died.

Tang Wulin continues his journey to the fruit. He smelled other people patrolling the area and quickly got rid of them too. He did not want any reinforcement coming too soon, just in case he has to fight the boss.

He finally reaches the door of the item. He then looks up to inspect the vent and then jump up to go in it. He wanted to see if he could catch Guang Biao off guard, making obtaining the fruit easier.

He moves through the vent until he reaches another opening, where he could peer down and see Guang Biao back facing the door. It seems he was too busy admiring the fruit to come down to the party.

"Hehe. With you guys, my strength will increase tremendously. It may be able to help me obtain the strength of a spirit sage."

Tang Wulin notices the rosy hue on Gang Baio face and wonders if he was drunk. He then gets ready to move out and assassinate him.

"You only have one shot for a sneak attack. So you're going having to use the Space Between Time power."

Zeref advised Tang Wulin, who nodded his head after he had eaten a part of the Space Between Time. He gained the ability to utilize Time magic on a lower scale than originally.

His right hand begins shining with golden light as scales started to appear with five claws forming at the tip. He then kicks out of the vent, causing Guang to turn around in surprise.

'Time Magic: Slow Time.'

The world turned to an ashen hue, as time started to slow down around the area of the room, by 30 percent. The only one not affected was Tang Wulin as his eyes were shining with a golden light.

'Dragon Slayer Secret Art: Malignant Apoptosis.'

Guang Baio turned his body to what made the noise. He was surprised to identify a junior kid rocketing out of the air vent and coming at him with, an attack. He chuckled inwardly and was about to teach the brat a lesson before he felt something was amiss.


Guang Baio blinked feeling a bit off, he jerked his head around and observes the boy with something in his hand. It was a beating heart and a chunk of flesh. He looks down and saw a significant chunk of his chest missing, with blood continuously pouring out.

"That wasn't fair"

Guang Baio drops dead, as the blood continues pouring out with Tang Wulin carelessly throwing the raw flesh.

The sound of Guang Biao soul spirit roars as the martial soul started to float up.

The Armored Dragon flew towards Tang Wulin, who instantly opens up his mouth and absorb its essence. Tang Wulin experienced the power of the Armored Dragon flow through his body.

He then went towards the items on the table and started depositing them in his storage rings. He then went pillaging the stuff on Guang Biao naturally wondering if he had anything good on him.

He found 3,000,000 federal coins, some herbs, fruits, and some other stuff. He stores it all away and begins to leave the warehouse.

Tang Wulin raided and killed 7 spirit grandmaster and one Spirit Emperor without saying a word. They all died, not knowing who killed them or why they were killed.


Zeref had to admit, Acnologia was very lucky in those few moments. The fact the people inside the building were too drunk to smell the scent of blood or loss of communication with the other patrols.

Then their that Guang Biao, he was so enticed by the items in front of him, he failed to notice he was being hunted.

'Then again, it all works out because of that secret art skill.'

"Say, what is that skill you just used."

Zeref turn to Acnologia as he was washing away the blood from his clothing. He already told him he was planning to go to Mang Tian shop to digest the fruit and breakthrough the second seal.

"Dragon Slayer Secret Art: Malignant Apoptosis. It allows me to crush and bring down all soul power in my vicinity to that of an average human."

"It why Guang Biao couldn't react because in that split second he saw me, his spirit emperor rank was reduced to that of a normal human. Stripping him of all his power and strength, which allowed my speed to exceed his reaction."

Zeref nodded his head while thinking about how terrifying the skill was.

"Nevertheless, you were pretty fortunate no one there with Guang Biao. After all, you would have been defenseless."

Tang his, while the art was, took away all of his soul power to and works on for a spite second. That being because Guang Biao was vastly above him in spirit rank and he was too weak to keep up with the consumption of the skill.

He knew he would have been done for if someone realizes what happened and started to attack him. While his strength was terrifying, it wouldn't help against the numbers of spirit master. That he would have most likely have been identified if he somehow escaped.

"Still, it has been a while since a saw the absorption of a dragon soul."

Tang Wulin nodded his head before he was pondering on whether he could still absorb a dragon soul. It seems he can absorb a person dragon martial soul, once they die. Zeref wonders how much stronger did he get from eating that dragon soul.

After he was done washing out the clothing, Tang Wulin made his way to the workshop. Once he came inside the Workshop, he saw that Mang Tian was gone. Shrugging his shoulder, he started to call on old Tang.

"That was fast, you collect the other ingredients pretty fast."

"Do I need to do the same thing for these?"

"No. You will ingest the Dragonscale Fruit directly. However, you will crush the other three items into juice. Afterward, dilute the juice with some hot water for a bath, which you will soak and meditate in.

"You need to perform this simultaneously. In other words, don't eat the Dragonscale Fruit until the bath is ready. Understood?"

Tang Wulin nodded as he started making his way to the bathtub in the workshop. He was able to easily complete the preparation in half an hour. Once the bath was done, he took out the Dragonscale Fruit, took a bite and jump into the tub.

Tang Wulin notices he was growing more sensitive to the heat, causing his body to tremble uncontrollably. Following old Tang command, he lowers everything but his head into the tub. At that moment the golden line started to appear.

Levithan appeared above Tang Wulin head, with the trident mark glowing. The golden energy started to envelop both of them. Zeref notice the changes on Tang Wulin body and Levithan body. The snake scales seems to get more brilliant and jagged.

"Truly an interesting martial soul."


Tang Wulin was inside his spiritual world with the mystical hall, where old Tang was. He saw old Tang with a concerned expression on his face.

"What wrong?"

"You succeeded in breaking the second seal"

"So what the-"

"And also the third seal."


Old Tang went on saying, that when he absorbs he Armored Dragon soul. His strength increased by a large margin, which caused his body to unconsciously go for breaking the third seal.

This was risky because his body could barely take the strain of breaking one seal but another one. He didn't notice because he was too busy trying to keep his Dragon Slayer power under control.

"Your body requires time to recover from the stress of the breakthroughs. Meaning you won't be able to cultivate or increase your strength for a while. You can still gain another spirit ring or soul though."

Tang Wulin nodded his head, and he understands the fallout could have been way worse. It was a good thing he was an already a rank 20. Meaning he could get his second spirit ring and train Levithan to become stronger.


He looks down and saw that Levithan has changed in appearance. Old Tang told him it absorbed both the excessive energy of the seal and passed the age of a 100-year spirit. It was now a 256-year-old spirit beast.

He saw a yellow ring appearing behind him and found out Levithan had another skill for him. While his pressure skilled was also upgraded and strengthen.

Before his pressure skill only allows him to overwhelm the person with his spiritual strength but now it could even cause paralysis on even stronger opponents.

The other skill was Aqua Breath, coating him and his allies with healing water. It could mend wounds, heal poison and paralysis.

Old Tang told him he can gather the material for the next seal to break, while his body recovers.

Tang Wulin knew now at least, he should fully absorb the Dragon Soul before trying to make a breakthrough with the seals at least.

"After breaking the seal second seal, you were able to unlock the first spirit ring of the Golden Dragon King. With this, the Golden Dragon Claw does not consume spirit power anymore but 'physical vigor' or stamina for short."

Tang Wulin saw a golden spirit ring appearing behind him and was shocked that the color was gold. He only knew the spirit rings color only went up to red.

"This means, you will get hungry faster from using the attack. You also should have received the knowledge of the ring spirit skill."

"Yea, The Golden Dragon Body."

Tang Wulin learned that it Increases his strength, speed, skills attack power, and defense smilier to an all-around amplifier. He could tell that it increase everything by 100 percent. He also felt his blood essence and body defense increased.

"The third seals, refined and upgraded your blood essence and strength of your body."

"You would need to break the 4th seal by fifteen years old. You have six years to break it."

Old Tang told him that the time shortens after each seal is broken. Tang Wulin nodded his head and started to leave his spiritual world.


"I wonder if anyone will be able to trace the death of Guang Biao?"

"Unlikely, considering no one would expect someone like me to be able to kill him and quietly."

Zeref nodded, it very clear to see that Guang Biao died from someone ripping a tremendous piece of flesh from his chest. It very hard to believe the mecha brigade would look for people weaker than Guang Biao.

Tang Wulin started to call Xie Xie on his soul communicator. He told him he would be coming to training today.

"There is no training today, teacher Wu Zhangkong told us the promotion tournament is starting today. So hurry up and come meet with us in the classroom."

Tang Wulin left Mang Tian workshop, not detecting any sign of him and reach the classroom in twenty minutes. He walks through the door noticing Gu Yue and Xie Xie there with Wu Zhangkong.

He nodded his head, not asking where he was for the past few days and started to talk about their match today.

"Remember, if guys aren't able to work together in this match. I will forfeit for our class, and we will stay as class five."

The trio nodded and begin making their way to the field. They were up against class four, whose teacher was Kong Hanwen.

Tang Wulin and the other two made them up to the arena, which didn't have many spectators. Class four representatives came up on the stage soon after.

"New academic year's Class Promotion Tournament Round 1, first grade's class four versus first grade's class five. Begin!"

Wu Zhangkong watches as Tang Wulin communicates with his teammates for a plan and then coordinates it. He directed Xie Xie to dash out, while Gu Yue and he will provide a long-range.

Xie Xie took down the other agility master with his superior speed. While Tang Wulin grabs the ice Gu Yue made and flick it hard at the power system spirit master knocking him out. The control spirit master started to panic before a fierce gust of wind flung him off the stage.

The match ended in class five victories, shocking Kong Hanwen. Wu Zhangkong expected this and was inwardly glad that they are working together. While it could be more satisfactory, they had to develop somewhere he supposes.

There was an announcement that came through after the kids left the stage.

"Class re-organization will proceed at the end of the Class Promotion Tournament. Tomorrow, you will be competing against first grade's class three."

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