Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 2: Family Love

Chapter 2: Family Love

Lang Yue hummed to herself as she watches her husband hugging and swinging their son around, as she was making dinner for the family.

She smiles at herself at how her husband who had a huge smile and son had a calm look when it should be the other way around.

Even when he was younger, her baby boy loved to be calm and stoic, never really showing his emotion.

That didn't stop her from showering him with love and affection as it seems the only way to get a reaction out of him.

She couldn't count how many times he seems uncomfortable when she hugs or kisses him on the face.

'He was too cute' Thought Lang Yue as she screams internally.

'I only wish he could stay this cute and young forever.' Thought Lang Yue with a sigh.

She couldn't help but dread when he grows up to become a man and stop being her cute little Tang Tang.

"That my son, being an Innate Full Soul Power and already close to becoming a spirit master." Said Tang Ziran as he kept on swinging around his son in joy.

"Spirit Master, I thought I was already one when I gain my martial spirit " Question Tang Wulin.

Tang Ziran pause with Tang Wulin still in his hand and blinking after hearing his son question.

"I thought the spirit master- oh I see." Mutter Tang Ziran before his eyes widen.

"Let me guess you walk away before he could explain to you the spirit ranks and benefit of being an Innate Full Soul Power" Said Tang Ziran as he began to shake his head with a small on his face.

Tang Ziran knew his son's temperament and how little patience he had for things he deemed unimportant.

His son's eyes narrowed as he taps his foot impatiently in the air while waiting for his Dad to explain.

"Alright, Dad won't keep you waiting. The Spirit Rank is broke up into Spirit Scholar, Spirit Master, Spirit Grandmaster, Spirit Elder, Spirit Ancestor, Spirit King, Spirit Emperor, Spirit Sage, Spirit Douluo and pinnacle Title Douluo." Said Tang Ziran with a light laugh before he continued.

"A person born with an Innate Full Spirit Power are those who are already with the highest soul power. One of the greatest benefits is it gives them a huge headstart above others and with their cultivation being faster than others." Instructed Tang Ziran as he gazes at his son with Joy.

"So which stage would I be in?"Asked Tang Wulin.

"A Spirit scholar ranges for rank 1-10 since you're an Innate Full Spirit Power you automatically start at rank 10, making you a peak spirit scholar." Said Tang Ziran with pride in his voice causing Lang Yue to giggle in the background.

Tang Wulin simply nods his head as he starts to mull over the things he learned. Tang Ziran smiled and took a notebook out of his pants pocket and passes it to Tang Wulin.

"When you go to the academy, they will give you an in-depth explanation of a spirit master. But you can use this book to study the ranks and how they are separated from each other." Said Tang Ziran causing Tang Wulin to nod his head as he grasps the notebook.

"Dinner is almost ready" Said Lang Yue as she moved to smother her son while he was busy staring at the notebook.

Tang Wulin sensing her coming with his senses going off.

Knowing what will happen if he stays around his mom when she this happy, knew he had to escape this predicament and fast.

"I am going to go to take a nap; you guys eat dinner without me" Said Tang Wulin, as he walks up towards his room to escape his mother's "doting."

"I wonder why though"Mutter Lang Yue with a pout while blinking her eyes.

Tang Ziran could only smile wryly of his wife's ignorance.

As Wulin lay on his bed flipping through the notebook, he starts to feel the Golden Marks from earlier in the day begin to appear on his body and raising his temperature.

"Just what are you," comments Wulin as he raises his arm to get a better view of the phenomenon.

Times like this he misses that black magician who would be able to figure out what was exactly happening to him in hopes of using it to kill him.

He couldn't help but chuckle about how often Zeref would use various methods to try and kill him. Although Zeref did come to learn better than most mages that controlling him was a useless endeavor.

He couldn't help but think back to what that Fire Dragon Slayer said.

'There no way you can fit everything in your hand alone.'

'That why you gotta treasure the things you do have.'

Acnologia didn't understand what exactly Fire Dragon Slayer meant about holding everything in his hand alone but he did know that he 'treasures' his parents.

Even after living for over 400 years, the loss of his family was a scar that ran deep within him. The powerlessness he felt as he saw his family being eating alive and those animals laughing while they did it.

'I can't lose my family again, not like last time.' Thought Tang Wulin.

To do this, he knows he has to become the strongest existence again, which means he had to become a spirit master.

He knew that without strength, one can only be stepped on or used and that truth hasn't changed even in this world.

The awakening ceremony unexpectedly was able to give him an answer as to why he could never access his Dragon Slayer magic.

He knew his Dragon Slayer characteristics transfer over from his abnormal strength and senses being higher than the average human.

It seems after his martial soul was awakened, his Dragonslayer abilities awakened wth the proof being those blue markings and ominous aura that showed up.

Tang Wulin couldn't help but sigh at the fact that he may require the help of other people, no matter how much it disgusts him.

He didn't even ask that black magician for help when it came to becoming strong and only rely on himself.

He slew every dragon in the Dragon Festival but sadly this world seems more reliant on people helping each other.

Another thing he needs to get to the bottom of is how those weak Dragon Slayers were able to fight him.

They kept on getting up again and even pulled out a win after he completely crushes him them. He recalled the words they were muttering.

'The voice of the people who are waiting for us to come home.'

'They gave us strength.'

That is something he will have to research in the future, he doesn't need that happening again. He discontinues his thoughts when he saw his temperature lowering and the golden marks disappearing.

'Well, it matters not I suppose. As long as this world and its people can keep me entertained on my way to the top.' Thought Tang Wulin with a grin as he laid back down and closing his eyes to allow sleep to take him.


The next day, Tang Wulin was coming out of the shower after waking up in oily and sticky substances.

As he came downstairs, he was ram into by his mother as she began to violate him with her hugs, face rubbing, pinches and kisses again.

Already being used to it, he took it in a stride as she started to compliment him.

"Such smooth skin and bouncy skin. Mother is so jealous." Lang Yue complain as she drags him downstairs to the table where breakfast was served out, while still rubbing her face on his.

His father seeing this smiled for a while and decided to help out his son finally.

"Wulin, since you already are at rank 10. Meditating would be useless until you get yourself your first Spirit Ring. Sadly even with you being an Innate Full Spirit Power with the Blue Silver grass, the Spirit Pagado wouldn't consider you a genius." Said Tang Ziran who had a face of regret, wishing his son gain any other martial soul.

Tang Wulin nodded, after his mom finally let him free, so he can eat breakfast.

Long Yue and Tang Ziran sat there in a daze as they watch their son devour the whole pile of food on the table. Even after seeing this scene a lot of times it still causes them a shock.

Long Yue notices her son apatite has gotten even bigger from yesterday as he devours more than usual. Tang Ziran knew if there was a competition for eating, the announcer wouldn't need to look anywhere else.

"The little Taotie strikes again" Said Tang Ziran as he laugh before he tilts his head as a spoon flew by.

He laughs louder at his son glaring at him with food crumbs on his face.

After putting away the dishes, he went to the Red Mountain Academy's Soul Master class by himself.

While telling his Dad he would be fine by himself causing his Mom to worry that he may get lost.

It took his father telling her that he was able to get home by himself and how it very hard to miss the Academy building.

She calms down, whiles, reluctantly agree and giving him a pleading look to be very cautious.

He begins his walk to reach the place where he would stay for nine years.

According to the regulations set by the Sun Moon Federation, elementary and intermediate academies had free tuition and were compulsory. The elementary academy was three years while the intermediate academy was six years long.

There were several ways to enter an advanced academy: outstanding achievements, paying exceedingly expensive tuition, or entering an academy of science and specializing in a field of study.

Walking into the classroom he saw around 15 students, some were chatting with each other and the rest was sitting waiting for the teacher.

"Hey, what's your martial soul?" A chubby boy who wasn't too tall asked, happening to be beside Tang Wulin as he walks in.

Tang Wulin didn't even give him the time of notice and just trek towards his seat ignoring everyone else around him and laying down on the desks.

"Hey, did you not hear me!" hollered the youth, as he saw the youth ignored him to go rest his head on the desk.

Yet Tang Wulin didn't raise his head, feeling super vex and embarrassed from being ignored the youth scoff while sneering.

"I bet you don't want to say what your martial spirit soul is to avoid embarrassment. Well look at mine it is a knife martial soul. I have rank 5 innate soul power and If I'm able to cultivate to the rank of Title Douluo, then I'll be the Knife God Douluo." Boast the youth as he looks at Tang Wulin with disdain.

The other kids started to say their martial spirits to not lose out to the youth.

"Hello everyone. I'm your homeroom teacher, Lin Ximeng. I'll be teaching you the basic knowledge required for Soul Masters over the next three years"

Lin Ximeng had more to say, but Tang Wulin didn't care to listen and only remember bits of it. As the teacher with thorough the introduction, the lessons begin quickly.

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