Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 22: Rebellion Spirit Ascension Platform

Chapter 22: Rebellion Spirit Ascension Platform

After a moment, the five of them awoke from their daze and were greeted with the sight of a boundless vast forest. They all moved into formation, something that came naturally after surviving together in the spirit ascension platform so many times.

Tang Wulin had Zeref keep watch in the sky, and Zhang Yangzi flew up also. They started moving out, to go hunt some soul beast.

About twenty minutes have passed since they initially arrived. They met with some soul beasts, some being ten years and others being a hundred-year-old.

"I'm surprised we haven't run into any thousand years beast. Why isn't your luck working Tang Wulin."


Gu Yue smack Xie Xie in the head and glared at him for his comment. Tang Wulin ignores his comment, equally surprised they haven't run into any thousand-year-old beast.

"There are three people approaching in our direction. Two males, one female. They seem to be about 15 or 16-years-old. One of them has three rings while the other two have two rings. One of the ones with two rings seems to be absorbing spirit energy right now."

Tang Wulin acknowledged and advised him to come down before he gets spotted. Yang Zhanzi quickly drops down and then Xie Xie went to go hide in the tree to identify them. But then a beam of pure fire blast through the forest and went towards Xie Xie hiding spot

"Doesn't that attack look familiar."


Xie Xie quickly dodges out of the way but then a light appeared behind him and strike him down to the ground.


Xie Xie hit the ground but before he could get up he felt a sword position at his throat. The rest of the ground except Tang Wulin was about to charge but then.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you."

The person who spoke was a girl, who indicated her fingers up. The group look up and saw an array of flame balls surrounding them in the air. Zhang Yanzi paled, knowing they were in a trap and look toward to Tang Wulin for his decision.

"Oh, it Mu Xi."

Tang Wulin lips twitch as he saw Mu Xi with a sword coated in flames position at Xie Xie throat. He was surprised to see she had three rings behind her. Mu Xi gaze at the group but stop when she saw Tang Wulin.

"You're here?"

Tang Wulin nodded and informed her to get off his teammate. She scoffs but nevertheless got off Xie Xie who rubbed his throat and look at Tang Wulin for answers. Knowing precisely everyone is going to ask and are most likely curious he chose to answer.

"This is one of my master other disciples for the blacksmith association."

"Ahem, its Senior Sister."

Tang Wulin ignored her glare as if he was ever going calling her that. Tang Wulin stared at her purple third ring and then at her with a questioning glance. She disregards him and started to leave.

"I guess she doesn't want you to babysit her. Still, I guess that training did her wonders with her being able to gain a purple ring."

'I guess.'

Shaking his head, he told them to keep moving on. But Zhang Yangzi suggested they just waited out the rest of the hour and then go back to hunting.

Tang Wulin agreed because he doubts he could prevent all of them from dying if a thousand-year-old soul beast appeared. While they gather up into a defensive formation, he started to think about his spirit Leviathan.

"What up?"

'Leviathan was able to absorb more years from the soul beast I killed when compared to the others.'

Zeref nodded his head but kept silent. Tang Wulin didn't understand the reason at all but it not like he was complaining. The absorption rate went down because of the addition of Tao Tie but it was still fast compared to everyone else.

That not even adding to the fact that everybody was sharing the spirit energy but Leviathan still stole a lot more than everyone spirit. While he was thinking this, he instantly shot up as suddenly, a dark golden radiance flashed ahead of them.


Everyone was surprised when they saw Tang Wulin shoot up and then get sent flying through the wood. They blink before hastily getting into formation and looking ahead to the new foe that they will have to face.

It was an enormous bear, its fur dark-gold in color. Standing over three meters tall, it had thick arms and its majestic shoulders, akin to a great wall. Four golden claws of at least one meter in length extended from each paw.

'That's! Duskgold Dreadclaw Bear!'

They gulp understanding what had happened. The Dreadclaw Bear struck when they least expected and Tang Wulin was able to sense it.

'If he didn't intervene.'

Wang Jinxi face paled, as he realizes what would have happened to him. Gu Yue glared at Duskgold Dreadclaw and started raining down fireballs and icicles on it.

Xie Xie understanding he was the captain until Tang Wulin comes back and if he could come back.

'No! I believe he won't be down from just that.'

"Alright guys, we have to run away now!."

Xie Xie knew there was no way in hell they could beat this beast. If a hundred-year-old Man-Faced Demon Spider could kill a thousand-year soul beast, then a hundred-year Duskgold Dreadclaw Bear could make even ten-thousand-year level soul beasts run away in fear.

Thinking all of this Xie Xie, knew they had to work together to escape alive, espioully since their hour wasn't up yet.

"Alright here the plan! Gu Yue use your elements to hamper its movements, while Wang Jinxi gets ready throwing Zhang Yanzi up into the air. Once he ups into the air, Gu Yue I need you to teleport us up to him and then use your wind to help us escape the Dreadclaw Bear!"


Gu Yue nodded while she continued to rain down her attacks and quickly soften the earth beneath the Duskgold Dreadclaw Bear feet. This caused the Duskgold Dreadclaw Bear to stumble, then a green tornado was formed around the bear with the fireballs and icicle swarming inside of it.

Then the tornado combined with fire, wind, and ice but the bear slashed it apart. But then the earth swallowed up the Duskgold Dreadclaw Bear before it could move. The rest of kids watch in shock but Xie Xie quickly snaps out of it and told them to it not the time.

Then Wang Jinxi grabs a hold of Zhang Yangzi and launched him up into the air. Gu Yue suddenly grab on to Xie Xie who was holding to Wang Jinxi but then.


The ground was smashed open as the Duskgold Dreadclaw Bear glared at them with unbridled rage, with its body bleeding a bit.


Xie Xie screamed in fear, as Gu Yue quickly teleported them up to where Zhang Yangzi was up in the sky. Not a moment too soon, as the area where they were was completely slash apart.

They all gulp and Gu Yue hastily use her wind element to push Zhang Yangzi as he started to glide away. But how could the Duskgold Dreadclaw Bear allow its prey to go away, it began to pursue them down.

"Dammit! We're not losing it!"

"I Know!"

Xie Xie didn't know what else to do. It was already lucked itself that they had enough time to run away but now it was pursuing them. He knew Zhang Yangzi and Gu Yue couldn't keep this up for long.

'Fuck! Where are you, captain!'

But then a huge gust of wind flung them to the side as dark-gold light flashed. Wang Jinxi and Gu Yue was the only one who saw the Duskgold Dreadclaw Bear soared into the air with a terrifying leap.

If it wasn't for Gu Yue creating that large gust of wind to change their direction

'Is this what I get for complaining about not meeting any thousand-year-old beast!'

Xie Xie could only lament at his foolishness of provoking fate.



"You're finally awake now."

Tang Wulin blinks, as he started standing up. He looks around and saw he was laying on a bunch of snapped trees. The last thing he remembers was trying deflecting an attack but then it overwhelming him.

"Do you know which soul beast it was?"

"It seems to be a Duskgold Dreadclaw Bear has appeared and is now pursuing them."

Tang Wulin narrowed his eyes. To think he couldn't even withstand one of its attacks before blacking out. He was going making sure to beat the hell out of that bear when he finds it. He won't even try and one shot it, no it doesn't deserve that gracious mercy.

"Don't be surprised, you didn't even use the Golden Dragon Body or Dragon Slayer Power to defend. You should be lucky you're not dead."

"True, but I am still very pissed."

Tang Wulin told Zeref to direct him where they are but then flames swirl around him. The flames continue to swirl until it became a tornado. Zeref shifted his head and saw four-tailed foxes with fires on their tails.

'I guess they saw an opportunity for prey. But sadly for them, this is the wrong type of prey.'


The foxes watch in shock as the flame was being swallowed by Tang Wulin. After he finishes swallowing the flames, he opens his eyes and they were pure brilliant white. He then turns his head to the foxes and opens up his hand, as a ball of radiant energy formed.


'Magic Dragon Eclipse.'

A mighty pillar of energy erupted, as Tang Wulin crash the ball in his hand. The pillar of energy envelopes the foxes and all of the surrounding tree. After the pillar disappears, there was no trees or foxes but only Tang Wulin, his eyes back to normal.

"Alright Zeref, its time to go hunting."

Tang Wulin followed Zeref instruction as he operates the chains to slingshot him through the forest. As he was being slingshotted, he saw the Duskgold Dreadclaw Bear landed and then put all his force into his foot. Activating his skill and pushed off, causing cracks to form on the ground.

'Golden Dragon Claw.'


Duskgold Dreadclaw Bear heard the loud noise and turn to distinguish a human coming at it. It growls and then threw out its claws to slash the human into pieces.


Duskgold Dreadclaw Bear look in genuine surprise as instead of the human boy getting slash to pieces, he was clashing with it. Tang Wulin glared and then roared, as his direct attack started to overcome the Duskgold Dreadclaw Bear. It roared back him but started to pump even more power into his attack.



Tang Wulin fierce attack overcame the Duskgold Dreadclaw Bear slash causing it the right arm to be crushed and his fist striking its face. But before it could send the bear flying Tang Wulin grab on to the bear and knee it in the face. The Duskgold Dreadclaw Bear was stagger and when Tang Wulin landed.

Tang Wulin started raining down attacks on the Duskgold Dreadclaw Bear. His fist glowed with golden radiance with dragon scales forming and then smashing into the bear face. Next, he twisted his body to smash his leg into the bear face.

Then he grasps its head to pull it back for a knee to the throat and then another punch to the face. But this didn't stop the Duskgold Dreadclaw Bear from swiping down with its only claw but then.


Its claws were redirected to its body, causing it to roar out in rage. Tang Wulin, knowing if he stops the bear will recover he kept on fiercely attacking. He threw out punches, kicks, jab but then Duskgold Dreadclaw Bea moved its body to headbutt him as it took all the blows.

Tang Wulin grabs on the Duskgold Dreadclaw Bear head and pulled it down to slam it on the ground.

The Duskgold Dreadclaw Bear was stun for a while and then Tang Wulin slams his foot on the bear head with his fist raised.


He struck down so hard on the Duskgold Dreadclaw Bear, that a crater was formed. Cracks were formed from the visible crater with the area forest shaking from the attack. His attack buried the Duskgold Dreadclaw Bear head and hopefully killing it.

Tang Wulin moved away from the Duskgold Dreadclaw Bear and then saw Xie Xie, Gu Yue, Zhang Yangzi, and Wang Jinxi coming towards him. But before they could say anything the earth rumbled as the Duskgold Dreadclaw Bear came out but was very injured.

"Alright. Let slay it."

Everyone nodded and moved out, with Tang Wulin summon his magic chains to wrap around the Duskgold Dreadclaw Bear limbs. It was too injured to shatter it easily with just one arm, allowing Gu Yue to apply her ice to the bear and then Zhang Yangzi to blind it with his black smoke.

Xie Xie quickly appeared behind the Duskgold Dreadclaw Bea and aim for its injured spots. The Duskgold Dreadclaw Bear roared in rage, as it wounded spot was targeted and Wang Jinxi came from its side to strike ram into it.

This went on for a good 10 minutes before the Duskgold Dreadclaw Bear died. Everyone plops down, too tired to move. The spirit energy of the bear was divided between them, as they hurriedly started absorbing it.

"So it was a two-thousand-year-old-bear."

"Yep. Hundred-year-old one could scare away ten-thousand-year-old beasts. I can't believe we actually killed a two-thousand-year-old one!"

Everyone but Tang Wulin nodded, as they started recovering from the long battle. After a while, everyone recovered and they started moving. Tang Wulin wonders how much time as pass and Xie Xie says he thinks about forty-five minutes, he wasn't certain since the Duskgold Dreadclaw Bear shows up.


The group suddenly stand up and saw a group of Blazing Demon Lions. They knew they couldn't take on the group, just after taking on the Duskgold Dreadclaw Bear.

"Alright, quickly go on ahead, I will catch up with you guys."

"No way!"

They all rejected his idea, surprising him as they all step forward.

"Sorry Boss. We're all in this together."

"Yes, we won't run away and leave you."

Tang Wulin sighed at their stubbornness and tried to think of a way for them to leave. Determining no other option, he decided to just launch them.

"Wait, what ar-."


The other kids were already tired from running away and fighting the Duskgold Dreadclaw Bear. So it was pretty easy for Tang Wulin to grab them and hurl them far away from the area.

Not even, Gu Yue was able to react as he grabs her and threw her. While twisting his body to smack one of the Blazing Demon Lion, who tried to stop him.

'Alright, they're all gone now.'

"So what the plan?"

'Kill them all of course.'

Zeref shook his head, knowing Acnologia isn't the type to run away. He used his second tier skill devour to drain them, as two of them rush at him. He smacks away the first one and slides under the second one.

As another came rushing towards him, he waited for it to pounce and then sidestep it. Not before grasping its tail and flinging it to another one. He then turns around and made his retreat, as the rest started to follow him.

He needed a bigger arena to fight them and a change of location from the Duskgold Dreadclaw Bear death, so no more soul beast would come.

After a while, he turned around and saw only three of them behind him. Tang Wulin smirk and then jump on the tree, then kick off to one of them. The Blazing Demon Lion seeing its prey coming toward it moved in for an attack.

Tang Wulin dodge over the swipe and grab the Blazing Demon Lion to slam it down on the ground. Then he uses his Golden Dragon Scales to smash the other lion coming towards him into the ground. The last one pounces behind him but was hit by an explosion.

'Alright three of them are down, only two left to go.'


He dove out of the way as the spot he was at, was destroyed. The King of the Blazing Demon Lion turned its head to it the dead member and roared at him. He then sped off causing the lion to chase after him. He was trying to find an open area to kill it but then.


Tang Wulin instantly raised his guard up as he was hit by a paw. He flew through the forest but was able to flip in the air and stabilize himself. Tang Wulin look and saw more Blazing Demon Lion showing up.

"It seems, the king called the rest."

'I noticed. Alright, gotta find more room.'

Zeref nodded his head, flying up and seeing more than twenty Blazing Demon Lion coming towards them. Tang Wulin watches as the lion came through the forest, lining up next to its leader. Tang Wulin grins, then turning around he sped off away from the lions.



The Blazing Demon Lion chased after him, as he kept on navigating the forest. He had Zeref help him avoid any dead ends, while also moving through the terrain.

"They sure, know how to chase."

While he was running to the forest, he saw two people in his view. It was a youth, about seventeen or eighteen years old. Two yellow soul rings and one purple soul ring coiled around his body, identifying him as a Soul Elder. In his right hand, he held a snow white staff which was topped by an icy, blue crystal.

Then a girl seemingly around the same age as him. Her blue hair was styled in twintails, and she looked as if cut from jade. In her hand was a staff nearly identical to the youth's, only hers is a bit smaller. A single yellow soul ring flickered beneath her.

The youth saw Tang Wulin running towards them and also rich aura of spirit energy around him.

"Halt! Withdraw from the spirit ascension platform voluntarily-."

The youth said more things but Tang Wulin didn't care as he jumps and uses his shoulder as a launching pad to cross over to the other side. The youth fell down on the ground but got up with an enraged expression. The girl beside him went to go help him but then her expression change.


Both of them turn and saw a pride of Blazing Demon Lions coming. The youth growled and was about to fight them but then he saw more of them coming.

"Crap, we have to run."

The youth frantically grabs the girl's hand and started running to the side but the lion spite apart. Some went to the direction of Tang Wulin, and the others went to the south direction. The youth seeing this happen curse while promising to pay back the boy later.

Tang Wulin saw the Blazing Demon Lions have lowered in numbers but then heard a loud noise.


He looks ahead and saw a large ape with red fur, a black ring under it. It was the Giant Ape soul beast.

The Ape brought its arms together and slam down on the ground. The earth rumble as cracks started to appear and then break apart. Tang Wulin jump up to dodge the attack but the shockwave still caused him to go up higher than intended.

The soul beast below him all froze when they saw the Giant Ape but before they could escape it rip off one of the Blazing Demon Lion head. The Giant Ape then turns toward him, who still in the air and then jump.

"Here it comes!"

'Golden Dragon Claw!'

'Golden Dragon Body'

'Magic Dragon Claw.'

The Giant Ape was easily able to overtake him and then it aims its fist at him but looks surprised that he was also brandishing his fist at it. The Giant Ape and Tang Wulin both clash, causing a loud booming sound throughout the forest.

The Giant Ape eyes widen in terrible shock as its attack was blown away and saw the terrible claw coming toward him.


The soul beasts watch in terrible shock as the Giant Ape head was blown fiercely clean off as it went flying through the forest before clearing away some of the trees.

Then its headless body was also speeding towards the ground. The body made a small crater and the soul beast watch as the human drop down next to it.

"Alright, who next."

Tang Wulin had a grin on his face, with his fist clasping together as he stared at the shell shock animals.

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