Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 27: Onward to Shrek

Chapter 27: Onward to Shrek

"Sheesh, you sure know how to go all out."

Xie Xie came running up to Tang Wulin, who still had Gu Yue in his arm. He swiftly made sure she was alright and then turn his head to the hole.

"Crap! Are they still alive!" Exclaimed Xie Xie as he was peering down the giant hole Tang Wulin made.

"They are." Said Tang Wulin.

He rolled his eyes at Xie Xie overreaction. He subsequently started walking away, causing Xie Xie to hastily follow him.

"Halt! Young man don't you think you were too overbearing on my disciples!"

Zhang Zhenpeng was shocked by the events that continued to happen but then was filled with rage.

These were his disciples, and he didn't even know if they were alive after discovering the hole in place of their body.

"Don't blame us for being overbearing when your disciple wants to come at us with a soul fusion skill."

Xie Xie, not one to take injustice lying down, started to shout back at Zhang Zhenpeng who face turned red in anger and embarrassment.

What Xie Xie said was correct, if it wasn't for those two girls soul fusion skills, then Tang Wulin wouldn't have stepped in.

"Hmp. Don't say anything else, Xie Xie, he already knows your right."

Wu Zhangkong was already on near them but wanted to see what Zhang Zhenpeng would do. He was able to sense the breathing of the girls and then went over to instantly check on his disciples.


"You better tend to you disciple before they die because of your negligence."

Zhang Zhenpeng blinks his eyes, use his spiritual power to carefully check the hole and found his disciples were still breathing.

He rapidly sped off to pick them up, while Tang Wulin with Gu Yue in his arm instantly begins to walk leisurely off the stage and Xie Xie in tow.

The Skysea Alliance medics came to collect Zhou Tian'er and Zhou Hanyu, who was breathing heavily.

Seeing them, Zhang Zhenpeng felt a large burden off his back, and he turns back to see Tang Wulin walking away.

"Young man. I swear if my disciples do make it out alive, I wish to see how you will pay for it."

Tang Wulin didn't stop walking leisurely, even when Xie Xie and Gu Yue turn to glare at Zhang Zhenpeng. Zhang Zhenpeng quickly dodges to the side, as he saw precisely a sword slashing advancing his way.


He turns and saw Wu Zhangkong with Skyfrost sword in his hand. Six soul rings rose underfoottwo yellow, two purple, and two black.

"Not only can you not instruct your students but you dare blame my disciple."

Wu Zhangkong didn't care for the people calling him to stop. Not only as this man neglected his students but also threatens his students.

Tang Wulin walk into the tunnel of the arena, conveniently ignoring the sounds of battle. Once he was far enough into it, he turns to look at Gu Yue and then started to pinch her lovely cheeks.

"You idiot, if you see a powerful attack approaching your way. Then you need to dodge."

Gu Yue felt she was being wronged as Tang Wulin kept on pinching her lovely cheeks.

"But then I wouldn't get the chance to have you carry me then."

Tang Wulin lips twitch as he saw how she was showing little to no regret. Gu Yue inwardly was happy, thinking this is the second time he carried her. Tang Wulin stop caring anymore and put her down as Xie Xie came running to them.

"Teacher Wu Zhangkong is teaching them a lesson alright."

Xie Xie begins to tell them what happened as they were leaving but then Tang Wulin spat out a large ounce of blood.

Gu Yue quickly moved to his side, asking gently what was wrong. Xie Xie jumps in terrific shock from the blood but then went to his side.

"It the side attack of using Law, when you're so weak. Even though I was able to help you, combine it into your Dragon Slayer Magic. It still requires a large amount of magic or spirit power to use."

Tang Wulin nodded his head and then told them it was the after effect of the attack. Gu Yue and Xie Xie turn to each other, with fierce determination in their eyes.

They begin to drag Tang Wulin to go out and eat, not bothering what he thought about it.

He didn't really mind because he wasn't paying for the food but he was curious about why now of all time. Zeref himself just shook his head and went to go watch that was happening inside the arena.


Eastsea class zero was naturally forced to drop out of the tournament because of the direct accusations of trying to kill Skysea disciples. Clearly, the audience saw a different picture but knew better than to speak up.

The Eastsea school had the choice to either turn in Tang Wulin or all their team be to drop out from the tournament.

Wu Zhangkong drops out immediately not caring if there would be a fuss and the rest of the class zero made a note to remember Skysea actions.

On the bus going home, Tang Wulin was forced by his classmate to ride with them, even it meant him sleeping the whole way. Wu Zhangkong turned his head and saw them all cuddle up, sleeping together.

'They really look like a well-developed team.'

Wu Zhangkong was happy that Tang Wulin has been working on becoming teammates with his classmates.

He was equally delighted the others were not getting depressed by Tang Wulin unreasonable talent but using it as motivation to keep getting better.

He notices throughout the tournament, Xie Xie and Gu Yue wanted to show off the fruits of their training. He was impressed that Xie Xie was able to learn the Purple Demon Eye so quick.

Wu Zhangkong sighed to himself, at present thinking about a future training plan for his students.

Skysea alliance tried to gain information on Class Zero but Eastsea Academy had already sealed off all relevant information, leaving the two clueless.

Class zero had promptly disappearednot only from the tournament but from the Eastsea Academy itself. None of the students there ever heard from or saw them again.


Three years later in Eastsea City, near its large forest.

"This bastard really knows how to piss someone off."

Mu Xi grumbles as she was doing her training regiment sent to her by the slave driver. She had to run a thousand kilometer by the end of the day without any spirit power.

This would practically be impossible if they haven't been doing this for the past three years. It was vacation time for her, but he informed her to come back to Eastsea and continue her training.

She couldn't refuse either because it was his training that allows her to be one of the strongest in her class.

Heck, she was able to become a spirit ancestor rank 46 because he refuses to produce an average student.

"I wonder, what he is doing right now"

"Knowing that little demon, he most likely trying to find another soul beast for his next spirit ring."

"Poor soul beast."


A youth was walking through a forest. He stood above 170 centimeters, his body toned and well-proportioned. Slender muscles rippled as they ran, faintly visible beneath their clothes.

"With this last time, you can finally open up the 6th seal."

Tang Wulin nodded his head, thinking about the years. Ever since they disappeared from the academy, he has been working on breaking the seals.

He has already broken the 4th and 5th seal, undoubtedly gaining him his second golden spirit ring from the Golden Dragon King.

'With this last item, the Goddess tears.'

It was a fruit that hard to find in the market or auction in Eastsea academy. So he had to search for other places, which led to him coming to the forest.

He didn't know much of the forest itself but he heard there were goddess tears spotted here.

He really hopes they're here because this will be the sixth forest he checks and finding nothing. Tang Wulin sigh, as he raised his hand and seeing familiar tribal markings around his shoulder, down to his chest.

These started to appear when his spirit rank reaches rank 30th. He didn't care much because they weren't having any effect on him anyway.

"I'm surprised how much stronger Mu Xi and Xu Xiaoyang, have become."

Tang Wulin nodded his head. Mu Xi already became one of the strongest in her class at Shrek and was already hailed as a genius in their blacksmith association.

Xu Xiaoyan while before she was known for being weaker in the day, has certainly gotten stronger.

The way she developed was similar to Mu Xi but she became more of a weapon master with her ice manipulation. She used her ice wheel for range and melee in combat because of this she was the second most impressive in their class in close combat.

The Ice wheel being able to spin at rapid speeds and being able to hit the target for continues amount of times even after they are hit.

"It there!"

Tang Wulin nodded his head, seeing the Goddess Tear around other herbs, but he only cared for it.

He started moving towards the goddess tear but then dodge a blast of light.


Tang Wulin moved back and then turn his head to the enemy. It was spirit beast strikingly resembling a hawk fused with a butterfly, it has a third eye that his shining with energy. On the lower half of it, were two wings of light expanding out

The spirit beast had a purple ring under its feet and was glaring at Tang Wulin.

"Well now, It seems I just found my third spirit ring."

"This seems to be a Sarial. You should be careful of it eyeballs, that can shoot energy from it."

Tang Wulin nodded his head and then charged at Sarial. Sarial perceiving him coming started fire streams of energy at him through it eyeballs, which he simply evades.

Sarial seeing its attack wasn't working instantly summon the element of light and brilliant flash the whole forest, blinding all in its vicinity. Then it fires a huge beam of energy from its forehead, in hopes of destroying Tang Wulin.

'Golden Dragon Tyran Body'

Too bad for the Sarial, it was facing the worst opponent. Usually, to kill a Sarial, one would have to clip it wings or damage its legs, so it can land. But Tang Wulin whose body was covered with scales on the other hand rush through the energy beam of the Sarial.

While he was doing that, the power was being efficiently absorbed and then he instantly jumps while still in the beam.

Then he struck his mighty fist straight through the focused beam, not giving the Sarial enough time to evade and slamming down on its third eye.


The Sarial was dead before its body hit the ground. Tang Wulin smelling the area to see if anything else was around and then he went to go absorb the spirit ring. It only took a while, but he was able to find out the Sarial was an eight-thousand-year-old one.

"So what skill did you get?"

"I didn't just get a skill but also this."

Two pairs of Light Wings sprouted from Tang Wulin back. Zeref blink in surprise before remembering where he heard about this rare phenomenon. Spirit Bones is the bones left following the death of a Spirit Beast.

Not only that it looks like Tang Wulin undoubtedly gained an external spirit bone. External spirit bones have the ability to develop and evolve into higher forms.

"Alright, so what does it do?"

Tang Wulin raised his fist and turn on his dragon scales before smashing it towards his face.

Zeref eyes widen in shock but then the luminous wings behind Tang Wulin, as if they had a mind of their own intercepted the fist.


'What! Why would he do that?'

The luminous wings broke apart once the claw hit them and then to Zeref surprise they started to grow back.

Tang Wulin told Zeref these Light Wings have an automatic defense system, that guards him even when he not aware of the threat.

The wings are also able to regenerate by him feeding them soul power. Zeref nodded his head in understanding. Then he asked about the soul skill he got from the Sarial.

He told him he could bring a person to sleep with it pollen that can be spread with the luminous wings on his back.

Tang Wulin then went on ahead to get the goddess tears to finally break the 6th dragon seal. He uses his Light Wings to fly to the town he was staying at and to begin his unsealing.

The process was similar to what he did with the second seal, where he made a bath with the ingredients.

The bath was made, he jumps into the bath and lay in it as he started to break the seal. This time it requires most of his energy to break and was with Old Tang help that he was able to fully break the seal.

Three full circles of golden soul rings appeared on Tang Wulin body and a dragon roar sounded out. His bloodline power had become clearer, and it was tinted with a sparkling luster. Then Leviathan appeared, coiling around his shoulder.

It was then that he heard a voice, that wasn't Old Tang or Zeref. It somehow gave him a subconscious feeling of security.

He opens his eyes, as the spot of golden light emanated from between his brows, and it hung in the air.

The golden needle enlarging rapidly and becoming a spear that reached a length of about five meters. The spear was golden and dazzling with faint dragon-shaped dark fringes all around.

"This is the item that only you can hold for breaking through the sixth layer seal. It's your true weapon. Its name is the Golden Dragon Spear."

Old Tang voice rang in his head. Tang Wulin twirls the spear around, as he started to study it more.

"I guess, you're going to have to learn how to use a spear."

Zeref comments, he could tell this spear was truly frightening and not just from its aura alone. Tang Wulin nodded his head and dive toward Space Between Time, to absorb more of it.

After absorbing some of it, he felt his spiritual power and soul power rise. He rose from spirit rank 30 to 32 and also felt his spiritual power rise to 6,430.

It was already in the spiritual abyss realm from two years ago after he broke the 4th seal and ate some of the Space Between Time.

Standing up from the bath, he knew he was gaining power from the Space Between Time. He was already able to use more spells of time magic and just got some more.

"Alright, time to head back."

"You think they're done with, the final exam?"

"They should be."

His other classmates were taking the final exam. They had to survive in the spirit ascension platform for a day. He wasn't taking it because Wu Zhangkong felt it would be wasted on him and the others wouldn't be pressure with him there.

"Welp, time to leave."

He was planning on meeting them at Shrek City because he refuses to ride that dreadful train.

He already informs Wu Zhangkong that he would meet them there, although he doesn't really know how long it would take.

"You're going be late if you don't get a move on now."

"What do you mean? Don't I still have a few days before the exam starts?"

"That was before we didn't find the goddess tears at the first forest site. It took us 4 days to find the goddess site, meaning you only have a day and a half to reach Shrek city."


Tang Wulin summons his Light Wings and sped off toward Shrek Academy.

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