Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 34: Training Time

Chapter 34: Training Time

Night crept along.

Tang Wulin was in an open field, learning how to use his spear. Ever since he got to Shrek Academy, he didn't have the time to learn.

In his capable hand was the Golden Dragon Spear. He would need to become skilled in the art if he ever wanted to use the Golden Dragon Spear effectively.

'Learning to use a weapon, is a new experience.' Thought Tang Wulin with a sigh.

"You never learned before?" Zeref's voice rang out in surprise.

Zeref appeared behind him.

Tang Wulin shook his head. He never needed to learn, considering his Dragon Slayer Power allowed him to dominate everything.

'I guess this is what it's like to start from zero and build yourself back up.' Thought Tang Wulin.

Tang Wulin scrunches his face up in concentration. Zeref stared at Acnologia and then asked.

"What with the interest in learning how to wield the spear? Isn't the powers you already have enough?"

Tang Wulin didn't say anything as he went back to training his spear. It was then he felt Old Tang's voice calling out to him.

"If it's learning how to use the spear, I can help you with it." Old Tang's voice rang out.

It was then Tang Wulin, was dragged into his spiritual world and was in the same hall that was holding up the Golden Dragon King.

"You know how to use the spear?" Asked Tang Wulin.

"When you receive the spear, I also gained the memory of the past users of the spear and its function. So at the moment, it's not wrong to say I'm a master." Said Old Tang.

Tang Wulin nodded his head, not minding the apparent lack of explanation for the past users and then brandish his spear at Old Tang.

Old Tang just smiled and then an identical Golden Dragon Spear appeared in his hand.

"Let us see what you got."


Xie Xie was walking back from the training facility after Tang Wulin forces him to train with Xu Xiaoyan and a girl called Mu Xi.

'Boss is a slave driver!'

Although he was complaining he knew precisely he dearly needed to get stronger. Tang Wulin was impressed by how far he has gotten but gave him a training plan that had him stumped.

'What the hell does he mean, I need to flood my speed into my attack!'

Xie Xie was thinking carefully about what Tang Wulin wanted him to do. Tang Wulin informed him at the level he is now, he won't be effective in a high-level fight. As much as he loathed the thought, he knew how weak his attack power was.

'Then there is Wu Siduo self-fusion skill. How was she able to do that?' Xie Xie was going through that fact in his mind.

Just like her, he also had twin martial souls, though they weren't considered true ones since he had to get each of them soul rings at the same time.

However, because Light Dragon Dagger and Shadow Dragon Dagger were extremely similar, there was a possibility he could pull off a self-soul fusion skill as well. He told Tang Wulin about it and Tang Wulin told him he should first learn to combine all of his skills.

Tang Wulin told him that if he couldn't even combine the Tang Sect skills with his soul skills, then he should give up on spirit fusion.

A refreshing breeze passes by him, as he begins to get lost in thought.

He was close to the dormitory after being lost in thought for a while and then he saw a flash of light in one of the rooms.

Xie Xie knew no one lived there, getting suspicious he went to go properly investigate it.



Tang Wulin uttered as he lay on his back. He just left his spiritual power after training with Old Tang for a while.

He got his ass handed to him every time and couldn't even complain considering how amazing Old Tang moves with his spear.

It actually makes him remember all those weapon mages who tried to hunt him back then.

They were able to move good or even better than Old Tang. It made him start to think about a new combo he could try once he gets better at using the spear.

Tang Wulin got up from the ground and begins making his way to the dorms. He started to think about his training plan but then.


He heard an explosion that was coming from the dorm. He looked forward and saw Yuenan not dressed as a boy standing off against the Yue Zhangyu.

'Why are my two meal ticket fighting!' Thought Tang Wulin.

"You should stop them before security comes." Zeref voice rang out.

Tang Wulin lips twitch at Zeref words but he sped off toward the duo. He made it just in time as Yue Zhengyu and Yuenan thrust their swords at each other.


Yue Zhengyu and Yuanen's eyes widen when they saw their mighty swords were being held by a hand. Tang Wulin was able to intercept and catch both of their direct attacks before they collided.

"Alright, that enough." Said Tang Wulin but Yuanen did not care for his words, as she turns her face to a figure behind him. He shifted his head and saw Xie Xie, but he also felt Yuanen hostile gaze toward Xie Xie.

"This does not concern you!" Yuanen screams as a third purple soul ring appeared beneath her and her aura thickened and soared.

Tang Wulin arched a brow and then use his pressure skill on Yuanen, intentionally causing her to stagger. Then he grabs her throat causing her to choke from the lack of air.

"Oh, that the way Tang Wulin." Yue Zhengyu comments but then his eyes widen when he saw Tang Wulin other coming at him.

He tried evading it but then he was also hit with Tang Wulin overwhelming spiritual power, staggering him.

Both of them tried to escape, but Tang Wulin summon his Blue Silver Grass to wrap around them. He then activated his third soul ring while they were busy trying to escape.

They notice the powder coming off his Blue Silver Grass too late. They couldn't do anything as their body became heavy and they both went off to dreamland.

Tang Wulin holds both Yue Zhengyu and Yuanen in his hand, then he turns to Xie Xie who begins to say.

"Captain! Don't hurt her!"

"Shut up and let us go. We need to leave before elders come."Said Tang Wulin as he dashes out of the rest area. Xie Xie blinks but quickly chased off Tang Wulin as they fled the grassy area.

They quickly got into their dorms and saw everyone was still sleeping or cultivating. Tang Wulin shook his head, as he drags both Yuanen and Yue Zhengyu to the side of the building.

He then turns his head to Xie Xie and asks what happened.

Xie Xie lowered his head as if he was in shame. Tang Wulin arches a brow at this behavior because this was the first time he ever saw Xie Xie so down or in shame.

"Boss It wasn't her fault. I was in the wrong." Xie Xie said wistfully, still looking down.

"Ok, but how are you in the wrong? I could feel her bloodlust directed towards you. What exactly happened?" Tang Wulin kept turning his head between Xie Xie and Yuanen.

He had a somewhat grasp of her personality and knew she wasn't the type to have a grudge at someone for no reason.

Even if somehow Xie Xie found out she was a girl, he doubts she would try to kill him for it.

"I saw one of the empty rooms in the dorm was being used. I went to go investigate it but then-" Tang Wulin put his hand on Xie Xie's hand before he could finish, as he was making a shooing sign.

He then turns his head to the dorm door. He then drags Xie Xie down on the bed with him and covers them both with the blanket.

Afterwhile the door open, as two elders walk-in survey the room and only saw the kids sleeping or cultivate.

"Are you sure they came here?"

"It seems like the only place. They would have enough time to run."

"Well, it seems you wrong. If they run here, they won't be able to hide from us."

"Hey! I just thought they would run to the closest place."

"Don't yell, some of the students are cultivating."

The two elders argued as they started leaving. After a while, Tang Wulin and Xie Xie got up from the bed.

Xie Xie had a look of nervousness, while Tang Wulin was still trying listening out for them.

"Alright, they're gone. Continue."Tang Wulin said thoughtfully as if those elders never walk in.

Xie Xie lips twitch, confused about how Tang Wulin knew those elders were close.

"I went to go to investigate the room but then I found something unexpected. It was this girl showering."Said Xie Xie, he went on to tell Tang Wulin about how she pursued him for a while before Yue Zhengyu showed up.

Tang Wulin caressed his head, while Zeref was chuckling at Xie Xie's expense. To think Xie Xie almost died because he saw her naked.

"Alright, Xie Xie. We will deal with both of them in the morning but for now, go to sleep." Said Tang Wulin as he went over to lye down on the wall.

"Why are you sleeping there?" Xie Xie questioned.

"Just in case either of them wakes to try and kill each other. Or the girl wakes up to try and kill you again." Xie Xie flinch but he knew he rightfully deserves a fierce beating. Tang Wulin shook his head, as Xie Xie walk over him and lay down next to him. Not long after both drift off to sleep.


Yuanen started opening up her lovely eyes. She looks around and saw she was in her old worker's dorm.

'Why am I in here?' Yuenen could have sworn she moved from this building but then memories of last night came back to her.

"So you're awake." Said a familiar voice from her right. Yuanen instantly turned her head and saw Tang Wulin staring thoughtfully at her while sitting down.

"You!" Yuanen growled as she started to get up but realize she couldn't move. She looks down and saw vines wrapped around her. She tried summoning her soul power but realize it was all empty.

"Don't even try. I already drain all of your soul power throughout the night." Said Tang Wulin, he didn't need Yuanen seeing Xie Xie and going on a rampage in the dorm.

"Listen, I know from this idiot over here that he saw you naked. You two can work out something later for that but from now on, you are not allowed to kill him." Said Tang Wulin.

"I refuse!" Yuanen glared at Tang Wulin, refusing to listen to his request causing Tang Wulin to shake his head.

"I wasn't asking you Yuanen." Said Tang Wulin causing Yuanen's eyes widen in surprise at Tang Wulin saying her name.

"How do I know it's you? Your illusion wasn't that hard to see through." Said Tang Wulin.

"Now I will help you get this idiot off your back" Said Tang Wulin as he pointed towards the sleeping Yue Zhengyu.

"but in exchange, you will have to behave properly around Xie Xie. I mean it, what you did was almost killed him, if he didn't tell me it was his fault. Trust me I would have beat you into the ground." Said Tang Wulin with his eyes slightly narrowing.

Yuanen gritted her teeth but then nodded her head. Tang Wulin rolled his eyes, as he flicks her forehead and told her to stop acting like a child as he releases her from his vine.

"Wake up, idiots." Said Tang Wulin as he smacks Xie Xie and Yue Zhengyu awake.

They both jump and then look around, Yue Zhengyu turned to Yuanen and then begin to glare at her.

"Tang Wulin! How could you protect this evil spirit master." Yue Zhengyu yelled but Xie Xie interrupts him.

"Shut up, she, not an evil spirit master. Shrek already told you she was a working student," replied Xie Xie but Yue Zhengyu turn to him to shock and then ask why he is defending her.

"Alright, both of you shut up. Yue Zhengyu the next time I hear you try and attack Yuanen, I will personally beat you into the ground."Tang Wulin said, as stagger Yue Zhengyu with his spiritual power.

Yue Zhengyu glared but didn't say anything, still remembering he needs Tang Wulin for his connection and that golden dragon claw. Xie Xie became shocked, at the fact that the girl was cross-dressing as a girl.

Tang Wulin released Yue Zhengyu and then begin to walk to the dining room. Already done with the idiotic situation. Xie Xie turns to Yuanen but she gave him a look of disdain and left the dorm.


"This semester, you all have one assignment: create your mechas. Now, I will be announcing your groups. Group one: Tang Wulin, Gu Yue, Luo Guixing, and Wu Siduo."

Tang Wulin was planning to ignore that assignment. He had no interest in battle armor and even with Zeref, saying he would help him.

"Do I have to make a mecha?" Said Tang Wulin.

"Do you believe you can dominate others with Mecha or Battle armor?" Asked Wu Zhangkong staring intensely at Tang Wulin.

"Do you think I can't?" Asked Tang Wulin as he raised a brow at Wu Zhangkong. Wu Zhangkong didn't say anything as he went over the rest of the explanation.

"You must make your mechas by the end of the term. If any group has a single person without a completed mecha, the entire group will lose marks. A single-member failing this assignment means the elimination of an entire group, and all of you will be made to withdraw from Shrek."

Wu Zhangkong said then and then turn back to Tang Wulin to say.

"If you do not want to be expelled. Everyone in your group must have a Mecha, and you must rank number one in class-wide mecha competition. Get any lower and I will count your assignment as a failure." Wu Zhangkong replied to Tang Wulin.

Everyone in the class was quiet. They all didn't know if Tang Wulin could actually compete with mecha users.

Sure he dominated Genius Youth Rankers, but this is mecha user their talking about. A Mecha user could easily battle a spirit emperor and not lose out.

Even then, they wonder why he wouldn't want to make one. With a mecha, he could increase his fighting power. Tang Wulin nodded his head to Wu Zhangkong's conditions.

Wu Zhankong then gave everyone half an hour to get into groups and discuss their plan. Tang Wulin's other two group members came over to where he and Gu Yue was sitting.

"Were you serious about not making a mecha?" Asked Luo Guixin. While he still felt fearful of Tang Wulin, he was able to get rid of most of the fear overnight.

"Yes, I don't need it, but I will help with the forging process." Tang Wulin comment, as he was surprised at how easy it was to convince Wu Zhangkong to allow him to skip making his mecha.

Wu Siduo looks at him in surprise, while Gu Yue didn't care. Tang Wulin then asks how they wanted to make their mecha but then.

"Let's just make battle armors then. We can skip making mechas."Her words stunned Wu Siduo and Luo Guixing. Tang Wulin thought about it, wondering if it was possible with Mu Xi help.

Gu Yue went into her explanation that with the team they have, they might have a chance to be able to make one. While it may not be stronger than a mecha, they would at least have a headstart in their class over everyone.

Luo Guixin raised some questions but Gu Yue was able to adequately resolve them. Wu Siduo agreed to the plan, when they turn to Tang Wulin he shrugs his shoulder and said ok.

They all developed their upcoming plans for the one-word battle armor, with them deciding on the metal by the next day and begin to part ways. Gu Yue told him she needed to begin the mecha design and he told her he will see her later.

He then turns to Wu Siduo who was leaving and then called out to her.

"What." Said Wu Siduo staring fiercely at him.

"I need your help with Xie Xie." Said Tang Wulin.

"Why would I help you?" Asked Wu Siduo.

"If you do, I may give you a chance to get stronger and then fight me again. I am sure a genius like you must still be seething over that dreadful lost you took." Siad Tang Wulin, already seeing how frustrated Wu Siduo was undoubtedly becoming.

Her fist was clenching and her eyes were glaring at him.

"Fine..." Answered Wu Siduo, still glaring at him. She knew she couldn't keep this up anymore. She couldn't get rid of the image of Tang Wulin manhandling her Hell White Tiger fusion.

Tang Wulin begins walking to meet up with Xie Xie, with Wu Siduo following behind him. He plans to have her help Xie Xie with his self-fusion. Next, place her in the same training as Mu Xi and Xu Xiaoyan.


Tang Wulin was in the open field, with a bunch of items around him.

"It time to Break the next seal?" Asked Zeref, as he saw Tang Wulin had many rare fruits and herbs around. He wasn't surprised by where he got them because while he was seeking the other herbs for the previous seal, he was able to find these.

"Yes, it about time I increase my spirit rank." Said Tang Wulin as he started getting ready. He long ago realizes cultivating the normal way would take way longer than just breaking the seals on his body and then eating the Space Between Time.

Not only would his spirit rank increase but he would also gain more control over his Time Magic. Plus with this method, he can have more time to practice with Old Tang.

"You may get penalized if it takes longer to break this seal."

"I don't care."

Tang Wulin devours all of the herbs around him and then begin to will his dantian to spin faster, as the energy started to flood into it.

Energy flooded his meridians. Tang Wulin was lucky his meridians were as strong as a Spirit Sage or else his body may of explode.

Tang Wulin's blood essence took on a full boil, vapors rising from his body in angry hisses. Zeref watch as he saw Acnologia's body turning red and energy were crackling off him.

This went on for a long time, as the sun was starting to come up but Tang Wulin didn't stop his circulation and kept on going trying to break the 8th Seal.


Tang Wulin blinks his eyes and saw Old Tang who was nodding his head at him.

Old Tang told him he broke the 8th seal and gained an increase in blood essence. It allowed him to use the Golden Dragon King abilities more and it being stronger.

Tang Wulin nodded his head and then went to go absorb more of the Space Between Time. After eating some more of it, he felt the energy entering his body as he sat down to wholly absorb it.

Leviathan was already around him, as cultivation also increases from the Dragon Seal and the Space Between Time. Tang Wulin lips twitch but didn't say anything as he felt himself get stronger.

"How much if an increase is it this time?" Zeref asked.

"I'm now at rank 38." Said Tang Wulin as he felt himself getting closer to his next spirit ring. Zeref nodded and told him he should probably go to class now.

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