Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 350: Faithfull Bliss

Chapter 350: Faithfull Bliss

"So everyone is fine?" Questioned Tang Wulin as he sat on the bed that was inside of the Tenrou Academy.

"More or less, we had already treated all of the people who were treated before you came and were just about to start rebuilding... But that project is pointless."Muttered Mu Ye still recalls the scene of Tang Wulin rewinding time.

Rewinding time wasn't something that was out of this world for a Soul Master as in history some could do the same thing.

Even at a similar scale that Tang Wulin displays but unlike Tang Wulin, they couldn't rewind more than a few minutes.

And he rewinds a few hours!

"So are you having me stay here again?"

"Because of your stunt and your actions that all of the citizens saw. They now regard you as the Emperor of this place. They still haven't stopped chanting outside, I honestly think they might keep doing that till the night."Said Mu Ye while inside he also muttered god as well.

"Okay I get that part but what does it have to-"

"If you are going to be the Emperor, we need to remodel this city into an empire. Not only because you become an emperor but also to increase our strength and defense against invasion. Right now, everyone is still suffering from the invasion before, with them wishing that they had a better defense and army strength to repel the attack better."Said Mu Ye caused Tang Wulin to nod his head.

"That's understandable, although I predicted that much."

"What do you mean predicted-"

"I was the one who had them invade us." Said Tang Wulin, causing Mu Ye to fall silent for a few seconds before he narrowed his eyes.


Tang Wulin shook his head before explaining to Mu Ye how things came to be, why some things happened, and what he planned.

By the time he was done explaining, Mu Ye' lips and eyes were twitching as he stared at his future heir in disbelief and shock.

Half wondering if he was sleeping right now and the other half thinking Tang Wulin was joking when he said this.


"Yeah, yeah. Na'er already chewed me out for it but it was needed for those obstinate and stupid children."Said Tang Wulin with a slight smile causing Mu Ye to stare at him blankly.

Was it needed? Betting the lives of millions of people in the city, even his parents and school was needed?

"You're crazy..."

"I've been told before, now then here's what I want you to do next for the building of the empire." Said Tang Wulin as disregarding the blank look on Mu Ye.

As he outstretched his hand before a flash of light shone and a booklet appeared in his hand.

"Larger borders consisting of some skyscraper-like castles surrounding the exterior..." Mu Ye read through after Tang Wulin gave it to him.

"Hmm, this is really detailed... Covering most of the things needed for kingdom building as well as the type of structure and outlook you want... Did you make all of this?"

"Yep, how long do you think it will take?"

"If it was before, then maybe years... But with the help of the Soul Beasts and everyone's mood at the moment, it shouldn't take any longer than a few months."

"That's good." Said Tang Wulin with a nod, already expecting something like that.

"Alright, I will have them get on it right now. I will leave you to yourself; you should get some rest, from what I heard and see. It seems you have been battling all day without any rest."Said Mu Ye caused Tang Wulin to sigh.

As Mu Ye was right, about the battling all-day part. After absorbing the soul of the dragons and becoming a Title Douluo, he was filled with energy.

So he didn't feel the need to rest, even his mental exhaustion was fixed after his breakthrough.

After Mu Ye left, Tang Wulin fell back down on his bed, instantly feeling the delicate texture on his back with his eyes closed.

"You okay human?" Tao Tie's voice rang out with Leviathan following behind.

"Is something wrong dad?"

Tang Wulin lips twitched as he felt something on his head but he didn't open his eyes as he knew it was Leviathan.

"You sure love your small form don't you?" Muttered Tang Wulin as his hands move towards Leviathan, caressing his head.

"Hehe, it's the only way I can curl myself around young! Plus my human form is a grown adult, so I can't lay on your head."Muttered Leviathan causing Tang Wulin to inwardly chuckle.

'Is that all you want to do?'

"Human! Stop ignoring-"

"I am fine Tao Tie... Just taking the time to relax for once."

"... Foolish human, not answering before... Well, you should enjoy this, the last time you actually relaxed was over a year ago."Muttered Tao Tie causing Tang Wulin to voluntarily release a chuckle.

As she was right, for the past year and months, he has been on the move. As something always pops up, right after he was done with one problem.

It was honestly getting a bit tiring to Tang Wulin, even with the fun it brought him.

With it making him undoubtedly miss the time he could just relax for a whole year without anything annoying him.

"Say human... Just how did you think of this making your body, god realm plan?"Questioned Tao Tie, as she was still in disbelief of Tang Wulin plan.

"... It was inspired by something long ago, maybe I will tell you the story later."

"Tell me now!"

"Shut up! Don't yell at daddy!"

"You stupid garden snake-"

Once again, Tao Tie and Leviathan began fighting, this time verbally causing Tang Wulin to ignore them as they got lost in thought.

Truthfully, he initially gained the idea of God Realm in the body from Fairy Heart.

As he recalled once back on Fiore when Zeref informed him about Fairy Heart. From the way it came to be, back when he was seeking a way to die.

It was then Tang Wulin held out his hand before glittering lights that were like fireflies began to appear in it.

'The faith of everyone in Tenrou...'

"It's astonishing, don't you think?" Yggdrasil's voice rang out causing Tang Wulin to slightly nod his head.

He could feel the faith's comforting warmth and divinity, feeling it caress his whole body. Yet the strange part was that it didn't make him stronger but his God Slayer which has been stirring ever since.

"Yes, that is interesting... Don't you find it a bit weird Wulin? Your Devil Slayer feeds off negative energy and curses..."

'Are you suggesting my God Slayer would feed off positive energy and faith?'

"Well, the evidence is there... Not only that but maybe you will be able to unlock more abilities... Like those curse arts but a variation for your God Slayer."Said Yggdasril, causing Tang Wulin to furrow his brow.


"It does work similar to how Curse Magic came to be... Still, with your God Slayer Art, it seems you gain the ability to manipulate faith and holy energy..."Muttered Zeref causing Yggdrasil to nod her head.

"This can be considered a blessing, as it can help you hide from the Heaven Law when we begin the realm making."

"Is faith that amazing?"

"It's far more amazing than you could realize... This can help you achieve Godhood as well as be used as energy for your God Realm... The application of faith is almost limitless because it's simply the energy of the infinite transformation... Yet it's hard to be gained by just anyone."

"The people would have to be completely devoted to you, to the point it's divine worship. You should use this time to examine and learn more about it. This will definitely increase our chances of succeeding."

"So this can help with Godhood, good to know... This should help me break into the God Level."Said Tang Wulin with the others nodding their head.

Faith Energy was one of the unique ways a person was able to become a God that couldn't be held by the plane.

Naturally, the amount of faith energy needed to accomplish this was terrifyingly huge but it wasn't impossible.

As the history books said that the Sea God before Tang San was able to become a God through faith energy.

Using the worship of the whole Sea Beast race that was accumulated over the years to breakthrough the barrier.

"Another thing can you feel the faith from the others being drawn to you?"

"Yes, while it's no longer visible as before... I can still feel the faith energy being absorbed into my body."Said Tang Wulin in a slight surprise.

He noted this wasn't solely coming from Tenrou City but maybe from the other continents.

He had heard there was a cult that was formed in honor of him. So he wouldn't be surprised if that's where the extra faith was coming from.

Still, he didn't mind this as he could feel unshakable faith aiding him in more ways than one.

With a sigh he closed his eyes while closing his hand, enjoying the warm inner embrace of the people's faith.

After a few minutes had passed, he felt Leviathan promptly vanish from his head causing him to furrow his brows as he felt someone appear.

A flash of silvery light lit up the room, with a wisp of nine-colors as Gu Yuena appeared in front of Tang Wulin.

But he still didn't get up or opened his eyes and only opened his mouth.

"You finished touring and seeing it for yourself?"

"...Yea, while there is still some, disconnect and discontent with the soul beasts and humanity. I can see they are actually starting to look past their history and wanting to work together."Said Gu Yuena with countless emotions flashing through her eyes.

"... I suppose you and Na'er were right, two of our races can come together."

"Only because of drastic methods... I honestly doubt they would have come together so easily if it wasn't for that."Said Tang Wulin causing Gu Yuena to nod her head but she wasn't mad.

She had heard from Tang Wulin before they came to Isghar what happened and what he did but she wasn't mad.

On the contrary, she was surprised and shocked he has gone so far, just to bring them together.

She knew he didn't care for the soul beast or humanity and yet, for the past years he has been looking away.

To force them together and he was able to actually succeed, even if it was just the beginning stage.

It was then she began to recall something years ago.

'No. I don't care for the spirit beast. I wouldn't even blink an eye if they got wiped out.'

'Then why?'

'Because of you. I know you will try to carry the burden of saving your whole race on your own. But Gu Yue I fear it will be too heavy of a burden for you to carry alone.'

'We are friends Gu Yue. I will help you.'

The words that Wulin told her back, all those years ago on the academy beach after he told her, he knew about her and Na'er.

It came rushing back to her, allowing her to recognize, he did all of this for her.

Help two races that he didn't like and didn't care about, come together, just to release the burden from her.

Gu Yuena's eyes softened as she felt her heart speed up a bit as she moved closer to Tang Wulin.

"Do you think it's because of fate that we got together?" Questioned Gu Yuena causing Tang Wulin to open his eyes and lean up from the bed.

"What do you mean?"

"Don't you find it odd? Silver Dragon King and Golden Dragon King, the way we were brought together and how we have journeyed so far. As if the God of Destiny has been planning and mapping out our life"

"Yuena" Muttered Tang Wulin as he saw the gentle smile on her face one that flash between pain and slight relief.

"But you know I don't mind as much. Destiny may have ruined me before but now, I don't feel like it will this time."Said Gu Yeuna as she moved to Tang Wulin, moving her hand on his cheek and tenderly caressing it.

"I don't know if we are meant to be But you know, this feels a lot like fate, me and you together."Said Gu Yuena as she gazed fondly at Tang Wulin with love and care, something she rarely displayed, yet it was boundless at this moment.

Tang Wulin didn't show any reaction, but he felt himself falling once again.

"Wulin I know I haven't been the best girlfriend. Putting the soul beast above you, not being very intimate and a handful at times."

"I don't expect you to be, as neither am I the best boyfriend." Said Tang Wulin causing Gu Yeuna to lightly chuckle.

"But I like that about our relationship. One that steadily moves to improve, encountering mistakes and bumps along the road."

"Because it keeps it interesting?" Questioned Gu Yuena with her gentle smile growing as she tilted her head while moving closer to Tang Wulin.

"Yes I care not for a boring relationship. And you are anything but boring... My troublesome dragon."Said Tang Wulin with a smile as his eyes softened, causing Gu Yuena's hands to tremble.

"Wulin I love you so much. I love you and only you."Said Gu Yuena as she carefully wrapped her arms around his neck.

As well as moving her whole body on him, straddling him as his arms gently wrapped around her, feeling her in his embrace.

"You have walked with me towards bringing our two races together but now it's no longer about them. I don't care who your family is, I don't care that you are a human or that you have my other self. I only care that I want to spend the rest of my life with you." Said Gu Yuena causing Tang Wulin gaze to soften even more.

"Yuena I love you."Said Tang Wulin as he held her close before capturing her lips while holding her tightly.

Gu Yuena didn't need to hear any more words, didn't need her spiritual sense or instincts.

To tell her the feelings of Tang Wulin, as he was already communicating it through their embrace and kiss.

"My love... I belong to you and only you." Whisper Gu Yuena as they slightly parted and then went back to kissing.

Gu Yuena didn't say anything else as she deepened the passionate kiss before pushing Tang Wulin down on the bed.

Tang Wulin didn't say anything as his hands moved down her body, as she gazed at him with an eerie glint in her eyes.

"From now, you are number one... And forever mine."

Gu Yuena moved down on Tang Wulin, their body naturally beginning to connect as their figure gave off a nine-colored light.

Which spread through the room, isolating space, stopping, and blocking any from entering.

Gu Yuena lips found themselves on Tang Wulin neck, as his hands began moving down her figure, things scattered around.

Before the room was instantly filled with tender and ceaseless panting that gradually rose in pitch.

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