Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 359: Realm In Body (2)

Chapter 359: Realm In Body (2)

Just like that, time passed as Tang Wulin continued absorbing the elements and laws into his body.

He couldn't sense or tell how much time had passed, not even his Life and Asura bloodline could help him.

As right now he was too focused on grasping the laws and natural elements, having gradually turned his body into a realm.

He was immersing himself, forgetting everything, and everyone, all of his thought was forced on this transformation.

He could hear countlessly, chanting that rumbled through the area, with him noting the voices were all different.

Tang Wulin could feel his soul being washed over by the natural law and the natural elements. From what Yggdrasil informed him, the realm core will begin with his soul as that's where everything will be.

Meaning his soul will gradually begin to turn into a realm core.

She elected the soul instead of his other cores because it was the strongest and most suitable for connecting.

Between his mind and body, something that the cores wouldn't be able to do.

As he would need to turn each of the core into a realm core, something that Yggdrasil said was impossible.

As it would be akin to making three God Realm, they neither have the foundation or energy for that.

Tang Wulin's soul was shining with a dazzling light, Tang Wulin could feel his soul being surrounded by the elements.

It was making it resonating while giving off a nine-color light.

Tang Wulin was grasping and directing all of these laws towards his soul, having it absorb and rearrange them.

He was letting his soul first grasp and understanding these laws, as that was one of the abilities of the realm core.

Being able to under the most fundamental laws, personally constructing natural laws, and forging them in the realm.

As a result, he became engrossed, entering an extraordinary state.

Similar to when he utilizes his Forbidden Technique, he begins to feel and grasp the essence of the Great Dao.

"The Dao! It was formless, without any shape or form, yet it contains everything. Shaping heaven and earth. "

Tang Wulin began feeling his body changing now, once again he began to grasp a ultimate realization, something akin to inspiration.

What is the God Realm?

Isn't it simply a world that contains its dao, a world that holds infinite potential, similar to the universe?

'Think of your body as a treasure chest and your spiritual domain is the treasure that is within that treasure chest.'

The words Yun Ming told him before began to resurface in Tang Wulin's mind.

'... That's right, my body is basically a treasure chest. But what if I thought of it as similar to my world? Just like a God realm... My soul is the core; my flesh is the heaven and earth, my blood is the oceans...'

Tang Wulin's mind began to drift, as he started to see his body as more than flesh and bones.

But a world.

'Bones as the mountain, my breath as the wind and air, my heart as the sun... My very form and structure are a God Realm, one that is beyond many worlds. Even though it may look as insignificant as a planet... It's an existence that even surpasses it'.

Tang Wulin felt everything heat up as his eyes began to shine brilliantly, the continuous chains around began to tremble.

He was not intimidated nor would he falter...

His body... It was beautiful, filled with endless and infinite potential, a weapon he could always rely on!

'My mind is the natural Element and Laws... My body is the heaven and earth... My soul is the core of the realm.'

"My whole body... Is a God Realm."

He never thought about it before, but everything could form a world inside of it.

A weapon, soul spirit, a planet, a god, as this all came from one thing, their very own power.

Every being contained endless potential, but only those who were lucky and skilled could unleash it.

Tang Wulin felt his body vigorously absorbing it all, the natural elements and laws, the divine chains, and lights.

They were all being guided, transforming, and refining his mortal body into something new.

Fortunately for Tang Wulin, he had Yggdrasil who was helping his body filter and give it time to absorb. As they were constantly rushing towards him, not giving him much time to distribute them out.

As well as his body already surpassing the mortal rank and being on the level of the divines.

It was because his body could withstand the beginning stage of forming a realm in the body. If a being whose body didn't reach the divine level try and do what he was doing, they would have exploded by now.

As the pressure and task was no joke, the rule still applies that only a Divine Level being can make a God Realm. But of course, Tang Wulin breaks that rule for having his body at the Divine Realm.

From his soul, the laws and elements began moving through his whole body. Tang Wulin felt his flesh being broken down, as countless laws and elements began instantly rushing through it.

They had washed over his cells before they began to reform, not even taking a second to recover.

A remarkable testament to the recovery he gained from the Life Goddess, Golden Dragon King, and his other body improvement training. It wasn't wrong to say by the time his cells were changed, they would have already been restored.

This was another reason that Yggdrasil had faith in Tang Wulin because she knew his body recovery was terrifying.

Surpassing even God Officers and achieving the level of Third Class Gods. Yet this still didn't stop the process of destruction and rebirth that went through Tang Wulin body.

He felt his blood interweaving with the laws and elements, as well as his muscles, bones, tissues, and cells of his body.

If Tang Wulin was to look inside of his body, he would see the laws and elements craving themselves in his body.

Bones were shining with laws and the element, the framework was changing and being refined.

Yet he would also notice that the laws and elements were improving his body, propelling it beyond perfection.

This continues for a while with Tang Wulin already lost on how many times this process repeated.

He knew that the natural laws and elements needed to fully fuse with everything that resides in his body.

Turning everything in his body into the natural laws and natural elements. Making his body reach the same level as a God Realm, being no way inferior and even surpassing it in some aspect.

To his surprise, he could feel his senses being able to feel and intuitively grasp the planar laws even better.

His body was beginning to resonate powerfully with it, making the planar laws slightly tremble and the elements swirling around him.

'I see, it's starting to see more than a human... Maybe if I succeed in this, the laws and elements will obey my will more than even the gods themselves!'

At the precise moment, Tang Wulin figure was in a state of enlightenment, already losing sight and track of everything.

Feeling as if a thousand years had passed as his body continued to evolve and transcend its old self.

Before long Tang Wulin eyes that were shining began to glow even brighter as all around the surface of his body.

Were nine-colors lines that were shining, brilliantly illuminating the whole mountain valley and the Island.

Yet it was then he felt his whole existence began to shiver, as his instincts and sense screamed at him.

He noticed his sense and instinct had gotten stronger, far sharper than what they were before.

"Oh no... it noticed."Muttered Yggdrasil as she looks to the sky, her expression turning grim.

Dark clouds were beginning gathering, rumbling, and echoing across the area as it began twisting and turning.

Yggdrasil could see all types of energy fluctuation that was coming from all around, it was making the surrounding air different.

Around him, the elemental power was going berserk, the natural laws trembling as a terrifying pressure began to descend.

Yggdrasil knew it was the universe's vengeance coming, noticing Tang Wulin and what he was seeking to do.

How could it allow such a thing?

How could it allow such a being to be born, something that could fully rebel against it?

It knew if it allowed this pest to continue walking this path, it would become something terrifying!

As this being wasn't trying to rely on it but trying to become independent from it!

It could feel the miracles that were forming inside of Tang Wulin and knew he couldn't be allowed to live.

Soon after, the clouds above began to tremble uncontrollably with a myriad of colors.

The universe law had arrived.

A streak of light hacked down, descending from above, about to pierce through Tang Wulin's skull.

Without a second, the universal law was already hacking down on Tang Wulin, wishing to rid him of this world.

Tang Wulin's figure trembled before countless vines exploded from his body, thousands upon stands of them hacked upwards.

They were crackling with lightning, destruction, and God Slayer Energy, piercing through the sky.

Yggdrasil could feel these weren't the normal vines that Tang Wulin routinely employ, it felt similar to when he utilizes the planar energy.

'Could it be... He boosted its attack through the core inside of him?'

The light and the countless vines smashed into each other, severely shaking the sky and wisp scattering in all directions.

"It's not playing!"

Yggdrasil knew that the light was terrifying, it could easily kill any mortal in the Douluo Plane, only someone with a God's body could survive.

It was then the dull sky began to rumble, deafening to all as lightning could be seen crackling everywhere.

Yggdrasil's eyes widened as she saw the formation of countless dragons that were made out of divine energy.

They began releasing earth-shattering roars before they began releasing a relentless stream of energy that was moving down to destroy Tang Wulin.

The essence of the attack was simply too frightening, it was strong enough to threaten even Third Class Gods, able to eradicate the planet.

Was this what it means to incur the wrath of the universe? Then how was it possible to resist!

It was then that inside of Tang Wulin's body, the Dragon God Heart that was silent began to tremble before it erupts.

It wasn't just it but the seven-colored bracelet around his arm and his Golden Dragon Blood began to burn.

Just then the silhouette of the nine Dragon Kings, the Golden Dragon King, and the Dragon God began to form above Tang Wulin.

They all glared at the heavens above them, the divine dragons that were roaring out with energy before they began to roar.

Their roar sent a ripple of nine-colored through the area causing the relentless stream of energy to tremble before it shattered.

As the divine dragons, themselves couldn't keep their form, feel a terrifying suppression of the dragons below it.

Before it then shattered and completely destroyed.

Yet as if then that the clouds began to rumble.

As a gigantic spear that was erupting with divine energy hacked over, its tip was swirling and compressing with the natural laws.

A gigantic gauntlet appeared, smashing down on Tang Wulin, with countless others.

Yggdrasil's expression changed even more as she saw all types of weapons appearing from the sky descending from above.

Moving to destroy and erase Tang Wulin from the world.

'Are you kidding me!' Thought Tang Wulin as his eyes widened, even more, staring at the overwhelming onslaught that was descending on him.

This was a disaster that had never happened before to him, even the combined danger of Fiore and Douluo was nothing compared to this.

Yggdrasil's expression was unreadable as her eyes flash with possibilities, trying to see what will happen and will come next.

But to her shock, she could feel the universal law stopping her, as its fury was too great.

It truly didn't wish to leave Tang Wulin any hope of living. It was hacking down to fully and completely erase Tang Wulin.

It was an eradication, to the extreme!

This is what happens when one goes against heaven and earth, trying to walk a perilous path that went against its heaven will.

Tang Wulin was trying to turn his body into a God Realm which would gradually strengthen him.

Eventually, push him to the point where he could potentially become something that even the universe will fear.

The universe law didn't care if he was only in the beginning stage. It would rather completely obliterate him at the first sign with no hesitation!

Divine weapons, divine lightning, divine swords, divine hammer, and all sorts of other divine weapons hack down on him.

Tang Wulin swiftly summoned all of his divine weapons and quickly utilized them to help support him. But their help could only aid for a bit as there were too many weapons to count.

Not only that but there were too many to defend against, even with him utilizing all of his technique and skills.

They couldn't help him completely stop these attacks as there were too many to count, covering his whole figure.

Yet as a sword hacked towards his forehead, moving to puncture and destroy him.

A trident mark appeared on Tang Wulin's forehead, it gave off a terrifying light as a figure began to appear above him.

"Dad..." Muttered Tang Wulin as he stares at Tang San who gives him a brief smile before frowning as he glances up.

With a trident in his hand, Tang San be making golden hoops in front of him before moving them around Tang Wulin.

To Tang Wulin's surprise he saw the sacred hoops were able to withstand the countless attacks, absorbing them like a black hole.

Yet as if this incurred its wrath, the universe shot down a bolt of lightning, hacking towards Tang San figure.

Tang San only sighed before he grabbed the Sea God Trident and began making another golden hoop.

Then he thrust it towards the gigantic bolt of nine-colored lightning, it smashes into the hoop before being absorbed.


Tang San gazed at his son, seeing the invincible determination in his eyes.

Before he nodded his head and moved the golden hoop that had eagerly absorbed the nine-colored lighting.

Into Tang Wulin causing him to widen his eyes.

"Use it well." Said Tang San before his figure began to crack as he tried to help Tang Wulin against the weapons.

But it was futile, with them hacking him into pieces and then continuing towards Tang Wulin.

Tang Wulin tried resisting but how could he go against the terrible wrath of the heavens?

His whole body was being trashed and hacked down by attacks from all sides, his blood being spilled.

Fleshing being torn and pierced, bones being cracked and turning black from the lightning. Yet his regeneration has been showing their terrifying prowess, swiftly mending all of his injuries.

If anyone saw this scene, they would have thought Tang Wulin was an immortal and undying being.

He tried fighting back, using his power but not his Dragon Form, as his sense told him it would bring down something even more terrifying.

He wasn't sure if the universe law cared about the planet or not but he wasn't willing to test it.

As for the moment, only God Officer level attacks were smashing into him. Before eventually, the attacks surpassed the God Officer and gradually shredded Tang Wulin.

Universe law was too ruthless and cruel, wishing to ruthlessly destroy Tang Wulin fully and utterly!

After a bit, seeing that Tang Wulin was still alive, the universe law unwittingly unleashed a terrifying blast that obliterated his figure.

Yggdrasil watched in shock as Tang Wulin's body was erased, his bones and flesh being turned into mist and charred ash.

Yet to her shock, as if it wasn't satisfied with this, the universe law continues to hack down on the remains of Tang Wulin.

It was like a raging sea was crashing down, destroying and hacking down, turning Tang Wulin remains into nothing.

It continued, hacking down with weapons, energy, lightning, and all other types of phenomenons. It was only after a while that the universe law became satisfied and began to fade away.

Leaving an Island that was laid to waste, nothing remaining but the blackened ground.

"Wulin..." Mutter Yggdrasil before she saw something, focusing on where Tang Wulin was.

She saw countless plants breaking through from the ground, moving around the spot where Tang Wulin was.

Naturally making a circle they began to shine brilliantly, giving off a glittering light that began moving towards the center of the circle.

They were like fireflies, compressing into one gigantic ball before space began to gently twist and blur.

Visible particles after particles began forming in the vines before a figure could be seen while the vines gave off light.

It didn't take long before Yggdrasil recognized the figure of Tang Wulin who was breathing heavily with a sluggish smile on his face.

"Few made it. Take that you annoying will."

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