Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 365: Wave Through the World

Chapter 365: Wave Through the World

Di Tian blinked his eyes before finding himself outside of the spiritual sea of the creature that he held with his hand. He narrowed his eyes when he saw the figure of the creature beginning to decompose, turning into mist before scattering away.

Di Tian couldn't do anything, even when he tried to capture or lock them down with his spatial and spiritual power. He felt a foreign force blocking his powers from effecting the atoms of the figure that were scattering.

Di Tian glanced to his side while spreading out his spiritual sense, finding that the creatures were beginning to retreat. Leaving the dead bodies of their comrades, that were also beginning to break down and scattering in the wind.

A brilliant flash of lightning appeared behind Di Tian, with an azure hair man that was handsome, kneeling behind Di Tian.

"Di Tian sir! We have killed most of the creatures and sent the rest running, do you wish for us to chase after them?"

"No, let them go... Did you capture any of them?"

"A few of them-"

"Relay the order to the others to kill them." This, of course, caused the Azure Eye Tiger to blink his eyes confused, on why Di Tian wanted this. But he recalls that he saw Di Tian capturing the general of this operation.

"Did you already extract information from the general?"

"More or less, kill the remaining ones and let's go. We are heading back, I need to report something urgent and fast." The Azure Eye Tiger was confused but still nodded his head before releasing a roar that drew the squad's attention.

"We're going back."

As this was being said, Di Tian looked up towards the sky, noting the blue lights flashing through the sky but knowing this is an ill omen.

'I hope we can get through this...'


"They're all running back? Good! Keep up the work and remember to capture some of them for interrogation."Said Mu Ye over the line before sighing.

"From your words just now, it seems everything is going well?" Questioned Wang Tong causing Mu Ye to nod his head.

"Queen Marina just told me she was able to push back the creatures back to the tower they came from. They were able to re-secure the shores with her squad."

"That's good, it was a good idea that we recruited the Sea Soul-Beast... I am guessing this is what he envisioned."

"Knowing that brat, you may be right... Sometimes I can't tell what he is thinking."Said Mu Ye.

"But sir, something strange happened. The bodies of the dead aren't able to pass over to the barrier around the kingdom."

"They can't? As in, the barrier keeps stopping them?"

"Yes, the barrier keeps pushing, stopping the body from entering causing the soldiers to be frustrated and angry, wondering what is going on."

"Damn... Alright, send out an order that they should keep the bodies out for now. But if this continues then we may have to bury them outside."

"That's a good plan, at the moment only Tang Wulin knows how to work the barrier and the Lacrimas. It isn't' wise to mess with them until he comes back." Wang Tong said, causing Mu Ye to nod his head.

"He might have set it up, so the bodies won't accept the dead... It is possible this was a defense against any undead Soul Master...."Muttered Mu Ye but it then another number began to appear on his communicator.

"Huh? Why is Star Luo calling me?"

"Hm... Do you think they were also-"

"Attacked? You may be right." Said Mu Ye as he answered the call with the voice of Dai Yueyan answering.

"Minister Mu Ye, how are you?"

"Good, are you calling because of a recent attack?"

"... I see you were also attacked? One second let me connect with the others." Mu Ye waited and watched as Dai Yueyan connected the Spirit Pagoda, Federation, Dou Spirit Empire, and Shrek on to the call.

"Dai Yueyan?" Was the response from both the Sea God Pavilion and Pagoda Master. While Guan Yue who was the acting master of the War God Hall was quiet as well as Emperor Xue Yuntian.

"We recently had a problem; it's something you all need to hear about." Said Dai Yueyan, causing them to narrow their eyes, wondering who would dare to attack the Star Luo Continent.

Could it be the Monarchs and the Holy Spirit Cult?

Did they finally decide to attack after Tang Wulin and the other people at the peak have left to go to the Abyssal Plane?

They didn't try to question how they would even find out that they left and simply assume, weren't willing to underestimate that group.

"We were attacked by these bizarre creatures when four pillars descended from the sky, assuming from outer space or another plane. Piercing through the ground before releasing a bunch of strange alien races that started to raid the towns nearby. Right now we're pushing them back, but some of our towns and people were killed."Said Mu Ye causing Gu Yuena and Na'er to frown while Xue Yuntian's eyes widened in shock.

"Alien Race? Are they trying to invade?"Questioned Guan Yue but Dai Yueyan only shrugged his shoulders.

"That is what I am assuming, although I was hoping to inform you guys. Before it happens to all of you it seems I was too late for Mu Ye..." As he said this, Gu Yuena, Na'er, Xue Yuantian, and Guan Yue were already relaying orders.

Telling their security and advisors to have the Soul Masters of the area to begin to get ready and be on standby for the descent of pillars. This confused the security and advisors but they knew better than to question their leaders and begin complying.

"Similar to Mu Ye, our towns and people have been killed. I just received words that we were able to repel them and capture some of them to interrogate."

"We have also captured some as well. It's best if we compare the information we learn."

"I agree, we should all keep up an open communication, so we can try to provide help-" Before Dai Yueyan could finish his words. The door to Mu Ye office was forcibly pushed open with Di Tian walking in.

"Di Tian? Shouldn't you be on the field? Did something happen?"Questioned Mu Ye but Di Tian didn't answer him at first as he saw the communicator.

"Are you in line with the others?"

"I am... Is there something that needs to be said in private?"

"No, it's best if you all heard this." Said Di Tian, causing Mu Ye to nod his head before pointing to a seat.

"What happened out there Di Tian?" Questioned Gu Yuena causing Di Tian to furrow his brow.

"My Lord, I was able to capture one of the Generals of those alien races and was able to enter its spiritual sea."

"Were you able to gain any information about them? Such as who they are? Where did they come from? And their full purpose?"Questioned Guan Yue but Di Tian only shook his head.

"When I was in its spiritual Sea, I was able to see a fragment of will that was sitting in a throne in the middle of the spiritual sea. While it didn't talk much, it was able to force me out but I was able to gain some information and figure why interrogating is useless."

"What do you mean?"

"The figure had the spiritual power of a God." When Di Tian said this, the expression of everyone but Gu Yuena and Na'er changed.

A God?

Were they seriously going to be dealing with another set of God Level creatures? It has only been four months since the last ones and worst yet, the one who could kill them isn't even here.

And they didn't know when he would come back.

"The fragment will have a Divine Origin Spiritual Power? How strong is it?"Questioned Gu Yuena causing Di Tian to furrow his brows.

"I'm not sure... But maybe only you guys could compete with it, as it surpassed even the Huo Yuhao when I fought him."Said Di Tian making the expressions of the others even worse.

"No wonder you said it was useless to try and interrogate them." But Di Tian only shook his head.

"The main reason is that they will begin to break down before scattering around, as I think the will isn't just to protect their memories. But also to make sure that none of it is spread in the case they were caught."

"How ruthless." Muttered Mu Ye as he just wondered who they were dealing with. It was always the ruthless and uncaring people that became the hardest and most dangerous to deal with.

As they are willing to do anything to win, even if it costs the lives of their men. But it was then that Mu Ye received a message that made him sigh as he looked at Di Tian with a tired look.

"They just sent me that the creatures that they were bringing back had started to break down before they scattered."

"I just received a similar report as well, so capturing these creatures is useless."

"Indeed, meaning we will have to either rip out their memories after we beat them or find some other way." Said Guan Yue as he glanced at Gu Yuana who didn't say anything.

"Is it possible for you to contact Tang Wulin?" Questioned Di Tian but Gu Yuena and Na'er only shook their heads.

"The abyssal plane is blocking our connection, while we could breakthrough, it might stir up the plane. Putting them in even more danger... But if it comes down to it, we will try." Said Na'er causing the rest of them to nod their heads.

Although Xue Yuntian, Guan Yue, and Xue Yuntian were confused and curious about how the two of them could do such a thing. They all knew that Tang Wulin was in another plane, not a continent away!

"For now, you both should have your people outside of the empire move inside or away from the towers. You should also set up barriers and people around, just in case they send another attack."Said Na'er causing both Mu Ye and Dai Yueyan to nod their heads.

"After that, we should begin to plan on what to do."

It was then that everyone went quiet, wondering if this would become a full-blown invasion of the Douluo Realm.

They hoped not, as the realm wasn't ready or willing to take on one. They weren't even done with dealing with the invasion of the Abyssal Plane.

They didn't need another one.


The continent of Star Luo and Alvarez erupted into discussions but the people at top made sure to stop this news from spreading from their continent. Which wasn't as successful as they wanted as they were able to stop most of the spread.

There was still a leak, causing the people of the world to learn about the pillars that had descended into the world. They learn how these strange creatures came out of the tower and begin raiding the towns around.

This put the people in the world in an uneasy situation with some of them questioning if they were going to be invaded.

Would the world once again become an uproar?

This made some people angry and mad, as just last year they had the Calamities and a few months ago the Demon Monarchs.

But now this?

But nothing could be done at the moment, with the rest of the people waiting on their government. To give them more information about what was going but for some reason, they believe not even they knew what was going on.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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