Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 376: Truth of the Planes

Chapter 376: Truth of the Planes

Tang Wulin felt piles of information, streaming into his mind, as well as his spiritual conscious being pulled towards somewhere. Blinking, he glanced around and found he was above a deep ocean that was raging down below, with the building like structure around.

Yet what Tang Wulin found the most interesting was the continuous chains that were seeping into his body as he gained flashes of memories. His eyes narrowed as the memories started to come more rapidly and faster through his mind.

But before he could get all of the memories, the whole area seemed to tremble uncontrollably as a voice, ancient and cold rant out.

"Trespassing and taking what is not yours? Death to you."

Tang Wulin glanced down, seeing a blurry and hazy creature that was merely sitting on a throne that was in the middle of the Emerald Sea. The hazy figure was giving off a terrifying aura, as the area around it seems to be trembling.

Yet Tang Wulin only paid it a bit of attention before shifting his gaze back to the chains and extending his hands.


As if they were commanded by his voice, more chains began trembling before piercing towards Tang Wulin, entering into his body. But as Tang Wulin began gaining these memories, his expression started to change by the seconds.

"...Are you kidding me? Of all the-"

Then he heard a sudden voice, ancient and low, ranging out once again.

"Third Offense, Ignoring-"

"Will you shut up." Tang Wulin said as he glared savagely at the hazy and blurry creature who in the next instant felt something foreign.

It was a feeling it wasn't accustomed to, no it was more like it was a terrible feeling it hasn't felt in millions of years. It felt its self-controlling decreasing, its thinking process slowing down, and its figure trembling uncontrollably as it saw the image of Tang Wulin change.

As a golden dragon appeared in Tang Wulin sted, its crimson-scarlet eyes staring down on the creature as if it was nothing more than an ant.

Before it was gone, with Tang Wulin blatantly ignoring the hazy and blurry creature, his hands were still out as more chains continued to come down.

Yet the hazy and blurry creature had its head down as it stared at the ground in shock, trying to comprehend what just happened.

'Was... Was this fear?'

'...I felt... Fear?'

The creature didn't know it was hit by the aura of the Golden Dragon King. As Tang Wulin released some of its aurae out as it was through the memories and him scanning the place that he found he was in a spiritual sea.

Making it so, he could stimulate the Golden Dragon King madness since it was inside of his spiritual sea. The creature before, even if it was against a little bit of the Golden Dragon King aura, could never be able to stand up against it.

Tang Wulin was too annoyed by the recent news from the memories he was gaining with this creature not helping at all.

'Fuck! Is this plane curse or something! Or is it just because my luck has turned to shit because of the path I am walking?' Thought Tang Wulin felt the overwhelming urge to go crazy.

How the hell can one world get into so much trouble in just a few years? He knew his father and brother-in-law times weren't nearly as this bad!

Can't he get a damn break!

'Or is there something out there that has it out for me!'

He swore if this was the universe law, trying to screw with him...

As Tang Wulin felt he was close to being done with most of the memories inside of this place, he once again felt the world tremble.

As a horrifying pressure descended upon him, the world showed ominous cracks and deep fissures.

"So annoying, I'm not in the mood." Muttered Tang Wulin as he glances at the hazy and blurry creature, allowing him to see its enraged face.

Yet Tang Wulin showed no care, even as the creature's terrifying pressure was pouring down onto him as if the relentless pressure was nothing but a gentle breeze.

'What the hell!'

The Creature's eyes widened, confused, and puzzled on why Tang Wulin was able to shrug off its divine sense pressure. It knew Tang Wulin himself didn't have a Divine Sense from it scanning him, but its divine pressure couldn't do anything.

As if Tang Wulin was being protected or guarded by something...

"What an odd being you are."

"I have been told that a lot, leave me alone." Said Tang Wulin as he waved his hands with spheres of mellow light appearing around it.

Streams of ethereal lights began to move around Tang Wulin form, brilliantly illuminating the emerald ocean and they were around.

'Is that... Faith energy?'

The Creature knew something terrifying was about to happen as it saw a vicious grin appear on Tang Wulin's face.

'Divine Degree: Spear of the Divine.'

In the next instant, the faith energy began to warp and condense, forming a blazing pure white spear that lit the whole world in light. Twirling the spear in his hand, Tang Wulin hurled it forward causing it to turn into a streak of light as it pierced towards the creature on the throne.

The creature snorted before its hazy eyes flashed as it utilizes its divine sense to strike the spear but the spear simply broke through its divine sense.

Narrowing its eyes, it made divine shields, countless of them appear in front of it, and yet the spear of light didn't care. Just like with the creature's divine sense, the spear persistently ignored the shields, passing through them as it reached the creature.

Frowning heavily, the creature tried to move but found it couldn't as its whole surrounding seems to be bathed in light. As feather-like wings appeared around it as if a domain was released but that was all it could think.

Before it found itself being pierced through by the spear of light, with the faith energy surging through his whole figure. Holes began appearing around the creature figure, bits by bits, with piercing lights shooting out of it.

The creature began to tremble and shake as it started to collapse on itself, the faith energy wreaking havoc before it shattered.

Yet not before staring long and hard at Tang Wulin as if it was trying remembering his figure before disappearing.

"...Finally, peace and-"

Tang Wulin began to frown as he felt the whole world trembling and shaking even more than before he sighed. As he could sense the world was breaking and collapsing on itself as if whatever was keeping it stable was gone.

'So that creature keeps it stable...'

Tang Wulin didn't say anything else as he began leaving this place, already gaining enough information about what was going on.

His figure had begun to turn pale blue before he turned into a streak of light, breaking out of the world, as it continued falling on itself.


Tang Wulin found himself back outside, no longer inside of the emerald creature's spiritual sea. He glanced down to see the emerald creature was breaking down, turning into particles that began to move through his vines.

"Not so fast."

Tang Wulin in the next moment began to inhale causing the emerald particles to tremble before they were sucked inside of his mouth. He felt his body beginning to refine and churn the particles into energy before they moved towards his souls.

He then turned around to see the rest of them finishing up with the abyssal and emerald creatures that were clashing with each other before.

He saw them slaughtering the creature before he moved over to them with his golden spear held out, devouring the mist and particles. The spear gave off a resplendent light as he finished up absorbing the last of them with the others coming over.

"Well? Did you find out anything about them?"

"I did but let's keep moving and fast." Said Tang Wulin as he turned around before speeding off causing the others to be confused.

But they quickly followed behind, catching up to him in seconds, and continued moving down the rough and grey hills. They noticed the frown on Tang Wulin's face as well as the minor irritation as his eyes kept on twitching.


"The Emerald Creatures and the Abyssal Creatures aren't the same beings, as the emerald creature is simple aliens invading the abyssal world."

His words caused the rest of them to widen their eyes shocked as they began. The abyssal world was being invaded?

The same plane that forced them to seal up the passage, cost the lives of even Masters at a lofty position and held a God Level being.

This same plan was being invaded? Just how terrifying was this plane to be able to accomplish such a thing.

"Yes, they are called the Mortuus, a parasitic race that has been invading countless planes, similar to the Demon World for years. It seems they came from another Galaxy which they not only invaded but such out most of the life out of it."

"Another galaxy huh... So their plane is that advanced."

"Not only that but it seems they had invaded the Abyssal Plane six months ago."

"Six Months... That was during the time of-"

"The Demon Monarchs and the whole ordeal with them. As well as why the Abyssal Plane has been so quiet and passive with us."Muttered Zhang Huanyun causing Tang Wulin to nod his head.

"Yes, they have been keeping the attention of the Abyssal Plane all of this time. But it isn't just them as another race has also invaded the abyssal world."

"Another one! Are you kidding me!"

"They are called the Arkadians, a group of a machine-like race that has also latched on to the Abyssal Plane and have been invading it as well. But if that wasn't so bad, it seems they have also invaded the Mortuus race own Plane."

"Is it just them?"

"No, the abyssal plane has also invaded Mortuus Plane and the Arkadians plane, alongside the Mortuus own soldiers."

"So at the moment these three planes are duking it out with each other... And we have been ignorant to it this whole time."Said Cheng Xinjie with a blank stare.

"I'm unsure if I should be angered or delighted about this." Muttered Cao Dezhi causing Zhang Huanyun to raise a brow as they jump down from a ledge.


"Isn't it apparent? Their actions are them saying, they don't see us as threats, as if we were just ants."

"That isn't so far off, as it seems that they plan to absorb the Douluo Plane after they finished with the Arkadians and the Abyssal Plane." Said Tang Wulin, causing Yun Ming to sigh.

"Can't our plane just catch a break? Just one time!"

"I'm starting to think this plane is just cursed.."

"You think? Dear lord, it's like the universe is trying to utilize every option except being direct to get rid of us."

'Maybe... Wouldn't put it past it.'

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