Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 378: Forbidden Misery

Chapter 378: Forbidden Misery

The Spirit Monarch's eyes suddenly transformed into two golden vortexes as a powerful suction gushed out, lashing out.

Yun Ming and the other expression began changing as they felt a terrifying pressure descending on them. In the next moment, they unleashed their Battle Armor and stimulated their soul power to resist the spiritual power attack.

"Annoying." Muttered Tang Wulin as he began to move forward, swinging his arm out and to the slight shock of the Spirit Monarch.

He shattered the formless energy of the spiritual power that was descending on them as if it was nothing but glass.

'... He can interact with spiritual power with just his body?'

It wasn't just the Spirit Monarch but even the other humans as they stared at Tang Wulin in slight disbelief. It was one thing to resist spiritual power through the elements, soul power, or the laws but one's own physical might?

Well, this was a first in all of the soul master history.

Tang Wulin stomped down on the ground before he shot forward, shattering the ground and turning into a blur. Yet the Spirit Monarch was already weary of Tang Wulin after seeing how swiftly he killed his clone.

The surrounding began changing around the Spirit Monarch and the others, as a layer of flesh and blood began to appear. Blood was dripping down with a disgusting scent that began to spread out as Tang Wulin and the others found themselves in a world of flesh and blood.

Yet Tang Wulin continued his charge as he already reached, fist breaking through space as it plowed through the Spirit Monarch.

But then Tang Wulin eyes narrowed as the figure of the Spirit Monarch began to tremble before bursting with blood and flesh.

Just as an unimaginable aura erupted outwards, as wailing, cries, and screeching began to resound through the world.

Simultaneously, Cao Dezhi and the other humans became shocked as they felt their body, soul, and mind becoming unstable.

Alongside blood leaking from their eyes, mouth, nose, and ears.

Mind Madness!

A god-level technique was unleashed at this moment, with the only one unaffected being Tang Wulin who stomped down on the ground.

'Divine Decree: Ocean of Faith.'

From under his feet, came a terrifying wave of faith energy that began to flood the surroundings in a sea of blazing light.

It swept through the area, bathing the other humans, purifying and healing them from the effects of the madness.

Before it then began to smash into the world of flesh and blood, wishing to purify this wretched world.

"You even have faith energy? Amazing, but let's try this."

As the world of flesh and blood was being purified, it began to warp and change before turning into a world of countless vortexes.

All around there was a black vortex, that was spinning and twisting rapidly, sucking in the sea of raging light.

"Those are black holes." Muttered Yun Ming with a frown with the Spirit Monarch laughter resounding out loud.

Tang Wulin didn't utter anything as he waved his hands causing the surroundings to freeze before time began to rewind.

The black holes began fading away, turning back into the flesh and blood before returning back to the abyssal world.

"Time rewind?" Questioned the Spirit Monarch as he found himself back in front of Tang Wulin and the others.

Tang Wulin didn't say anything as he summoned his Golden Dragon Spear, which began to give off a terrifying fluctuation.

The Spirit Monarch shivered at this, before swiftly utilizing all of his attacks.


Space around was instantly locked down, the surroundings turned black as the vast area around the humans and the Spirit Monarch froze.

Just as the Spirit Monarch eyes erupted with golden flashes, countless black holes appeared around Tang Wulin as waves of spiritual power hacked out.

As well as a formless and invisible wind that began to form around Tang Wulin, twisting and spinning with a terrifying pressure. Not only that but countless formless dragons and vortexes were hacking towards him.

Divine Storm.

Chaotic Mind.

All of these attacks hacked towards Tang Wulin who seemed to be frozen. Yet the golden dragon spear in his hand continued to tremble, stirring up even more from being frozen.

"I am on a tight schedule, so let's end this now." Said Tang Wulin as he began moving his body, the planar lock having no control over him.

Shocking the Spirit Monarch, as they were in the abyssal plane, it should be impossible for Tang Wulin to resist its lock.

The spear in Tang Wulin's hand began to, as his eyes began to flash crimson-scarlet with a golden streak.

'Forbid the Supernatural Dragon Emperor Crush.'

The sounds of something being crushed rang through, as the pitch-black space instantly shattered like glass.

Not only did the space shatter but all of the attacks that were hacking down on Tang Wulin even the formless ones.

All began fading away as if they never existed in the first place.

"Suppression!" Roared the Spirit Monarch as he felt his own cultivation being ruthless suppressed, being pushed down to a Spirit Elder.

As well as his spiritual power being pushed down to the Spirit Domain, unlike the others who were forced into the spiritual abyss level.

The Spirit Monarch was both in shock and disbelief, not comprehending how his strength could be suppressed so much. It would be one thing if the opponent was stronger than him but he knew that Tang Wulin wasn't.

Only his physical attribute surpassed his but not his mind or his cultivation he thinks. For some reason he couldn't sense Tang Wulin's spiritual power, as if something was masking or hiding it.

"It doesn't matter, now go sleep."

The spear in his hand began turning illusionary as it moved forward, the Spirit Monarch tried to evade or block this.

But his speed was too inferior to Tang Wulin with his spiritual power being too weak to predict and read Tang Wulin moves.


Formless energy began to expand from the golden dragon spear as it streaked across.

Heavenly Paradise!

The spear erupted in brilliant light as it instantly reached the forehead of the Spirit Monarch before stopping in front of it.

Dragon Emperor!

With a bang, the foreign sensation stormed into the mind of the Spirit Monarch who was still staring in shock, not understanding what was going on.


In the next moment, the area around them was locked down, the natural laws and elements were frozen in place.

Even the creatures and generals that were battling away from Tang Wulin and the Spirit Monarch had frozen.

The Spirit Monarch's vision began blurring for a moment, and before he saw a completely different world.

The Spirit Monarch found himself in a dark void that had no oxygen in the air causing his eyes to widen as his eyes started to burn.

Blood started to leak from his eyes and nose, as he tried gasping for air but finding none.

'What the hell, why do I need air! I'm not like those humans!' Thought the Spirit Monarch in shock but then his train of thought was cut.

As he felt his body being pressed down by a mountain, forcing him down with overwhelming pressure. It was making it hard to move but not willing to be crushed, the Spirit Monarch tried his hardest to resist the pressure.

Even as he felt his thoughts being scattered from the lack of oxygen. Then he released a scream as he felt his nerves, organs, and veins heating up as if they were being burned.

Then they froze over before being burned again then frozen once more. Producing a continuous cycle of his nerves, organs, and veins being frozen and burned.

The pain was too much causing him to fall to the ground, his hands touching the ground but then to his shock. He felt his limbs being shackled, making it hard to move, and having it take a lot out of him to push himself back up from the ground.

Then came the terrifying pain, striking and reverberating through his body to the point the Spirit Monarch had to release another ear-splitting scream. But if these weren't enough, tears began to fall from his eyes as he felt an untold amount of sorrow sweeping through.

The Spirit Monarch was weeping, cries being released from his body as he felt too much sorrow and anger. Before he began roaring towards the sky as if it was a response to the heavens being unfair.

Then as if he angered the heavens, a piercing light began appearing in the horizon with a path of sand appearing. The Spirit Monarch didn't know why but himself being forced to move, crawling towards the piercing light.

And it was hell.

A hundred million years have passed, but the Spirit Monarch found he wasn't anywhere close to reaching the light, filling him with despair and hopelessness.

As the previous ailments didn't stop but continuously increased as he continued towards his destination.

The pain was terrifying, it was hard to move, time was passing by so slow. His path was too long and hard to think, the Spirit Monarch tried his hardest to resist. But it was too much, the sorrow, pain, lack of thinking, and years was too much for him.

And so his mind shattered into fragments.


Tang Wulin watched as the figure of the Spirit Monarch was staring at him in shock began to shatter, breaking apart and turning into mist.

Before moving towards the Golden Dragon Spear that was in front of him, entering the golden spear and making it shine bright.

He knew the Spirit Monarch was just subjugated to the horror that even he would be hesitant on trying to take on. Using his comprehension of the Dragon King Test, their misery, his time powers, and Curse Arts.

Tang Wulin was able to subjugate the Spirit Monarch to a billion-year journey of torment, misery, and suffering, all of which happened in an instant.

It was an attack that struck his opponent's spiritual, soul, and emotional side instead of their physical side. Making it extremely hard to defend against the only way of surviving being to withstand this billion-year journey.

Just like how he did.

But how many people could say they would be able to withstand this type of suffering? How many people would even want to?

Tang Wulin began channeling the energy of the Spirit Monarch which was terrifying straight towards his spirit souls and realm core.

He felt his spirit souls gobbling it all up, feeling the energy rush their form before they began to evolve and transform once more.

"Yes human! This is what I'm talking about!' Roar Tao Tie as she felt herself being filled with power, elevating herself to the next level.

No longer was she stuck at eight thousand years ring level but now had been pushed directly to being a one million year ring.

It wasn't just her but Kirin had been also pushed, its rings becoming purple-gold with hints of crimson on it.

Tao Tie rings changed from orange-gold to green-gold with hints of brown on the rings while giving off a feeling of a black hole.

Sarial began to change as well, it was no longer orange-gold. But becoming purple-gold with hints of black and orange on its ring.

But Tang Wulin was most surprised by Leviathan as he felt it reached one million years but its rings didn't change.

No, it was more like Leviathan didn't finish its evolution as he saw it curling itself up in a ball. Seizing its tail in its mouth before a cocoon of energy began to wrap around it.

With the symbols of the gods appearing all around the cocoon, as well as fluctuation of time and space being felt from it.

"His evolution may...No it will be the most terrifying one."Yggdrasil's voice rang out causing Tang Wulin to nod.

As he too could tell Leviathan was special. Unlike the others, it was a blank slate that could be formed into anything from all of the influence it was given through the years.

"Leave him alone for now, focus on the realm core."


Tang Wulin peered towards the core that was greedily absorbing the energy of the Spirit Monarch.

The small puddle that was inside of the core began giving off a myriad of colors as it started to grow. He watched as it began increasing in size, gradually spreading out and expanding.

"Once the energy fully settles, you will have to undergo another refinement. With the core causing changes to your body again." Yggdrasil commented, causing Tang Wulin to nod his head.

'The Universe Law won't be happy to see me.'

"Not in the slightest... Its fury will be even more terrifying than before."

Yggdrasil sighed as she just imagined it, Tang Wulin continuing with the Realm In Body making. Then the Universe Law noticing him before erupting in fury and moving to erase him for good this time.

'This isn't a bad thing, depending on how I use it.' Thought Tang Wulin with a smirk as he moved towards the others.

"You have a plan?"

'You will see.'

That was the last thing he said to Yggdrasil before his figure appeared behind one of the Arkadians. Tang Wulin produces a golden halo that wraps around the Arkadian, ceasing its movement.

Then multicolor vines appeared around his arm before moving towards the Arkadian in front. He didn't pay attention to the others, as they were almost done with the enemies anyway.

'Branches of Akash.'

Nine rings instantly appeared behind Tang Wulin, all of them giving off a horrifying pressure as they began shining brilliantly. Yun Ming and the others were shocked one again when they saw that the pressure of Tang Wulin rings not only increased.

But they had altered color, gaining a varying color and glow to them.

'One million!'

While the other Arkadian and Moortus felt a chill down their back, feeling that Tang Wulin was something too horrifying to go near.

While this was happening, the multi colored-vines fully wrapped around the Arkadian before Tang Wulin began to peer inside.

It was a mistake.

Tang Wulin saw it... Or was it them? He didn't know as he began feeling memories streaming into his mind.

He saw the memories of the Arkadian in front of him, but it wasn't just it.

He felt another stream of memory entering into his mind, then another and another no end in sight.

In the next moment, Tang Wulin lost track of everything.

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