Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 385: Continuous Metamorphosis

Chapter 385: Continuous Metamorphosis


That was what everyone on the abyssal floor was feeling when they saw the figure of Tang Wulin standing. Above the cracked ground with countless fissures and rubbles, with the bleeding body of the Sage King under him.

The Abyssal creatures felt a wave of coldness that was bone-chilling that caused their body to produce a layer of goosebumps.

The other creatures like the Mortuus and Arkadians were at a terrible loss and just watching. While the Soul Masters were shocked as well as able to handle the result far better than the others they merely sigh in relief.

"He sure knows how to make a scene." Muttered Cao Dezhi as he felt himself being able to move his body once again.

"I'm starting to think he does it on purpose."

Chen Xinjie muttered as he began moving his body, feeling the relief of no longer being trapped by the spatial lockdown.

"Still isn't his breakthrough a bit too terrifying? Did the Spirit Soul tell you what type of breakthrough he was going through?"

"No... I didn't think it was important to ask."

Qiangu Dongfeng replied thoughtfully, looking at the figure of Tang Wulin with a complicated look. He didn't know how to react at the scene of Tang Wulin not only hurting the Sage King who was a First-Class God.

But blowing away pieces of his body like it was paper.

"...Something seems wrong."


"Can anyone of you sense Tang Wulin cultivation?"

"What are you... Wait, your right. I can't sense anything from it. It's not like his spiritual power is hiding it."

"Yea, it feels like it isn't even there... As if it broke."

As Yun Ming said these words, the other fell silent.

But before they could say anything, a cold voice rang out

"Did you enjoy that?"

The voice was coming from under Tang Wulin who was gazing forward while elevating his foot.

"That will be the-"

The Sage King couldn't say anymore as a foot smashed down into his face once again, like a towering mountain.

Trampling down on his face forcibly. Vicious cracks started to appear as blood began to leak splash as the Sage King released a hoarse grunt.

Yet at the same time, a halberd makes a perfect arc through the air as it descended on Tang Wulin.

But Tang Wulin didn't try evading the attack, the halberd reached his neck in an instant before it went off course. Or to be more precise, space around Tang Wulin was gently bending, leading the halberd to miss Tang Wulin.

But the Sage King didn't get a chance to say anything, as Tang Wulin launched his next attack.

As immediately, the area around Tang Wulin became different as eyes began to give off a multi-colored glow. That was dancing about as a small gust began to form around him, as his eyes began to shine dazzlingly with a cosmos forming inside it.

In the instant, a boundless pressure began taking form around his foot as he lifted it once again, which made the Sage King tremble.

It felt like the heavens were pressing down on it, wishing to brutally suppress it under its might. Then Tang Wulin stomped down once more, his feet severely distorting and cracking space as it instantly reached the Sage King.

The last thing the Sage King was able to see was a leg that was descending and began to turn into a towering realm. Holding a gigantic tree in the middle, rivers, mountains, hills, clouds, and the sun that all gave off a terrifying pressure.

Before the leg struck the Sage King once more, causing everything below Tang Wulin to explode.

A thunderous explosion rang out!

Rubbles, blood, corpses, rocks, and other things scattered around Tang Wulin, producing a ten thousand deep kilometer crater.

All of the creatures around fell silent, all of them staring in shock.

Except for the two other First-Class creatures.

"A peculiar existence... One without cultivation, yet still possess strength in the First-Class range."

Klun spoke out as it stared at Tang Wulin as if it was trying to accurately analyze him. Raaul didn't say anything but its eyes were narrowed as it felt that the human below it was familiar.

"Now I recall, you are the human who destroyed the strand of my divine sense in one of my generals. Although you seem a bit different."

"That would be our doing... It seems he tried to read our mind but naturally failed."

Klun spoke out causing Raaul to glance at Klun before shifting its astonished gaze back at Tang Wulin.

"You tried reading those things mind? Foolish yet the fact your mind is still intact at least says a bit about your ability."

"All of your shut up." A cold voice had rung out through the floor before a figure began to appear as a swirling of mist began to condense.

"You finally showed your regeneration ability."

Klun said as it glanced at the Sage King who only ignored it and glared down at Tang Wulin, hate and spite could be seen in his eyes. The others didn't know because they weren't hit by it but the Sage King knew that Tang Wulin's last attack was unnatural.

It felt like a planet hit him itself as recalled the last images that appeared before he was crushed beneath the foot.

"I want you dead!"

"Dead? Isn't that such a waste, he will be a fine addition to my soldiers."

Raaul spoke out causing the Sage King to glance at it, evident disgust and rage could be seen but Raaul didn't care. Klun didn't say anything, neither caring about having Tang Wulin as a part of its ranks nor slaying him.

Tang Wulin didn't say anything as he was looking over his body, eyes roaming around it while he got lost in thought for the moment.

While he was doing this, the three First-Class beings were spreading out their divine sense, covering Tang Wulin and inspecting him.

But to their shock, they couldn't sense anything about Tang Wulin. Instead of them being able to scan Tang Wulin with their divine sense, they felt space around him bending gracefully.

The spatial twist was causing a strain on their divine sense, one which they ignored. But they came into contact with a formidable barrier that releases a thud sound, not allowing their divine sense to scan Tang Wulin.

'Weird... Something really is protecting him.' Thought the Sage King while Klun stared at Tang Wulin as if it was looking at a priceless treasure.

'We must have him! A being outside of this segment of time. Not bound to the universe's fate!'

Klun began clenching its fist, staring at Tang Wulin as passionate hunger began appearing inside of it. One that didn't go noticed by the other two who was giving it looks of considerable confusion and wariness.

They saw stars sparkling inside of the eyes of Klun as its figures trembled, glowing with a pale light as the luminous stars grew.

Before it unleashed a strike against Tang Wulin.

Between the palm and fingers of Klun, specs of light began appearing before it compressed it in its hand.

Leading to a brilliant light to be releasing, illuminating the whole sky before it punched out, unleashing a luminous wave of time.

A continuous stream of time fluctuations rushed towards Tang Wulin. Releasing the sound of waves as the enormous, vast river made out of time descended n Tang Wulin.

Tang Wulin who was still gazing at his body only glanced up at the wave of time when he felt it closing in on him. With a focused but calm gaze, he reached out with his hand just as the wave of time reached him.

The wave first reached his hand before it stopped rushing onward to the confusions of the people around. But then their confusion turned into surprise when they saw Tang Wulin grasping the waves, shattering it into a gentle shower of light.

This didn't faze Klun as countless beams of light appeared at Tang Wulin before they blasted outwards at him, closing off the path of escaping.

Tang Wulin only inhaled.

The beams of lights all began to freeze before twisting as their wisp began to move towards Tang Wulin mouth, being eagerly devoured by him.

Within seconds, the beams of light were all devoured by Tang Wulin. Yet Klun wasn't done as it summoned even more beams of light that continued blasting towards Tang Wulin.

But Tang Wulin continued devouring all of it, showing no sign of being full or that there were too many beams. Once all of the beams were devoured, Tang Wulin glanced at Klun who was getting ready to unleash another attack.

Klun's full figure erupted, terrifying time and space fluctuation began to be released from it. Leading the other two first-class beings to back away from it.

Time began to be stirred as a long river began to appear above it, swirling and spinning. Klun raised one of its hands causing the gleaming river to expand above, reaching over a kilometer.

As it got ready to launch the swirling river, a deafening noise rang out with the ground below trembling and gaining massive cracks.

It happened in an instant.

Klun felt a fist making contact with its face, the fist driving itself into its face as it gave off a mellow golden light. Visible cracks formed on its face as the mellow light began to break down the steel on its before Klun was sent flying.

Klun's whole figure was blasted across the floor before crashing into one of the crumbling mountains like a spear.

The silence was the response.

Sage King and Raaul stared at Tang Wulin in shock, wondering just when and how he appeared in the spot where Klun was. While spreading out their Divine Sense and locating Klun who was sent flying a few kilometers away.

While they were doing this, Tang Wulin was looking down at his hand as if he was lost in thought.

Below him was Sleipnir who stared at the scene in shock.

'Did his body become even more terrifying than what we initially thought?'

"Surprise too? Well, that should be expected... He really did go above and beyond."Yggdrasil's voice rang out causing Sleipnir to glance to the side, seeing Yggdrasil moving towards Bahamut.

"...How strong is his body at the moment?"Questioned Bahamut as he stared at Tang Wulin with a cold gaze, not caring for his extensive wound.

"It should be passed a First Class God right? From how he could attack one of them without them being able to react."

Sleipnir muttered as she undoubtedly looked at Yggdrasil with a puzzled look.

"That's the thing... I'm not sure how strong it's but you are right that it has passed a First Class Body... Essentially, it isn't wrong to say that Tang Wulin may have achieved a God-King level body."

As Yggdrasil said this, the expression of Bahamut and Sleipnir all turned into shock.

"Ha... Just like father."

"Yeah he is like the Dragon God but he is even more monstrous when you consider he hasn't even fully absorbed the Golden Dragon King yet."

Yggdrasil said as she reached Bahamut and began restoring him while Bahamut and Sleipnir fell silent, staring at the battle above them.

Raaul scoffed at Tang Wulin as his eyes glowed an ivory color that caused the laws and elements around to tremble.

Before a surge of formless ivory light expanded from its body like a vast body of water. It had expanded out its divine consciousness before it directed it towards Tang Wulin, wishing to crush him under its might.

Raaul attack started to make the area around Tang Wulin collapse. The laws began interweaving with each other before rushing towards Tang Wulin, moving to compress and break him.

While a formless intent surged towards Tang Wulin, rushing towards him like a raging sea that wanted to devour him.

Tang Wulin only waved his hand, releasing a mellow golden light before the distinctive sounds of something shattering rang out. While he clenched his other hand that released a terrifying pressure that swept through the interweaving laws.

The raging sea of formless intent was shattered as it made contact with Tang Wulin's hand while the laws were suppressed by him.

"You... How is your control over the laws and elements more effective than mine?"

Raaul stared at Tang Wulin with a bit of shock. One has to understand its own Divine Sense was at the level of a peak First Class, close to breaking through that limit.

Not even the Sage King and Klun could come close to its spiritual power, allowing it to have the firmest control over the laws and elements. Yet its control was usurped by Tang Wulin in an instant, confusing it, as well as intriguing it.

Tang Wulin glanced at Raaul but before he could do or say anything, he felt his instincts stirring up.

An aura of death and destruction began spreading. Tang Wulin senses felt the attack coming from the side, an overwhelming wave of death and destruction pierced through the sky.


Specs of destruction and death fluttered from the sky before it turned into a halberd that quickly hacked over. It produced a long wave of death and destruction, slicing through the laws and elements as it moved down to erase Tang Wulin.

All of the creatures down below shivered as the overwhelming pressure made them all kneel. They were all getting a taste of a person with First Class strength and just the aura alone left them terrified.

While Tang Wulin himself glanced at the wave of death and destruction that was hacking down on him. The surging energy was causing vicious cracks and fissures in the sky, too much energy for the sky to handle.

With Tang Wulin being the energy primary focus as it reached him, simply about to chop through him. But Tang Wulin only tilted his head before stomping on the ground, shattering the space below him.

Before his figure blurred as the surging blade was only a few inches away from him.

It blew away.

The surging blade of death and destruction that was coming down was blown away like something pierced through it. The wisps scattered from the attack, while the rest began to fall.

As this was happening, Sage King chopped down with his halberd before a fist smashed into his face. With his halberd that had destruction energy coiling around it being stopped by a hand.

Tang Wulin didn't give the Sage King any time to speak as his fist glowed with a golden light. Before it erupted explosively in an explosion that shattered half of the Sage King body again.

But that wasn't the end as the wisps of the Sage King began to move towards Tang Wulin, seeping into his body.

The Sage King glared hatefully at Tang Wulin as he devoured his essence that was supposed to go back to the plane. He knew Tang Wulin was hit by the attack, as he sensed him breaking through the surging blade of energy.

The Sage King expected him to be at least slightly damaged but he saw no sign of harm on Tang Wulin. Still, the Sage King only swung his left arm, isolating the area around them so the shockwaves of their battle wouldn't destroy his men.

Tang Wulin titled his head at this but felt his instincts stir once again, as in the next instant he was instantly surrounded by millions of portals. All of these portals shot out various types of weapons that fluctuate with time, hacking out towards him.

The attacks seemed to travel through time as they wasted no time, reaching Tang Wulin instantly, only an inch away. But in the next second, Tang Wulin figure twitched before the sounds of glass shattering rang through the floor.

All of the weapons that fluctuate with time were instantly destroyed, turning into a shower of dazzling lights. With the images of millions of Tang Wulin appearing all around with his fist striking the weapons, destroying them.

Raaul instantly appeared behind Tang Wulin, delivering a powerful counterattack as he released ivory radiance as a black hole formed in his hand.

The black hole began to warp, gravity, the laws, and light as it started to expand, moving to eagerly devour Tang Wulin. It was as if Tang Wulin was in the eye of a maelstrom that was expanding at a terrifying rate.

However, Tang Wulin's eyes were still calm, glowing an ethereal green and white light before creation exploded from his body. Streams of creation power began appearing, one after another before it began to swirl around him, forming a maelstrom of creative energy.

A maelstrom that began to disperse and absorbed the black hole that was trying to devour Tang Wulin. With the figure of Raaul moving back, parts of his body release steam from the creative energy grazing him.

The creation energy began to seep back into Tang Wulin after fully devouring the black hole. But it was then that blood sprouted from Tang Wulin mouth, leaking down from his mouth.

"What a strange fellow, your body seems to have delayed the injuries..."

Tang Wulin only glanced at Raaul but didn't say anything.

With the attainment of the Semi-Divine Realm body, Tang Wulin could control the time inside of his realm. Meaning he could delay attacks from affecting him, allowing him to fight with no damage or abilities affecting him during that delay.

Just as how a day in the God Realm is a year in the mortal world, a second in Tang Wulin internal realm was a minute in the outside world. Meaning Tang Wulin could take even the more horrifying attacks and abilities but still show no sign of damage because of the delayed effects.

And this effect would only increase even more as he grew stronger with the realm, such as one second could mean a day in the outside world.

It was then that a light illuminated around Tang Wulin.

Everything around Tang Wulin seems to be bathed in white, a blazing sphere that seemed similar to the fierce sun appeared behind him. But if that wasn't enough, a gigantic blade made out of destruction hacked down on him, severing the space above him.

While a broad sword appeared below him, releasing millions and millions of strands of divine senses as it moved to pierce through Tang Wulin.

All of the First Class made the choice to attack Tang Wulin at the same time, using their divine sense to communicate with each other.

Tang Wulin merely began moving his right hand, creating afterimages as the area around him began to slow down. Countless shards and laws began appearing around Tang Wulin like broken glasses from a mirror, his hand moving towards a particular one.

'Forbid History, Dragon Emperor Ban.'

There was no sound but the sounds of chanting resounded through reality. As Tang Wulin's hand touched the shard, slicing through, it was erased in the next moment with the sounds of gear moving.

In the next moment, all of the attacks that were surrounding him was gone. As if the event was forcefully denied from happening and undo.

To the disbelief of everyone who was watching, nothing around Tang Wulin stretched out his arm causing the laws to tremble. Before they began to intertwine around his arm, forming a long blade out of his skin that was gleaming and crackling with a purple light.

'Curse Art: Tenga Goken.'

Then he swung his arm, severing the space around him.

Blood splashed out!

The Sage King wasite was severed from his body; Raaul arm was cut off with his broad sword gaining a shallow cut on it. Their expression was grim as the destruction energy began ravaging their internals, forcing them to try and suppress it.

Tang Wulin glanced at the blade that was formed by the laws, eyes moving over it, getting lost in thought, and ignoring the two first-class beings.

As this was going on, Yggdrasil who was done healing Bahamut and getting ready to go take care of Tao Tie began muttering.

"He is evolving... Unbelievable even after the breakthrough, it seems he is still undergoing his metamorphosis."

"...How?" Questioned Bahamut in disbelief.

"I'm unsure...But he seems to be developing, utilizing the laws in this plane to utilize his abilities even though his cultivation is broken. Not only that but he can utilize abilities he needed to be in a certain state to use."

"In a way, we are seeing first hand, on how a God-Realm would fight if it had its consciousness. At the moment his fighting prowess surpassed every First-Class God just from achieving a Semi-Divine Realm body."

"Yet he is still changing... Figuring out what else he can do with his transformation."

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