Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 388: March To Luo

Chapter 388: March To Luo

The world crackled with violent destruction, countless streaks of destruction winded about, devouring all of the buildings and structures below.

Before surging into a raging sea that involved and crushed down, the whole world became a sea of destruction.

All of the Mortuus creatures that were inside of this plane were all being erased and turned into the nothingness from the lightning. None of them were safe, even the generals and high-ranking members couldn't withstand the power of the True Destruction.

A power that was on the level of a God-King, inevitably reducing everything to nothing. The only reason the plane wasn't instantly destroyed was from Tang Wulin limiting the power, as he still needs it.

"Was this really necessary? Don't we still need Raaul to be at his best to stall the Universe Law?"

Zeref questioned as he stared down at the destruction, a blank look on his face as he stared down at the brutal massacre before him.

Or genocide, considering the destruction energy was attacking and slaughtering all of the Mortuus creatures below. Still, he wasn't bothered by it, already seeing Tang Wulin committing massacres before and he has done the same.

Even genocide, when one considers those special existences back in Fiore.

"For the future, it's. Besides killing them won't affect that thing, moreover it will help it even more. But also limit Raaul when it gets out of hand."

"Are you talking about their leftover energy? You're not going to absorb it?"

"No, I need it alive and without the left-over energy, it will most likely only last for a week."

Tang Wulin said to Zeref causing him to nod his head, recalling the terrifying presence from the nine-colored lightning. Just from what he saw before they left, it had been unleashing strikes comparable to a second class and even first-class god.

And that was only the beginning.

It would be impossible for them to survive these strikes for a whole month without their plane to help them. Even then it would require most if not all of those First-class beings' effort just to stay alive.

With the wisps of the Mortuus creatures leftover, Raaul would have a better chance of lasting long against the Universe Law.

Tang Wulin's eyes stared down below, disregarding the agonized screams and cries below him. Like the heavens themselves, he simply stared on, as if he wasn't affected by this, simply detached.

It was then his eyes slightly narrowed as he finally spotted what he was looking at before. With a step, all of the space elements began to stir as a pale white glow appeared around Tang Wulin like particles before he reappeared down below.

He appeared atop a destroyed castle that was erased from the sea of destruction that had parted for Tang Wulin. Outstretching his hand, a black aura began to shroud his hand before he put it down on the ground.

A dark pulse began to be sent out.

Tang Wulin then withdrew his hand and then uttered it.

"Alright, let's go back, right now they're being invaded."

"They are? How long have you known?"

"For a while now."

"And you're not worried?"

Zeref's words caused Tang Wulin to glance at him before he replied.

"Why would I? That monster is there to keep them alive. With her knowledge of war, I doubt they would be on the losing side."


On the mighty walls of Star Luo.

Yue Zhengyu stood on the walls, gazing out at the approaching army of Emerald Creatures or beings known as Mortuus.

Gu Yuena was able to provide them this information after ripping out the memories from one of the Mortuus generals. But what they learned was undeniable worrying, to say the least, there are three forces currently at war.

It seems they weren't paying much attention to them, which they were somewhat relieved for. Yet they all couldn't stop the feeling of being underestimated and look down upon as if they were only after-war snacks.

'Regardless, we will have to deal with this first.

Down from the Star Luo Empire walls, he could see the Mortuus army was composed of twelve composed regiments. Each composed of about a hundred thousand Mortuus creatures, being led by an Emerald General, all wielding various weapons.

The whole army contained over a million soldiers, all marching towards the Star Luo Empire. Four regiments formed up the center with three regiments for each flank. And then the last two remaining at the rear, as if they were back-up or maybe there to protect command.

Yet in the face of all of this, Yue Zhengyu and his squad all remained steadfast, as they all nodded at each other before moving. He could see that he and his squad would most likely be facing the four center regiments.

While the others deal with the other regiments that were already moving towards them. He glanced at his squad, seeing them all ready with a cannon strapped to their back, he nodded to all of them.

Before they all dashed off from the wall, feet were running on the wall which was covered with two hundred soul masters and soul beasts.

Before they all promptly kicked off the wall, sailing through the air.

"Are they idiots? A band of two hundred men versus our numbers?" An Emerald General said to himself as he saw the soul masters falling to the ground, still a thousand meters away from them.


Upon heeding the command from their master, the Mortuus creatures with bows all move to the fore-front while others stopped. They all began to gather energy in their bows, that shined with a gleaming light before they all-fired it.

Over thirty thousand streaks of light could be seen flashing through the sky. They were all shooting towards Yue Zhengyu and his small squad who had already touched down on the ground.

"Light Pillar Formation!"

As Yue Zhengyu shouted, all of the soul masters shouted, all of them began to reorganize themself as they ran forward. All of them began to spread out, forming a circular formation in a triangle shape, similar to that of three circles put in a triangle.

All of their aurae surged, as they all began to take out Lacrima that was swelling with light before then raising it high.

Light Pillar Formation.

In the next moment, three pillars made out of light were formed, side by side just as the streaks of light reached them.

An ear-splitting sound rang out as the lights crashed into the Light Pillar formation, which gained cracks. But they were able to withstand the thousand of long-range attacks, the pillar began to fade away as the Lacrima also slightly dimmed.

"I guess they aren't idiots... But how long can they keep that up I wonder? Fire again!"

Once again the skies were filled with over thirty thousand streaks of light and once again, they were defended by pillars of light.

This process repeated a bit before one of the Emerald General decided to change it up. They tried to have all of the Mortuus utilize their weapon's long-range capabilities. But just like before, the pillars were able to withstand the impact, with the small squad getting closer and closer.

Normally this wouldn't be much of a problem since their numbers far outpace the humans by thousands of times.

But a voice rang inside their heads.

"Halt your men. Have the beam division strike at the ground. I can sense the energy seeped in the ground."

The Emerald Generals blinked their eyes, but they still obeyed, forcing their army to freeze before having them aim at the area in front.

"Reduce all of it."

In the next moment, over thirty thousand streaks of light crashed down into the ground in front of the Mortuus Army. This caused Yue Zhengyu and his squad to stop their charge, the next instant, the area in front blew up.

As a massive explosion rang out in front of them, with a towering purple light.

"Well they figured out, I was hoping we would get at least some of them."

Yue Long muttered as he saw the smoldering rubles in front of him but Yue Zhengyu only shrugged his shoulders.

"Plan B it's."

The Emerald Generals all shivered at the destruction, understanding if their commander hadn't told them about this danger. They would have most likely have been blown up, reducing their forces and even they might have been killed.

Gritting their teeth, the four generals glance at each other before nodding their heads. They all pointed forward and commanded their assault units to move forward. While the center reduced its speed.

The assault started to spread out, no longer charging in a forward pattern but turning into a wide shape similar to a mouth.

"They're coming in close and it seems like they're going to use their numbers on us."

"Lacrima Cannons ready!"

All of the Soul Masters and Soul Beasts took off the cannon that was strapped to their back. The cannons, unlike the normal ones, had a longer barrel, that was 2 meters long.

Before pulling out a purple lacrima, which was crackling merrily with lightning, they all connected it with the cannons, which all turned purple.

"Circular Phalanx formation!"

They all came close to each other, their cannons pointed out as it began charging up. Their formation was similar to their previous one, but this time it was far tighter and Yue Zhengyu wasn't a part of it.

As he took to the air.

'Sixth Soul Skill: Judgement.'

Twelve wings shimmered in the sky as a light began to envelop the incoming Mortuus. The light enveloping their whole figure began to cut down their strength by half, yet they continued rushing onward.

'Four Soul Skill: Light of Judgement.'

Another layer of light moved down, covering the creatures and lowering their movement speed by forty percent. While also making them feel like they were restricted as if the light itself was pressing down on them.


The Light Monkey shouted as he fired his cannon, which produced a streak of light that shot forward, smashing into the incoming creature. As soon as the attack struck, the Mortuus creatures couldn't let out a scream, as the destruction energy began to erase it.

Before then the streak of light erupted into an explosion that struck at least thirty of them. All of Yue Zhengyu squad was firing their cannon, while Yue Zhengy began to summon arrows of light in the air.

First, there was a hundred before they turned into thousands of arrows of light, all hovering around Yue Zhengyu. Who simply pointed down at the Mortuus creatures, a look of disgust showed as his eyes glowed with a golden light.


'Self-Soul Skill: Heavenly Judgment.'

The arrows of light rain down, piercing through the Mortuus Creatures, like the falling rain in a thunderstorm. While over a hundred streaks of purple light were smashing into the rushing Mortuus creature and exploding.

In just a few seconds, they were effectively wreaking havoc on the first regiment that was trying to devour them. When one of the soliders needed to reload, they would go down while another took their place.

Allowing for a continuous chain of attacks that was mowing down the creatures in front.

"One lowers our speed while attacking from the air, while the others utilize their long-range to strike all around. These humans sure are amusing. It's a shame we can't launch any more long-range or else it will hit our soldiers."

Commented the Emerald General who was in charge of the third Regiment causing the first regiment Emerald General to scoff.

"What good will that do them? They will soon be swallowed by the emerald sea."

"Don't act so confident, didn't the Emperor teach us to always be wary of any opponent we face?"

The Emerald General of the fourth regiment commented causing the first regiment General to growl but it begrudgingly agreed.

"They're being closed in on, although we lost over five thousand soldiers already. Still, we can adapt, since we're now so close."

Just then the Assault Unite blades began to shine, gleaming with a green light. But before they could unleash their attack, the sounds of a bell chimed above them.

'Ninth Soul Skill: Judgment Degree.'

The Assault Unit felt their body tremble with the energy that was swirling around their weapon beginning to dim. They all felt their abilities and weapons being sealed, but they simply roared as they continued rushing forward.

Deciding to simply just hack down with their blade on the squad, that was nothing more than puny compared to their numbers. Yet it was then the Phalanx formation began to change, as the squad finished reloading the Lacrima.

As the Mortuus knights hacked down with their sword, the squad thrust out their gun that was pulsed with a purple light.

"Are they daring to still use that weapon at a close range? What are they up-"

Right before the emerald sword hacked into the cannon, a purple light blasted out, piercing forward and through the Mortuus knights. The light streaks forward, puncturing through sixty mortuus creatures before it died down.

Lacrima Beam Mode!

This was something that the crazy scientist Zichen thought of when she started to fiddle with the Lacrima and Soul Cannons. Theorizing that it would be more efficient to allow for a beam mode incase the fight reaches close.

While the beam mode wasn't very effective in a melee fight, with the formation there and how the Mortuus creatures were charging at them. Alongside their speed and abilities being sealed, the beam was nothing but terrifying and a killer.

The beams were massacring the Knights and brutes that were trying to destroy them, puncturing through their body like paper. The knights and brutes were beginning to drop like flies, their bodies falling to the ground, while some of them exploded.

There was no pause in their rush of attacks, one would drop and another would take their place while firing.

"If this keeps up, they're going to be wiped out."

"I know!"

The Emerald General of the first regime began to mentally connect with the Assault Unit, calling them back. But as the general saw his Assault Unit stopping and started to run back, a chuckle rang out causing them to look at Yue Zhengyu.

Yue Zhengyu gave them a charming smile before flicking his finger causing some of his arrows to glimmer before they shot down. While pulling out a purple Lacrima that began to shine as he covered it with his soul power.

Striking the Mortuus creatures, puncturing through them and into the ground. Confusing the Emerald Generals for a moment before their eyes were wide, a series of lines began to form all around the area, connecting with the other arrows.

Then everything exploded!

Within moments, an ear-splitting sound rang out as all of the Assault Unit of the first regime was enveloped by the purple explosion. Reducing all of them to dust, as a piercing light shot towards the sky.

Before dying, displaying an area filled with dust and gigantic holes and crates scattered around. The only thing that remained was wisps of purple flames that decorated the craters and holes.

"... This."

All of the Emerald Generals were gaping in awe at the sight. Not understanding or comprehending how a unit of two hundred was able to annihilate their ten thousand Assault team charge.

While Yue Zhengyu himself was staring down, looking at the handiwork and recalling that they put an extra set of destruction Lacrima. All the way, deep into the ground, Gu Yuena already predicted they would notice the first set.

She covered it with her spiritual energy while having them stuffing them deep down. They would only be activated by the activation Lacrima, which Yue Zhengyu was given.

'Honestly, that woman is too terrifying... She really plans on destroying all of them.'

Yue Zhengyu let out a sigh before grabbing his light sword as he saw the three Emerald Generals glaring at him. Before his eyes then widened when he saw them waving their hand, causing five of the twelve regiments to move forward.

'They're using all of them now? I guess we really pissed them off.'

Still, Yue Zhengyu shouted.

"Switch back to the cannons and they assault them from afar."

His squad nodded at his words before they all began to change from the beam mode, switching back to the cannon. Then they all began to move out from the Phalanx formation, spreading out a bit before firing their weapons.

Yet instead of hitting the Mortuus army, they were hitting a green barrier that appeared right before impact, covering the frontal assault. In the sky, the second regiment Emerald General with a shield in his hand that was glowing.

'New approach huh? Fine, we did our part for now.'


It was then, a violent explosion erupted around Yue Zhengyu squad, all of the corpses that were scattered around all exploded. His squad was all struck by the explosion, clouds of smoke covering them before it began to fade.

Showing the exhausted squad, all of them holding a green Lacrima in their hand that began to shatter and break. Some of them dropped to the floor, still scared of the fact that they almost died.

If it wasn't for the life-saving Lacrima they were all given, most of them would have been wiped out or severely wounded. But if this wasn't bad enough, the five regiments were closing, moving to encircle them.

"Crush them all."

One of the Emerald General mentally communicates with the five regiments; all of them had their weapons out. While the other Emerald Generals started to release a domain that began clashing with the light that was enveloping, pushing it back.

Yue Zhengyu who was hovering in the sky began to frown as saw that was essentially trapped. Retreating isn't an option right now, as the regime was too close and they would be able to launch a long-range strike on them.

Flying was useless, as they would simply snipe most of them down before they reached the wall. While he wasn't naive enough to think he wouldn't lose any of his squad members, he didn't want it to be from a senseless death.

Then their numbers made them look like an emerald flood that rushed towards them.

'They really plan to devour us with their sheer numbers. Not only that but everything seems to be closed off...'

'If so, then just run with this tactic, at the very least kill some of the generals.'

Yue Zhengyu's eyes narrowed when recalling Gu Yuena words, while he didn't like the thought. He knew it would be the best way to deal with an enormous strike to the army while making their casualties worth something.

"Alright men, it's time to commence Death Maze."

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