Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 390: Scattered Across

Chapter 390: Scattered Across

"Emperor! The ten regiments have been wiped out! Their lights on the command panel have disappeared!"

"I know."

The Emerald Emperor cut off the Mortuus Advisor who came to him causing the advisor to be confused. The Emerald Emperor glance at his other advisor who was standing on his right, staring indifferently ahead.


"Don't worry about it. The outcome will not change. After all, the sole reason they could destroy the regiment was that we allowed them to."

The Emerald Advisor on the right said as a sinister smile began to appear on the Emerald Emperor's face. This shocked the other advisors but the Emperor didn't seem to care as he watched the Mortuus army moving out.

To continue the onslaught of attacks on the Alvarez Empire barrier that has been obstructing them from entering the city. Most of its attention was on the continent of Ishgar but it was also keeping track of the others as well.

"It should be starting in the next few minutes, I wonder how they will like this next move."


On Star Luo Wall.

Soul Masters that were stationed on the wall with the Soul Cannons, were staring down in disbelief at the carnage below them.

They were all told about the numbers of Mortuus creatures that were marching towards them, leaving some of them quaking. At the present, there were only around three hundred thousand soldiers in Star Luo at the moment.

Some were already injured from the previous attacks of the Mortuus Creature, leaving only 250,000 soldiers that weren't injured. So most of them on the walls believed it would be an almost impossible battle.

Yet here they saw, most of the regiments were destroyed, leaving only two regiments. Considering what they had to face before, the thought of facing two regiments wasn't as scary as before.

Especially considering they now held the advantage in numbers since the last two Regiment was only two hundred thousand. Those last two regiments would be either forced to retreat or come attack them.

They couldn't utilize their flying abilities, else they wished to be struck down by the soul cannons or any other long-range weapons. but even then, them moving on the ground would still leave them wide open for an onslaught of attacks.

'We can do this!'

The last two regiments were staring at the wall. The Emerald General's expressions were complicated as they looked ahead. They had sighed before they waved their hand causing the leftover army to begin marching forward.

"It really is amazing..."

Commented the Emerald General of the eleventh regiment, looking towards the battlefield in front.

"Get ready! When they get near, we will unleash hell on them!"

Both of the regiment armies overheard the words of the Soul Masters on the wall but they continued moving forward. Not even trying to put a defense as the Soul Masters on the wall began to aim their soul cannon.

'What are they planning?'

"That this weak world could match our Emperor this well."

Just as the Twelfth Emerald General said this the whole wall lit up in an emerald light!

All of the Soul Masters looked down on the wall, confusion, and surprise could be seen on their face. Before the wall began to collapse right under the Soul Masters feet.

A series of violent explosions erupted from the walls, going off like fireworks from the left side of the wall to the right. Rubbles of the wall began to scatter, as it came crumbling down, Soul Masters desperately trying to steady themselves.

While Yue Zhengyu and his squad starred in absolute shock at the violent collapse of the whole Star Luo wall. A wall that has been protecting Star Luo for so many years, that was reinforced with soul power and technology.

"It collapsed Just like that"


Thousands of Soul Masters were plunged directly down to the ground, some of them getting caught in the violent explosion. Others are stunned by the explosion, leaving them in shock and the rest trying to maneuver through the falling rocks.

It was then ear-splitting screams began to ring out. But Yue Zhengyu wasn't able to see the reason for this, the dust and emerald light was still obscuring his view. It was only after a while that the dust and light faded away, allowing him and his squad to see what happened.

To their shock, they saw an emerald pool that was leaking over the collapsed wall of Star Luo on both sides. They saw that any Soul Masters who fell in this emerald pool were screaming in pain with their hands trying to claw at their faces.

As if the pool itself was driving them completely mad. But if that wasn't bad enough, they saw the last two regiments were closing in on the wall.

"Wait how many people were on that wall-"

Just as Yue Long spoke up, they started to see the dead body of the previous Soul Masters beginning to rise from the ground.

As expected, their features were altered, looking similar to the Mortuus creatures but still being able to summon their martial soul.

More and more of them continue to rise, from the rubbles. Even those who were crushed under the rubbles simply shattered the rocks on them or pushed them aside.

"So only ten thousand? Not as much as I would like but there is more inside."

The Emerald General of the eleventh regiment commented as he and his army finally reached the walls. It was all in the Emerald Emperor plan, it told the Eleventh and Twelfth General of the regiment that the other regiments will be destroyed.

But this wasn't a bad thing, as the destroyed regiment essence would be flung to the wall that was defending the empire. Once they latched on to the wall, they could demolish the wall by denoting their essence, leading the wall to collapse.

And the death of thousands of Soul Masters who they can turn into Mortuus brutes or fledglings. With the high-ranking Mortuus creatures like the previous Emerald Generals being able to revive themselves.

While also allowing them to create an Emerald Pool that would help boost the strength of the soldiers, making up for the loss in number.

The altered Soul Master turned to the Emerald General, growling at him before they began to shake.

As the Emerald General eyes began to glow as he scoffed at them.

"Shut up and obey."

The altered Soul Masters could only nod, feel a crushing presence from the general. As if there was something that was commanding them to obey its order.

It was then some of the altered soul masters began to tremble, others around it also trembled before moving towards each other. Grabbing each other, they began shining with an emerald light before they burst, fleshing scattering around.

An Emerald General appeared, its sword digging into the ground as they were in a kneeling position before standing up.

Other altered soul masters were bursting open, reviving the other nine Emerald Generals who had died. As well the other knights and brutes that were high-ranking, leaving only eight thousand altered soul masters.

Yue Zhengyu watched as the two regiments marched into the empire, moving through the emerald pool, over the fallen rubbles. Most of them were shocked that the Generals were back but it was only momentary as they knew they could revive.

"Sir! Is there nothing we can do?"

A light-vine that was in its human form questioned, staring at the Mortuus Creatures in disgust. While it had no love for Star Luo City, it knew that allowing them to rampage inside would only boost and strengthen them.

But strangely enough, Yue Zhengyu didn't answer, he was simply staring at the marching army with a complicated look.


"Is something wrong?"

Yue Zhengyu squads started to look at him in worry, wondering if something was wrong.

"If you're worried about them collapsing the wall, then you shouldn't worry about it, captain. No one could have predicted they would have been able to do that, even after what we did-"



Yue Zhengyu was squinting his eyes as he tried looking past the wall while his mouth continued speaking.

"They really did collapse the wall just as she said Just how far did she foresee."

Just as Yue Zhengyu said this, the Mortuus army and its generals found themselves encountering an army of Soul Masters. They had their soul cannons, mechas, and battle armor all out, aiming towards the collapsed wall.

In front of this was the previous Emperor Dai Tianlong, his eyes burning with rage and ferocity.

"Well, what did you know? She really was right, you vermins got through phase one."

The Soul Cannons began to lit up, the mechas began to tremble, and Soul Masters began to activate their skill.

"But you won't be getting past here, eradicate them all."


It was then the whole Star Luo army behind Dai Tianlong, unleashed everything upon the Mortuus army in front of them. As the arrays of attacks began to rain down on the Mortuus army, one of the Generals only smirked.

Before an emerald light illuminated the place beyond the Mortuus army, expanding outwards as it enveloped them. The light began forming a barrier in front of them, taking the full brunt of the attacks that were raining down on them.

Surprising Dai Tianlong but if this wasn't enough, figures began to take form behind the Mortuus Army from the emerald light.

Spectral beings began appearing, looking similar to the Mortuus Regiments that were destroyed in the explosion before. The spectral figures began to growl, glaring at the Star Luo Army and Dai Tianlong.

While it wasn't all of them, these spectral figures seem to have made up about 500,000 of the previous army.

"Now then, who said we weren't getting past what now?"

Commented one of the Emerald General with a smirk before roaring out as it hacked down with its emerald hammer. That unleashed a wave of energy that ripped through the ground and rushed towards the army in front.

It wasn't just the Emerald General but all of the others unleashed an onslaught of attacks that descended on the arm.

Like a raging emerald sea, wishing to sweep through all of them.

Yet Dai Tianlong showed no sign of fear but only a smirk causing the generals to be confused and slightly scared.

"Activate it!"

In the next instant, the ground below both of the army began to light up with a white-silverish color that appeared all over the empire. It rose to the sky, enveloping both the army and the onslaught of attacks.

And as the light faded, the Emerald General of the eleventh regiment found himself in another part of the city. To be more precise, they found themselves in large distraction that seemed to be decorated with stands, buildings, and banners.

"Where are-"

"Welcome to the Death Maze phase three."

A pleasant voice rang out causing them to glance to the side, seeing Yuanen Yehui standing on top of the roof, staring down at them. It wasn't just her but her whole squad and some Star Luo Soldiers with Soul Cannons on standby.

"Enjoy your stay."

That was all Yuanen Yehui said before she ordered them to fire while she donned her four-word battle armor and fallen angel form. Her six wings burst from her back, giving a terrifying pressure as rows of orange-purple swords appeared around her.

Just as the soul cannons were fired, all of them streaking towards the Emerald General and its pack of Mortuus creatures. While a purple-black sphere crashed down from the sky, moving down on them like a falling meteorite.

The Eleventh Emerald General could only look up in shock before they were hit by the offensive onslaught of attacks. The whole center was almost destroyed but the reinforced barrier appeared around it.

Yet the barrier was barely able to hold on, gaining cracks that spread out like spider-webs that seemed close to breaking. But fortunately, they were able to hold out, as the smoke stirred around inside of the barrier.

"So you all split us up, having it so we don't stay with our regiments."

The Emerald General cold voice rang out before an emerald slashed was hacked out through the cloud of smoke, shattering the barrier.

As well as blowing away the smoke and dust, allowing Yuanen Yehui and the others to see all of the Mortuus creatures were fine. But they had an emerald light that was coiling around them, covering their whole figure.

'Did that green glow protect them?'

Yuanen Yehui thought as her eyes narrowed, understanding it should have been impossible for them to survive with just their body.

It is possible the general could but not the foot soldiers. But how could she know the essence of the Mortuus Army that weren't revived had been absorbed by the remaining army. Granting them extra power and defense for their invasion inside of the Star Luo Empire.

"Sadly for you all, you're going up against our Emperor... A being none of you could ever hope to match."

Was all the Emerald General said before it, alongside the other Mortuus Creatures released a roar before pouncing towards the human in front. Yuanen Yehui and the others return the sentiment in kind as they also rushed towards them too.

Leading to a direct clash in the next moment.


"So that wall collapsed... To sacrifice most of its regiment just to bring it down and then turn them into undead spectral... Emerald Emperor you really are a force to be reckoned with."Rolux said plainly, eyes gazing towards the Shrek while it flashed.

Rolux knew the clash in Star Luo Empire was one of the most important clashes in war. Not because of the exchange between the soldiers but the ones who were managing the soldiers. It was sure by now that the soliders would be feeling it, that strange feeling their movements were being controlled.

As if they were pieces on aboard, all of this was being caused by the two commanders on both sides. The human side commander, Gu Yuena, and the Mortuus commander, the Emerald Emperor had their first true clash.

Both trying to outwit the other in their own planning, devising each other's plan, and using it to their benefit.

'Still, it seems the Emerald Emperor has one won that bout... Then again, she has been baiting him for a while now.'

It was then a stream of memory flashed into its mind, allowing it to see a silver-haired woman unleashing a massacre through their troops.

Her use of the space element was absolutely terrifying, locking down all of the Arkadians as she moved forward.

While being backed up by the Dou Lin Empire Soul Cannons and mechas that were unleashing long-range attacks.

"She seems similar to Gu Yuena but different... Or are we overlooking something here or is she like that being, who we cant perceive? Regardless, we already had expected this and foresaw how it would happen before we even attacked the Dou Luo Empire."

Rolux commented before releasing a sigh.

"The problem now is this little endeavor... Even if we follow the script, it would require a hefty price on our part, one that will definitely affect the battle over the other planes."

Rolux could feel a God Level entity was stashed deep within the Shrek Academy, a perfect supplement for them. But gaining said entity would be hard even without it interfering as these humans weren't weak.

'Especially that silver-hair maiden... Her abilities aren't any lesser than mine, which is worrying, to say the least.'


In the Dou Lin Empire.

The sounds of metal clashing could be heard, as the army of the Arkadians was clashing with the Dou Lin army. The Dou Lin Army was finding it difficult to cope with the Arkadians because of their constant ability to teleport.

As if they were warping through space and time, they kept moving from one side of the battlefield to the next. The spatial and time ability made it difficult for mechas to defend against, not being made to withstand abilities like these.

Only Soul Masters could really defend against these type of abilities and even then, it was hard when the Arkadians attacked in groups. And if they are losing, they would warp away, appearing in another part of the battlefield.

Before trying to sneak attack them once again.

This also made it difficult for them to rely on long-range attacks, as most of it was starting to be wasted on them. As well as raising the danger that it might hit their own forces, something they couldn't bear.

The clashes had only gone on for an hour and yet the Arkadians had already restricted the use of Long-range from the humans.

Standing behind the Arkadian army was one of its generals, Olux who felt a rush of memory streaming into its mind.

'So they're sending one of their strongest forwards? But why only her? Aren't they worried she will exhaust herself?'

Olux concluded all of this inwardly but on the outside had already sent those memories towards one of the Arkadian captains. Before space began to warp and bend around it, leading it to vanish from the spot it was.

On the other side of the battlefield, the Arkadian Captain who received the memory eyes flashed as it hacked down with its blade.

The Soul Douluo in front of it tried blocking the attack with its golden bell that was chiming and sending out ripples.

But the blade that was surging with time fragment froze all of the ripples before cutting through the bell and the Soul Douluo. The Arkadian Captain began moving past the bisected body, ignoring the shocked expression of the dead human.

Moving towards its next enemy on the battlefield, that was bathed in the blood of the humans.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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