Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 392: Surge To Alvarez

Chapter 392: Surge To Alvarez

At the battlefield in front of the Dou Lin Empire, planar energy began to burst out from the ground in seven-colored lights. It began rising out from the ground, sweeping through the terrifying battlefield like waves.

Enveloping everything on the battlefield, whether they be the Arkadians, Soul Masters, Mecha, or their leftover bodies that were lying dead.

At the center was Na'er who had just finished cleaving the Arkadian Olux in half. Her eyes were glowing with nine-colored while she gazed at the split Arkadian.

She knew Olux must have been shocked at what happened and wondering where that nine-colored spear came from.

How could it have known she had already felt something was wrong on the battlefield? That she had already communicated with Gu Yuena, who already figured out what happened and made a plan to take control of the situation?

Gu Yuena told her to continue with the initial plan but instead of hurling the spear directly at the ground in the beginning. She should combat Olux for a bit, to see draw out any more plans from it before sprouting it.

She already knew Gu Yuena was going to send the nine-colored spear over and so she moved in towards Olux for it.

As this happens, she could feel the lights of time trying to reverse the damage done to Olux but how could she allow this?

Na'er began twirling her spear that started rotating as the waves of seven-colored energy below began to rise. In the next moment, streams of seven-colored could be seen rotating along with the spear, forming a maelstrom.

As the dragon slayer spear moved around her body, the seven-colored maelstrom began to follow, like a flowing stream. Then Na'er cleaved down with her spear with the stream following her movement and submerging the split half of Olux.

The waves of seven-colored lights began striking the figure of Olux, ripping and tearing through its body before obliterating it from this world. Yet Na'er wasn't done yet as her eyes began to glow as she began to rotate her spear once again.

As she did this, the waves started to be pulled towards her. All around Na'er was waves of seven-colors that were overflowing, as they followed the movements of her spear.

With a step, Na'er moved forward while twirling her spear around her body and utilizing the seven-color light to slaughter all of her enemies.

The Arkadians that weren't already swept away by the waves found it impossible to escape through space.

As the space elements were locked down as if someone with a higher control had done that.

Na'er was utilizing the seven-colored planar laws to forcibly stop any of them from escaping while drawing more energy from it.

In the next moment, the power of the planar energy within the entire battleground started moving and gathering into continuous waves!

These violent waves of seven-colored lights that moved like a maelstrom began engulfing close to the entire battleground. The undercurrents were surging within as they tore and shredded any Arkadians that were caught into nothing.

The only beings that were safe were the Soul Masters who were teleported away as the lights touched them.

The turbulent waves of seven-colored light were constantly moving, devouring everything out with its radiance. No one could see anything on the battlefield except the overflowing waves and Na'er who was controlling all of it.

But once the whole battlefield was covered with the seven-colored energy Na'er began to rotate her spear even more.

Forcing the overflowing waves to move around her and making it so there no longer covering the entire battlefield.

Before she then slashed down to the ground causing the overflowing wave to move towards the ground also. The seven-colored lights began pouring into the ground and being reabsorbed by the plane.

'Going to take me a while to fully return all of this planar energy back... But she won't be needing the help for a while.'

Na'er thought as she continued moving the planar energy back down into the plane, not willing to waste any of it.

She also didn't need reporting back to the other, as Dai Yun'er already connected with her and received the report. Plus those in the Dou Lin Empire had been told what would be considered their victory, which was then seven-colored waves.


A stream of memories flowed into Rolux's mind causing it to frown while the Akardian advisor and the others around it had a complex expression.

All of them receive the stream memories of the battle that happened on the battlefield at the Dou Lin Empire. They saw the overseeing commander of the operation their being destroyed before the rest of their army was destroyed as well.

They weren't surprised at them using the planar energy, they already thought they would use it on one of the battlefields.

What had them frowning was the fact they didn't foresee that nine-colored spear, as well as the Douluo Plane full plan.

Such a thing should be impossible for them who could see from a higher dimension.

"Did they somehow find a way to bypass our sight..."

"Quit speaking nonsense, how could weaklings like them even gain such an ability? We are the child of time in this universe, how could anyone be hidden from our eyes? Not even those True Gods in the higher dimension can hide from us!"

"But... Those two beings are hidden from our sight... As if they are above the fifth and sixth-"


Rolux finally decided to speak, its eyes still gazing at Shrek but no longer did it seem calm. causing the others to slightly shake.

All of them were wary of Rolux's next response, as they knew it was one of the commanders that hated being outmaneuver. It could take a loss but be outsmarted?

Now that's when its deadliness begins to appear and when it begins to utilize its full prowess over the higher level.

"There are still scraps laying around on the field... Have them form the juggernaut to destroy the whole continent."

"Huh? But what about using them as resources? Wouldn't that be a waste-"

"At the moment, I'm sure we are already in her control. Continuing with the original plan will only lead us to get further and farther into her hands."

Rolux's words left the Arkadians silent, but it didn't care at the moment as it began thinking before getting ready to move out. It didn't need to tell the others, as they already gained its memories and knew what it was devised to do.

Yet they all couldn't stop the slight hint of worry that appeared in them. Something that they haven't felt since the beginning of time itself.


As she saw the seven-colored energy seeping through the ground, it didn't take too long for it to fully go into the ground.

But it didn't return to the planar itself but somewhere else as it began to form seven-colored lines on the ground.

It was then Na'er spiritual sense began to act up causing her to frown before her eyes narrowed at the bits of metal parts.

It was metal parts from the Akardians army that was destroyed by the waves of planar energy that swept through the area.

'Some of them didn't get destroyed by the planar energy? Tougher than we initially thought.'

As Na'er got ready to utilize her spatial control to teleport all of the pieces to her, so she could eradicate them.

They began trembling while giving off a grey light that was leaking out causing Na'er eyes to narrow even more. As her body began to glow with a silverish light the pieces that were scattered across the battlefield rose.

Like a meteor shower, the pieces began to rush towards the area in front of Na'er, all of them converging in one spot.

Gripping both the Dragon Slayer Spear and the Silver Dragon Spear, she watched as a tornado began to form in front. All of the pieces could be seen in the grey tornado that was giving off sparks of lightning.

In the next few seconds, the tornado began to grow smaller and smaller before it erupted with a dark grey light. Na'er moved the Dragon Slayer Spear in front of her as a shockwave came sweeping towards her.

The shockwave couldn't touch her as a nine-colored light was glowing around her but the area around was gaining spider-web cracks.

Before the shockwave died down, allowing Na'er to see the massive figure that was towering at a hundred meters in front of her. But Na'er could recognize this figure, as it was none other than Olux, the being she cut in half before.

It looked similar to before, but its metal figure was darker, with it only having one hand instead of four. But what seized her attention was the terrifying amount of time fluctuations that were spreading out from just its presence.

It was far more than what a person who was still under the limit of the plane could have.

'God Level.'

Na'er instantly figured out Olux had somehow gained the strength of the gods with its new form. It wasn't just a normal God Officer, but she could tell it was close to reaching the Third Class God Strength.

As just from a glance, she could tell its strength was continuously increasing. While Na'er was gazing at Olux, it was also staring at her while feeling a strange hint of emotion welling up inside of it.

An emotion has never been felt before, the emotion known as rage and anger.

Olux was one of the commanders under Rolux who was their Supreme Commander for an operation like these. And it has rarely failed Rolux, even against opponents that were similar to them or at a more elevated level.

Simply because they were better and greater than all other existence. It recalled being given this command and how important it was to their battle across the other two planes.

How if they were able to take over this plane, then their home will suffer and might be destroyed by the others.

Knowing all of this, how could Olux be unangered and filled with rage? That their plans almost gain a setback because it owns failure?

Olux didn't say anything to Na'er. It merely raised its cannon hand that began to shine with terrifying time fluctuations.

A piercing light appeared in front of Na'er that was shining brilliantly and dazzling. The shape was similar to that of a gilded cross, that stretched across for a thousand-meter causing Na'er expression to change.

As she could instantly tell this wasn't an attack that she could confront with her strength.

'Does it plan to wipe out everything?'

That was her last thought before the piercing light blasted out, traversing the distance between it and Na'er in seconds.

Na'er swiftly brought up the Dragon Slayer Spear and Silver Dragon Spear before she was devoured by the beam. That was what it looked like but in reality, the beam was still rushing towards Na'er, already in front of her.

Yet it couldn't seem to hit her as if the space between her and it was almost impossible to cross.

Na'er swung her spear down causing the piercing light to shine before it vanished from in front of her and appeared right behind Olux.

The piercing beam of time rushed onward before smashing into the back of Olux. But to her slight surprise, Na'er saw the beam was being devoured by Olux as a small rift appeared behind it.

With the beam of time going inside and being sucked up before there was nothing behind it.

"Of course you can do that."

Na'er let out a sigh as Olux raised its cannons once more while thousands of portals began appearing all around the area.

Yet Na'er simply clenched her two spears, one giving off nine-colors and the other silverish light before she rushed onward.

Not scared of the portals, since none of them will be able to touch her.


"Why did you throw that spear?"

Ling Zichen questioned Gu Yuena who was staring ahead at the edge of the Sea God Island as if she was lost in thought.

"It was a part of the plan."

"The nine tribulation plan? Was hurling a spear a part of that plan?"

Gu Yuena didn't answer Ling Zichen, already moving away from the edge of the Sea God Island with Ling Zichen following her.

"Fine don't answer but can you tell me when you are going to allow me to experiment on those lovely beings?"

Ling Zichen had an enormous smile on her face as she imagined the thing she would find from picking those Arkadians pieces by piece. Or conducting some tests on those Mortuus beings and maybe even ripping out their knowledge.

"Not only that but can't you share the information you gain from the Mortuus creature with me? I'm sure you saw memories of their technology and military."

"Regrettably I didn't, the will that was inside of the Mortuus creature was able to denote its mind before I reached that memory."

Gu Yuena replied, causing Ling Zichen to sigh in frustration but she didn't say anything else. She found no reason for Gu Yuena to lie, especially if this type of knowledge would be able to help them against the invaders.

Not only that but they found out that all of the other Mortuus Creatures' minds were denoting, the moment someone invaded their mind.

Or tried to rip memories from them.

As for the Arkadians? Gu Yuena barred all of them from trying, with her words being that it would be an impossible endeavor.

Saying their mind was tied to a higher dimension, a place that would drive all of them mad and crazy with no hope of recovering.

'Well, at least I was able to make some nice weapons with those Lacrima! Whoever thought of technology like those is a genius!'

Ling Zichen couldn't wait to go back to messing with the Lacrimas. It was given to her by Na'er who told her if she could connect it with the Soul Cannons.

Which she was able to easily achieve, as well as make up a pack of bombs that they could use in the upcoming war.

Simultaneously, Gu Yuena was getting ready to go back to the Dai Yun'er to check up on the Alvarez Empire. As she knew the fight over there has been going on for a while, with the Mortuus beings getting close to destroying the barrier.

'Hmm. Those kids should be almost done by now, what is taking them so long? I want to be done with this farce already.'


At the same time on the continent of Ishgar, an ear-splitting sound rang out as causing the Soul Masters and Soul Beasts to frown.

As the ear-splitting sound came from none other than the barrier around the Alverez empire which was shattered into pieces.

"And that's the present situation?" As the Mortuus Army charged forward towards the walls of Alverez, Mu Ye frowned as he watched this.

He saw them coming similar to an unstoppable tide, tramping through the land. They already had their archers and soul cannons aimed towards the rushing army.

Which had already fired upon them, smashing into the rushing Mortuus Army. But Mu Ye knew this wouldn't be enough considering the Mortuus Generals were protecting them with an emerald barrier.

"... She was right, they really break the barrier after the collapse of their invasion into the city and the collapse of the Arkadian army."

"Indeed, that is one terrifying woman... Well, I guess we should expect that from the leader of the Soul-Beast and the one who is the Dragon God herself."

Wang Tang said, causing Mu Ye to nod his head. He already found out about Gu Yuena origin a few months back to better help the relationship between Soul beasts and humanity.

To say he was shocked about her origin would be an understatement. It wasn't wrong to say, Gu Yuena was a falling God and not just any God. But one that used to be at the pinnacle of a God Realm, a God-King!

"Mu Xi had already moved out."

"She has? I guess they trust Gu Yuena words..."

"Well, she is their team leader after all. From what I heard, her words are even above Tang Wulin when it comes to planning and tactics themselves."

At the same moment, a streak of light was rushing towards the rushing Mortuus Army. That streak of light was none other than Mu Xi who had already donned her battle armor that was shining brilliantly.

She was flying towards the Mortuus Army with her ancient sword erupting in flames. This caused the Mortuus Creatures in the front to look up, as a golden light began to shine down on them.

"Die!" Mu Xi's body radiated with golden light as she flew towards the Mortuus army like a crashing meteor.

Before she then crashed down into some of them with a wave of flames spreading out in waves that enveloped those around her.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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