Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 394: Nine-Colored Tribulation

Chapter 394: Nine-Colored Tribulation

An array of beams blasted forward, smashing into the buildings and shifting them into the dust.

Just as a few shadows move out of the building, landing to the side and rushing fiercely towards the squad of Arkadians that were ahead. The shadows were all Soul Masters who already had their battle armor and martial soul out.

Charging towards the Arkadians who continuously fire beams of time at them.

At the moment, the Arkadians and Soul Masters at Shrek were clashing with each other. It wasn't merely Shrek teachers that were defending the place but also the Spirit Pagoda and the Federation who came to reinforce them.

This caused Shrek City to be enveloped in a clash between humanity and the Arkadians. Yet the Soul Masters were being reserved with their attack, only pushing back the Arkadians and not trying to rush them.

This led to the whole Shrek City being divided between the two forces.

It was then space began to warp above before space shattered and Rolux appeared above.

Its appearance led the Soul Masters to pause their attack, all of them looking at it with weariness and hesitation. They were all told and showed the picture of the Supreme Commander of the Arkadians by Gu Yuena.

With her words being, don't engage him as he is most likely a being who is close to the God Level. This meant that only the top figures like Guan Yue and the other top-level could contend against it.

But to their confusion, not only did it not attack them, it began to speak out loud.

"Come out, I know you are watching the battlefield... Don't you think it's time we end this farce?"

Rolux words left the Soul Masters confused for a moment, some of them beginning looking around trying to find who it was talking to.

But it was then a sweet voice rang out.

"Sure, I'm also getting bored with this game of outmaneuvering the other."

The figure of Gu Yuena appeared above the Soul Master across from Rolux whose eyes narrowed at her.

"Just what are you planning?"

"Hm? Can't you tell? I thought you guys were able to see the future of this dimension?"

Gu Yuena replied causing Rolux eyes to shine brilliantly but it didn't say anything, leading Gu Yuena to release a smile on her face.

From the moment this war started, she knew that Rolux had been perceiving the future of the whole Douluo plane. She didn't know why they could do such a thing, as only God-level beings should be able to do such a thing.

Yet she didn't mind this challenge, already accustomed to fighting beings like the Arkadians before back in her peak days.

"If you aren't going to say, then I just have to force you to spring it."

Rolux commented, knowing it couldn't allow them to fall any deeper into Gu Yuena'ss trap. While others like the Emerald Emperor or humanity other leaders may have not noticed, it sure did.

Gu Yuena was arranging something from the distinct beginning. It didn't know what it was, but it felt in its soul and mind that all of the other events that have been happening in this war.

Was nothing more than a distraction made by her to distract the others. It was because of this reason that Rolux couldn't allow things to maintain their course.

In the next instant, Olux swiped down its hand causing thousands of thousands to appear all around the battlefield.

But it didn't stop there, as the Arkadians below stopped leveling their weapons at the Soul Master and instead towards Gu Yuena.

In the next moment, they all-fired, with the portals blasting out with time fragments that rushed not only to Gu Yuena.

But also the Soul Masters down below causing Gu Yuena to slightly frown before flourishing her hand.

All of the Soul Masters were enveloped with a silverish light before they were all instantly transported away from the area.

Just as the focused beams of time reached Gu Yuena, appearing all around her. Yet Gu Yuena displayed no expression of worry, her figure becoming illusionary and vanishing from her spot.

Appearing a few meters in front of Rolux, two gigantic swords, one made out of flowing water and the other fire appearing next to her. Both of them contained the origin elements and the planar laws fused into them, making them vastly stronger than before.

In the next instant, they all hacked down on Rolux, erupting with elemental and sword energy as they chopped down. But if this wasn't enough, a mighty spear made out of the four elements appeared in her hand. Just as she thrust her hand out, the spear piercing towards Rolux.

Instantly four giant portals appeared in front of Rolux, both bursting with terrifying time fluctuations that made the laws tremble.

Before a piercing light of time blasted out towards the two swords and four-colored spears. But if that wasn't enough, there were continuous beams of time rushing towards Gu Yuena from below.

In the next moment, the sky exploded in a countless myriad of colors with time and elements scattering around.

The two glittering swords clashed with the beams of time before they exploded against each other. While the four-color spear shattered after destroying the first beam of time and canceling out with the second.

Gu Yuena figured vanished as the beams of time came rushing forward, piercing past the area she was. Before she appeared behind Rolux with thousands upon thousands of elemental balls appearing above them.

She wanted to end this battle quickly, so she could have their army unleash an attack against the Arkadians while they were leaderless.

But Rolux wouldn't make it easy, as it too wanted to kill Gu Yuena fast as well. Knowing that humanity will lack a significant part of their power and might even collapse from her death.

Rolux figured had erupted in time fragments before they began spreading out, moving towards Gu Yuena and the descending elements.

Gu Yuena with a glance could tell these were time fragments that contained not only the laws but the origin of time. They were on the conceptual level similar to her elements but far more dangerous since this was temporal powers.

Yet just who was Gu Yuena?

She was an existence that had been in contact and control temporal powers that were not only the conceptual level.

But on a higher dimension than the one Rolux was using!

Instantly Gu Yuena eyes erupted with purple light as the time fragments began to press down on her, wishing to reduce her to dust. To the slight shock of Rolux, all of the time fragments had frozen before they began dispersing.

Just as the elemental bombs streaked towards Rolux, already covering all of its escape routes and Gu Yuena locking down space.

But if this wasn't enough, a formless time element began to appear in Gu Yuena's hand before they formed a halberd. Grasping the halberd, she hacked down, cutting through space and reaching Rolux instantly.

With the elemental ball erupting with lightning, Gu Yuena swiftly shifted them into lightning for the most destructive power.

Gu Yuena wasn't willing to give Rolux the time to counter, wanting to fully and completely kill it.

Yet Rolux eyes burst with light, gigantic portals appearing around it but not firing anything as the violent onslaught of attacks reached it.

But they didn't touch Rolux, as the portals around it began to greedily absorb the onslaught of attacks. Even the halberd that was made out of time was absorbed, making the portals them even bigger and stronger.

Before they all blasted out with time fragments that rushed out like the sea, wishing to drown Gu Yuena in its flow.

"Your knowledge of the time elements is terrifying I will admit... Comparable to those who have reached the God level, but how could you compare to us?"

The space and time around Gu Yuena began freezing and locked down, forcibly restraining her. While the sea of time began to enveloped Gu Yuena, one could see her arm was starting to grow thin, aging at a rapid pace.

The boundless sea of time began twisting and turn, forming a maelstrom around Gu Yuena figure.

This was Rolux's strongest attack, anyone caught in this sea of time would feel themselves aging rapidly. Ten thousand years passing by each second, with most not being able to withstand that single second.

Gu Yuena figure couldn't be seen anymore!

"But you are still lacking!"

Rolux knew this was the end, even if Gu Yuena was able to withstand the temporal sea. There was no way she could escape while still being in this dimension, as this sea of time was something that sealed all in time.

But it was then something began to happen that caused Rolux eyes to widen.

Sea of time that was moving in a maelstrom began to tremble before it instantly erupted in nine-colors that spread outwards, forcing Rolux to teleport away.

As it felt a terrifying premonition coming and in the next second, the area erupted in a violent explosion of nine-colors. Space had shattered with only the void remaining, although it was severely distorting and trembling.

"Hmm. Feels so good to step back into this level, although it's a far cry from my level before."

Gu Yuena's voice rang out from the nine-colored wave that was still spreading out. Then it froze before being swept away, showing Gu Yuena whose eyes were glowing with nine-colors as she stared at Rolux.

Yet Rolux could feel that Gu Yuena was far different than before. It felt like she transformed and evolved when she was devoured by that sea of time.

"... You broke through the God Level."

Rolux muttered as its mind swiftly came to this conclusion after staring intensely at Gu Yuena. It was the only logical answer to why she felt so unique and how she could escape its river of time.

Yes at the moment, Gu Yuena had stepped into the fourth-dimensional world that was the God Level. While she wasn't a true dimensional being, her overall ability was something that Rolux couldn't contend with anymore.

Gu Yuena only stared at Rolux for a bit before she began smiling as she looked up towards the sky.

"And they're done, just after I made my breakthrough... Talk about weird timing."

Gu Yuena confused Rolux for a second before it quickly realized what she meant when the surrounding began to light up.

The area below began to glow nine-colors, as complex and continuous lines began to form under them.


"Yes, a formation... You were wondering what I was planning. Well, you're about to find out."


Above the Star Luo Empire where the fighting was happening, a figure could be seen above it in a lotus position.

It was none other than the Earth Dragon King, who was known as Taotie. All around it was nine-colors that were swirling around it and giving off hum sounds.

While this was happening, the ground below it began lighting up, the whole Star Luo Empire began to turn nine-color.

Leading not only the Mortuus Creatures confused but even the Star Luo Empire soldiers were fighting with all their might.

All of them watched as the nine-colored light began forming complex lines below them, spreading all over the city.

But this wasn't just happening in Star Luo City but all across the continents. From the Alvarez Empire, where the whole battlefield began turning nine-color with another figure above them.

This being the Holy Dragon King whose eyes were shining with a nine-colored light. To those lost continents that began to form complex and ancient runes.

Above each of these similar areas was a Dragon King who began to form a nine-colored aura around them. These strange and complex lines began spreading out, moving across the sea and through the world.

Before they began connecting across the whole world. If one was to look at the Douluo Planet from outer space, they would see a nine colored circular formation that moved across the whole world.

"Hail to the God of Judgment!" A deep and low voice resounded out above the Star Luo Empire as if a thousand voices were shouting.

A formidable spiritual power began spreading out, connecting with these nine-colored lights and suppressing the beings below. Strangely enough, only the Mortuus Creatures were suppressed, all of them kneeling and trembling uncontrollably.

Meanwhile, the Earth Dragon King's entire body turned into a dark yellow color. The nine-colored light expands around it.

The same phenomenon happening with the other Dragon Kings around the world, as they began reciting strange words.

Strange words that began to shake the skies before it began vibrating. The whole sky began to be illuminated with nine-colored light that began to present a terrifying pressure down.

All those who weren't human or soul beasts were directly hit with this overwhelming pressure causing their complexions to change.

At the same moment, Rolux was staring in shock as it felt its body gaining vicious cracks. Not only was its body gaining cracked but it felt itself losing control over time and space around it.

The Arkadians down below were also experiencing the same thing with some of them already breaking down and kneeling to the ground.

"...You were waiting for this? This was your big plan; the others were only a farce..."

Rolux muttered with a hint of regret. Just from how much effect this formation on it, was enough proof to show and tell how terrifying this formation was.

Gu Yuena only smiled as she gazed at her nine-colored formation that was called the Nine-Colored Tribulation. A formation that she made back in her peak day, which utilizes the powers of the Nine Dragon Kings as points on the formation.

"This isn't the true form of the formation, let me show you."

Gu Yuena spoke with a smile as her eyes began to erupt with nine-colored lights while she outstretched her hand.

Before snapping her finger.

"Sizzle, crackle!"

The air was filled with the sound of jarring electrical currents, arcs of nine-colored lightning danced around constantly. Before the lightning began to surge, even more, sweeping through the whole Shrek Academy.

Instantly, it was as the whole area shattered, as the currents began forming nine-colored dragons that were made out of lightning.

All of the dragon heads began rampaging through the whole area, ruthlessly tearing and ripping apart the Arkadians below. While releasing a series of lightning bolts that were hacking and obliterating everything around, including the buildings and pavement.

Every inch of the surrounding area was soon filled with nine-colored bolts of lightning, burning and erasing everything around.

Even Rolux was suffering grievously from this lightning, that was destroying and tearing apart all of the time portals that appeared around it.

Yet it knew this wasn't the true power of the formation that was formed under it.

'...How could a mortal have such a formation?'

Rolux got lost in shock as it felt a stream of memory seeping into its mind. One from the future, allowing it to see the true form of this formation and understanding it was a Divine Level formation.

"It's been fun, but it's time for you all to be on your way."

Gu Yuena's voice rang out as her figure began to be enveloped by the nine-colored lightning. But Rolux knew she wasn't being attacked by it because she was the controller of it.

Gu Yuena appeared above the formation that was crackling with nine-colored with a smile on her face as she gazed at it.


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