Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 431: God Star Creation

Chapter 431: God Star Creation

Two weeks passed by in a flash with Tenrou City being flooded by a large assortment of people.

Most of the residents were clueless as to the reason for this, but they didn't mind it. Since it wasn't like it was anything new to them.

This whole year there has been a constant source of people coming into the Alvarez Empire.

It's because of this that the residents all thought that the incoming people were either here to live in this empire.

Or came to join the Body Sect and Tenrou Academy.

The person who was overseeing the surplus of people was Mu Ye who was taking up Tang Wulin job.

As he was still missing but Mu Ye attributes this to him working on the God Star. Something he can't wait till it was done making, as he too wanted to achieve immortality.

In a small house, with the light shining through the window.

Tang Wulin began awaking with the sun rays shining over his face. But what caught his attention was a hand moving through his hair and the fact he was on someone's lap.

Looking up, he saw Wu Siduo who was bare, looking down at him with a soft smile.


"Hmm Morning."

Tang Wulin replied as he started getting even more comfortable on Wu Siduo's lap causing her to let out a soft laugh.

"One second."

As Wu Siduo said this, she gently moved Tang Wulin off her before moving down back into the bed that had the sheet covering them.

Before she then brought Tang Wulin close to her, planting his face between her chest sideways while whispering gently.

"There, this should be more comfortable."


Tang Wulin replied as he closed his hand around Wu Siduo while closing his eyes. The lovely smile on Wu Siduo's face grew as she began moving her hand through Tang Wulin hair while she began humming.

For a while, the only sounds that could be heard were Wu Siduo humming and her hand moving through Tang Wulin hair.

Both of them were quiet as they held each other, taking comfort in each other's arms. As she stared down at Tang Wulin, Wu Siduo could easily tell Tang Wulin was exhausted.

He may not show it or talk about it, but she could tell from being near him and holding him in her arms.

Her love was truly tired.

She knew it wasn't from their session with everyone that lasted a whole two weeks. No, she knew it was his main attribute to his rise to strength.

"Just how many times did you die..."

Wu Siduo whispered as her hand began to trace the outline of Tang Wulin's face while the other continued moving through his hair.

Normally it was strange to ask a person how many times they had died. But Tang Wulin seems dead set on not following the conventional norms after he told them he reversed his death multiple times.

Such a thing shocked them to the core.

Gu Yuena being the most vocal as she questioned if he was alright. Dying even for a bit wasn't an easy feeling, even if Tang Wulin reversed his death.

He still felt the pain, the uneasiness, and the memories of his whole life flashing through his eyes.

"Just how many times do you have to suffer..."

She gently kissed his forehead, as her thumb began to trace his face and muscles while frowning.

Tang Wulin was strong, an understatement if there ever was one.

Everyone knew he was strong and knew he became strong through his effort.

But they also knew it wasn't easy for him.

How many people are willing to walk the same path as Tang Wulin? Suffer the same pain as him?

Persevere through all the hellish pain, tribulation, and forces against him?

It was a question that no one can answer or dare to take lightly. Just him talking about his Realm In Body was enough to make her shiver.

The second breakthrough had his body breaking and restoring itself, just what type of experience was that?

To feel your whole body break, shatter, burst, explode, and be ripped apart before your every eye.

All while you were forced to keep yourself conscious or else you might be destroyed.

And then to have your body restored, which wasn't painless by any means.

Before the process would restart once again, the same destruction and restoration all while trying to evolve everything.

Then there was the third evolution, being subjected to the lightning of the Universal Law.

Just the thought of being struck was enough to make anyone shiver.

"I am sorry you had to withstand so much... If only there was another way but... As you said, there wasn't much you could do."

Wu Siduo held Tang Wulin even tighter, burying him in her comforting warmth. Wishing she could take away some of his pain, give him any type of comfort.

But above all else, provide him a place where he knows he is safe.

The others had already left, as they still needed to get ready to enter the God Star and make calls.

Something they wanted to skip but knew they couldn't since it would be needed to withstand the upcoming storm.

This is why Wu Siduo said she will stay since she didn't have much to do since she already reached the peak of the Body Sect training.

For now, she will have him just rest, not thinking about anything, no enemies, no assignments, no realm building.

"For a little while, let's stay in bed all week, ok? Don't worry I won't leave, I will be your plump pillow for the week."

Wu Siduo began to smile as she imagined her master, yelling at her for taking the week off. Her observant eyes watched Tang Wulin, seeing how easily he was sleeping.

It's because of that she knew he felt safe in her arms, an incredible feeling she promises to uphold.

"I love you, I love you so much. After this, let's all just be ordinary in the God Realm together. No more drama or war okay?"

Tang Wulin didn't respond, but it wasn't like she expected him to. Still, her smile only grew more as she imagined it, them squandering their time away in the God Realm.

Him laying his head on her laps, as she moved her hand through his hair. Both of them properly enjoying the peace, enjoying each other's presence.

Or her curled up in his lap, with his arms around her, holding her tightly.

Together forever, what a blissful scene.

"Yeah... Hehe, or we could stay in bed all day in the God Realm... I'm sure you would enjoy that very much."


In the Alvarez Empire Garden, stood Tang Wulin as he glanced at all of the people that were gathered here.

"I'm guessing everyone should be here?"

"Yeah, it should be everyone."

Mu Ye gave a thumb up causing Tang Wulin to nod his head before he looked at the orb in his hands.

"So is the realm done? No pressure or anything, I was just wondering-."

"Bear Lord shut up."

Di Tian cut in causing the Bear Lord to go silent but not before glaring at Di Tian who was shaking his head.

While they were doing that, Tang Wulin was focusing on the sphere in his hand.

It was then the sphere lit up, brilliantly illuminating the whole room in an expanse of nine-colored.

The orb of nine-colors continued to shine before Tang Wulin threw it up into the sky.

The orb shot upwards, passing through the ceiling, past the atmosphere, and straight into space.

As the orb was moving upwards, it continues growing.

Grow and grow, it didn't take long before the sphere seemed to reach the size of the sun as it appeared above the Douluo Plane.

The whole Douluo Plane was being illuminated by the nine-colored sun-like plane above.

This phenomenon led to the people of the world looking up at the sky in wonder.

Everyone from the Douluo Continent to the Dou Lin Continent all stared at the mesmerizing light.

That gave off the beautiful presence of creation and existence.

This continued a bit before the plane moved upwards away from the Douluo Continent with the nine-color light fading away.

As the light faded, the plane started hiding its appearance from all those below the 6th-dimension.

The God Star was now fully formed, all it needed now was the Supreme God-King to finish configuring the realm.

But Tang Wulin decided to leave that up to Gu Yuena later, for now, he started to connect the planes to the galaxy.

With a thought, the God Star range started spreading out, covering all of the planets and stars in the Douluo Galaxy.

Since it was a God Star that was at the peak of the 6-dimension. It contained all of the 6-dimensional spaces and the ones below.

Once he felt the God Star connecting with all of the planes, he glanced at the people in front and saw their expressions.

Some of them had awe, others had realization and wonder.

"Can you sense it?"

Tang Wulin asked Tang Hao and Ah Yin who were the strongest among all of the people gathered.

Alongside actually being from a God Realm and knowing how it feels.

"Yeah, I can feel it... At the moment the gate is locked so I can't travel inside but I can still sense it. Although I can't really tell where it's exactly."

"That's because it's a 6-dimensional plane, so you wouldn't be able to pinpoint its location unless you were at the same level."

Tang Hao nodded his head. It was the same thing for the Douluo God Realm. Unless one was a God-King, they wouldn't be able to sense its real location.

Since it remained on a higher-dimensional plane than he was.

"So it's a 6-dimensional plane? Why not a 7-dimensional one?"

Er Ming questioned, as he believed that Tang Wulin should be strong enough to create one. Or at the very least be able to push the 6-dimensional one into a 7-dimensional one.

But Tang Wulin only shakes his head.

"It would be too much for Gu Yuena for now, if there was much time. I would be able to upgrade it after she got strong enough to withstand the pressure of the 7-dimensional realm."

"But we don't have much to do that?"

"Yes, it isn't to evolve a plane between dimensions... If I had to guess it would take a long, while to push it from a 6-dimension to a 7-dimensional one."

"Damn, we really don't have that much time."

Da Ming shook his head while Gu Yuena sighed as she already figured. If it was possible then, she would like to help Tang Wulin with Typhoon.

But for now, it seemed the 7-dimension was blocked off.

"Gu Yuena before you absorb the core-."

"I know, I need to attain to become a God-King at the very least."

"Yes, if you can reach the 6-dimension then that would be great but it will depend on you to know. What you can or can't do for the little frame you have."


At that moment, Tang Hao spoke up with his brows furrowing.

"Is it possible for you to sense Tang San right now?"

This was the question he has been wondering ever since Wulin told everyone he was at the 7-dimensional.

The only reason he didn't ask before was he needed to take care of the planar energy. And he was still absorbing the news about the Realm in Body and Typhoon.

"Yeah I can sense dad, but I can't retrieve at the moment."

"Why not?"

"The Universal Law and Typhoon will notice my action."

Soon as Tang Wulin said this, Tang Hao fell silent while Ah Yin's eyes widened.

How could they forget?

The Universal Law ruled the whole universe, how could it not notice what Tang Wulin would be doing?

Considering how much it hated Tang Wulin, he might try to obstruct him. Something that they didn't want because Tang Wulin even admits he wouldn't be able to resist any of its attacks.

Yet Tang Hao and Ah Yin weren't surprised since the difference was too huge to cross. Regardless of the Universal Law was to attack Tang Wulin. Its attack may strike Tang San and the others.

Leading to their death in the crossfire.

But Tang Wulin was weary of Typhoon at the moment, as he really did have the strength to mess with him.

If he tried to retrieve his father from the black hole, this would stir up changes in the Universe.

Changes that Typhoon will notice because he would be able to sense a familiar aura and the 7-dimensional aura.

Which would force it to intercept this disturbance since it was in the Rivers Of Time.

Considering the rivers of time holds all of the universe's history, he was in an ideal spot to notice every disturbance.

Typhoon could easily send out attacks towards where the disturbance was even without moving from his spot.

Even if he tried defending against the attack, there wasn't a guarantee that he could stop all attacks from not hitting the God Realm.

Since only one attack would be needed to end them.

After hearing Tang Wulin's explanation, Tang Hao and Ah Yin grimace. They didn't wish to have such an outcome, even if Tang Wulin could revive them.

They understand now, just how trapped Tang Wulin was. Even if he tried to retrieve them from the past, Typhoons will always notice his action.

He was in the best place to notice every change in the universe.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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