Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 439: Heavenly Restore

Chapter 439: Heavenly Restore

The First Class Gods' screams were drowned out by the duo's attack. The nine-expanse attack being the one that destroyed the bodies of the gods and the destruction erasing their soul.

But it was then another god rushed down, appearing behind the Holy Dragon King. The god swirled with death intent, making the laws and elements tremble uncontrollably.

"Curse you all! How is it possible for you all to beat so many of us? Were all at the same rank!"Roared the First-Class God as he reached the Holy Dragon King.

And his words are right, in normal circumstances, it shouldn't be possible for Xu Lizhi and the Holy Dragon King.

To be able to kill First Class Gods like how they did so easily.

They were all in the same rank, even if the duo were stronger than the others. The difference shouldn't be enough that they could kill all three so easily.

After all, it's hard to kill a god. This was especially when they were at the same rank, yet Xu Lizhi and Holy Dragon King were able to do this.

Yet, this is only if it was in normal circumstances.

Just as how it shouldn't be so easy for a First Class God to easily kill another First Class God. It normally shouldn't be possible for a First Class to have an Ultra Divine Weapon.

The Dragon Slayer Spear that was being wielded by the Holy Dragon King was upgraded to an Ultra Divine weapon. During her ascension, Na'er was able to upgrade it, using the energy of the God Star to bring it to the God-King level.

Nor is it normal for a god-like the Bun God to have the power of destruction, one of the fundamental powers of the universe.

Which he gained from his mortal days, a power that made up for his distinct lack of offense.

"If you can't accept it, just die!" The Holy Dragon King words were simple and direct.

The Dragon Slayer Spear erupted with power, nine-color energy rushed into outer space, ripping apart the higher-dimensional spaces.

Without any hesitation, the nine-color spear hacked down, the pillar of nine-color cut through the first-class god.

The First-class God tried with all of his might, trying to resist the attack but it was all futile.

As the Holy Dragon King with a vicious grin, pressed down with his glittering spear, wishing to kill another god.

Even as shouts rang out.


On the side, a God-King pressed forward, feeling that the Holy Dragon King was a threat that needed to be taken out.

But that God-King words meant nothing to the Holy Dragon King who released a thunderous roar.

The nine-colored pillar cut straight through the first-class god before it devoured his whole body and exploded out.

In the next moment, an ear-splitting scream rang out as blood splashed out.

But the Holy Dragon King swiftly pulled back his spear before sweeping it out to his left, just as a fist smashed into him.

Their direct clash sent fierce waves through the area, with time fragments and nine-colored energy clashing with each other.

"You will pay for that. You oversized garden snake."The God-King roared out while the Holy Dragon King only chuckled.

"It will cost you more than you can afford." Replied the Holy Dragon King before the God-King erupts out with time fragments.

While the Holy Dragon King simply laughed as he drew even more power from the Dragon Slaying Saber.

That started to boost his cultivation to the God-King level.

Before he clashed once again with the God-King before him.


It was bright, in another area of the battlefield that was in outer space. This area was illuminated by bright lights were coming from a gigantic bright orange sun with rings around it.

Around the brilliant sun were miniature suns that were orbiting it, all of them producing rays of sunlight that spread through the area.

Yet none of the people around were enjoying the sun rays. Not because it was hurting them or because it was uncomfortable.

But because all of them were screaming in unspeakable pain. All of them were screaming from within the immense sea of black flames that has swept through the whole area, as far as the eye can see.

One could see hundreds upon hundreds of gods being severely burned in the raging sea of flames.

Their skin being turned blackened, limbs melting off, blood evaporating before the flames consumed their soul.

But if this wasn't enough, countless massive firestorms were whirling around some of the gods.

The violent storms were sweeping through the area, trapping some of them in its flames and burning them.

It didn't matter the level that they were at. Whether it was God Officers, Third Class Gods, Second Class gods, and even First-Class Gods.

All of them were screaming horribly in pain, the flames introducing them into a world of pain and horror.

Only the four God-Kings were able to withstand the heat, their divine energy, and the resistance keeping them somewhat safe.

From the sea of black flames, stood Mu Xi in her battle armor that was glittering with flames as she walked onward.

There was no rush in her movement. She was just taking her time as if this was a simple stroll.

Yet all of this was caused by Mu Xi, the Sun Goddess by her just walking.

Displaying the terrifying power of the one who controls the concept of the sun, as she unleashed flames that exceeded.

The temperature of one billion degrees Celsius, which was burning these gods to crisps. Yet even this temperature wouldn't be enough to severely hurt these gods so much.

But Mu Xi was at the God-King level, how could these lower-level Gods withstand her flames?

Flames that reached such an absurd degree?

Flames that came from a God-King who embodies the sun itself?

They had no chance, the black flames continued to burn them, burning through their defense and resistance.

All while Mu Xi watched without care, a cold gaze, as she moved towards the God-Kings in front of her.

The ancient sword in her hand that became the Ultra Divine weapon, Kusanagi Sword, was giving off a soft light.

While around her, four portals swirled around her, protecting her from harm as well as ready to unleash an onslaught.

"You wish to take us four on by yourself?"

"You can't be so arrogant. I admit this is one of the brightest and strongest fires I have ever seen, it still isn't enough for you to take us four on."

But Mu Xi didn't give them an answer, even though she became a God and her energy had vastly increased.

That didn't mean she could keep up this sea of flames forever, it wasn't like she had an infinite amount of energy.

Not only that but she had another role other than killing gods.

So she had to slaughter as many gods as she could before she needed to switch to her other role.

Without any further thought.

Fiery light erupted from Mu Xi, overflowing outwards like golden chains as the wisps started interweaving.

They were lashing out around the area, before Mu Xi raised her Kusanagi, pointing to the sun above her.

The sun had begun to tremble before the miniature suns began rushing down towards the Kusanagi.

All of them began arranging themselves as they compressed down, wrapping around the sword while flames scattered out.

Before the gigantic sun moved down as well. Twisting into a spiral that rushed around the Kusanagi that was arranged with miniature suns.

In the next moment, the Kunsangi looked like a sword wrapped around with suns and a spiraling flame at the top.

"You were confident before right? Then you won't dare to evade this."

Gripping the Kusanagi, with a roar, Mu Xi hacked out with her sword.

The God-Kings expression changed, as they saw the attack coming.

Blast after blast of golden flames overflowed, as it began to produce a straight line of countless suns that smashed down.

All of them forming a stream that struck the four God-Kings. Burning all of them as it crashed into them.

As there were too many for the God-King to evade and Mu Xi had locked down space. It would take the time to break through her lock, time they didn't have.

When the first sun broke apart, the other began to follow, like a chain reaction.

A series of deafening explosions swept through the area, with the remeant wisps flying everywhere through outer space like fireworks.

Yet the God-Kings themselves refused to die so easily, even after being severely burned, they charged through the flames.

Even as the flames were wreaking havoc on their body, burning the space around them, they rushed out of it.

After rushing out, all of them grimaced as they thought that the last attack was too terrifying.

What made it even more horrifying was that the attack was further amplified through heaven and earth power.

Alongside the fact that they were fighting on a battlefield that benefited Mu Xi the most.

They were fighting the Goddess of the Sun in outer space where the sun and all of the stars were at.

It wasn't wrong Mu Xi could draw power from these celestial objects. To amplify her attacks, strength, and even heal herself.

Mu Xi frowned at the sight of the God-Kings, inwardly wishing at least one of them would have died in the last attack.

But it wasn't like she was expecting anything.

These were God-Kings, how could they die so easily?

'But at least one of their deaths would make up for the deaths of our own.'

Even now as she was fighting and slaughtering the enemy gods. She could feel the allies on her side dying, gods, and divine beasts alike.

Yet this should be expected, it wasn't like she could expect none of the people on their side would die.

This was war, after all, both sides will suffer heavy losses.

All that really remains is which side can suffer the least amount of losses.

But Mu Xi knew that in this type of war, where their enemy seems to be close to infinite, any loss of their side was drastic.

This is why her other role was important, one that will dictate the progression of this war, and why she was so vital.

The reason why Gu Yuena gave her so much Immortal Qi, to the point it brought her to the Peak God-King realm.

Alongside helping her from her Ultra Divine, but not to the others.

The reason was simple, she was the healer of this battlefield, and she needed to be strong to restore them all.

So once she saw the numbers on their side getting low, she acted.

To the surprise of the four God-Kings in front, the sea of black flames that were raging began to move away, receding back into Mu Xi.

Still, the Four God-Kings didn't lower their guard, staring at Mu Xi while she ignored them as an intense light began to shine.

The sun symbol appeared on her forehead, while behind her the sun appeared. She began stretching her arms out, then light swept out across the whole battlefield.

This light amplified Mu Xi's beauty, making her even more radiant and ravishing.

'Heavenly Restoration.'

This was the light of creation and life. Everything that was touched by this light felt, the creation and life energy inside.

They felt the nurturing properties, one that began to wrap around them and began healing them.

And to the shock of the four God-Kings, the light started to heal those on Mu Xi's side. All of the gods who were heavily injured had been restored, no wounds insight, and even their energy were restored.

But if that wasn't enough, even the gods who had died had been revived. Even the ones that had their soul destroyed and erased from existence, was coming back.

'Her light... Can even bring back those that got erased? Dangerous!'

All of the four Gods-King acted instantly, the danger of Mu Xi has risen considerably to them.

The four God-Kings erupted out with power but Mu Xi made no movement to stop them. Not because she didn't care about the four God-Kings in front of her.

But because she couldn't do anything, when she is utilizing this skill, she can't move or defend herself while she is healing.

Something these four God-Kings noticed, making them smile in glee as they began to hack out with their attacks.

Yet they all forget in the heat of the moment, something important which all of them began to realize.

With a skill like this, why would Mu Xi do it in the open?

Wouldn't it be better for her to move back... Unless someone was protecting her.

And in the next moment, all of the God-Kings froze!

Continuous chains made out of stars wrapped around them, instantly freezing their movements and suppressing their abilities.

But if that wasn't bad enough, they felt their energy freezing.

The pressure of a Peak God-King spiritual energy crashed down, wrapping around their soul and mind.

But it wasn't just them, all of the gods around were wrapped in chains, everything about them was restricted.

From their movement to their abilities.

Just as a musical voice rang out.

"Come now, did you all think it will be that easy?"

A beautiful moon appeared above, shining its luminous light upon the four God-Kings. Yet what caught their eyes was a figure in front of the moon with a beautiful bow in their hand.

That figure was none other than Xu Xiaoyan, the Moon Goddess with her Semi-Divine Weapon Silver Moon.

She stared at the four God-Kings, her eyes released a silverly light with a dazzling smile on her face.

While her soul-spirit who was a Second Class God Orion trailed behind her with sliver wisps leaking off the both of them.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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