Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 443: Clash Across Time

Chapter 443: Clash Across Time

Nine-colored explosions rang out, as Gu Yuena continued moving back while three 6th-dimensional gods rushed towards her.

All three of them wishing to directly suppress her together, they all realized it would be faster and easier.

Instead, one of them trying to, a testimony to Gu Yuena strength.

Gu Yuena figure shield with a nine-color light, Space and Time fragments released.

Multiple waves of nine-colored energy rushed out, hacking towards the Golden God and Golden Buddha.

The Golden God scoffed, his pair of wings hacking out before it crashed into the nine-colored waves and blowing away the primal chaos.

While the Golden Buddha who was missing one arm, swept out with two of its fist, instantly sweeping through the waves.

As this happened, Gu Yuena had already rushed towards the Four Eye Titan, her halberd hacking down upon the titan.

The Four Eye Titan swiftly smashed out with a fist, clashing with the halberd while hacking out with its other fist.

Smashing into the mighty waves of nine-colored dragons that tried to rip it apart in the past and future.

Once again a violent wave of space-time turbulence was released with the area shaking.

The Golden God roared out, stabbing out with its spear that punctured through Space-time, arriving right at Gu Yuena neck.

Space started to warp and twist!

Just as the spear was only an inch from Gu Yuena, she vanished!

In her place came the figure of the Four Eye Titan who widened in slight surprise but it was too late for it to react.

The divine spear punctured straight through its throat while a halberd swept out, cutting right into its side and ignoring the Titan defense.

The Heavenly Sacred Splitting Abyss Halberd ignored all defense and resistance, ruthlessly cutting through everything like they were butter.

The spear continued moving through the throat, the halberd was halfway through, blood splashed out.

For any other being, this might have been the head for them but this was a God, a 6th-dimensional one at that.

How could it die so easily?

The Four Eye Tian eyes began shining, vanishing in front of Gu Yuena and the weapons that were going through it.

Gu Yuena's eyes narrowed before she waved her hand, countless streaks of lightning dragons swirled about here.

The nine-colored dragons were fused with lightning and destruction; all of them interweaved before they rushed out.

All of them move towards the Golden God and Golden Buddha who was coming towards her while she threw her halberd.

The halberd shattered space and time in front, crossing through time before lodging itself straight into a figure chest.

Just as the mythical dragons crashed into the Golden Boy and Golden Buddha who swiftly smashed them away, rushing towards Gu Yuena.

The Four Eye Titan coughed out blood.

The halberd on its chest was wreaking havoc through its chest, that exploded. It had escaped to another era, utilizing space and time but Gu Yuena had instantly tracked it.

Before covering the halberd with spiritual power, masking the halberd presence and hurling it.

The Four Eyed Titan was recovering from its injury and couldn't sense the attack before it was too late.

But it was then the halberd vanished from its chest, appearing in Gu Yuena hand as the Golden God and Golden Buddha reached her.

Leading to them clashing with each other, exchanging over a thousand moves in one second.

Each clash shooked the place, each clash led to the space gaining cracks and waves of turbulence.

It was then the Four Eye Titan joined in the fray, most of its injury had healed to the annoyance of Gu Yuena.

The Four Eyed Titan saw the looking of annoyance on Gu Yuena face and only roared out, wanting to murder her.

Once again, Gu Yuena defended against the relentless onslaught of three 6th-dimensional gods.

"I am impressed, I truly am. The fact you could keep this up, even with three of us trying to kill you. You truly are amazing." The Golden Boy muttered with a hint of disbelief in its tone.

How could it not be in disbelief?

Gu Yuena was not only able to withstand all three of their assaults but was able to deal serious harm to them.

Without taking much damage herself.

Such a notion should be impossible, yet it was happening right before their eyes.

But they knew this couldn't go on for long, as they noticed Gu Yuena has expanded far more energy than all of them.

It wouldn't happen any time soon but if she continued with her expansion of so much energy. She will most likely run out of energy to fully defend all three 6th-dimensional god assaults.

But it wasn't like Gu Yuena didn't know this, who said it would be easy to take on three gods at the same rank?

No one ever, not even back when she was Dragon God, did she find it easy to take on multiple Gods.

Whether she likes it or not, Gods are truly hard to kill.

"But it's not like I am alone, am I?"

It was then the three 6th-dimensional gods' expression changed.

As in the next instant, silver and white expanse had swept through the whole area, illuminating all of the gods.

Earth-shattering sounds rumbled, raging waves of silver radiance hacked down upon the area, unstoppable, tearing through the spaces.

To the shock of the three gods!

A gigantic silver spear cleaved through the 6th-dimensional space, cleaving it in half as it came down on them.

And then cutting through the Four Eyed Titan who could only scream, blood splashing outwards as it felt the spear descending.

The spear continued through its body, before chopping through its soul while the gleaming expanse of light that came with it.

Started to form ripples on the split soul before it exploded out, breaking apart the soul and making it crumble.

The Four Eye titin died in the next moment.

"You...You! How are you here! Shouldn't the-,"

"He is dead." Na'er casually replied as she moved towards the two 6th-dimensional gods, step by step with a faint smile on her face.

Her silver dragon spear trailed behind her, the blood of two 6th-dimensional gods was dripping from it.

"Now then, it should be fair no?"

Just as Na'er said this, she rushed towards the Golden Buddha who could only curse as he started to clash with her.

While Gu Yuena had already hacked out towards the Golden God who swiftly defended itself with its divine spear.

Another earth-shaking battle erupted in the 6th-dimensional spaces.


Away from the battlefield, a figure was moving through time.

"Are you sure they will be fine, without you?"

Sleipnir's voice rang out which held hints of worry and anxiety.

"They should be able to... I trust them."

Tang Wulin replied, causing Sleipnir to fall silent but not just from his words. But also from the way his eyes slightly narrowed, as if he was lost in thought.

"Okay, how do you feel about Typhoon?" Sleipnir decided to change the topic which Tang Wulin seemed thankful for as his eyes softened.

"Yeah Wulin, you've been eerily silent about Typhoon involvement." Yggdrasil's voice rang out.

"It will end just like all my other challenges, in my victory."

The confidence in Tang Wulin tone made both Sleipnir and Yggdrasil want to completely believe him.

Yet that didn't stop the slight worry in their health, as Typhoon did have the support of the Universal Law with him.

Could victory really be that easy?

Still, none of them decided to question Tang Wulin, all of them falling silent as they waited for the upcoming battle.

After a bit, Tang Wulin narrowed his eyes. The infinite possibilities around him were constantly changing.

But one of them caught his attention, one that involves his father facing off against three God-Kings.

'Dad? Hmm, seems he needs help.'

Tang Wulin thought before a dazzling trident appeared next to him, giving off a beautiful glow.

Glancing at the Sea God Trident, he knew the Sea God was far weaker without its trident, which helps it utilize its full power.

But since Tang Wulin had gained the trident full recognition, there was no way for Tang San to summon or control the trident.

As Tang San's previous connection with the trident was removed, Tang Wulin's own connection took his place.

So even if he sent it to Tang San, he wouldn't be able to utilize the trident much.

Unless he allowed it through his infinite possibilities. Reality began changing, possibilities fluctuated and the trident shined a light glow.

'Go help him then return.'

Then in the next moment, the golden trident instantly disappeared in a flash of light, crossing space and time to reach Tang San.

At the very least, Tang San should be able to use the trident full might for a few seconds without exploding from it.

Since Tang San couldn't withstand the might of a 7th-dimensional weapon while being a God-King.

But a few seconds would be all he should need to beat them.

After that, Tang Wulin eyes narrowed, peering through the mist of time.

'Way different when looking at it from this point of view.'


Tang Wulin uttered some words with reality changing, while possibilities rang out.

Before his figure began to give off a golden light that pierced out, shattering the space before him.

Turning into a streak of light that appeared in a place that held a deep blue river that was flowing down below him.

But the piercing light didn't stop, rushing straight towards a figure that was staring above at the incoming fist.

The streak of gold appeared right in front of the fist and figure. Tang Wulin shimmed in golden wisps that were like fire, with his ten wings sprouting out as he blasted out his fist.

In the next moment, Tang Wulin fist clashed with the golden fist!

The shockwaves produced by their direct clash were just too overwhelming, blowing everything away.

Space-time between these two fists began to clash with each other while obliterating the laws and elements around them.

Shockwaves swept through to shimmer water down belong, stirring up the long river and making it shake uncontrollably.

Reality itself trembled, as the place drowned out by natural laws, elements, and Immortal Qi that instantly swept through the whole area.

The figure that was behind Tang Wulin was sent flying from the shockwave, a figure he didn't need to know who it was.

Since he had a front-row seat to the figure experience, it was him or well him back in the past before he became a True God.

Just like before, the water from the River Of Time rushed upwards, enveloping his figure and taking him away.

While being above, Typhoon stared down at him in shock.

"You... You're Tang Wulin, aren't you?"

"It's been a while."

Typhoon eyes narrowed, staring at the figure before him that looked similar to the Tang Wulin before but different.

Not only did his physical appearance change, but the aura and presence Typhoon could feel from it was far different.

"...You were able to become a 7th-dimensional God as well? I see now, the you who became a 7th-dimensional God came here to save your past self."

"It wouldn't matter if I came here or not, it wasn't like you could kill me anyway."

"Oh? How are you so confident?"

"Don't worry about it."

"I think not, now you pique my curiosity... Since you believe I can't kill your past self, let's put that to the test shall we?" A vicious smile appeared on Typhoon's face."How many can you stop I wonder?"

Without any warning or hesitation, Typhoon claw stabbed out!

Shattering the space in front, turning into a grey streak that hacked towards the lower reaches of the rivers of time.

The grey streak appeared punctured through the forces of time and history, shattering the space as it appeared in outer space.

Down below the grey streak was a moon that had a different Tang Wulin and multiple dragon corpses laying on its surface.

The grey streak wasted no time, rushing towards Tang Wulin while the laws, elements, and reality trembled from its appearance.

But it was then, a golden light broke through space, appearing right in front of the grey streak.

In the next moment, a grey streak and golden light clashed!

The shockwave sent Tang Wulin and the dragon corpses flying away.

"Oh? You actually stop that one..."

Typhoon eyes gazed at Tang Wulin who had blasted out with a fist, instantly after he hacked out with his claw.

"What about the others?"

Typhoon had already unleashed even more attacks that rushed towards the past. All of them hacked towards the lower reaches of time, plowing through history.

One claw appeared above a coliseum, which held Tang Wulin who was stepping on a boy with two adults in front of him.

Another claw appeared above a beach, which held a seven-year-old Tang Wulin who was talking with a silver-haired girl.

Another claw appeared above a God Realm, holding a baby Tang Wulin who was being held by women with scorpion braid.

Surrounded by other figures who were releasing the pressure of a God.

But before the claws could breakthrough space to pierce through Tang Wulin, a resplendent light appeared right in front.

Before it clashed with the golden claw, releasing a shockwave that could only be felt in the 7th-dimensional space.

But these two weren't the only times the claw appeared.

Typhoons had unleashed a relentless onslaught of attacks across the past, striking at the Tang Wulin that was in the past.

Over a billion times, each attack contained the power to eradicate him and everything near.

But, his attacks would always get stopped by the golden streaks.

Even though Typhoon had hacked out his attack towards the past first.

Tang Wulin's own attack was not only able to keep up but outspeed Typhoons, stopping the past for even noticing.

And from the past getting unstable.

Yet maybe it was an unfortunate thing since it was going to be a battle that would shake all of history.

How many people had seen this type of thing?

A battle between two 7th-dimensional gods.

Just from their causal attacks, they were able to unleash over billions upon billions of attacks across the past.

"I have no time to deal with your bullshit. You actually tried to kill me over a billion times... Right in front of me."

Tang Wulin spoke out, as his body began to give off a shimmering white light.

As he did this, the River Of Times began to surge, overwhelming waves rushed in all directions, engulfing towards the heavens.

Tang Wulin figures began to change, the light continued to expand, growing to the size of a galaxy, no smaller than Typhoon.

A gigantic bipedal dragon had appeared.

It had golden and black scales that were a unique mixture of plates and diamond shapes, that shined and glistened.

Tribal markings that were purple but with a hint of pearly white and streaks of black in them.

A bulky chest that looked like divine armor instead of dragonhide, that was traditionally decorated in these unique markings.

Behind the grand dragons, were ten gigantic wings, each wing seemed to contain swirls of space and time.

Behind these luminous wings was a gigantic double-layered golden spinning wheel.

The wheel had thirteen crystals; each was a different color and all of them were shining, fluctuating with various powers.

A long-tail swish through the air, making the laws and elements tremble. As the dragon descended, the river of time erupted, rushing out in all directions.

The dragon gave off a radiant golden glow, that was interweaving with white and black spheres of lights that were like fireflies.

They swirled around the dragon, producing a pressure that pressed down on everything. Typhoon had no choice but to raise his arm as the energy swept past him, it was extremely powerful.

"Let me repay the favor."

Tang Wulin eyes shined with an ethereal golden light.

As a dazzling golden spear about his size appeared in his hand, terrifying killing intent and divine madness swept through the whole area.

While a golden-black trident appeared beside him, revolving around Tang Wulin. With a golden battle armor enveloping his whole body, wrapping around his neck and dragon head.

Before expanding into his wings, the battle armor began to roar and surge with power.

As it felt how terrifying Tang Wulin's body was, making its amplification to his strength and power even more terrifying.

Just as he hacked out with his glittering spear that cleaved towards Typhoon!

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